Puyo Puyo/Characters
Finally, this is the Puyo Puyo Character Page!
We hope you don't expect us, by the way, to put every character down... Holding 45+ characters is going to be impossible!
Main Characters from Compile's Series
Arle Nadja
The original protagonist, Arle was originally a kindergartener until the Puyo spin-offs, where she was upgraded to 16. Arle is kind and, despite fighting Satan over and over and knowing his common goals, doesn't seem to hold a grudge with him. She, along with Carbuncle, are the most recognizable characters of the series.
- Action Girl: A given being a protagonist, and is of the first of the "A" trio.
- Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: She fought Satan, Rulue and Schezo on a daily basis, but in 15th she greeted them, had small talk, and sounded very happy to see her old enemies.
- Badass Adorable: More so in the first Madou Monogatari games.
- Brown Eyes -> Eyes of Gold: Compile gave her brown eyes. Sega gave her gold to make them stand out.
- Curtains Match the Windows: Originally.
- Leitmotif: Though there's a lot of music that could be called her theme, Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary gave her one in "Been a Long Time Since We Crossed Paths Over Space-Time!".
- Not Herself: In Puyo Puyo 7.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up: From Madou Monogatari, she was five. When it was turned into Puyo, she became 16.
- Punch Clock Hero: Her daily routine is stopping Satan whenever he does something deemed as "evil".
- Spell Theme: Fire, Ice Storm and Thunder are her usual spells, which are common elements.
The yellow rabbit Mascot of the original series, Carbuncle began to accompany Arle after the original Madou Monogatari. Though all he can say is "Guu", everyone seems to know what he says. He was originally Satan's pet rabbit, though, and he remains a favorite of the demon king.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Some sort of yellow rabbit... thing.
- Badass Adorable: A cute rabbit-like creature that can fire lasers from his forehead... that has the strongest AI in Puyo Puyo SUN, Minna de Puyo Puyo and Puyo Puyo Fever.
- Dub Name Change: Carbuncle appears in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, but his name is changed to "Has Bean".
- Killer Rabbit: We kid you not, he's the hardest boss in Puyo Puyo Fever.
- Mascot: Of Madou Monogatari and the Compile-made Puyo Puyo games. In fact, he was the Mascot of Compile itself at a time.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Carbuncle loves his curry.
I am Rulue, the Fighting Queen! I live without equal for love, beauty, and fists... And I am the future wife of my darling Satan! Don't you forget it!
Fighting-Queen Rulue is a woman who wishes Satan would love her instead of Arle. Very calm (80% of the time), she's actually pretty intelligent for someone from Compile's series.
- Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: Despite being a sort of rival to Arle for Satan's affection, she acts like a close friend to her.
- Dark Action Girl: Introduced as an antagonist in Madou Monogatari III.
- Driven by Envy: She's particularly jealous of Arle's magical abilities.
- Kick Chick: Her focus on kicks began with Puyo Puyo Yo~n.
- Leitmotif: Combat Queen Rulue!
- Pink Fan Of Doom: It suffers a lot less abuse than you'd think though.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Curious... you seem strangely tolerant today. Then perhaps... We can finally have our honeymoon! Nothing but blissful love between us! My dream would finally be fulfilled!
A young man/demon with long green hair and horns, Satan is the neighborhood villain. A Deadpan Snarker when it got down to it, Satan's plans were laughably evil and honestly made no sense when you got to the heart of it. His affection for Arle wasn't added when Sega was doing Puyo, believe it or not, and was intended from the start.
- Affably Evil: While he's the designated villain, he never really is a jerk to begin with.
- Puyo Puyo SUN: increasing the sun's size for an endless summer.
- Minna de Puyo Puyo: tore up a ticket for two for a hotspring clinic and created runes out of it. He tricked Arle into collecting these runes to rescue Carbuncle.
- Autobots Rock Out: The only evil thing about this guy is the fact they never use his instruments for other songs. "Final De Puyo" indeed...
- Berserk Button: Brushing him off like nothing and calling him a fake really gets on his nerves. Then again, he has a short fuse in 15th Anniversary.
- Bishonen
- Bowdlerise: He is renamed as "Dark Prince" in Western releases.
- Card-Carrying Villain: If anything went wrong, he was the first guess. Hell, he was the villain for Compile.
- Cool Mask: As Masked Satan.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: And it's just a mask.
- Easily Forgiven: Then again, he doesn't do much to warrant anything but.
- Final Boss/Climax Boss: In Puyo Puyo~n.
- Horned Humanoid/Winged Humanoid: Being winged seems to be bipolar, since he doesn't have them in Puyo Puyo SUN, Puyo Puyo DA! or Minna de Puyo Puyo.
- Not Himself: In Puyo Puyo~n.
- Nothing Personal: Literally. Satan doesn't seem to mind that Carbuncle's left him.
- Satan: ...We think.
- Stalker with a Crush
- Too Funny to Be Evil: At least Sega thinks so, but most fans never forget Puyo Puyo SUN.
Schezo Wegey
Though "friend" is a broad term here, Schezo is a Dark Wizard who wields a magical sword. His goal was to get Arle's power, but it grew to take any power he found interesting.
- Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: Was once an enemy to Arle, they now just hang out from time to time.
- Berserk Button: Don't call him a pervert.
- Creepy Good: I want your power!
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's a protagonist, and though a jerk, he means good things.
- Heel Face Turn: Once an enemy to Arle, now a close friend.
- Leitmotif: Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary gave him, and you're seeing this coming: "I Want You!...r Power!"
- Shock and Awe: His magic.
- That Came Out Wrong: 50% of his dialog is this when it comes to Sega.
- Wham! Episode: Ever seen a decapitated head fight back? ...Yeaaaah...
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Played with: straight in Madou Monogatari II (especially the PC-98 version), but subverts it in the Sega-era.
- Ye Olde Butchered English: Borders with it: he has the speech pattern, but never uses the words.
Original Series Characters
A green-haired dragon-woman that uses Kung Fu alongside Rulue. She proclaims herself as Arle's rival, but then again everyone does that.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl: Emphasized in the first game's Mega Drive manual, where the Lemony Narrator lists off her appealing qualities (including her good looks and horns), and then laments that her lengthy thinking times leads everyone to believe that she's a third-rate monster.
- Fangirl: In Madou Monogatari: Hanamaru Dai Youchienji, she runs a Satan-fanclub. In his own house. Apparently, the only members are other Draco-Centaurs.
- Horned Humanoid
- Opera Gloves
- Qipao: Although she wears legging pants underneath.
A pink-haired girl wearing white with cream-colored wings. Originally more of a harpy, but since then turned into another Cute Monster Girl.
- Angelic Beauty
- Cute Monster Girl: Once you get past the off-key notes.
- Dreadful Musician: The exact source of annoyance (tone-deafness, constant singing or noisiness) varies from game to game.
- Giftedly Bad: Shown when she teaches Seriri how to sing "correctly".
- Vocal Range Exceeded: Quite easily, since she doesn't have any vocal range to speak of.
- Winged Humanoid
Mmm, beautiful!
A womanizing demon who wants to become intimate with Arle.
- Handsome Devil: So he wants to believe.
- Precision F-Strike: The cinema between him and Arle results in dropping an S-bomb.
- Something About a Rose: He's rarely seen without one.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Surprisingly, she isn't a monster girl, and doesn't look at all like this. Blonde, a maid, and obsessed with keeping everything clean.
- In Name Only: A very loose interpretation of the traditional Kikimora.
- Meido: Dresses like a stereotypical maid.
- Players Are Morons: Her story segments are all about telling the players how to play the game.
Rulue's personal servant, the Minotaurus joins as another point in the line that is the character relation map of love.
A blue-haired mermaid. Shy, but eager to play with you.
- Dreadful Musician: After meeting Harpy due to her "lessons".
- Love At First Note: Apparently, Seriri can make ANYONE fall in love with her voice.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Can't shapeshift, but obtains a trinket that allows her to traverse dry land in Seriri's Happy Birthday.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A skeleton who enjoys sipping tea.
- Dem Bones
- Lampshade Hanging: In Puyo Pop (the Game Boy Advance version), Arle points out that Skeleton-T shouldn't be able to enjoy tea ... considering he doesn't have a tongue with which to taste it.
- Punny Name
- Spot of Tea: You never see him without a cup of it.
An armed-and-legged salmon that loves to dance and dreams of dancing.
- Dance Battler: His Puyo Puyo Sun attacks are dance moves. Most of his animations are themed around surfing in the Sega games, but the attacks themselves still involve dancing.
- Engrish: "Let's dancing!"
- Fish People: He has the body of a fish, but has human arms and legs.
- All Witches Have Cats: Averted!
- Cute Witch: A youthful and attractive witch.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
Characters Introduced in Puyo Puyo Fever
Let's play Puyo!
The newest protagonist, Amitie is nice, but a bit ditzy. Her heart is in the right place, and though she's better at reacting to things than Raffine or Sig, she still ends up jumping to wrong conclusions.
- Action Girl: While not as competent as Arle, she still goes the distance to set things right.
- Catch Phrase: "Get real!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Her mind certainly flows differently.
- Dumb Blond/Hair of Gold: Manages to fit both: she can be sillier and slower-witted than Arle or Ringo, but is much more sweeter.
- Genius Ditz: To be frank, Amitie's not too bright in school. She is, however, very passionate in her Puyo matches.
- Good Is Dumb: She really means well, but is very, very scatterbrained at times.
- Leitmotif: "Fairly Fair".
- Meaningful Name: "Friendship" in Latin; she's possibly one of the friendliest characters in Puyo Puyo Fever.
- Spell Theme: Shares her first three spells with Arle: Flame, Blizzard, Lightning Bolt. As well, she has her own subvertions in Bayonet and Fairly Fair.
A Hell Hound wearing armor that Feli accidentally summoned at one point. He's very protective of Feli and follows all of her commands, but doesn't seem to like Lemres.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Possibly.
- The Faceless
- Fun Size: Inverted; he towers over Amitie!
- Gentle Giant
- Good Lips, Evil Jaws: He looks like he could tear your head off, but he's just a big sweetie.
- Guardian Entity: For Feli.
- Hell Hound: Wings, claws, red fur, razor-sharp teeth...
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Sometimes.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: He may not like Lemres that much, but he still wants Feli to be happy.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Even if Feli ignores him, Baldanders is still loyal to her.
- They Have the Scent: Or, at least, Amitie wishes he did.
The Comet Warlock Lemres
Now then, Mr Akuma. Shall we play our game of Puyo? If I win, you'll be given five candies. Okay?
A senior magic student of the neighboring, unnamed town, Lemres was the boss of the WakuWaku course in Puyo Puyo Fever 2. He's actually very strong and intelligent, but hides it behind being Sega's new Schezo.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Is an easy boss in the course, can outmatch Strange Klug's AI during verses.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Is a famous warlock: popular enough to appear in magazines.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Lemres attempts to give candy to Amitie in her course. Pretty much speaks for its self.
- Leitmotif: Rising Comet, which is the same in both Puyo Puyo Fever 2 and Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary.
- Sweet Tooth
- Weirdness Coupon: He gets away with randomly passing out candy because no one seems to mind.
- What the Hell, Hero?:
- Gave Klug a book with a powerful demon inside for no good reason.
- Forces Amitie to play Puyo with him with the stakes of "winner fights Strange Klug".
- Wishes for the sea to turn into jelly, killing the entire ocean ecosystem.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Subverted. He has the hair, gets called suspicious at times, but he's generally a nice (albeit odd) guy.
You there... you're thinking of a bad thing... aren't you?
A necromancer that's Lemres' number one fangirl. She's very intimidating, but shows her sweet side to Lemres.
- Berserk Button: Never mention Lemres to her. Hell, you don't even have to mention him. She's very protective of him and any wrong mentioning of him might lead to a Puyo Match. If you don't mention him, she'll still think you're after him, male or not.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Subverted. Though she follows Lemres around, she never actually gets involved with anything he does.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Fangirl
- Kid with the Leash: Defied; she has a huge hellhound at her disposal, but doesn't do anything with him at all.
- Licked by the Dog: Baldanders cares a lot about her.
- May-December Romance: With Lemres.
- Meido: Not only is she slowly turning into this, but her future form in Puyo Puyo 7 showed she would become this.
- My New Gift Is Lame: Acts this way towards Baldanders.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Well, not exactly girlfriend, but she's very defensive of Lemres.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- The Unintelligible: Mr. Frankenstein.
They're[2] very cool. In fact, there's nothing cooler... than being smart and looking good with books. Like myself. I'm the coolest of them all, actually.
Local genius of Primp Town, Klug serves as a sort of MacGuffin, with knowledge of several events (but never willing to reveal them).
- Aesop Amnesia: He's possessed by his book in Puyo Puyo Fever 2. Still has it with in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary. Still with him in Puyo Puyo 7. Still with him in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. And no, he didn't find a way to get rid of the demon.
- Asshole Victim: He totally deserves being possessed by a demon.
- Bookworm: So he says.
- Badass Bookworm: Should he feel the need to do something helpful.
- Conflict Ball: Drops these so much you'd think it would be For the Evulz.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Collected the items needed to release the demon within his book on choice.
- Fan Boy: To Lemres.
- Good Is Not Nice: Do us a favor, Klug, and stop bragging.
- I Don't Mind Evil Me
- I Just Want to Be Special: Has a dream of being famous enough to earn 17 pages in the local magician's magazine. Isn't going so well right now.
- Insufferable Genius: He'll tell you he knows how to solve the problem. He just don't tell you how without a Puyo Match.
- Jerkass: We would be shocked if he actually did something nice that isn't towards Lemres (or Feli, whom he is terrified of talking to).
- Leitmotif: "I'm the Greatest, Ever!"
- Living MacGuffin:
- In Puyo Puyo Fever 1, he tells Raffine and Amitie where the wand is located.
- In Puyo Puyo Fever 2, he holds the items required by the plot.
- In Puyo Puyo 7, he explains why Puyo is raining down.
- Milking the Giant Cow: His laughing sprite, though only with one hand. The other is held back, holding onto the book.
- Nerd Glasses: Large, circular frames in wires...
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Which have a tendency to obscure his eyes when he wildly grins.
- In the Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary art, he seems to have adopted Strange Klug's single lens-flare.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Which have a tendency to obscure his eyes when he wildly grins.
- Not Himself: In Puyo Puyo Fever 2, his Deka transformation in Puyo Puyo 7, the Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary alternate costume for him...
- Pet the Dog: After being freed from his book-prison in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, he gives Amitie the last item instead of keeping it himself, which Amitie lampshades.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Sig and Strange Klug, blue to Raffine and Amitie.
- Sealed Evil in a Book: Given to him by Lemres.
- Soul Jar: The book he carries around with him and what he gets sealed into whenever Strange Klug takes over.
- Spell Theme: Nebula, Lactius Orbis, Nebula Macular, Golden Sunlight, Silver Moon, Jet Black Cosmos... Meanwhile, Ignis could be corrupted to say "Cygnus", the swan.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Has one in Strange Klug, who has stronger AI.
- Too Dumb to Live: Have we mentioned he's still carrying around a book that could, apparently, posses him at any moment?
Ms. Accord
The mysterious schoolteacher of Primp Town that holds the living cat puppet Popoi. She seems sweet, but holds some secrets.
- Empathy Pet: Popoi.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Leitmotif: Though Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary has Cheerful Surprise Test, when playing against her in other games, the tutorial music usually plays.
- Meaningful Name: Ties in with her Spell Theme.
- Schoolteachers
- Spell Theme: Her attacks are all musical terms, yet the animations are all done from her chalkboard.
Ocean Prince
A pink dolphin that lives in the neighboring ocean. Very crass and a stereotypical royal-stuckup.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife
- Making a Splash: His spells.
- Overly Long Name: Prince Salde Canarl Shellbrick the Third (of the Ocean).
- Pink Prince Blue Boy: With Sig.
Onion Pixy
Onion! Onion onion!
- Meaningful Name/Punny Name: His head is an onion, but he's also an oni!
- Pokémon-Speak: Depending on the language, all he says is "Negi" or "Onion".
Oshare Bones
Call the fashion police!
A flamboyantly gay skeleton who is very interested in fashion, and often criticizes the appearances of those around him. He's currently awaiting the day when he can finally reunite with his long-lost lover. Also, in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, he runs the item shop.
- Camp Gay: Disturbingly so.
- Crossdresser: There are a few quotes that imply this. Whether he's wholesome or creepy is up to you.
- Dem Bones
- Glowing Eyelights of Undeath: But only in one eye.
- House of Broken Mirrors: In Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, he mentions having thrown away every old photo of himself into the sea, and then begs Lemres not to recover them.
- I Was Quite a Looker: He makes some claims like this in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary.
- I Will Wait for You: He's awaiting the day he reuintes with his missing lover.
- Meaningful Name/Punny Name: Oshare means "Stylish". It's all he cares about. Also, his Japanese name, Oshare Koube, contains "sharekoube" which means skull.
- Mismatched Eyes
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Nobody Over 50 Is Gay: Averted. He's at least 150, but his age when he died is unknown.
Alpha Bitch of Primp Town, Raffine's possibly one of the cruelest characters from Fever, and is the rare case in the entire series; she's the only person mean 24/7.
- Alpha Bitch: Good luck finding one moment in the series where she is not being mean towards anyone.
- Bitch Alert: The most noticeable thing she's ever done is call Klug a "damn goody-two shoes". In an E-Rated game.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Meaningful Name: French for "refined", and boy does she act like it.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: "Oh hohoho!" Done when she enters Fever mode.
- Rose-Haired Girl: She dreams of having her own prince.
- Supernatural Martial Arts: Can break the ground up with her bare fist (using magic, of course).
- Zettai Ryouiki: In Puyo Puyo Fever, it was Rank B. In Puyo Puyo Fever 2, it became a Rank C or D and stayed that way. In Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, it returned to Rank B.
Half-demon, half-human, Sig is everything but emotional. He's very quiet and isn't moved by anything at all, save for bugs. He doesn't mind that he's part demon, either. Obsessed with bugs, but this wasn't brought up in his first appearance at all.
- Beetle Mania: In official art, he usually has a beetle on his head. For Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, his shirt has a beetle on it.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Though not as out there as Amitie, he is a little slow sometimes.
- Creepy Monotone: As part of his stoic demeanor.
- Friend to Bugs: Though he also collects them.
- Have You Tried Not Being a Monster?: He has, and he enjoys it.
- Meaningful Name: Subverted. His name is Germanic for "Victory Protection" and is Swedish for "himself", but neither means anything about him at all.
- Mismatched Eyes: One blue, one red.
- Red Right Hand: Literally and averted, but he does wonder why it starts glowing when he's close to his evil ascendent.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tried to in his WakuWaku course against Lemres twice. Lemres grabbed him before he could run both times.
- Serious Business: Not even catching bugs gets him to express anything!
- Spell Theme: Cyan, Paraiba and Robin's Egg are blue items.[3] Celestial is a term used to describe the sky, and Hydrangeas are often a blue color as well.
- The Stoic: Exaggerated.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Puyo Puyo Fever Villains
The Chaotic Evil villain of Puyo Puyo 7 and eventually Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, Ecolo wanted to flood Earth, not Primp Town, with Puyo. How is this bad? It was going to kill everyone. He only appears in the climax though, and is barely mentioned up until then. In Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, he gains an alternet humanoid version named "Unusual Ecolo".
- Apocalypse How: Universal.
- Autobots Rock Out: Though it's actually against Dark Arle, this is what actually happens.
- Big Bad
- Dissonant Serenity: Always smiling, always playful.
- The End of the World as We Know It: THREE TIMES! Once in Puyo Puyo 7 with a Puyo flood, again in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary from collateral damage, and YET AGAIN in Puyo Puyo Chronicle with a pendant that spawned someone else that would've done the apocalypse instead!
- Omnicidal Maniac: In Puyo Puyo 7. Not so much in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, where he's more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist.
- Technicolor Eyes: Unusual Ekoro's eyes are teal with pink heart pupils.
- The Villain Makes the Plot: Causes just about everything in Puyo Puyo 7.
- Walking Spoiler: At least, he should be, but chances are you know everything.
Ms. Accord's black cat puppet, Popoi is usually an assistant. He, much like Accord, is shrouded in mystery, and little is known about who or what he is. Takes the place as Puyo Puyo Fever's villain, appearing suddenly at the end of the WakuWaku and HaraHara courses.
- Autobots Rock Out: At least it isn't as head pounding, right?
- Big Bad: Of Puyo Puyo Fever.
- Cats Are Mean: Only in the first Puyo Puyo Fever title, where he plays the role of the Big Bad Wannabe.
- Honest Axe: Tried this with Amitie, as seen above.
- Spell Theme: Galaxy (meow), Shooting Star, Stardust Whip, and Black Hole.
- Verbal Tic Meow.
Strange Klug
Heh, dare you demand I return your classmate's body?
A demon possessing Klug's book, Strange Klug is very different than the nerd everyone's used to. Takes the place as Puyo Puyo Fever 2's villain, appearing at the end of all three HaraHara courses. He grew popular though, and made comebacks in future titles, but never as important as he was before (if you can call him important).
- Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: Worries, but brushes his first defeat off as a bump in his plan. Begins to seriously worry after he loses a second item.
- Autobots Rock Out: Yes, it is compared to Touhou music.
- Leitmotif: Before facing him, this plays.
- Badass Cape: Wears a ridiculously big and red cape, held onto his body with chains. It's tough enough to take damage for him too.
- Cape Swish: Does this in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary by holding it in his hands and turning.
- Bad Powers, Bad People: Is the second evil character that has dark intentions, coming after Doppelganger Arle and predates Ekoro.
- Big Bad: Of Puyo Puyo Fever 2.
- Big No: When sealed again.
- Big Red Devil: If that shadow's to be believed.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Rare edition: though Klug's grins are full of teeth, Strange Klug doesn't seem to have teeth period.
- Concepts Are Cheap: Double Subverted: Strange Klug states several times that he took the three items and took over Klug's body to bring his body back, but he never states "why".
- Dark Is Not Evil: Subverted. As a spirit sealed in Klug's book, the demon takes on a very cartoony look, with small gold eyes and a flat-toothed grin. During Puyo Puyo Fever and until you find how he really acts in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, this gives the impression that it's some sort of prankster spirit sealed in a book.
- Demonic Possession
- Double Take: Takes a bit for him to process that a dolphin and a pink-haired girl are just walking off with two of his items and not doing anything else.
- Evil Costume Switch: Turns Klug's suit from purple to red, unties his bowtie, dons a cape, untucks his shirt, and messes up his hair.
- Evil Gloating: And it's all he ever does.
- Expressive Accessory: Both the Living Shadow and Klug's spirit have expressions alongside him, even matching his surprise when Sig and Raffine walk off with his items.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Added a charm and changed the time on Klug's stopwatch.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Living Shadow: Has a giant red one that looks nearly identical to his form in the book.
- Magic A Is Magic A: Defied. Even if we're never given a clear image of what the magic in this world is, all things that fly/float often have wings or "flying" in the name, like "magical flying cane" or characters like Draco, Harpy, and Satan. However, Strange Klug's book is very clearly floating.
- Milking the Giant Cow: His laughing sprite, as well as a few of his spells.
- Nerd Glasses: Large oval frames, just like Klug's. They're really an entirely different pair, though, even if they look exactly the same.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: His right eye is almost always obscured by a flashed frame, and can be viewed as more unsettling than both frames.
- No Except Yes: He's not exactly Klug, even if his posture when he's laughing or pointing is exactly the same.
- No Name Given/Only Known by Their Nickname: He's never properly named, and is known only by Strange Klug. Sega apparently gave up trying to develop any story that spans multiple games.
- Popularity Power: He quickly became an Ensemble Darkhorse after appearing in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, with most fans liking him more than Klug.
- Power Floats: His final spell Hydrangea lifts him off the ground.
- Power Makes Your Voice Deep: In Klug's body, his voice is a significantly deeper variant of Klug's.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: For being covered with the color red, he's actually a blue oni; he's actually a lot calmer than Klug himself is.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Is a red spirit bound to the pages of a book, with its seal breaking being the driving plot of Puyo Puyo Fever 2.
- Shaped Like Itself: Played with. It takes Strange Klug to reveal his plans to both Raffine and Amitie for the two to realize that the man that looks like Klug that's wearing different colors, a cape, broke his stopwatch, undid his bowtie, untucked his undershirt, and messing his hair up to be deemed "strange" or "not Klug".
- Spell Theme: Played with. He shares Nebula and Ignis with Klug, but then uses Nyx. His final spell, Hydrangea, he shares with Sig, but has a very different animation for it.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- This Is Gonna Suck: When he loses, he either looks to the sky and sighs[4] or just sits down on the floor[5]. In the ending cutscenes for all the HaraHara courses, he doesn't yell or try and run away, but just seems to accept being sealed once more.
- Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Whines "Come back!" when Sig and the Ocean Prince just walk away after beating him.
- Unexplained Accent: The Nexus Wiki states that Strange Klug has a "unique voice pattern". Interestingly enough though, even if this states it's for Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (and he's since then made more appearances), he pronounces "ichi", "roku" and "hachi"[6] very differently than Klug, pronouncing them as "ee-ch", "rouk" and "hah-ch" instead of "ee-chi", "rouk-u" and "hah-chi".
- Villain Ball: Says his plan out loud. Three times.
- The Villain Makes the Plot: Played With. He did create the plot for all the Hard Courses, and his defeat is the true resolution to the plot. However, freeing Klug is only done on accident, and really all Raffine and Sig wanted were the items he was using to power himself up.