< Mobile Suit Gundam 00 < Characters

Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/Other

Marina Ismail

The elected-in figurehead princess of Azadistan, a country so wrought with civil war that she is able to look out her window at any point in the series and see part of the capital burning. Marina is also the head of the Reformist political party, causing her to be very popular among some of her people, but vehemently hated by the conservatives. Inexperienced as a leader, and being only a figurehead, she often has no control over her country's situation despite her wishes for peace. After attracting the attention (probably not that kind of attention) of Setsuna, she's been unable to shake him off, and now he probably couldn't shake her off.

Voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu (Japanese) and Paula Lindberg (English)

  • Actual Pacifist: Hates weapons so much that she can't even fathom using a gun for self-defense. Somewhat understandable due to her background, but still...
  • Blue Eyes
  • Deconstruction: She's what Relena Peacecraft would be if portrayed in a very cynical (towards pacifism) series, and holy shit, does she get put through the wringer.
    • Also the Idol Singer princess character (think Lacus Clyne). She's very inspiring with a song she writes about peace, and Setsuna says what everyone in the audience is thinking, that she's a lot more competent as a singer/good will ambassador than as the leader of a country- and he meant it as a compliment.
  • Compressed Hair: During her world tour in season 1.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: Probably why she's not Queen, President, or Prime Minister.
    • Arguably more like Everything's Worse With Princesses in this case, as good things rarely happen when Marina's on screen. Either to other characters or Marina herself.
    • Technically, she's mostly a figurehead, albeit one with some measure of diplomatic power, but most to all of her efforts keep getting subverted.
  • Expy: She's the Relena/Lacus to Setsuna's Heero/Kira.
  • Fallen Princess: In season 2.
  • Friend to All Children: In season 2.
  • He Will Not Cry, So I Cry for Him: Does this for Setsuna.
  • Hime Cut
  • Identical Stranger: See Replacement Goldfish below.
  • Neutral Female
  • Odango Hair: Her princess hairstyle in season 1.
  • Platonic Life Partners: According to Setsuna and her, and they make sure to emphasize this.
  • Politically-Active Princess: Although she's not very good at it. While phrased as a compliment, her closest adviser tells her outright that she's far better at charitable work and being a good will ambassador than she is at politics and ruling.
  • Rebellious Princess: Deconstructed. She tries to be one, but never can do anything productive.
  • Replacement Goldfish: To a degree, Setsuna sees her as a mother figure - it doens't help that she does look like a younger version of his Missing Mom.
  • Royal Blood
  • Taking the Bullet: In the last scene of episode 18 of season 2, she blocked a bullet meant for a kid named Josef. Averted in the next episode, as Klaus shoot the gunners down before they pull the trigger.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Team Mom: For the Kataron children in season 2.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Even earlier in Season 1, Shirin came off as more tough compared to Marina, fitting this in an emotional capacity. It just played straighter, with the toughened-up Shirin, in season 2.
  • Trauma Conga Line: pretty much her main purpose, having grown up in a country nearly destroyed through civil war, getting imprisoned because she met Setsuna, and then we he breaks her out she finds that her country was leveled.
  • Woman in White: In the second season.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

Shirin Bakhtiar

Marina's best friend, adviser and lady in waiting, who does not doubt to scold Marina when she hesitates. After the formation of the Earth Sphere Federation, she leaves the Palace and becomes a member of the rebel group Katharon to keep fighting for Azadistan in her own way.

Voiced by Michiko Neya (Japanese) and Ellen Kennedy (English)

Louise Halevy

Ordinary High School Student. Bratty Teenage Daughter. Clingy Jealous Girl in regards to her boyfriend Saji Crossroads. Annoying in the eyes of almost everyone, possibly useless in the plot...

What? Oh My God! Why did someone drop THAT BOMB?! The poor little girl! Why did she lose her family and her hand? SNIFFFF.

That was the story of Miss Louise Halevy, at least in season 1. She survives said ordeals and four years later we see her again, but she's now an embittered and hurt Ill Girl who works for the A-LAWS, hellbent on getting her revenge on Celestial Being, and a combination of her past trauma and background meddling have done neither her body nor her mentality too many favors.

Voiced by Chiwa Saitou (Japanese) and Kelly Sheridan (English)

Saji Crossroad

Introduced as an Ordinary High School Student and neighbor of Setsuna, with no real impact on the plotline. He had a part time job as a pizza delivery boy (his neighbor was in a terrorist paramilitary organization); he dealt with his girlfriend's mother (Azadistan was on the verge of civil war). etc. If he was in trouble, it made the fan base wish something bad would just happen already.

Then, it did. And some more. His older sister was found dead in an alley. His girlfriend was crippled and hospitalized. And everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and now the only people on earth that will take him in is the very terrorist organization he hates the most. Which are the rivals to the military group that took his girlfriend in.... We take it back, Saji. Sorry about that.

Voiced by Miyu Irino (Japanese) and Gabe Khouth (English)

Saji: "I can't pull the trigger. I can only continue to call out to Louise... even so, I... I...!" * gets on the cockpit of the 0 Raiser anyway, since This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself* Wow!

Kinue Crossroad

The older sister to Saji and JNN reporter. She was obsessed with Celestial Being's founder, Aeolia Schenberg. She believes that by investigating into Aeolia, she can uncover the true motives of Celestial Being. Through her investigation, she interviewed Schenberg's great grandson and other people possibly linking to either the Gundams or Schenberg. Later, she suspected Laguna Harvey, president of Linear Train Industries, to be somehow connected to this and wanted to interview him. She couldn't get permission to interview him, but saw Ali Al-Saachez leaving from his estate and hoped to get any sort of information from him... Which was a bad idea. Ali does give her the information she wants - only to kill her afterwards.

Voiced by Aya Endo (Japanese) and Anna Cummer (English)

Ali Al-Saachez

By his own admission, the worst kind of human to ever exist. Ali starts out as a freedom fighter who recruits kids to fight in the name of 'God', this turns out to be false, as he didn't believe in God and was just a terrorist, period. One of those kids was Setsuna, and he also assaulted Ireland at one point, killing Lockon's parents and little sister. Later he became a mercenary and was reunited with Setsuna in battle. He continues to do really nefarious things afterwards, notably bribing and then killing Intrepid Reporter Kinue Crossroad For the Evulz.

Next, he meets up with Team Trinity, and kills Johann and Michael... for the lulz, incidentally hitting the karmic hammer to their sister Nena (who had killed Louise's family). He stole Michael's Throne Zwei and was about to kill Nena, until he was interrupted by Setsuna, and the activation of Trans-Arm forced him to retreat. He is later seen in space and engaged in a fatal battle with Lockon; Ali got the Throne Zwei damaged heavily, but he managed to kill Lockon. When The Federation was formed, Ali was frustrated since it takes away his joy: war.

But it didn't really happen as apparently Ribbons hired him. And the next thing he did in his debut on the second season is... burning down the whole Azadistan, probably for the lulz... But he finally bought the farm, at Lyle's hands no less.

Voiced by Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese) and Scott McNeil (English)

  • Ace Pilot: In the race for being the best of the series, on par with Graham Aker and possibly even innovator Setsuna. Feats include matching the Exia in swordplay (in an enact and in Throne Zwei) and taking on both Seravee and 00 at the same time, and coming out on top (in the Arche).
  • Arch Enemy
  • Attack Drones: Both the Throne Zwei and the Arche were equipped with these.
  • Ax Crazy
  • Badass
  • Badass Beard of Evil: Shaves it in the second half of the first season. Sports it again during the entire second season.
  • Badass Boast: After seeing Setsuna and Marina arrive to a recently-razed Azadistan, which is his own doing by the way, this exchange occurs:

Setsuna F. Seiei: That's a Gundam. And its color... IMPOSSIBLE!
Ali Al-Saachez: That's right! I'm that impossibility!

Klaus Grado

He is the commander and the de facto leader of the Katharon Rebel Group, which opposes the Earth Sphere Federation and its elite squad A-Laws.

Voiced by Tokuyoshi Kawashima (Japanese) and Alistair Abell (English)

Tropes associated with Klaus:

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