Saint Seiya Omega/Characters
Characters from Saint Seiya Omega series
The Character Sheet for Saint Seiya (Classic) can be found here.
The Character Sheet for Saint Seiya Episode G can be found here.
The Character Sheet for Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas can be found here.
The Character Sheet for Saint Seiya: Next Dimension can be found here.
Bronze Saints
Pegasus Kouga

Age: 13
Patron Constellation: Pegasus, the Winged Horse
Cosmo Element: Light
Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa
The protagonist and Seiya's heir to the Pegasus Cloth. As an infant he was raised by Saori/Athena in the Sanctuary, then outside after Mars attacked for the first time. As he grew he undergoes training under Ophiuchus Shaina, although the secrecy surrounding his circumstances causes him to have misgivings about this. However, when Mars attacks again and captures Saori, he learns the truth and finally embraces his destiny to become the newest Pegasus Saint.
- Determinator: Just like his predecessor.
- The Hero
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Souma.
- Happily Adopted: Is very comfortable with growing up under Saori, openly stating that he was only taking his training in order to one day be strong enough to protect her.
- Hot-Blooded
- How Do I Burn Cosmo: Because of not training with using Cosmo while under Shaina, he has to learn the basics of using it, as well as his cloth, as the story goes on.
- Idiot Hero: Not completely stupid, but tends to act before thinking quite a bit.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Kouga has a lot of misgivings about his training due to the secrecy surrounding it, such as Saori's true identity and Mars' past attack, as well as his belief that he shouldn't work for something he knows nothing about. But when Mars kidnaps Saori and he learns of her identity, he gains the proper motivation to become a Saint.
- Leeroy Jenkins: A major problem. By Episode 10, even Souma is starting to object, and the team is starting to recognise the importance of assigning a babysitter to keep him under control.
- Legacy Character
- Light'Em Up
- Made of Iron: Even by Saint standards, Kouga is astonishingly tough, even tanking an Ultimate Attack from Souma without lasting damage. This actually becomes part of his battle strategy, learning about an enemy's moves by letting them hit him with them repeatedly.
- Meaningful Name: Kouga means Light Fang.
- Parental Abandonment: He is raised by Saori/Athena and nothing is known about his parentage... yet.
- Pegasus: His theme, of course.
- Redheaded Hero
- Training from Hell: Mandatory for a Shonen protagonist.
Lionet Souma

Age: 14
Patron Constellation: Leo Minor, the Lion Cub
Cosmo Element: Fire
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi
A laid-back guy and Kouga's best friend. When they first met, he tested Kouga's strength and was disappointed that he was lacking, but after a small talk about the basics of cosmo energy and a sudden attack from a Martian, both Bronze Saints worked together to fight the enemy, further strengthening their bonds.
- Doomed Hometown: He became a Saint after a Martian attack destroyed his hometown.
- Fiery Redhead
- Friendly Enemy/Worthy Opponent: To Kouga during the Saint Fight. It's only a sports competition, after all, and neither of them wants it to get in the way of their friendship.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kouga.
- Hot-Blooded
- Keet
- Panthera Awesome
- Playing with Fire
Aquila Yuna

Age: 13
Patron Constellation: Aquila, the Eagle
Cosmo Element: Wind
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino
A female Saint who swore loyalty to Athena and received her mask at a young age. She has since been training hard at Palaestra, a special Saint training academy, to become one of Athena's best paladins, but it soon becomes apparent that this is taking a toll on her body, and is starting to question the laws laid down upon the Saints, especially females like her. This comes to a head with a minor confrontation with Kouga and a fight against fellow Palaestran Dorado Spear. She ultimately wins thanks to Kouga inspiring her to not be too hard on herself and let go of her mask.
- Action Girl: A surprisingly competent one for the franchise.
- Blow You Away
- Combat Stiletto
- Hair of Gold
- Kick Chick
- Lawful Stupid: Deconstructed and ultimately subverted -- she obeys Athena's laws to a T, down to wearing her mask. However, as Geki notices, she is having a lot of trouble because of obeying too much. In the end, she decides to stop being too strict upon herself, starting with taking off her mask.
- Mask of Power: Initially wears this in compliance to a tradition of female Saints wearing them. She ultimately removes them once Kouga inspires her to be true to herself.
- Meaningful Name: Averted, her name has no Kanji despite being Japanese.
- Retool: Aquila became a Bronze Cloth for some reason.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Waif Fu: In accordance with her powerset.
- Women Are Wiser: She's the most sensible and level-headed member of Team Kouga, though Ryuuhou comes a close second.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.
Dragon Ryuuhou

Age: 13
Patron Constellation: Draco, the Dragon
Cosmo Element: Water
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara
Son of the legendary Bronze Saint Shiryuu and heir to his Dragon Cloth. Ryuuhou is a caring young man to his companions and a big brother figure to Kouga. While highly talented, his weak constitution prevents him from using his cosmo to its fullest extent. Nevertheless Ryuuhou is more than willing to give everything he has for his friends.
- Cool Big Bro: To Kouga.
- Generation Xerox: Looks exactly like his father, and is one of the most polite and calm members of his group.
- Glass Cannon
- Ill Guy
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Although not to the absurd lenght of his father's.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Very luckily in his case, as he's physically weaker than the average Saint. And it's still very easy to break.
- Making a Splash: his Rozan attacks.
- Meaningful Name: Ryuuhou means Dragon Peak.
- Nice Guy
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Passing the Torch: Shiryuu passed his Cloth onto his son.
- Squishy Wizard: He has great control over his cosmo, but his body is frail.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Wolf Haruto

Age: 13
Patron Constellation: Lupus, the Wolf
Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
A descendant of a clan of shinobi, Haruto is a calm, smart boy who mixes his ninja fighting style with Saint techniques.
- Combat Pragmatist: He's a ninja Saint. It's to be expected.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dishing Out Dirt: Though it's not the only element he uses.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Jack of All Trades: He may be an Earth Elemental but he can kick ass with other elements
- Meaningful Name: Haruto means Glorious Battler.
- Megane: In his civilian attire.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A Ninja who is also a Saint of Athena.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Sharp-Dressed Man: His civilian attire.
- The Smart Guy
- Younger Than They Look: He is 13.
Orion Eden

Age: 15
Patron Constellation: Orion, the Hunter
Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe
An enigmatic and monstrously powerful young man who is the favourite for the Palaestra Saint Fight. A natural loner, he has little but contempt for his weaker classmates.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- The Dreaded: Amongst the Palaestra students.
- Man in White: His general Cloth makeup.
- The Paralyzer: Likes using carefully-placed jolts of electricity to scramble people's nervous systems. Hey, it's one way to get out of a tedious conversation.
- Retool: Another Silver Cloth that became a Bronze Cloth.
- Shock and Awe
- Smug Super: So convinced of his inherent superiority that he wonders why Palaestra's even holding a Saint Fight this year. After seeing him in action, everyone else does too.
- Social Darwinist
- You Gotta Have Cyan Hair
Other Bronze Saints
Dorado Spear

Age: 13
Patron Constellation: Dorado, the Swordfish
Cosmo Element: Wind
Voice by: Yusei Oda
The Dorado Saint, Spear is a veteran at Palaestra Academy who likes to tease other students with his friends Rudolph and Gray, both his lackeys and also Bronze Saints. Spear is at odds with Kouga by the time he meets him, deeming the freshman as unworthy of the Legendary Pegasus Cloth and his rebellious ways against the Athena laws; Yuna also got bullied by Spear, with him teasing her for being a female Saint thus inferior to other Saints, saying she should be submissive to other males. All of this culminated in a fight: Spear vs. Yuna, with Dorado losing the ordeal and his self-imposed right to belittle Yuna.
- Blow You Away: Despite what his Cloth might suggest, his techniques are wind-based.
- The Bully
- Stay in the Kitchen: Not only believes female Saints should aways wear their masks, but also they must be submissive to male Saints.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Spear? What are his parents called, Great Sword and War Axe?
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Silver Saints
Ophiuchus Shaina

Age: 40
Patron Constellation: Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer
Voiced by: Mami Koyama
One of the most prominent Saints from the original series, Shaina is a Silver Saint whose face was seen by Seiya. She tried to kill him (in compliance to a tradition among Athena's female Saints), but then realized she fell in love with him instead, and soon became one of his most trusted allies. Years later she now trains Kouga to succeed Seiya as wielder of the Pegasus Cloth.
- Berserk Button: Insulting Seiya in any way.
- Dogged Nice Girl: Apparently still has feelings for Seiya, visibly showing respect to how much of a great Saint he turned out.
- Older Than They Look: She's already forty.
- Stern Teacher: Gives Kouga the traditional Training from Hell so that he can become a Saint. He stubbornly resists that though.
- The Worf Effect: Her first major fight in the show ends with her getting mangled by Mars.
Gold Saints
Sagittarius Seiya

Age: 37
Patron Constellation: Sagittarius, the Archer
Voiced by: Tohru Furuya
Once a lowly Bronze Saint, Pegasus Seiya's heroic deeds saw him quickly ascend the ranks of Athena's Saints. He is the goddess' most valuable warrior, aiding her through many battles to protect her and the world. They eventually developed a relationship that was beyond mere God and Saint. Now he is promoted to Gold Saint wielding the very Cloth which aided him through hard times: Sagittarius. Years later, however, he apparently dies fighting Mars during his first attack, although he'd still communicate with Kouga, the heir to his old Cloth, on occasions.
- Big Damn Heroes: In Episode 10.
- Famed in Story: The series officially labels him as Saint of Legend/Legendary Saint
- Hero of Another Story
- Heroic Sacrifice: Supposedly died fighting against Mars. Emphasis on the 'supposedly'.
- Senseless Sacrifice: Could only seal Mars for 13 years.
- He's Back: Returns in spectacular fashion in Episode 10.
- Older and Wiser: Is visibly more calm and collected when fighting against Mars, and when mentoring Kouga in how to feel his cosmo.
- Older Than He Looks: Was 24 the first time we see him fighting Mars. He would be 37 now, and hasn't aged a day.
- Passing the Torch: to Kouga.
- Rank Up: From Bronze Saint to Gold Saint.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Spirit Advisor: to Kouga.
Capricorn Ionia

Patron Constellation: Capricorn, the Just Sword
Voiced by: Ryuzaburo Otomo
The Principal of Palaestra, Ionia is an aged Saint who still is qualified to don a Gold Cloth, but he’s mostly inactive in his role as an elite soldier, instead remaining secluded in his job as Principal. Ionia then is revealed to be behind the cover up of Athena’s kidnapping, arranging a fake substitute to pose as the goddess, thus hiding the truth from all Saints that should be protecting her; all of this was made due Ionia’s sworn loyalty to Mars in order to conquer the world.
- Beard of Evil
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The Principal being a Gold Saint.
- The Juggernaut: Comes with the territory for Gold Saints.
- Meaningful Name: Named after the Ionian school, the first known group of western philosophers.
- The Mole: For Mars while still acting as a servant of Athena.
- Old Soldier: The first seen, active, old Gold Saint[1].
- Ten-Minute Retirement: Ionia is likely Shura's direct or distant predescessor.
- Words Can Break My Bones: Being a Gold Saint and an aged one as well, Ionia doesn't bother with kicks or punches. He instead uses the power of language to manipulate his enemies's bodies into defeating themselves.
Mantis Ordykia

Patron Constellation: Mantis, from the Dark Mist.
Cosmo Element: Darkness
Voice by: Yasunori Masutani
A low-rank Martian sent to tail Kouga and Souma until both boys noticed him. He initially overwhelms them his his power of darkness, until Kouga awakens his cosmo power of Light and defeat him. Ordykia fled from them to report the situation, but was executed by Mars for his failure.
- Cannon Fodder: Beaten in his introductory episode, by Bronze trainees no less. Being on the wrong end of Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors didn't help, mind you.
- Casting a Shadow
- Meaningful Name: Ordykia is a play on the greek name of the italian island Ortygia.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Oldykia and Ordykia, the later seems more accurate due a Shout-Out.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Dispatched by Mars once he failed his mission.
Saori Kido/Athena

Age: 37
Voiced by: Shouko Nakagawa
Current incarnation of Athena, goddess of strategic warfare and wisdom. Saori was pampered till adolescence, when she learned her identity as the goddess who lead 88 Saints in protecting Earth against all evils and even her fellow deities. Saori uses her vast cosmo to support her Saints, wielding her Divine Cloth only as a last resort. Many years later, she became a mother-figure to Kouga since infancy. One day, Mars attacked her sanctuary, only to be stopped by Sagittarius Seiya (albeit at the cost of his life). She too tried to attack Mars but instead was cursed with being unable to use her cosmo's full powers. Years later, the god of War returns to capture her. Fortunately, she still had enough time to pass on the Pegasus Cloth to Kouga and inform him of his destiny.
- Big Good
- De-Power: Mars' curse prevents her from using her cosmo to its full potential; also her Cloth is nowhere to be seen.
- Designated Victim: Captured yet again.
- Damsel in Distress: Perpetually.
- Hot Goddess
- Hot Mom
- Older Than She Looks: She's is 37 now.

Voiced by: Hidekatsu Shibata
The god of strife and carnage, Mars suddenly attacked the Sanctuary in an attempt on Athena’s life, only to be sealed away by Sagittarius Seiya (albeit apparently at the cost of his life), but not before cursing Athena into being unable to use her Cosmo to its fullest extent. Thirteen years later, Mars reawakens once again, but this time to capture Athena, who happens to be vital for his plans of conquering Earth.
- Badass Cape: A massive red one.
- Big Bad
- Casting a Shadow
- Celestial Body: His own body and the curse he lays on Athena.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: When he notices that Kouga's Light Cosmo is flaring up, he intervenes in a battle Kouga is already outmatched in, just to stamp out the threat the young saint poses himself. Seiya's brief return stops him before he can finish the job.
- Evil Overlord
- Physical God: Of course. Emphasis on the 'physical', as several Saints have discovered to their misfortune.
- Playing with Fire: Not in a literal sense (his powers are based on the Darkness element, not Fire) but his magic often has a very flame-like effect.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over
- Storm of Blades: His Weapon of Choice, Gungnir, is a variant - he fires a hail of glowing, magical spears at the enemy. And we mean a hail.
- Tin Tyrant
Tokumaru Tatsumi

Age: 57
Voiced by: Yukitoshi Hori
The Kido Family’s butler and retainer of Saori ever since her adoptive father Mitsumasa entrusted her to him. Tatsumi was once a notoriously cruel caretaker of the orphaned kids reared to become Saints, but as the years pass Tatsumi lost his cruel streak, developing instead a comical side stemming from his loyalty. Now a 57-year-old, Tatsumi still serves Saori and carries his shinai around to discipline stubborn teenagers, and of course delivering some humor.
- Badass Grandpa: Seems to be as vigorous as ever.
- Battle Butler: For Saori, he is her bodyguard, but considering the level of danger she often finds herself in, he is not much of help.
- Last-Name Basis: If they call him by name it will Tatsumi, in fact most recent official sources only refers to him as Tatsumi now.

Age: 40
Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada
Once a Bronze Saint wearing the Bear Cloth (representing Ursa Major, the Bear), Geki has now laid down his Cloth and is currently serving as an instructor at Palaestra, a training academy for Bronze Saints, as well as Souma's personal trainer.
- Badass Teacher: After Palaestra is taken by Mars, he quickly assures that everyone on Palaestra will give their lifes to protect Athena and proceeds to beat the living crap out of Mar's minions
- Be Yourself: Believes in this more than he believes in upholding Athena's laws. He notices that whereas Kouga has trouble obeying laws because he believes in following his heart, Yuna has trouble with them because she follows them too much.
- Brought Down to Badass: As a retired Saint, he can no longer channel his Cosmo through his Cloth, but he's still more than capable of handing Martian Mooks their backsides.
- Cool Teacher: Will cheerfully bend the rules for his students if he thinks they're headed in the right direction.
- Mythology Gag: During Yuna and Spear's duel, he recounts to Kouga an incident in which he broke one of Athena's laws and ended up staying away from the Sanctuary for a while.
- He also recounts his match with Seiya during the original Saint Fight, including him getting the upper hand and how Seiya never gave up and instead crushed his hand and finished him off with Pegasus Ryuuseiken. This is a vital advice for Kouga to learn Ryuuseiken.
- Older and Wiser
- Retired Badass
- ↑ no, Dohko doesn't count