Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/Innovades
Tropes associated with the Innovades:
Innovades as a whole
- Ambiguous Gender
- Artificial Human
- Enfant Terrible
- Eyes of Gold: When connecting to Veda.
- Fan Nickname: The Skittles Squad, due to their hair colors.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Ribbons Almark
- Dragon with an Agenda: Regene Regetta (later became The Starscream)
- The Brutes: Bring Stabity, Devine Nova, and Hiling Care
- Evil Genius Bruiser: Revive Revival
- Dark Chick: Anew Returner (also the Sacrificial Lion)
- Sixth Ranger: Ali-Al Saachez (also The Dragon), the entire A-LAWS
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Wang Liu Mei, Hong Long, Nena Trinity, and arguably Tieria Erde
- Tagalong Kid: Wang Liu Mei and Louise Halevy
- Insistent Terminology: They're not really Innovators, but rather Innovades.
- Light Is Not Good
- Nurse Jenny: Innovades who have the same "base-pattern" usually look alike.
- Sissy Villains
- Smug Super: Oh boy..
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Ribbons Almark
Initially appearing as a mysterious and seemingly minor character, he had maybe seven lines and a smirk in season one while he was employed by Alejandro Corner to help him take over the world and whatnot. Then during episode 25, he phoned Alejandro to let him know something important [1].
In season two, Ribbons's role is... considerably expanded. In fact, he's now the series' Big Bad and sees himself as a kindly angel who is leading most of humanity to the stars. The rest of them get to die. He's also quite the master of awkward conversation. Just see the episode where Tieria dresses as a woman for a prime example.
Apparently headshotted to death by Regene Regetta, but he appears in the next episode because Regene fell to his Cloning Gambit. Finally bit the dust in the Grand Finale thanks to Setsuna.
Voiced by Tohru Furuya (Japanese) and Michael Adamtwaite (English)
- Abusive Parent: To the Trinity Siblings. First, he screwed his "children" to Ali Al-Saachez after using them. In Episode 21 of season 2, He baits Nena to Louise in order for the latter to exact her revenge.
- Affably Evil
- A God Am I and Dark Messiah
- Armor-Piercing Slap: He's gotten fond of this in the second season; Liu-Mei and Regene can attest to the armour-piercing factor. [2].
- Attack Drones: The Reborns Cannon/Gundam has GN Fangs.
- Audience Participation: A lot of people like to yell "FUCKING RIBBONS" whenever he appears post-Reveal. AND WITH FUCKING GOOD REASON, TOO.
- Bastard Understudy
- Big Bad
- Boom! Headshot!: Subverted if he reuploaded his conscience to another body, or Averted, if the one shot by Regene is indeed a clone.
- Broken Pedestal: Maybe to Setsuna.
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Cloning Gambit: He manages to clone a massive amount of Innovators (Bring and Divine). Beforehand, it was played straight as a Batman Gambit against Regene.
- Complete Monster: He just doesn't see himself this way.
- Death by Irony: He was killed by the very boy he saved, inside the very Mobile Suit he used to save him. And said boy is also the one who inspired him to be plans and ruined it just when he was on the cusp of completion.
- Death Is Cheap: Was killed at least twice. As apparently all other Innovators, he has a valid backup copy of his memory inside Veda. The reanimation was just a matter of downloading a conscience into a new clone body.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Draco in Leather Pants: Having the man who voiced the very first Gundam protagonist as his seiyuu didn't help.
- Enigmatic Minion: To Alejandro
- Evil Gloating
- Evil Overlord
- Fallen Hero:
He was once known as Amuro Ray, nemesis of the Red Comet Char. Considering he was a Gundam Meister, he may well be one. - Fan Nickname: "Bad Amuro", for his voice actor. "FUCKING RIBBONS" after his BIG revelation.
- Foe Yay: With Tieria. Lampshaded by Furuya himself in an interview, where he states that he was told to voice Ribbons in a highly erotic manner during the scene where he bribes Tieria with renewed access to Veda.
- Ho Yay: With Alejandro. Confirmed in the Special Edition. [3]
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: "Know your place, you greedy little girl!"
- Love to Hate
- Magnificent Bastard: Completely plays everyone in the first season. All while pretending to be a minor character.
- Man Behind the Man: To Alejandro, too. Sometimes literally.
- Mind Control
- Moral Event Horizon: Like Ali, he crosses this very often even before the series starts.
- My Hero Zero: Pilots the O Gundam, The Hero's childhood hero. Twice.)
- Mythology Gag / Actor Allusion / Shout-Out: Aside from the fact that he was voiced by Furuya Touru, he also piloted 0 Gundam... which resembles RX-78 with a GN Drive. He even declares 'I was the first to pilot a Gundam!' Yeah, WE KNOW THAT, Furuya! Get over it.
- His final mobile suit is a giant mobile suit, painted in red, with two huge cannon on its shoulder. In his interview he jokingly refer to Ribbons Cannon, a reference to Guncannon... though it looks more like Ideon. In any case it seems like a huge shout out to Tomino himself.
- Wrong! It turns out it's a Gundam with Fin Fangs.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Spends this during the entire first season. It's called pulling off a Not-So-Small Role with style.
- Opposite Gender Clone: Has one in Hiling Care... sort of.
- Playing Against Type: Voiced by the ever-heroic Tohru Furuya, the man behind none other than Amuro Ray himself. Now, think of that for a moment...
- Pride: shown to displayed a superiority complex he always looked down on humanity he also also described himself superior to other Innovades his confidence of himself is at the point of arrogance which made him more of a second coming of Lucifer
- Purple Eyes
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He usually say these to people before killing them, or having them killed. In order, the people he gave this speech to are Alejandro Corner, Nena Trinity, Regene Regetta and Tieria Erde.
- Subverted in Tieria's case as he not only hijacks Veda back, but delivers his own reason you suck speech right back at Ribbons whilst he's battling Setsuna.
- Shadow Dictator
- Slouch of Villainy
- Spell My Name with an "S": After romanizing his name as "Livonze" or other variants for several episodes, many fans were quite surprised to learn that the official spelling really was Ribbons!
- The Starscream
- Transforming Mecha: His second to last MS, the Reborns Gundam/Cannon.
- Treacherous Advisor: To Alejandro. Yet again.
- The Rival: After Setsuna after Setsuna gets his attention. Ironic since they only interact twice and don't even meet until halfway through season two
- Ubermensch
- Villain Decay: Ribbons is a Magnificent Bastard in season 1, and is a Smug Snake in season 2, with one hell of an idiotic plan involving Kamikaze robots.
- Villainous Breakdown: Setsuna causes him to experience twice; first by defeating Revive and showing that he was stronger than Ribbons. Second when he turns Ribbons almost certain victory around and shatters his link to Veda ruining decades of planning in two minutes.
- Villain Team-Up: With Grace O' Connor in Super Robot Wars Z 2
- Visionary Villain
- Where It All Began: His final mobile suit is O Gundam, the very first Gundam in the show and the first mobile suit Ribbons ever piloted. It's also a take back to the original gundam, since the RX-78-2 and O look exactly alike and Ribbons IS Amuro.
- Would Hit a Girl: He knocks out Sheyrl Nome and Ranka Lee in the epilogue of Scenario 44 of Super Robot Wars Z 2 as per his agreement with Grace O' Connor.
- You Gotta Have Greenish Hair
Regene Regetta
A person who looks exactly like Tieria Erde, Regene made his first appearance in the season 1 finale accompanying Louise in an elevator. In season 2, he is seen working with Ribbons and the other Innovators. Although he works closely with Ribbons, the two do not always see eye to eye. As a result, Regene often acts of his own will to complete the plan Aeolia intended in his own way, from offering Tieria to join the Innovators to leaking Veda's location to Wang Liu Mei. However, Fucking Ribbons was a step ahead of Regene and had Ali Al-Saachez kill him while he attempted to kill Ribbons. However, Regene's consciousness transferred into Veda, helping Tieria do the same and both cancel Ribbons' link with Veda.
Voiced by Romi Park (Japanese) and Nicole Oliver (English)
- Alliterative and Repetitive Name
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence
- The Chessmaster: Better even than the Big Bad.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Death Is Cheap: As for all other Innovators.
- Distaff Counterpart: Of Tieria... Possibly.
- Dragon with an Agenda, and eventually The Starscream: To Ribbons.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Enigmatic Minion
- Evil Laugh: After he thought he killed Ribbons.
- Evil Twin: Of Tieria. Or is he?
- Fan Nickname: The Royal NEET.
- Full-Name Basis: Regene call others by their full names rather than either last or first ones.
- Gender Blender Name: But then again, the Innovators' gender are vague to begin with...
- Deadly Change-of-Heart
- Hidden Agenda Villain
- Innovades Can Breathe In Space: Just watch season 2 episode 18.
- Last-Episode New Character: During the season 1 finale.
- Magnificent Bastard: Despite Ribbons being able to read Regene's thoughts, he consistently been able to out-chessmaster Ribbons on more than one occasion, even after his "death".
- Megane: Like Tieria.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Ribbons had Ali shoot him, only for him to merge with Veda and become more powerful than ever.
- Not Quite Dead
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To the remaining Innovators after his "death".
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Reliable Traitor
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- The Unfought: Regene's the only Innovator within the series who didn't fight in a mobile suit or mobile armor at all, despite being the former pilot of the GRM Gundam.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Regene would pass as a girl easily.
- The Voice: He and Tieria after their "physical death".
- We Can Rule Together: Implied through his conversation with Tieria when they first met behind Ribbons' back. Then they did. But it happened for the good.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Revive Revival
Revive Revival is an Innovator who is the genetic twin of Anew Returner, and pilot of the Gadessa. Joined the A-Laws under the rank of captain, though with a special license like Mr. Bushido to act independent, Revive agrees to follow Kati Mannequin's battle strategies. Revive usually attempts to pinpoint the Ptolemaios II's location using quantum brainwaves and Anew. Later, Revive allows himself to be captured by Celestial Being in order to wake Anew so they can steal the 00 Gundam and 0 Raiser, but the attempt is thwarted. Revive is killed by Lyle Dylandy (Anew's boyfriend) during the climatic battle at the end of the second series when the Cherudim Gundam targets the Gadessa's cockpit.
Voiced by Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese) and Jillian Michaels (English)
- Alliterative and Repetitive Name
- Aloof Twin Sibling: To Anew.
- Cold Sniper
- Distaff Counterpart: Possibly of Anew Returner.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady or Bifauxnen?
- Evil Genius Bruiser
- Evil Twin: Of Anew.
- Karmic Death: Had a part in his/her sister's "betrayal" and death. Her lover was the one who struck him/her down.
- Oh Crap: When Lyle's about to kill him/her.
- Opposite Gender Clone: Of Anew... Possibly.
- Punny Name: S/He dies in the final episode entitled Rebirth.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Viewer Gender Confusion
- Wave Motion Gun
- You Gotta Have Lavender Hair
Hiling Care
Hiling Care is an Innovator and the genetic twin of Ribbons Almark. Joining Revive Revival with the A-Laws, Hiling is eager to battle with the Celestial Being and the Gundams. Hiling also frequently teases her comrades. Hiling pilots a Gadessa and later a Garazzo in several operations against the Ptolemaios II. She is later ordered by Ribbons to retreat from A-Laws to help in defending Veda. In the final battles, she is killed by H/Allelujah, crying out to Ribbons to save her as she dies.
Voiced by Miyuki Kawasho (Japanese) and Brenna O'Brien (English)
- Bifauxnen: She was a Badass in a Nice Suit in a tux on her first appearance.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute: She fights like one at least.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Comforting the Widow: Gender-swapped; Hiling oh-so-suggestively offers to "comfort" Divine after his brother Bring is killed, only for her advances to be swiftly shot down.
- Dark Action Girl
- Distaff Counterpart: Of Ribbons.
- Famous Last Words: RIBBONS, SAVE ME..!
- Half The Girl She Used To Be: Thanks to Hallelujah, who even enjoyed mocking her while he's at it..
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Hiling Care was voiced in Japanese by Miyuki Kawasho, best known as Drossel from the 3D anime Fireball. In English, she was voiced by Brenna O'Brien, who was Rin, Reverie Metherlence, Hecate, and Pan.
- Jerkass: She sure loves making fun of people, particularly where romance is concerned.
- Little Miss Badass
- The Mario: Have no problem fighting in a close-range mobile suit like the Garazzo, or a long-range one like the Gadessa.
- Opposite Gender Clone: Of Ribbons... sort of.
- Perky Female Minion
- Pettanko: so much so, that one scene that showed her with a larger bust was actually edited down for the DVD.
- Purple Eyes
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: She sure loves belittling her opponents. She received one herself before she dies.
- She's A Man in the Philippines: The Filipino dub inexplicably turned Hiling into a male, even giving her a MALE voice actor.
- The Smurfette Principle: The only "clear" woman among the group. Excluding the sacrificial Manchurian Agent.
- You Gotta Have Greenish Hair
- Spell My Name with an "S": There has been confusion over whether her name is 'Hiling', 'Hilling', or 'Healing', though 'Hiling' seems to be the official English spelling.
Bring Stabity and Devine Nova
Bring Stabity is an Innovator who is assigned to the A-Laws in order to combat the Gundams. While Bring is able to overpower the 00 Gundam with the Garazzo in a display of force,he is later defeated during the A-Laws' assault on Celestial Beings's L3 base when the 00 Gundam and 0 Raiser support vehicle, join to form the 00 Raiser. Bring is killed during one of the assaults on the Ptolemaios II on Earth when Tieria Erde reveals the Seraphim Gundam for the first time.
Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese) and Brian Drummond (English)
Devine Nova is Bring Stabity's genetic twin and makes his first appearance piloting the prototype mobile armour Empress after Celestial Being successfully destroys Memento Mori. After forcing the Ptolemaios II back into Earth's atmosphere, he later takes part in an assault on the Ptolemaios II which nearly succeeds until a coup d'état forces the A-Laws to withdraw. Devine is killed while defending the second Memento Mori station by Setsuna F Seiei and Saji Crossroad in the 00 Raiser.
Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese) and Brian Dobson (English)
Four months after their death, Ribbons reveals the creation of a massive army of Devine and Bring clones.
- Angsty Surviving Twin: Devine.
- Bro Yay
- The Brute: Both of them.
- Cloning Blues
- Death Is Cheap
- Evil Redheads
- Driven to Suicide: LITERALLY AND HOW!
- Redshirt Army: And literaly too.
- Send in the Clones
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Devine and Bring respecively.
- The Stoic: Bring.
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Zerg Rush: Near the end.
- ↑ Ribbons was going to take all of Alejandro's screen time after he had been dispatched painfully by Setsuna
- ↑ Regene wasn't floored, however, despite losing glasses. Either Ribbons was going easy or he needs to work out more
- ↑ It's all an act on Ribbons part, seeing as he is, you know, a Manipulative Bastard. Manipulating Alejandro that way was probably the easiest way to get the man to do what he wanted. Considering that Alejandro did fall for it, this is at least one-sided Ho Yay with Ribbons posing as a Honey Trap. It still counts.