Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/AEU
Kati Mannequin
A respected Colonel from the AEU known for her brilliant strategies. She is the love interest of Patrick Colasour and is constantly pursued by him. When the three world powers unite to fight the Gundams, she become friends with HRL colonel Sergei Smirnov. In the second season, She joins the A-LAWS. It is also revealed that she and Celestial Being's strategist Sumeragi Li Noriega, or better said Leesa Kujou, are past acquaintances. Near the end of the series, she left A-LAWS and fight alongside Celestial Being against the Innovators. In the end, she is promoted to Brigadier General and marries her long-time suitor Patrick.
Voiced by Minami Takayama (Japanese) and Cathy Weseluck (English)
- Action Survivor
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Actually, an Armor Piercing Punch
- Beauty Mark
- Brainy Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- The Brigadier: She's promoted to this rank in the finale.
- The Chessmaster
- Colonel Badass: Until her aforementioned promotion.
- The Danza: Cathy Weseluck voices a character who shares her name in an English-dubbed Gundam series for the second time.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Enemy Mine: Twice with Celestial Being and Kataron. First when the AEU orbital elevator collapsed. Then during episode 22 of season 2.
- Expy: She has some shades of being the military Nyamo to Sumeragi's Yukari.
- Good God, you're right! I don't think I can ever take those two seriously again...
- Not to mention a few similarities to Gundam Wing's Lady Une such as their glasses, rank, and pimp slap.
- Guile Heroine
- Heel Face Turn: Near the end of season 2.
- Hero Antagonist: To Celestial Being.
- Iron Lady: Also her Red Baron.
- Love At First Punch: Punches Patrick for being late to a meeting. He falls in love with her from then on.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: She figured out VERY quickly he had a thing for her, but doesn't openly reveal she knows until he makes it blatantly obvious. During that time, she artfully used his crush to positively motivate him to follow orders.
- Meganekko
- Married to the Job: And then she marries her coworker/subordinate.
- The Mole: Apparently for Sergei or for The Federation in whole)
- Miss Exposition
- Nice Hat: Ditches it once she became part of the ESF army.
- Purple Eyes
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Redemption Promotion: AND HOLY SHIT HOW!
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To the A-LAWS fleet.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Kati, Kathy or Cathy?
- The Strategist: As good as, if not, better than Sumeragi. Well, Sumeragi does look up to her.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: Patrick refers to her by her rank, even after he starts actively trying to woo her. And even on their wedding day!
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: According to flashbacks, she and Sumeragi are like this.
Patrick Colasour
The Ace of AEU, who's prevailed in 2000 simulation battles!
... Well, okay. To make it short, this guy is the resident loser of the series, whose barks are bigger than his bite. He first appears in an exhibition of the Enact and got owned by Setsuna. Later on, he reappears to fight the Gundam again... and got blasted by Tieria without him even trying. He is known as a playboy, but when he meets his new commander Kati Mannequin (and got punched in the face for being late), he instantly fell in love for real and found a new goal in life: to win her heart. He almost defeats Tieria in the desert battle, but got beaten due to the interference of the Trinities.
Fortune does smile at him, when the Veda temporarily goes offline; he uses the chance to attack Tieria, but was covered by Lockon. Regardless, that particular attack marks Patrick's only success as he damages a Gundam, and even robs Lockon off his right eye. After much more fighting, he is blasted to smithereens, but was lucky enough to survive. Apparently, this stuck with him: being known as the man who survived a total of 7 encounters with Gundams earned him the nickname The Immortal Colasour.
Despite his record of defeats he is not actually a bad pilot. During the desert battle he evades an Tieria's attack from near point black range and during the space battle using a GN-X he does a good job evading hits from Lockon.
Voiced by Kenji Hamada (Japanese) and Trevor Devall (English)
- Anti-Villain
- Appropriated Appellation
- Badass Boast: Until recently, just... the boast.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Especially when he's trying to impress Kati.
- Butt Monkey: From episode 1, whenever he takes the field against a Gundam you know what's about to happen.
- Casanova: He got a bit better thanks to Kati.
- Casanova Wannabe: Towards Kati. Until he DOES get the girl
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Averted. He might be an idiot but he doesn't know the meaning of the word surrender. And he's actually pretty cool.
- Cool Loser
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Though this takes awhile to show.
- Death Is Dramatic: Subverted.
- Determinator
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Kati.
- Evil Redheads: Kinda subverted, since he works for the bad guys but isn't a bad person per se.
- Expy: Your Mileage May Vary, but there are a lot of fandom comparisons between him and Jeremiah Gottwald. Right down to the Redemption Promotion par excellence.
- Banpresto caught on to this and made the two of them Vitriolic Best Buds in Super Robot Wars Z 2. Where Jeremiah is, Patrick is usually not too far behind. They insult each other every chance they get.
- Fan Nickname: Team Patrick.
- Fiery Redhead
- French Jerk
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Happily Ever After : He and Kati get this treatment (complete with wedding bells) in the epilogue of episode 25 in season 2.
- Heel Face Turn: After the Time Skip.
- Evil Is Dumb: And he becomes more competent afterwards!
- Heroic Sacrifice / Redemption Equals Death: Subversion! Immortal Colasawor indeed, not even Fucking Ribbons himself can take him down.
- He's Just Hiding: Was able to pull this off before. And does so again.
- Hot-Blooded
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Keet
- Large Ham
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Lethal Joke Character
- Likes Older Women: Kati is about 4-5 years older than him.
- Love At First Punch: Literally!
- Miles Gloriosus
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Towards Kati.
- No One Could Survive That: Subverted in that the writers pulled this with the audience.
- Not So Harmless Villain
- Overshadowed by Awesome: He's not the AEU's best pilot for nothing. He's just... well, just not on the same level as Graham or Ali.
- Plot Armour: The Gods of plot armour smile upon him like none other.
- Put on a Bus: After the 4 months Time Skip, he and Kati was nowhere to be seen. Then he got out... and kicks mucho ass, Orange-kun taught him well.
- Red Baron: The Immortal Colasour. Subverted that it doesn't note his badassery, it's a mocking insult on his survival rate against Gundams.
- Redemption Promotion
- Refuge in Audacity: He gets hit with three kamikaze Gagas, his mecha blows up and he survives without a scratch.
- Running Gag: His ability to survive anything without a scratch.
- Small Name, Big Ego: First episode he boasted of his accomplishments while the suit he was piloting was being torn limb from limb, and that was just the first episode.
- Straw Loser
- Subordinate Excuse
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Gets to lay down the law and even make his inevitable unit-trashing look awesome for the finale, which finally wins his beloved Kati's heart.
- Undying Loyalty: Undying you say?
- Unknown Rival: To Tieria in the first season.