Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/Trinity
Tropes associated with the the Throne Meisters / Team Trinity / Trinity siblings:
Trinity as a whole
- Abusive Parent: The siblings were screwed by their "father" (AKA FUCKING RIBBONS) after he was done using them.
- Anti-Villain: Type II when their true nature is considered.
- Artificial Human: Confirmed in a manga derivative when the siblings are mentioned as being created by Ribbons Allmark, though they don't seem to quite be Innovades, though Nena shows signs of being an Innovade when she manages to get into Veda the same way Tiera does.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn
- Cool Spaceship: The Trinity mothership.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The siblings genuinely love each other.
- Half-Human Hybrid: The novelizations indicate that the siblings have Innovator DNA. And Ribbons could technically be considered their father.
- It Runs in The Family: The siblings were test tube babies raised in labs and born only to be Tyke Bomb Gundam pilots.
- Lack of Empathy: While Johann doesn't get off on bloodshed like his siblings, he doesn't give a damn about innocent lives either.
- Light Is Not Good
- Raised In Labs
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Their last name, but in the case of Michael...
- Sibling Team
- Sixth Ranger Traitor
- Token Trio
- Tragic Villain: They're psychotic because they were raised in a lab to be so, and their whole existence ends up basically worth nothing other than being someone else's plans.
- Two Guys and a Girl
- Tyke Bomb
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Johann Trinity
The oldest member of the Trinity siblings and the leader of the Gundam Throne Meisters. He is the pilot of the Gundam Throne Eins. After the GN-X's were used to hunt them down, he helped his siblings escape from danger. Unfortunately, he and his brother Michael couldn't escape the danger known as Ali Al-Saachez..
Voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese) and Michael Daingerfield (English)
- Aloof Big Brother
- Ambiguously Brown
- Beauty Mark
- BFG: The Throne Eins'.
- Cold Sniper
- Dark Is Evil: He pilots The Throne Eins Gundam which is Dark.
- Death Is Dramatic: Ali even lampshaded this.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: The girls seems to love his shorts.
- Evil Genius Bruiser
- Fan Nickname: Captain Hotpants.
- Gray Eyes
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Just who the hell do you think he is? He's not an adult, he's a MAN!
- Also, in one of the Game Over quotes of Super Robot Wars Z 2, there's a conversation between Ozma, Johann Trinity and Kamina. They comment on how they are always stuck with a little brother/little sister.
- Humans Are White
- Killed Off for Real
- Man in White
- Mr. Exposition
- Oh Crap: Courtesy of Ali.
- Only Sane Man: At least compared to his siblings.
- Promotion to Parent: To his siblings.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Sensual Spandex
- The Stoic
- Stuffed in The Fridge
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Put more emphasis on dark.
- Team Dad: His role in Team Trinity.
- You Gotta Have Myrtle Hair
Michael Trinity
The middle child of the Trinity siblings and the pilot of Gundam Throne Zwei. Micheal is the most violent of the Trinity's. He's eager to start a fight, constantly rude, and unapologetic in hurting people. While he is very prone to extreme violence, he also show strong loyalty to his brother and jealous with murderous intent whenever Nena likes any men.
Michael and his siblings began mass scale attacks around the globe's military bases with total annihilation tactics. Their earlier attacks went without a hitch until the arrival of the GN-X's. Since then, Micheal and his siblings could no longer perform interventions. Eventually their secret base on Earth was discovered and forced to flee. While on the run, Ali Al-Saachez somehow located the Trinity siblings and offered assistance due to his sponsor. As soon as Johann inquired about Laguna Harvey, he quickly shot and killed Micheal instantly via shot to the heart.
Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese) and Andrew Toth (English)
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Between him and Nena, he's the one who usually defy Johann.
- Attack Drones
- Ax Crazy
- Beauty Mark
- BFS: The Throne Zwei wields one.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards Nena.
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute
- I Like Swords
- It Runs in The Family: He and his siblings were test tube babies raised in labs and born only to be Tyke Bomb Gundam pilots.
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real
- Knife Nut
- Knight Templar Big Brother
- Man in White
- Playing Against Type: Alfred Izuruha has become a Psycho for Hire Blood Knight this time around.
- Psycho for Hire
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: His first and last name.
- Sacrificial Lion
- The Sociopath
- Stuffed in The Fridge
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Nena Trinity
The youngest of the Trinity siblings and pilot of Gundam Throne Drei. Nena is first introduced as a cutesy character and has a tendency to make V signs. She saves Setsuna's life and later kisses him, but he violently pushes her away. You get to see shades of her unstable side when she threatens Setsuna not to make her mad shortly after. The last straw, however, is when she passes over a wedding in Spain. They're having fun while she's off saving the world. So she kills 'em all (though one Louise Halevy escapes). Karma catches up to her soon enough, as Ali Al-Saachez shoots one of her brothers, then steals his Gundam and kills the other in combat. She only escapes thanks to the intervention of Setsuna and the appearance of Trans-Am.
In the end, she escapes on her own and becomes Wang Liu-Mei's Ninja Maid, but grows discontent when she sides with the current employers of Ali-Al Sacheez, the Innovators. This finally came to a head several months later as she tried on two occasions to kill Wang and her bodyguard - only for a crazed Louise to get her revenge afterward.
Voiced by Rie Kugimiya (Japanese) and Nicole Bouma (English)
- Anti-Hero: Type V in the Second Season.
- Bait the Dog
- Bare Your Midriff: In the first season.
- Best Served Cold: After killing Wang, she swallowed her pride and decided to side with the Innovators in order to survive so she could have her revenge when they least expected it. Her plan never took off. The problem is, her daddy, FUCKING RIBBONS, always expected and prepared for all kinds of opposition. He sends Louise along with Mister Bushido, who dealt with Setsuna, to kill her.
- Blood From the Mouth: Happens when Louise cuts her in half/impales her with her Regnant's claw.
- Broken Bird: Albeit of the "psychotic, violent, unstable" variety.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: Nena has no idea whatsoever what Louise is talking about when she accuses her of murdering her family, since the incident wasn't a big deal to her and quickly forgotten about.
- Cute and Psycho
- Cute Bruiser: Is one of the prettiest girls in the cast and pilots a HUGE Gundam.
- Dark Chick
- Dead Older Brothers
- The Dog Bites Back
- Double Standard: Okay, the hatred for her is not unfounded. But there are male charas who are far worse, yet they're ADORED. Yes, Ali, we're talking about YOU. And how dare her fans think otherwise.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Sure, she is so nuts and crossed the line sometimes, and gets ecstatic over mass destruction. But she REALLY hates working with those who murdered her brothers.
- Evil Laugh: Childishly Evil Laugh.
- Evil Redheads: Not 100% evil as she is childish, Raised In Labs and not knowing what the outside world is like.
- Expy: Of Meyrin, who herself is this to Flay. What's funny is Nena and Meyrin have the same English voice actress. She and her brothers could also be seen as expies of Phantom Pain members Auel Neider, Sting Oakley and Stella Louiser.
- Eyes of Gold
- Faux Dark Action Girl: She certainly can't harm those who actually fight back, her only victims are either helpless or stationary things. Then again, when her mech is designed for stealth, support and information gathering, there's not exactly a LOT she can do.
- Feisty Girl: The kid will not give up EVER. Even when she's dying.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Just look at her outfits, her red hair and breasts!
- Fiery Redhead
- Fille Fatale
- Genki Girl: An evil one.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Heroes Want Redheads: Inverted. Nena is the one who wants The Hero.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: The door didn't slam, it fell.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Nena got her own family murdered in front of her eyes by Ali Al-Saachez. If that wasn't enough, Louise Halevy later killed Nena, for her Revenge.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Her treatment and later murder of Liu Mei. Not enough to make up for the wedding incident, but still pretty damn awesome.
- Laser-Guided Karma
- Male Gaze
- Moral Myopia: Hating Ali and everyone associated with him for killing her brothers, yet seeing nothing wrong with (and even enjoying) killing an entire family of people simply because she didn't like the idea of other people having a good time when she wasn't.
- Ironically, Louise calls her out on her Moral Myopia during their battle, while Nena calls Louise on her's, and neither of them register what the other is saying because of their Moral Myopias.
- Ninja Maid: In 2nd season, to a degree.
- Oh Crap: She had one, when Louise is about to impale her/cut her in half.
- Playing Against Type: In all versions no less.
- Psychopathic Womanchild: As a result of being Raised In Labs as a Tyke Bomb.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers it as she kills Wang.
- Revenge: Really thrives for this in the second season.
- Sensual Spandex: First Season outfit.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: To Celestial Being in season 1. To Wang Liu Mei in season 2.
- The Sociopath
- So Last Season: While everyone is upgrading their mechas, she still keeps her old fashioned Throne Drei and thinks it'll be good enough, though Louise proves her wrong. It should be noted, however, that there was no way she could have gotten another MS in her situation.
- This is yet another reason she winds up dying, as Louise only is able to KNOW Nena is her family's murderer because of her flying the same old Throne Drei.
- Third Person Person
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Her and Liu Mei.
- Trigger Happy
- "V" Sign: She is prone of doing this almost all the time when she's in a good mood. She stops doing it for awhile after Ali killed her brothers, but in the second season, she did it again after screwing Wang's plan in a form of Take That.
- What Could Have Been: Arche Gundam Drei, a combo of Throne Drei and Arche, designed specifically to kill Ali-Al Saachez in his Gundam Arche. Nena would've gotten it from Regene Regetta if she works for the Innovator, but before that could happen, Ribbons sent out Louise to kill Nena...
- Woman in White: In the first season.
- Youthful Freckles
- Zettai Ryouiki: Well, her eldest brother Johann is called Captain Hotpants...