Mobile Suit Gundam 00/Characters/A Laws
''Tropes asociated with the A-LAWS:
A-Laws as a whole
- Elite Mooks
- Evil Army
- Expy: Of The Titans
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Homer Katagiri
- The Dragon: Arthur Goodman
- Evil Geniuses: Aber Lindt, Kati Mannequin and Billy Katagiri
- The BruteS: Graham Aker and Soma Peries
- The Dark Chicks: Patrick Colasour and Andrei Smirnov
- Tagalong Kid: Louise Halevy
- Sacrificial Lion: Barrack Zinin
- Sixth Rangers: Revive Revival, Bring Stabity, Hilling Care and Devine Nova
- Sixth Ranger Traitors: Soma Peries, Kati Mannequin and Patrick Colasour, among others
- Good-Looking Privates
- Secret Police
- Sociopathic Soldier: Most of their members, except Barrack Zinin.
- State Sec
Homer Katagiri
The head commander of A-Laws and uncle to Billy Katagiri.
Voiced by Ryuzaburo Ohtomo (Japanese) and Brian Drummond (English)
- Better to Die Than Be Killed
- Desk Jockey
- Evil Uncle
- Grumpy Old Man
- Killed Off for Real
- Kubrick Stare
- Meaningful Name: Coming from Greek Mythology.
- Mentor Archetype: To Mr. Bushido
- Non-Action Big Bad
- Old Soldier
- Seppuku
Arthur Goodman
A-Laws officer charged with anti-Kataron operations.
Voiced by Hisao Egawa (Japanese) and Jason Simpson (English)
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Brigadier
- Dirty Coward
- Dragon Their Feet: To Homer.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appeared in the season 1 finale.
- Fan Nickname: Colonel Fatass.
- Fat Bastard
- Killed Off for Real
- Last-Episode New Character: See Early-Bird Cameo.
- Non-Action Guy
- Non-Indicative Name: His name is Arthur and his last name is Goodman!?
- Smug Snake
- Ted Baxter
Aber Lindt
An A-Laws commander. He is shown to be somewhat arrogant and overconfident in his abilities.
Voiced by Kazuki Yao (Japanese) and Andrew Toth (English)
- Big No: His final words as the explosion of the first Memento Mori consumes him.
- Evil Albino
- Evil Genius
- Killed Off for Real
- Modern Major-General
- Non-Action Guy
- Playing Against Type: His seiyuu is one of many past VAs who previously voiced a Gundam protagonist this season. In his case, Judau Ashta.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Smug Snake
- The Strategist
- Spell My Name with an "S": Aber Rindt? Aber Lindt? Abra Rindt? Or Arba Lindt?
- Thirteen Is Unlucky: Dies in episode 13.
Barrack Zinin
An A-Laws MS commander. He pilots an Ahead. Initially looking down on Louise Halevy, he often shows a great concern for her due to her young age, often chastising her for her reckless behavior on the battlefield.
Voiced by Tetsu Inada (Japanese) and Mark Gibbon (English)
- A Father to His Men
- Anti-Villain
- Determined Widow
- Fatal Family Photo
- Good Is Not Nice
- Hair of Gold
- Killed Off for Real
- Large and In Charge
- Sacrificial Lion
- Shout-Out: His name.
- Stuffed in The Fridge
- Team Dad
Andrei Smirnov
First introduced in the second season, Andrei is the estranged son of Sergei Smirnov and member of the A-Laws. He holds a grudge against his father for not protecting his mother 14 years before the beginning of the second season and joins the HRL military and later the A-Laws to forge his own path. Later in the story, Andrei meets Louise Halevy and develops an interest as he sees her more suited as a lady then a soldier, often protecting her in battle. After the AEU's orbital elevator collapse as a result of a coup d'état by the Federation's military, Andrei kills his father in a fit of rage when he assumes that Sergei sided with the coup d'état forces.
In the finale, Andrei eventually comes to terms with his father's actions and in the epilogue, continues to serve in the Federation army in relief efforts in order to live up to his mother and father's hopes for the world.
Voiced by Tetsu Shiratori (Japanese) and Brent Miller (English)
- All Love Is Unrequited: He couldn't properly court Louise for his akward personality and Parental Issues and for the fact that Louise and Saji are Star-Crossed Lovers.
- The Atoner: In the epilogue.
- Completely Missing the Point: And how.
- Early-Bird Cameo
- Easily Forgiven: By Soma/Marie, altough it's because of the Trans-Am Burst.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Expy: Since Saji is an Expy to Hathaway and Louise being to Quess, that makes him the Gyunei's, since he is part of the Love Triangle and he is the comanding officer to Louise like how Gyunei is the comanding officer to Quess, as well as having a love rival on the opposite side of the war.
- Freudian Excuse: For killing Sergei, it's to avenge his mother. For attempting to kill Saji, it's because he blames him for Louise's deteriorating medical condition.
- Heel Realization
- Hopeless Suitor: To Louise.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Towards Sergei. Oh so much. Later in the story, he concluded and accused Saji of being a "Bastard Boyfriend" to Louise.
- Hypocrite: Tried to pursuade Louise to abandon his grudge against Celestial Being, yet his grudge against Sergei bears no difference to hers at all.
- Ignored Enemy: By Setsuna and Saji in the final battle.
- Jerkass
- Karma Houdini: Subtle and neat subversion. He survived the final battle even if he killed his own father in a fit of rage. However, after his last heart-to-heart with Marie he has actually realized what he has done, and the prospect of living with his own terrible guilt for his actions, unable to forgive himself and knowing that his love for his Missing Mom robbed him of forgiving his Disappeared Dad, sounds like a much more fitting punishment for the series' Scrappy. This Troper likes to say "it's a Fate Worse Than Death, without physical consequences".
- Double-subverted in The Movie, where he finally gets his Redemption Equals Death.
- Love At First Sight: To Louise.
- Love Makes You Evil: To both Holly and Louise.
- Lzherusskie
- Military Brat / It Runs in The Family
- Moment Killer: Twice! First when he killed Sergei just after the world had a moment of unity. And second when he interferes with Saji while the latter is reaching to Louise via Quantum brainwaves.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: In episode 19, he decided upon himself that since Louise couldn't bring herself to kill Saji, he will do the job. During episode 24, he attacks the 00-Raiser mistaking Saji as its main pilot, blaming him as the cause of Louise's further stress and deterioration. Saji's co-pilot sweeps him away and disabled his Ahead, foiling his plan.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Finally realized his mistake thanks to a heartfelt
conversationtelepathy with Marie. - Not Good with People
- Parental Issues: OH, BOOOOOOOY. Where do we start?!
- Poor Communication Kills: Literaly!
- The Resenter: Towards Sergei. And after killing him, he shifted towards Saji.
- Self-Made Orphan
- Stalker with a Crush:
Occasionallytowards Louise. - Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Ungrateful Bastard: He killed his father and the man who helped him in joining the military for cryin' out loud! And when his adoptive sister hunts him down to pay for it, he is spared because one of her comrades stopped her. In the end of the episode, he plans on killing that guy too!
- Unknown Love Rival: To Saji. Moreso during the last seven episodes.
- Yandere: Yes, even though he's not that loose, he's definitely one.