Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/Misc
Aeolia Schenberg
Celestial Being's founder, he lived over 200 years before the beginning of the series. He established the theoretical basis of the combined orbital elevator and photovoltaic energy system, the construction and defense of which he foresaw to employ humanoid machines not unlike mobile suits. In a long term plan to rid the world of armed conflict and ready humanity into the next phase of its evolution, he founded the private paramilitary organization Celestial Being. It is this plan that becomes the driving force for both the first and second series. His body is held in cryogenic stasis within Veda, intending to awaken when the world is rid of conflict. However, soon after this discovery near the end of the first series, Alejandro Corner kills him in order to take over the plan, however his death releases a system trap that activates the Trans-Am System and releases the full potential of the four Gundams.
Voiced by Chikao Ohtsuka (Japanese) and Michael Kopsa (English)
- Ancient Conspiracy
- Badass Beard
- Bald of Awesome
- Batman Gambit
- Big Good
- Blue Blood
- Boom! Headshot!: How Alejandro killed him.
- The Chessmaster
- Cool Old Guy
- Crazy Prepared
- Genre Savvy: And holy shit, HOW!
- Expy: Let's see, a supposedly long dead scientist comes up with a centuries-long plan involving a secret foundation, manipulating events to suit the plan, and leaves recordings of himself to the public long after his time. Oh snap, HE'S HARI SELDON!
- Genghis Gambit
- He's Just Hiding: In a literal sense until Alejandro finds him..
- Hey, It's That Voice!: OMG its Char Aznable!
- High-Class Glass
- Human Popsicle
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Both apparent and official.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Surprise...
- Non-Action Guy
- Omniscient Morality License
- The Plan
- Posthumous Character: First subverted, then played straight.
- Powers That Be
- The Professor
- Scary Shiny Glasses: In his case, monocole.
- Science and Guile Hero
- The Smart Guy: Really, REALLY smart.
Alejandro Corner
Originally an observer for Celestial Being, it is later revealed that he has.. other plans. He and his trusty sidekick Ribbons proceeded to hack Veda and kill Aeolia Schienberg, only to activate the Gundams' Trans-Am system. Then he too goes to action in the Alvatore mobile armor and eventually fights Setsuna in the end of season one. He lost the battle, but things got worse for him as Ribbons phoned him before his suit explodes telling him that he's taking over for his own agendas.
Voiced by Yasunori Matsumoto (Japanese) and Andrew Kavadas (English)
- A God Am I
- Ambition Is Evil
- Bling Bling Bang: His Mobile Armor/Suit the Alvatore/Alvaron.
- Bling of War: His car, gun and pilot suit are all gold.
- Blue Blood
- Break the Haughty
- Bury Your Gays
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Conspicuous Consumption
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Diabolical Mastermind: Might have been, if it was anyone other than Ribbons working with him.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Drunk with Power
- Enigmatic Minion: To Aeolia and Celestial Being.
- Ephebophile: Subverted that it's one sided, in his part no less. That and Ribbons is actually an ageless Artificial Human.
- Evil Laugh: When he killed Aeolia and tought he won.
- Expy: This guy practically channels Paptimus Scirroco on occasion.
- Gayngster
- Hijacked by Ganon: He hijacked Veda near the end of season one.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: So you like backstabbing people eh? Enjoy!
- Ho Yay: With Ribbons. Confirmed in the Special Edition. But only on his part.
- It Got Worse: Just after losing to Setsuna and before dying, Ribbons phoned him telling him that he served his purpose to his plans. Ouch!
- Killed Off for Real
- Light Is Not Good: His Alvaaron is a golden angel-like mobile suit
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- Playing Against Type: In both versions, LIKE WHOA!
- Rich Asshole
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Smug Snake
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Villainous Breakdown: RIIIIBBBOOOOONNSSS!!!
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Word of Gay: This scene from the Special Edition says it all. Lounging around an hotel room with his hair down and wearing only a bathrobe? A-okay. Having his Right-Hand Hottie pop in, pretty much in white boxers and a midriff-baring top? Uhm. Inserting a flashback in which Alejandro kisses Ribbon on the cheek and hugs him during a conversation? ... That was the sound of millions of gaydars breaking, people.
- Unwitting Pawn: To FUCKING RIBBONS!
Wang Liu Mei
A beautiful Chinese celebrity who became the head of her house at the tender age of 15. She works as a secret agent, leaking information to Celestial Being, but she also seems to have her own agenda. She wanted the world to change, no matter what cost. Thus behind the scenes, she interacted with... EVERYONE. Good guys, bad guys, she contacted them all. Even after the formation of The Federation, she didn't consider the world changed and continued to do her secret agent stitch. Has a Battle Butler named Hong Long, who turns out to be her elder brother.
It's unclear which side she goes into. She recently picked up the discarded Nena Trinity and made her her Ninja Maid, then she interacted with both Celestial Being AND Ribbons and the Innovators. Her goal is revealed to ascend into a greater being, one of the way is to turn herself into the Innovators in order to look down on other beings. Unfortunately, the moment she belittles Nena and starts dumping her, that's the moment she dug her own grave, as it caused Nena to eventually defect and try to kill her off... an attempt which she survived, but shortly after she came back to finish the job.
Voiced by Kei Shindou (Japanese) and Maryke Hendrikse (English)
- Aloof Little Sister: Towards Hong Long.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Anime Chinese Girl
- Beauty Is Bad
- Big Fancy House: More like an entire Big Fancy Island.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Though she isn't a Rich Bitch, she definitely is one!
- Blue Blood
- Brown Eyes
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Deconstruction: Arguably, she shows what would really happen with The Ojou / Idol Singer type charas that are given political power in Gundam series. Think of Lacus Clyne, then look at Liu Mei again...
- Double Agent
- Dragon Lady
- Enigmatic Minion
- Fan Nickname: China Tits, or less affectionately, China Bitch.
- Femme Fatale
- Freudian Excuse: She became the head of her family and had to bear the burden she didn't want because Hong Long is such a Satellite Character who doesn't have what it takes to lead the family, which leads her to be the Smug Snake she is now.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In her first appearance she takes a drink from a glass that is quite phallic...Actually Christina and Feldt also drink from such containers later in the season.
- Girlish Pigtails: In season 1.
- Hime Cut
- I Just Want to Be Special: She's not contented with her wealth and celebrity status.
- It Amused Me
- It's All About Me: "So what if I'm prolonging a war that's causing thousands of innocent victims all around the world and if I'm manipulating other people? As long as it will change the world to suit me, I don't care about the rest."
- Killed Off for Real
- Lady in Red: Although she wears red most of the time in S2, the dress she wore in the very first episode became her Memetic Outfit for obvious reasons.
- Little Dead Riding Hood
- Male Gaze
- Ms. Fanservice: Her constantly-changing wardrobe is her main appeal to fanboys.
- Oh Crap: She had one, when Nena reveals herself to be her traitor and is about to blow her up.
- Ojou
- Playing Against Type: Her seiyuu is Kei Shindou. Wait... She's voiced by RYUUBI?!. And in English, erm... Bad Lunamaria , anyone?
- Playing Both Sides
- Rapunzel Hair: In the first season, it was long enough to sit on!
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Smug Snake: Mostly because her arrogance eventually ovverode her survival instincts, and because she was a little slow to figure out her usefulness ended with certain parties, and this REALLY bites her on the ass in the worst way imaginable.
- Socialite
- Stripperific: Most of her outfits that are usually Sexy Backless Outfits.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Nena and her.
Hong Long
Hong Long is a loyal servant to Wang Liu Mei and the Wang family which he belongs. While a Celestial Being agent, he has no true loyalties to the organization except to Liu Mei. Even though he's the older brother, he contently accepted the role as Liu Mei's personal assistant and body guard. He's often at Liu Mei's side and vigilant over her safety above his own.
Voiced by Kenji Takahashi (Japanese) and Samuel Vincent (English)
- Abusive Parents: And
possiblysister too! - Anti-Villain: Type IV.
- The Atoner / Subordinate Excuse: The reason he became his sister's bodyguard is to make up for not being able to lead the Wang family.
- Awesome McCoolname: His full name Wang Hong Long means Royal Red Dragon in Chinese. Now how's that!
- Badass Long Hair
- Battle Butler
- Big Brother Instinct: A very sympathetic example.
- Black Sheep
- Blue Blood
- Boom! Headshot!: How Nena killed him.
- Brown Eyes
- Extreme Doormat
- Fallen Prince
- Killed Off for Real
- Love Martyr: Towards his sister. She treats him like shit because she had to take up his responsabilities as leader, yet he remains completely devoted to her out of guilt.
- Meaningful Name: Look up.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Well, blood is thicker than water they say..
- The Quiet One
- Right-Hand Hottie
- Satellite Character
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Taking the Bullet: Shields Liu Mei from Nena..
- Senseless Sacrifice: .. but it didn't take long enough for Nena to kill her too.
- Talking to Himself: Averted. In all versions, Hong Long shares a voice actor with another character, yet he and that character never met or speak with each other.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Undying Loyalty: He dies, but his loyalty definitely didn't.
- The Unfavorite: Just look what his family did to him!