< Medaka Box

Medaka Box/Characters

A listing of characters in Medaka Box. You may wish to go get a drink, as due to the infamous Genre Shift, there are effectively three casts—the original cast of the Slice of Life manga, the cast of the fighting manga, and the cast of the meta Deconstruction manga.

Note: All names are written in Eastern order, with the family name first.

Spoilers abound. Read at own risk. Work in progress.

Student Council

Kurokami Medaka

Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki

Medaka is literally better than everybody, no matter how accomplished. The student council president, elected with 98% of the vote, Medaka is one of the mysterious abnormals -- genetically perfect human beings. In addition to being vastly better than average, this manifests itself in a special power—she has the ability to take other people's special power along with their personality and master them instantly, then use them at will. This ability is known as "The End".

Near the end of the Flask Plan Arc, it turns out she has an even more terrifying nature hidden beneath that.


  • The Ace: Despite her eccentric nature, she nonetheless is extremely popular (at least supported by most of the school). And her abilities just keep growing. If she's outmatched, she'll overcome it. Even enemies will come to her aid.
  • Ahoge: Medaka has one, but (apparently) lacks the associated character trait. Unless you run with Zenkichi's theory:

Zenkichi: She's so smart she passes right back into stupid.

  • Action Girl
  • Always Someone Better: Medaka plays this role to everyone else. Ultimately Deconstructed, however: She can and does copy any physical ability she sees and any other character's "abnormal" power she comes in contact with. This means she can copy, say, Akune's "superhuman" abnormality, or Maguro's "perfection" abnormality... but she can also absorb and perfect things that shouldn't be perfected, like an abnormal desire to kill others, or the abnormal ability to cause everything you touch to decay. Thus she is sometimes forced to sit out a fight in favor of someone else on the team, lest she absorb and improve that one thing from her opponent that she shouldn't.
  • Animals Hate Her: Medaka, due to the animals being able to sense her force of personality, but not the intent. This comes into play in Chapter 2, when Medaka takes on an animal rescue where the dog has gone feral, but flees from her due to this.
  • Animal Theme Naming: She is named after a fish.
  • A Mother To Her Friends
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Before the Time shift, it was often shown that she had a military strength Sherlock Scan. For example, the way she found the saboteur of the racing girl bordered far beyond Crazy Prepared (She read the newspapers every day. All of them, and remembered each one perfectly).
  • Badass Abnormal
  • Badass in Charge
  • Bi the Way: She doesn't differentiate between sexes. At all.
  • Big Good
  • Big Eater: A bigger one than Shiranui
  • Berserk Button:
    • For Medaka, it's putting her friends in mortal danger.
    • Also her older brother can force her into War God Mode and later Altered God Mode in less than 10 seconds.
  • The Berserker: Medaka doesn't have a middle ground. Either she is a consumated pacifist and willing to love people equally or she is ready to beat you to an inch of your life and wounds, enemies and buildings be damned.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Done by Oudo to create his "perfect mate".
  • Broken Pedestal: To Kikaijima in chapter 118 after she realizes that Medaka really can't understand the feelings of others.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Played with. While she doesn't devour her enemies, her Plus "The End" allow her to somewhat copy (by devouring them in a methaphysical plane, apparently) any Plus/Minus and use it to its utmost perfection. Regardless of what kind of Plus/Minus might be.
  • Character Tic: Has a habit of imitating other people's poses.
  • Charm Person: Her titanic force of will transforms into this. As stated by the President, there is no way Medaka could had managed (without resorting to Drugs or Mass Brainwashing) 98% of Votes by normal means.Possibly subverted when it's revealed that only half of the student body actually bothered to vote, meaning that she got votes from 98% of 50% of the school, or 49% in all. And some of them, Shiranui for example, only voted for Medaka because Zenkichi was helping her.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Subtle and not completely defined with Zenkichi. That is, until chapter 140
    • And the only reason it didn't happen earlier was that Medaka proposed to Zenkichi when he was two and he rejected her out of hand. She took the rejection of a two-year-old seriously and became convinced that Zenkichi had "friend-zoned" her.
  • Child Prodigy: Medaka at 1 year old had read the entire contents of a large library and was able to solve math problems that had professors stumped.
  • Cleavage Window
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Medaka flirted with becoming this once or twice before the Genre Shift, whenever she thinks Zenkichi and Shiranui might be getting a bit too close. There's also her annoyed looks at Zenkichi when Nabeshima flirts with him in Chapter 5, and when Kikaijima ends up atop him trying to kiss him in Chapter 13.
  • Cry Cute: The cutest.
  • Custom Uniform of Sexy: In no way, form or context her school uniform could be considered whiting school regulations.
  • Demoted to Extra: She has been getting less and less screen time as the series progresses, thanks to a combination of Invincible Hero and side characters being fleshed out. The Medaka's Successor Arc intentionally looks for her replacement.
  • Determinator: Broken bones, ripped tendons, perforated lungs, losing pint after pint of blood, even being impaled in the chest and infected with a Minus; nothing but small annoyances to Her.
  • Friendless Background: During her childhood before Zenkichi.
  • Gainaxing: There is alot of this in just the first episode granted that it is Gainax though.
  • Handicapped Badass: Her "Forsaken God Mode" actually makes her slightly weaker than her opponent, leaving her free to fight without any restraint.
  • The Hero
  • Heroic BSOD: She loses it in Chapter 71 when Zenkichi does a heroic sacrifice to take down Kumagawa.
    • She also completely breaks down in Chapter 139, when Zenkichi not only defeats her in the student council election, he crushes her. The very concept of failure is so alien to her that she literally cannot cope with it. It takes Ajimu attempting to commit suicide and the reveal about her Simulated Reality Disorder to snap her out of it.
  • Hypocrite: In the fight against Kumugawa, Medaka asks him what the problem is with not wanting to lose. In chapter 115, she chews Zenkichi out... for not wanting to lose.
  • Hypocritical Humor: In chapter 134, Medaka exclaims that she thinks no one in the world should have everything go the way they want it too, and Kenichi rightly points out that, out of anyone, she has the least right to say that.
  • The Glomp: Frequently delivers tackling hugs to Zenkichi.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers
  • Important Haircut: After the Medaka’s Successor Arc she has Zenkichi cut her short, the style she had when the two first meet. Most likely done to symbolize her new lease on life.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills
  • Ineffectual Loner: She needs people, in order to be somebody. Anybody. Without people she is... only stats and abilities, very similar to her step-brother Tsurubami, a thing of enormous power, but without purpose, happiness, or orientation. "Live for People Happiness" is her Goal in Life after all.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl
  • Invincible Hero: Played with and Deconstructed.
  • Heroic Bastard.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Won after the fight against Munakata Kei, even when she didn't face him.
  • The Juggernaut: She moved an entire building in her fight against Unzen, stating that as Student Council President it was withing her rights to carrying buildings if she deemed necessary.
  • Knight in Sour Armour: As she stated recently, she doesn't remotely believe in the absurd notion that all humans are inherently good, but she does like and believe that she can redeem most people. Her fundamental personality is most similar to Tsurubami of all other characters, except switching introversion for extroversion.
  • Kuudere
  • The Messiah: Believes that everyone can be saved. May actually be right. Subverted in chapter 117 with Ajimu revealing that Medaka murdered someone -- a father figure no less.
    • except it's revealed in chapter 141 that the only hand she had in it was as the prize in a battle to the death over her hand in marriage.
  • Might Makes Right: Called out by Unzen of all people.
  • Mistress and Servant Boy: Her relationship with Zenkichi sometimes borders in this.
  • Mega Manning Power Parasite: The End, her Abnormal power. She instantly gains any skill or ability (including Abnormal abilities) that she comes into contact with -- and improves upon them.
  • Ms. Fanservice:

Medaka: [Lingerie Pose]What's the point if I can't show my toned body then?

Hitoyoshi Zenkichi

Voiced by: Yuki Ono

Medaka's main man and punching bag. He's been with her since both of them were learning to speak, and his enthusiasm has rubbed off on Medaka. Has grown into a bit of a Knight in Sour Armor due to years of dealing with Medaka and having started to give up hope about her returning his affections; Zenkichi is special because he's perfectly normal,[1] but able to keep up with Medaka and the other Abnormals in single combat. Maguro refers to it as "Normal-cool."


  • Above the Influence: When presented with the a situation in which confessing to Medaka would have assuredly made her his, he rejects it. After all, that wasn't the Medaka he'd been following all those years.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: The anime makes his hair almost the same colour as Akune's, much more yellow blond than in the manga.
  • Almighty Janitor: Though he is good at helping others and a capable fighter, he is only "General Affairs Manager" within the student council, which is pretty much the lowest rank in the student council.
  • Animal Motifs: Has often been compared to a dog, due to his loyalty to Medaka. He gives himself the nickname "Medaka-Chan's pitbull".
  • Anti-Hero: Was actually the one who gave Medaka her reason to live, and though he still protects those ideals, he's not as enthusiastic about it
  • Anti-Magic: Zenkichi's new "Devil-style" Skill nullifies Plot Armor.
  • Audience Surrogate: Being essentially "the ordinary guy who follows the monster", he's bound to have this role. He acts as a straight man for most characters, but isn't completely without his own quirks (see Cloudcuckoolander).
  • Back from the Dead: He died after being bitten by the vipers while fighting Kumagawa, but then had a conversation with a long-lost schoolmate and returned to life with his eyes restored.
  • Badass Longcoat: A school uniform variant when Zenkichi takes parts of the summer and winter uniforms to make his own. In a subversion, everyone else thinks it looks stupid. And his mother repairs it, with martial arts sewing.
  • Badass Abnormal: After visiting the other world she was giving a Plus power by Najimi called "parasite seeing", which allow him to see the world as others see it.
  • Beleaguered Assistant
  • Berserk Button: Mess with his friends or make Medaka cry and he would end you... no matter what.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Though he initially comes off as the abused sane man of the series, Zenkichi is much more athletic than he lets on, being a grandmaster martial artist (due to years of being Medaka's punching bag). Anyone stupid enough to give him a reason to fight back (namely, get Medaka upset enough that she asks him to) quickly learns that he's not just a slacker.
  • Big Bad Friend / Hostile Show Takeover: As of chapter 116. Following Medaka's unfortunately timed taunting of his normality, Ajimu convinces him to become the main character. He does so in order to teach Medaka the meaning (and, more importantly, the value) of failure.
  • Boring but Practical: His fighting style compared to other characters.
  • Butt Monkey: Between being dragged around by Medaka, manipulated by Shiranui, insulted by his upperclassmen Akune and Kumagawa, it's no wonder he's so vitriolic. Of the main cast, he's the most likely candidate for physical or verbal abuse. This comes to a head in chapter 115 -- Medaka taunts and punches him for not being able to solve the first puzzle of her treasure hunting game, and Ajimu shows up right afterwards, convincing him that Medaka needs to understand failure -- and as the other main character, he's the only one who can defeat her.
  • Characterization Marches On: Starts out as the character more likely to use physical force against certain antagonists (in contrast to Medaka's more diplomatic, if harsh methods). Later on, while still protective of Medaka, solves his problems and fights through talking.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Despite being completely normal bar Parasite Seeing, he's performed some superhuman feats, such as an earth-shaking stomp, and even running up walls.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Has initially been longing it for ages, true as of chapter 140
  • Crazy Prepared: He created perfect models of handguns and bazookas and trained daily on how to dissarm them just in case.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: The only person that truly understands Medaka.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Cowardly Lion: Somewhat understandable, considering some of the abilities seen in the series. Zenkichi is often intimidated or outright afraid of certain foes like Kumagawa. However, he'll still put it aside and do what needs to be done.
  • Determinator: Zenkichi in general, but especially if Medaka is watching.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Almost the Trope Codifier, since he only seems to truly smile correspondingly of how bad the situation is.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Zenkichi has a breakdown in chapter 126 when he realizes he is this in regards to Medaka. He wangsts to himself that he's no better than a Stalker with a Crush and wants to die from sheer embarassment.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Played with. He starts the series known primarily as Medaka's lapdog, and doesn't get much attention other than that. Gradually, other characters see his good traits, and respect him more.
  • Extremity Extremist: His savate fighting style is very reliant on kicks
  • Face Heel Turn: As of chapter 117. He does it to be the "main character" to rise against Medaka and prove his worth to her. She takes the revelation surprisingly well.
    • It's important to note, however, the extent of his Face Heel Turn is to Tell Medaka she's wrong. In response, she slams his head into the ground and then announces she's going to show off her new Unstoppable Rage mode against him.
  • The Fettered
  • Freak-Out: Has an absurdly over the top one when he finally realizes that he's in love with Medaka and really just wants to go out with her. It's absurd because it is in every way a typical Freak-Out, except over something rather mundane. It just totally shatters his self image as an aloof, disinterested actor and he has to be assured that, really, this is completely understandable and normal.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: While Zenkichi's is shown to be very deadly in tae-kwon-do, karate and jujitsu, is in his battle against Munakata that his forte is shown: Savate, the quintessential street fight technique.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Forgoes his chance to confess to Medaka, by snapping her out of it, telling her that she has to find out her reason to live herself.. There have also been instances where he's alright with Medaka being with someone else, though that may be due to his own insecurity.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Somewhat
  • Jack of All Stats: While obviously not supremely talented in nearly everything as Medaka, Zenkichi has shown proficient abilities at various sports, martial arts, and befriending others. As he was known as the "Club Typhoon", he's picked up various skills.
  • Living Emotional Crutch
  • The Lancer: Due to his close relationship with Medaka, he defaults to the leader position when she's not around.
  • Made of Iron: Survives getting blades and screws skewered into him.
  • Morality Chain: This is to Medaka, giving her the desire of "Making everyone happy" when kids and maintaining her what little sanity she still posses since then. This is double with the Genre Shift and the appearance of Kumagawa. This becomes a running theme for him -- both Shiranui and Emukae Mukae also are kept mostly in check because of his friendship.
  • Mr. Exposition: Zenkichi ends up doing this during some fights, especially when it comes to Medaka's past.
  • Nice Guy: To the point it seems as an Abnormal Ability on par with Medaka. So far he had managed to turn around 3 extremely cynic/Jerkass with nothing but honesty and his force of personality. As put by Shiranui, he is too sweet to stomach.
  • Poisonous Friend: Arguably at the beginning. He even claimed that his job was to go around bringing down people Medaka didn't.
  • Power of Friendship: Weaponized and perfected by Zenkichi's.
  • Put on a Bus: Yes, and he's a main character. Zenkichi only appears in the opening bit of the Treasure Hunt, after which he's promptly left behind.
  • Running Gag: Zenkichi walking into the Student Council room while someone's undressing.
  • Spanner in the Works: Zenkichi defeating and befriending Munekata after taking over for Medaka. The leader of the Flask Plan had intended for Medaka to befriend him, not the other way around. He does it again to Ajimu's plan. Deep down she wanted him to fail since that would mean that she had failed by proxy (thus restoring her faith in reality). His victory over Medaka pushed her to commit suicide in despair (barely averted by Medaka).
  • Stalker with a Crush: Zenkichi's big realization in Chapter 126 is that Medaka doesn't return his feelings, which means he's basically been stalking her for years without any concern for her feelings. He's wrong, as shown by Medaka's Berserker Rage when she thought he had taken Kumagawa with him.
  • Student Council President
  • Subordinate Excuse: The main reason he goes along with Medaka's antics. Over as of chapter 116 when he realizes he hasn't been doing her any favors by acting like this.
  • Supporting Protagonist: The primary viewpoint character of the series, but focused primarily on the antics of Medaka.
  • Taking You with Me: The conclusion of chapter 70, where Zenkichi tries to kill Kumagawa by stomping the net so hard they both fall into the viper pit.
  • Theory of Narrative Causality: Zenkichi's "Devil Style" allows him to defy this. In other words, he becomes the sort of the character that wouldn't be the main character of a story.
    • You could say that his ability lets him avoid the tropes that usually affect main characters e.g. Crash Into Hello, Plot Armor, etc.
  • Touched by Vorlons: When Ajimu gives him "Parasite-Seeing" to replace his lost eyesight.
  • Weak but Skilled: While fairly strong physically, Zenkichi has had to rely more on crazy-preparedness to handle some of the superpowered foes in the series.
  • When He Smiles: Zenkichi, who is normally The Comically Serious or the Butt Monkey, gives the most beautiful, angelic smile in the entire series right before he sends both him and Kumagawa to their certain deaths.
    • He does this with Shiranui as well, showing that he's her loyal friend, despite her joining the Minus Class.
  • Worthy Opponent: Medaka and Ajimu both hope that he will become this for Medaka, presumably for different reasons.
  • Would Hit a Girl: While he does express some reluctance at "seriously kicking a girl", he nevertheless will fight them if it's a serious situation.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 1 with Shiranui to the reader and every one else until he turned her around
    • He's pretty vitriolic with most of his friends including Medaka, but is nevertheless quite loyal. This relationship even extends to KUMAGAWA of all people.

Kikaijima Mogana

Voiced by: Ai Kayano

Mogana is the treasurer of the Swim Club who participated in the Student Council's challenge for club funding. She seemed greedy at first, but she later revealed in a dramatic monologue that she and the others in the club only wanted the money to escape their poor living conditions. After the swim meet, Medaka convinced her to join the Student Council as their Treasurer. She has a significant amount of subtext with Zenkichi and Medaka—or at least did, before the Genre Shift (after which she gets some with Kumagawa of all people).

Post-shift, it turns out that Mogana is a Special person (between Normal and Abnormal) with a good head for numbers, and abilities gained from her extensive swimming experience, such as the power to hold her breath for extended periods of time, and the use of sound waves to attack.


Akune Kouki

Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa

A reformed hooligan and former Number Two of the school's Judo Club, Kouki has decided to make Medaka his wife and joined the Student Council as secretary at her request. Unfortunately, Zenkichi has other ideas. Well known for enjoying dirty tricks in combat (but not to the extent of the official Combat Pragmatists).


  • The Atoner: For his violent and shady past as Kumagawa's wing man.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Badass Normal: Again, nowhere near Zenkichi's levels. He's still able to hold his own, but not against an abnormal, God forbid a minus.
  • Bishounen: Also a Long-Haired Pretty Boy.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower
  • Day in The Limelight: The Treasure Hunt, and the Medaka's Successor Arc in general has put some focus back on Akune.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: To Medaka. He eventually gets over it.
  • Genius Bruiser: Though primarily known as 'Prince of Judo', he's extremely talented in calligraphy. The Medaka's Successor Arc also focuses on his quick thinking and resourcefulness.
  • Mega Manning: Though not to the extent of Medaka, he showed the ability to utilize Kikaijima's shout and Zenkichi's stomp.
  • Meta Fiction: He is a direct reference to a traditional manga hero, and how the male part of the audience tends to turn that character into a pointless destroyer in fanfiction, whereas the female part turns the same concept into a bishonen on a white stallion, but then having that character mature beyond them, learn from their viewpoints, and move onwards. It is explicitly stated, but still a bit of a Genius Bonus.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Invoked. Naze tells Kouki to get off Koga, who he had pinned to the ground, in case anyone mistook him for a pervert.
  • Right-Hand Hottie: Well, he is Student Council secretary.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: In middle school he wore his jacket open, with only a Sarashi underneath.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Despite being quite a gentleman, he won't hold back against women, evidenced in his takedown of Koga and Wanitsuka.

Hakoniwa Academy Students

Nabeshima Nekomi

The head of the Judo Club who reportedly has the hots for Zenkichi. Pre-Genre Shift, she came up with a plan to have her own Number Two (Akune) fight Zenkichi in a Judo match, with the deal that if Akune won, he would go to the Student Council and cozy up to Medaka while Zenkichi would join her in the Judo club. It didn't work out. She also put her club through the swim meet, hoping to get some of the Student Council's funding, though her team didn't do so well there either.

Post-Genre Shift, Nabeshima is referred to as the "Foul King," being able to keep up with Abnormals simply through Combat Pragmatist techniques both in and out of her Judo training. She even survived Kumagawa's massacre of the Abnormals at the end of the Flask Plan Arc due to simply faking her own death during the attack, and seemed genuinely surprised that no one else thought of it.



Senior of Class 11 and Captain of the Swim Club.



Junior in Class 11 and Vice-Captain of the Swim Club.


Unzen Myouga

A member of Class 13 (though technically not a member of the 13 Party). Sister of the head of the Enforcers Unzen Myouri who speaks in her own language that only her brother Myouri and Medaka can understand. She wields three pairs of small wrecking balls around with her, but without them she becomes incredibly agile.


  • Covert Pervert: Enjoys dirty jokes, and, according to her brother, always talks about breasts. It's only covert because no one can understand what she says.
  • Cypher Language: She dislikes the normal world so much that she made up her own language composed entirely of Arabic numbers, to the point where she can even make dirty jokes with it.
  • Lightning Cute Bruiser: She can throw around 30 kg metal ball and chains like nothing, and she's chained to six of them to boot. Taking off the ball and chains gives her a massive increase in speed.

Hinokage Kuudou

Senior of Class 13 and Medaka's predecessor as the 97th President of the Hakoniwa Student Council. His Abnormality is called "Unknown Hero," as he literally has the ability to disappear out of sight and out of mind. His size and build are so intimidating that most people subconsciously forgot he even existed, and Kuudou in turn protected the school for a whole year from the shadows. However, he was coaxed to come out of retirement by Medaka when he discovers the threat the -13 Class poses to the entire school.


The Enforcers

The school's hall monitors, morals committee and police force wrapped up into one. Lead by Unzen Myouri. Each Enforcer is reportedly equipped with a special suit called Snow White that can withstand high temperatures and high impact at the expense of mobility.


Unzen Myouri

The first member of the 13 Party that Medaka ends up fighting (and arguably the start of the Genre Shift). Called the "Monster Child" under the Flask Plan, as he is physically only 10 years old but is mentally mature enough to have skipped several grades and have an interest in big-breasted women. He attacks with explosive superballs and carries string made from the same material as his Snow White suit.


Onigase Harigane

A Freshman from Class 3 who happens to be a Special person (better than "Normal," but not at "Abnormal" level). She is an incredibly strict follower of the rules who lives by the motto, "Rule with an Iron Rod." Her weapon of choice is a pair of metallic American handcuffs, which led to an interesting predicament in one chapter. Still, she does have some respect for the Student Council's work.


Yobuko Fue

Myouri's Number Two on the Enforcers who hasn't really done much in the story other than give comfort to him.


Class 13

Class 13/Flask Plan Members

Tropes as a group

Takachiho Shigusa

A dark-hued man from the 13 Party, nicknamed "Hard Wrapping." His abnormal ability is the power to use his reflexes to instantly counter-attack anything he is hit with, usually without even realizing it.


Munakata Kei

With the project name of "Last Carpet," Kei Munakata is a weapons aficionado with the power to pull anything from small knives to a rocket launcher from his uniform thanks to training from Medaka's brother. He has the personality of a serial killer though he has never actually killed anyone.


  • Ax Crazy: Though he stops feeling this way after killing someone for the first time in his life -- and realizes that killing is boring.
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Combat Pragmatist: During Munakata's fight with Kumagawa, he doesn't hesitate to target Kikaijima, forcing Kumagawa to take hits he could otherwise dodge. Then again, Kikaijima was also one of his targets since she attacked him first.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship
  • Discard and Draw: Almost literally. After discarding all of his weapons he gains Super Speed that makes him far more dangerous unarmed.
  • Evil Counterpart: Not evil per say, but definitely a foil for Zenkichi; both are among the more serious members of their respective groups. While not the strongest members of their groups, they are among the most determined. And it turns out they share a a pacifist side.
  • For the Evulz

"I don't kill for no reason, I have reasons to kill. I'll kill you because I don't want to fight you. I'll kill you because you're in my way. I'll kill you because the weather's nice. I'll kill you because my phone's batteries are low. I'll kill you because I had a good dream. I'll kill you because I'm in a hurry. And I'll kill you for no reason at all. (To Medaka in particular) I'll kill you because the chairman told me not to."

Koga Itami

Another of the 13 Party with the codename "Best Pain." Unlike some Abnormals who hated their own ability, Koga grew up wishing that she was more than just a normal person. As luck would have it, she became friends with the most Abnormal girl in her classroom who remade her into a sort of cyborg with Abnormal abilities. She is incredibly flexible and can even shock people, but the trade-off is she feels extra amounts of pain and her muscles drain energy quicker than normal people.


Naze Youka AKA Kurokami Kujira

The resident Mad Scientist of the 13 Party and Medaka's long-lost sister. Often seen with a face wrapped in bandages and a knife lodged in her head (though it seems to be more of a weird fashion statement). Her theory is that true genius could only come through a life of suffering, so despite being born into a wealthy, caring family, she shut herself off from the comforts of a normal life to focus on studying and improving herself. The only person she really let close to her was Koga.


Yukuhashi Mizou

Mizou is a member of the 13 Party with the Project name of "Rabbit Labyrinth." Mizou's face is usually seen hiding behind a mask. Unlike the others, Mizou is not quite interested in the Flask Plan so much as Mizou is interested in Oudo.

In the past, Mizou found that he had the power to read not just minds, but the electrical impulses that carries thoughts through one's mind, which meant he could even hear machines that used electricity. This power nearly drove him insane and he couldn't shut out anyone's stray thoughts. However, Oudo showed up one day and cancelled out everyone's thoughts with his own power, and Mizou followed him around ever since.


Miyakonojou Oudo

A self-centered man who refers to himself as "The King" and is arguably the most powerful member of the 13 Party. At first he claimed his abnormality was "Significant Words," or controlling people just by verbally ordering them. However, Oudo later demonstrated this was just a ruse: His true power comes from controlling the electrical impulses running through human nerves to the point where even Medaka has difficulty resisting them.

He also has a special move called "Unreasonable Taxation," where he can expand on his power to control electrical impulses and steal the ability of another Abnormal nearby. This nearly proves fatal when he tries to use it on Medaka near the end of the Flask Plan Arc.


Class 13 / Plus Six Members

Members of the 13 Party who were able to pass the impassable door into the research lab some time after Maguro left. They have been practically Demoted to Extra. Their abilities are briefly alluded to when they end up fighting "The Loser Team" so Medaka and the Student Council can continue their descent into the research lab. However, outside of a couple chapters, one can only infer how the battle went, since Kumagawa slaughtered both sides upon his introduction into the story and they were never mentioned again.

Itoshima Gunki

Senior of Class 13 with the Project codename "Death Watch." Possibly the leader of the Plus Six.

Yunomae Otome

An apathetic Junior of Class 13 with the Project codename "Free World." Seen blowing a bubblegum bubble. She can apparently take a punch right through her body without flinching.

Hyakuchou Hamaya

Junior of Class 13 with the Project codename "Love." Has an Abnormal power possibly related to archery, though it is never shown. Unzen suspects he might be the leader of the Plus Six.

Chikuzen Yutori

Senior of Class 13 with the codename "Trick or Treatment." Her Abnormality lets her manipulate her long hair and use it as a weapon. She reportedly speaks in Kansai-ben.

Tsurumisaki Yamami

Junior of Class 13, codenamed "Star Master." He dresses in formal Western attire and can apparently melt metal with his fingers.

Kamimine Shoko

Senior of Class 13, codenamed "Dental Shoes." All that is shown about her is that she can catch bullets with her mouth.

Class 13 / Others

Choujabaru Tokemichi

The Election Management's vice chairperson. Is the referee of the election/battles between the Student Council and Class Minus 13, due to him being 100% neutral and fair.


Minus 13

After the conclusion of the Flask Plan Arc, Kumagawa took it upon himself to fill the power vacuum by singlehandedly beating up almost the entire Class 13 upon his introduction and introducing his own Class -13 into the school. Currently, the class only has about four members (five, if you count Shiranui), but Medaka and the Student Council fear what could happen if the others arrive. They are extremely traumatized, pessimistic, or mentally shut off from reality, and eventually turn out to really mostly be unhinged broken birds, and to genuinely care for each other.

Tropes as a group

Kumagawa Misogi

A boy with an abnormality so large that it cannot be properly measured. He first met Medaka during their psychosomatic evaluation at the hospital, when both were just two years old. He was already pessimistic at that point, but fell in love with the hope-inspiring Medaka. He later became student body president, and employed Akune as an enforcer. After he seemingly made his outwardly friendly and harmless girlfriend Najimi, literally lose her face, Medaka beat him to within an inch of his life. In fact, he had not killed her, but discovered her true nature, and sealed her off from reality.

He later returned with an almost permanent smile affixed to his face, but incredibly ravaged, depressed, damaged, and chaotic inside. His abnormal ability initially seems to be healing, but then turns out to be "All-Fiction," or the ability to undo causality. It later is revealed his power is actually "Book Maker", and he somehow exchanged it with Ajimu Najimi. Book Maker brings people down to his level -- with powers, abilities, and personality.



  • Anti-Hero
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Done by Emukae Mukae, leaving him in an epic Villainous BSOD.
  • Awesome By Analysis: He can instantly analyze all the weak spots, contradictions, or underlying truths, in virtually any person's personality, ideology, or even general fighting defence.
  • Blatant Lies: 「HAHA. I LIED」.
  • Berserk Button: Never try to truly cheat him. Never.
  • Breakout Character: Quickly became the most popular character in the series, eventually getting his own story in Jump NEXT magazine.
  • Brown Note: 「A-HEM」 「GOOD MORNING TO ALL THE MINOR CHARACTERS」 600 hundred human hearts just got shattered!
  • Bully Hunter
  • Can't Ever Win: He really, really can't. He is like the antropomorphic representation of Murphy's Law.
    • It is not he can't kick unbelievable amounts of ass. He can. Until he discarded his All-Fiction even Medaka would have certainly been killed by a single fully serious attack from him. He even managed to seal a nearly omnipotent Physical God. As of now he's the second or third most powerful individual on the good guys' side, solely because of his sheer physical ability. He just can't succeed whenever success will make him feel fulfillment or triumph, and even if he apparently can he'll back away and admit failure thanks to his Achilles' Heel.
      • Based on the discussion in the Medaka's Successor Arc over what victory actually means, it seems like it simply boils down to Kumagawa being incapable of claiming victory. He can pull of incredible stunts, run rings around everyone else, and even achieve his objective but he will never, ever actually say or feel like he's won. So he never does.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Thanks to his Combat Sadomasochist and Confusion Fu habits it is easy to overlook that he is so strong, fast and deadly that only Medaka is capable of facing him.
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Even without the "All Fiction" which could nulify the attacks before they occur, he is good enough fighter to avoid at least 90% of all the beatings so far. However, he initially allowed them to pound him, to then undo their efforts.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Zig-zagged, depending on your view and the spoilers of Chapter 88.
  • Defeat Means Friendship
  • Determinator: The darker flip side of Zenkichi.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Kumagawa managed to seal and banish a near omnipotent "Not Equal".
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • Discard and Draw: In chapter 88 Najimi returns his original Minus "Book Maker" while taking back "All-fiction".
    • He still has both, which we discover after he is killed in Chapter 120. Najimi explain that this is because All Fiction is only byproduct of the "Hundred Gauntlets", the minus that she originally bestow upon Kumagawa and when she took "Hundred Gauntlets" from Kumagawa, he still posses the modified part which is "All-fiction"
  • The Dreaded: Initially. The realization that he has people that care for him, as well as actually being included in the student government, improves his outlook a lot. He's still scary as hell, but not to the point that he empties rooms out.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Played with. For all the hype done to him, Kumagawa looks at first sight like a kind, fun, loving, ordinary highschool guy. This impression tends to last around 5 seconds at most. Of course, then it turns out that he actually does have that side to him underneath. He is simply insane on top of it.
  • Evil Counterpart: Not evil, but a counterpoint to Zenkichi. He's just as determined (perhaps more so), but in opposition towards Medaka. They both express some insecurities about being Normal/Minus.
  • Good Samaritan: Randomly helped people even when handled as an antagonist (such as healing wounds, or defending other people from bullies)... and in a odd sort of way intended to defend his friends from being oppressed... by getting their own "Minus 13" classroom. Unfortunately, he's insane.
  • Hadaka Apron: He has a few "traditional" Japanese fetishes, including this, panties, and adult women that look underaged. Case in point, if he wins the clocktower trials, he'll make all of Medaka's successors wear one. Spoofed when he actually managed to win the character popularity poll (by a landslide!) and forced all the girls in the top 10 to wear one in the bonus pinup announcing such. Unfortunately, it was All Just a Dream.
    • When he decides to make his own, third faction, opposing BOTH Medaka AND Zenkichi (or rather, opposing Najimi's plans to pit the two against each other), he decides to name it the Hadaka Apron Alliance once Medaka's Successors, Aoki, and Mogana join him.
    • When it's revealed that he's been enlisted to aid Medaka in the Jet Black Feast, his reward is stated to be Medaka in this.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He decides to fight Munakata to the death to protect Mogana, claiming that he feels strangely happy in dying for a girl's sake.
  • Humans Are Flawed: His viewpoint.
  • Hyper Awareness
  • Immortality: First shown after his match with Zenkichi where he rejects his own death, he claims that this defies even his own will as he was brought back after multiple suicide attempts.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Inverted. He has no sense of self-worth, and thinks that his life is meaningless, while actually being far more capable, strong-willed and charismatic than he believes. Fate also constantly pits him against - and/or in unhealthy "romantic" relationships - with the most overpowered and godlike people in the series.
  • I Lied: Except when he's telling the truth, or being sincere... which makes it even worse, cause you just can't tell.
  • Implacable Man: No attack can truly "harm him" and he could easily destroy all of the student council or the entire world all at the same time if he so wished. No longer true in chapter 90 after giving up his "All Fiction".
    • And yet in chapter 96, he survives, and quickly recovers, from being stabbed in the back, shot in the head, being hit with a stun gun, having acid splashed on his face, being kicked down a flight of stairs by a cyborg with super strength, and possibly going through God knows what from those gardening tools...and later gets back up to incapacitate his attackers without harming them.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He fights with giant screws that he pulls out of thin air.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Its easy to overlook, but Kumagawa mananged to crucify an entire room of plusses, including the guy who possesed Instictive Super reflexes, with ease. He takes it Up to Eleven in chapter 96. After being brutally beated, burned, shot and spit with acid, it took him literally a second to crucify with perfect accuracy a group of "Non Equal" in different directions, size and height... without harming any of them, and with a Panty Shot
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Giant Screw flavor.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: After losing All Fiction he seemingly becomes several times weaker, a fact that the five middle-school students take advantage of to ambush and beat him to an inch of his life. They were wrong. If anything that was the first time in the entire manga that Kumagawa really took a fight seriously against someone who wasn't Medaka, showing that if he wanted, any of his fights would have lasted seconds.
    • In chapter 121, he reveals that he still has All-fiction. However, it's apparently not as powerful as it was before.
  • Infinite Supplies
  • I Shall Taunt You: He specializes in psychological combat, especially feelings of dread, nervousness, and anger.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: While not as sophisticated as Medaka or Zenkichi in combat, he can certainly hold his own.
  • Knight of Cerebus - Subverted because his arrival did not make the manga that much darker in comparison when it stopped being a Slice of Life series, it just marked the beginning of a second genre shift to a bizarre Deconstruction.
  • The Law of Diminishing Defensive Effort: A lot. This seems subverted in his fight against Zenkichi but it turned out he was only messing with him.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall / This Is Reality: Kumagawa does this a lot, as Freudian Slips of his damaged mind, as he loves Shonen manga for brightening up his horrible life somewhat. Or more practically speaking, as massive Take That's against the most traumatised part of the audience. For example referring to the fact that "If we were published in Shounen Jump bullying wouldn't be allowed...", with the author, through Zenkichi, twisting the context of his extremely damaged state into that he is so disgusting that it would be a holy act to hurt him even more, exterminate him, and cleanse the world from his foul presence; and additionally mocking the online fans by twisting Shonen Jump's mottoes into something hollow and meaningless.
  • Lolicon: Hitoyoshi Hitomi was his first love (except that she only looks like a little girl).

Takarabe: Er... Kumagawa senpai, could you take a look at my panties, please?

  • Luminescent Blush: Played for all its dissonant worth.
  • Made of Iron: "All Fiction" aside, he has an almost abnormal tolerance for pain and punishment.
  • Mind Rape: Has been subjected to an awful lot of it, and can apparently dish it out as well, although mostly by accident.
  • Oh Crap: Medaka still retained her viewpoint when subjected to his Book Maker.
  • Ocular Gushers: When he is accepted and appreciated by winning the popularity competition.
  • Ordinary High School Student: What he seems at first... until he opened his mouth.
  • One-Man Army: Really, the only reason that the Student Council survived was because Medaka is really that absurdibly powerful and this was after he forsaken his All fiction
  • The Power of Friendship: What ultimately converted him to Medaka's side, and he was always very loyal to Emukae Mukae, and traumatised people in general. Also, a Minus Medaka who understood his perspective stated that this is his real reason that he tried so hard in the Council battles.
  • Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh: A bloodier version of this trope.
  • Reality Warper: His "All-Fiction" allows him to erase things from reality at will. The only limitation seems to be the need to touch the target/hit it with one of his screw missiles. He implies that he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it and if he's not careful he can "reject the universe".
    • All-fiction also can't restore anything it erased. This means that Zenkichi's normal eyesight is gone forever though he can still see thanks to a side-effect of the "Parasite Eyes" given to him by Ajimu.
  • Sarcasm Failure
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Chapter 88. Even Zenkichi states from the onset that (unlike Najimi) he isn't remotely evil as such though, which makes it all the more complicated to deal with him.
  • Stepford Smiler: He smiles. All the time. Even when spouting off the most horrific things, or embedding giant screws into your flesh. All the time.
  • Tears of Blood
  • Tritagonist
  • Troll: He sometimes seems to piss people off for the heck of it, but when asked about a motivation he simply seems very confused, and basically doesn't know why he is doing things.
  • Undying Loyalty: Chougasaki and Shibuki have this towards him.
  • The Virus: His first Minus, Book Maker. It gives you his outlook on life.
    • And thanks to his improving self-esteem it's becoming weaker.
  • Villainous BSOD
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Emukae, a fellow Minus, was reformed and changed her outlook on life.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Used several of these to good effect, mostly in the battle for the student counsel seats. As a person who doesn't expect to win anything, setting up situations where a loss is also a win is a very important skill. And of course a win is naturally a win as well.

Emukae Mukae

A girl who just wants to be loved and be happy, but very confused, and rots anything she touches with her Minus power "Rafflerassia." As anything she came in contact with rotted away, including the pets she loved, she eventually thought that she was unable to ever become happy, turned mentally unhinged, and becomes extremely attached to anyone who could love her despite her power. Kumagawa is extremely loyal to her, and she has become friends with Zenkichi. Kumagawa also changed the nature of her power, so she can manipulate the growth of plant life instead, and she is now interested in botany.


Chougasaki Gagamaru

A junior whose elegant wardrobe, soft-spoken demeanor, and rational mindset hides a depraved, twisted personality like his classmates. His Minus "Encounter" allows him to instantaneously push any physical, mental, or emotional damage he receives to anyplace else. He used it during childhood to push away his injuries, bad feelings, painful memories, anything that could be the least bit unpleasant, until there was essentially nothing left. However, since he has never dealt with any sort of mental pain, the smallest insult that he allows through will cause him to explode into a murderous rage.


Shibushi Shibuki

A tall, overly developed freshman whose Minus ability is "Scardead," or the ability to reopen old wounds (both physical and mental) no matter how old they are. She discovered her ability while playing on a children's baseball team as a young girl, and rather than fear her ability, she reveled in it and became a champion little leaguer even as her teammates suffered from unexplained illnesses. Kumagawa mentioned that this fact somehow makes her both the best and the worst member of Class -13.


  • Absolute Cleavage
  • Abusive Parents: And she was even madder because the abuse didn't leave scars she could play with.
  • Agony Beam She can unlock and reopen all your "mental scars" letting you re-experiece the trauma you had before
  • Art Major Biology: Not her, but how she was defeated by Naze was the single, uncontestable point that the entire Manga had thrown its hands in the air and yelled "Im just making things up".
  • Axe Crazy
  • Bullying a Dragon: She was brutally beaten by her parents, her classmates and her teachers (according to her licking his boots)... needless to say that she got her revenge with interest.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Thanks to Kumagawa's "All Fiction".
  • Bloody Murder
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Even Evil Has Standards: She would not kill before her 21 birthday, because she doesn't want her sins to become lighter.
    • That's... uh... more of a terrifying inversion rather than a true example. She doesn't have "standards" that make her less evil, but ones that are calculated to make her actions even more evil.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Curiously, she became more estable after meeting both Chou and Kumagawa. Before she will have hit a total stranger wit a bat with enough force to break the floor because his game was too loud. And this was after Chou apologized and lowered the volume of the game immediately.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
  • I Lied: A more benign one. It was never her intention to kill or maim permanently the rest of the student council.
  • Implacable Woman: She destroyed the rest of the student council with ease and the only reason she was defeated was becasue she tried to play with the school Mad Scientist, she avoided to irreparable harm her/kill her and she tried to go with a bang.
  • Laughing Mad: During her intent to bring the entire building down.
  • Morality Pet: It tells you something when Chou became this for her.
  • Ms. Fanservice: she wears a torn, low cut uniform that is many sizes too small for her.
  • Odd Couple: With Chou, who she first attacked and then followed since they where five. Double so because she is sure that he "would kill her" if she ever leaves him and said this as if it was a good thing.
  • Power of Friendship: A very disturbing parody with Chou and Kumagawa That resulted to be completely true all along
  • Sanity Slippage: A momentary one. She got better.
  • Start of Darkness: Her entire childhood

Shibuki: Do you know the taste of gas that your parents make you swallow? How about the taste of licking a perverted teacher shoe? The taste of sand that your classmates make you swallow? At least you know the taste of a newspaper that was the only food you coudl obtain?


Characters who do not fit into the above categories

Shiranui Hansode

Voiced by: Emiri Katou

A troublemaking girl who prefers to watch the action from afar than actively participate, though her true motives are unknown. It later turns out that her grandfather runs the school and the Flask Project and she later joined Class -13 with his blessing, but even there she seems relatively unconcerned with the fate of either side. She can eat a massive amount of food in one sitting, though it is currently unknown whether or not this is connected to any special power.

If there is anything consistent about Shiranui, it is that she seems attracted to Zenkichi and is averse to Medaka.


Kurokami Maguro

The eldest Kurokami sibling, who adores his sisters. Maguro was the one who trained many members of the 13 Party and originally worked on the Flask Plan, as despite being pretty useless on his own his Abnormal power is the ability to support and analyze others. He is a school drop-out who now manages Ghost Babel, the old academy building. When Medaka came to him for help he turned on the 13 Party and instructs her (along with a reluctant Zenkichi) on how to best fight them.


  • Animal Theme Naming: He is named after a tuna fish.
  • The Atoner: The reason he's chosen Zenkichi's side over Medaka's is because he felt guilty about telling him that he'll never be good enough to protect her. And now, after apologizing and asking him to stay by her side, he feels even guiltier because he now understands the kind of person Medaka is and realizes that he was essentially sacrificing Zen for Medaka's sake. One might think that he blames himself for the pressure that Zenkichi's been put under
  • Awesome By Analysis: His abnormal power.
  • Big Brother Instinct
    • May no longer be the case as of chapter 139. He's scared of Medaka and thinks of her as an inhuman being.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Acts very perverted toward his sister (BOTH of them), but is also a talented researcher who knows his allies and enemies strengths quite well.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Claims to be capable of stealing the eyes, heart, bra and panties of any girl he meets.
  • Determinator: He survived having half his organs removed For Science! and still lives a comparatively free and easy lifestyle.
  • Ill Boy: As a result of having half his organs removed. He was forced to quit school. Kumagawa later fixes this.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Always wears the same jeans, shirt and crucifix.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • What Exactly Is His Job?: So he's manager of an empty building that no one ever enters or uses for anything?

Hitoyoshi Hitomi

Zenkichi's mother, who happens to look like she's 12 years old. A former "psychosomatic surgeon" as well as an adult Abnormal.


Tsurubami Kamome

An old acquaintance of Najimi, that she found while looking for people very similar to Medaka, and found sufficiently interesting to transfer to the school, after getting him interested by telling him that he is Medaka's adopted brother, and that she killed his father. Moody, lonely, somewhat obnoxious in a silly manner, and serving a supporting role from the sidelines, but described as a "dark hero", i.e. has good intentions.

Tsurubami avoids eye contact, is very verbose, quite self-centered, and easily embarrassed. He has the ability to anticipate and counter other people's attacks before they have a chance to make them. After Medaka attacked him for babbling too much, he defeated her when she tried to overcomplicate her attacks, but lost when she went with brute force "War God Mode" instead.


The Cultural Festival Entertainment / Battle of the Bands

A trio of famous performers that Medaka picked at random to entertain the school. Any one of these three could "sell out the Tokyo Dome ten times over".

Furousan (Frozen?) Zomeki

A mysterious a musician.


  • The Ingenue: Became famous "without advertising or connections".
  • Nice Hat: Wears a moose-shaped hood.
  • Terrible Trio (?): With Saki and Jyuujika. When people refer to a school filled with muggles, Badass Normals, and super-powered mutants as "a farm for humans" it can't be a good sign.
  • Wingding Eyes: Has a musical note in each one. Hides them with sunglasses.

Sukinasaki Saki

Mysterious idol. Seems to be the leader of the trio.


  • Mind Control: Her ability, as seen in "Good Loser, Kumagawa".
  • Naked People Are Funny: Will spontaneously strip when she's excited, to her great embarrassment.
  • Noodle Incident: Something happened between her and Kumagawa in the past which resulted in the closure of their old school, nothing is explained for this except for the implication of Battle With no Winner. This is also probably the reason why Kumagawa is missing during the cultural festival which was to avoid meeting her
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Wears a dust mask to hide her...
  • Slasher Smile: With teeth like a shark.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism: Thoroughly on the cynical side.
  • Take That: At Japan's idol singer industry.

Hachiningatake Jyuujika

Mysterious voice actress.


  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar around her neck that she hides with a scarf; this is because she surgically alters her vocal chords for each role (maybe to avoid being pigeonholed?).
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Downplayed and yet played weirdly at the same time. Modified her voice so she could sing like a piano.


Ajimu Najimi

The beloved vice-president that was in office when Kumagawa was president, who was so warm and loving that even the dark and twisted Kumagawa loved her. Unfortunately, his twisted personality got the better of him and he brutally murdered her, setting off the events of the manga—Medaka drives him away and decides to go for his position as Student President.

This later turns out to be a complete lie -- Najimi turns out to be a "Not Equal", a being of unlimited strength who is Genre Aware and is as to an Abnormal as Abnormals are to Humans. She has a number of Abnormal powers that place her in the real of Physical God status, they have to be expressed in scientific notation. Worse, she has nothing but disdain for humans and other abnormals, and is the true instigator of the "Flask Plan". And Kumagawa didn't murder her, for all his power he was only able to seal her.


  • Above Good and Evil: She views herself as this. She stated in chapter 88 that "Good and Bad", "Happiness And Sorrow" and so on are the same thing, and she is sickened of the inapplicable ideals and sentiments of both Medaka and Kumagawa.
  • Back from the Dead: Played up as this, although it's unclear if she was actually dead to begin with.
  • Bigger Bad: An interpretation of her character.
  • Bad Boss: Subverted with Kumagawa, at least until the whole "I love you" incident.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: Kumagawa.
  • Combo-Platter Powers: Like everything else in the series, this is parodied and exaggerated. She has 13 quadrillion different superpowers of various shapes and types, with seemingly nothing linking them other than "I win."
  • Consummate Liar: So "good" at Macchiavellian deceit, charades, and manipulation, that even Zenkichi can't tell whether she is telling the truth, and Kumagawa is probably the only one who even has a shot at discerning it.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Versus anybody. She has author level omnipotence.
  • Curse Escape Clause: The Book Makers that stop Ajimu's god-like powers are indestructible... but they require Kumagawa to remain as mal-adjusted as possible. Given his Heel Face Turn, they are starting to weaken. If they fail, nothing will stop Ajimu.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Her reason for not taking on Medaka is the Theory of Narrative Causality. Specifically, since Medaka is the main character, whoever fights her is sure to lose... so Ajimu is simply going to wait until the series is over before she continues with her plans.
    • Then it turns out she does want to see Medaka defeated. Since she can't do it herself, she arranges events that cause a falling out between Zenkichi and Medaka. Then she recruits Zenkichi because, as the other main character, he is the only person capable of defeating Medaka. In chapter 117 also claims that Zenkichi has a better chance of winning since everyone knows that when main characters fight, the more heroic one wins. Since Medaka apparently committed murder in the past, Zenkichi is more heroic than her.
    • Deconstructed when it's revealed in chapter 140 that her "Genre Savviness" was nothing but a delusion born from everything going too smoothly for her for so long.
  • Dead All Along: Another popular interpretation of her.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She is sharp enough to cut right through virtually anybody.
  • Death by Disfigurement: Kumagawa may or may not have ripped off her face. However, she is not dead, and was simply referred to as having been sealed. One of her abilities is also immortality.
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • Driven to Suicide: Attempts this in chapter 139 when Zenkichi defeats Medaka. Deep down she wanted him to lose to prove that some things really are impossible thus proving that life is more than a bad manga plot.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Medaka; Both are immensely powerful. Medaka is able to rally people because of her charisma, while Ajimu manipulates them.
  • Faux Affably Evil
  • God Mode Sue / Villain Sue: A parody of the very concept in universe. She has a number of superpowers that requires scientific notation to describe. All the other sues get ONE.
  • Hair Decorations: Wears three ribbons in her hair - yellow or red depending on her appearance.
  • Happily-Failed Suicide: Ajimu breaks free of her delusions when Medaka stops her and then points out that she finally did fail at something -- suicide.
  • Hobbes Was Right: Her viewpoint, and the main issue of content between her and Medaka.
  • I Am Legion: She is in fact 700 million non-equals.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: In the flashbacks she appeared to be this. Of course, she can easily fake innocence and affection, and may be the exact opposite.
  • Kill the Ones You Love
  • Manipulative Bastard: People, society, culture, and ideology, are at best all cheap toys for her amusement, and just as expendable.
  • Me's a Crowd: Combined with Voluntary Shapeshifting.
  • MetaGirl
  • Nietzsche Wannabe
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Several times to Kumagawa. Specially after he died and tried to gain his original minus.
  • No Kill Like Overkill: She gives the Black Wedding Feast suitors a sampling of 500 themed super-powers -- 100 for each suitor. Too bad they weren't the real suitors.
  • Older Than They Look:
  • Perpetual Smiler
  • Physical God: As close as an Absnormal can get—she has super everything, reality and dream warping powers, the works.
    • Serial Escalation: She possesses 4925,9165,2611,0643 minuses and 7932,1354,4152,3222 abnormalities at the moment. Maguro wanted to keep Kumagawa, since his reality-warping and powerful torture-resistant mind makes him the only one who could possibly fight her, and her class of superpower/person is "Not Equal". The teaser at the end of chapter 92 says a quadrillion, almost 13 quadrillion total powers. She's so strong that she's a Minus on par with Kumagawa when sealed.
  • Reality Warper: One of her many, many, manymanymanymany MANY powers.
  • Really 3,402,193,822,311 Years and 287 Days Old
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: She regularly gives them to Kumagawa.
  • Sacred First Kiss: To Kumagawa To return his Book marker, but it was all a pretend game to her.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Due to a Bodyguard Betrayal, which misleadingly was first thought to be Death by Disfigurement.
  • Shrouded in Myth: The facts known about the character are extremely varied, sparse, and possibly contradictory.
  • Super Strength: The strongest so far.
  • The Omnipotent
  • Time Abyss: Older than the universe. By orders of magnitude.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Initially presented as this in the flashback.
  • Too Happy to Live: Initially presented as this in flashbacks, but given recent developments, it seems more like Kumagawa was the only one able to see behind her Consummate Liar hollow roleplaying facades, and sealed off most of her power for some reason, given how he has deteriorated since then, possibly at the cost of himself. It is unknown whether he did this to protect humanity from her, something else, or a combination. Of course, now that Kumagawa is starting to feel better, the seals are weakening...
    • Turns out to be this. In fact she's so happy and successful that she's convinced that she isn't in reality and tries to kill herself.
  • Ubermensch: Comes with the Nietzsche Wannabe package.
  • Undignified Death: Her face was apparently ripped off (likely culturally symbolic for making somebody lose face).
  • The Vamp
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Possibly. The flask plan was said to partially have idealistic aims.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: After chapter 140, it goes back to being brown.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Inverted. Big time. Humans have less worth than dust to her.
    • Of course, after all she thinks she's in a manga. As far as she's concerned they 'aren't' humans. Just manga characters made of ink.

Shiranui Hanten

One of the "Delayed Two" along with Ajimu, he first appears at the end of chapter 92 with his back to the "camera" displaying the unequal sign of his class.


Not-Equals not officially affiliated with Ajimu

Aka Aoki

Chair(wo)man of the Health Preservation Committee, she's one of the challengers on Medaka's treasure hunt.


There is 1/3 chance that tomorrow Aka will have to wear nothing but an Apron

Medaka's Successors

A group of five extraordinary junior high school students who survived Kumagawa's disheartening words. The plan is that one of them will succeed Medaka in four years. They're also Not-Equals. Or rather, they think that they are, but Ajimu later states that they're actually normal girls.

Tropes as a group

Kikitsu Kiki

A short-haired, goggles-wearing Gamer Girl who describes herself as talented at everything, though she finds nearly everything in life boring as a result. Thus, she finds excitement in a challenge, and there's nothing more challenging than surpassing the perfect Medaka.


Wanitsuka Shori AKA Munakata Koi

A cold, militaristic, eyepatch-clad girl who values strength. She was once Akune Kouki's biggest admirer before his—in her mind—fall from grace due to Nabeshima Nekomi's influence. Despite her initial appearance, she is actually quite emotional, and her name is actually an alias: Her real name is Munakata Koi, and she is Munakata Kei's sister.


Takarabe Ima

A glasses-wearing girl with a Nice Hat. She talks in a very polite and respectful manner, and want to be like Medaka because of her selflessness. However, it's an act: Her true personality can be quite nasty, and the cracks in the act occasionally show in the form of strikethrough text when she's angry enough.


What bullshit are you talking about, you scum? Yes! I accept your prompt advice with thanks!

Yojirou Tsugiha

A rather normal-looking girl, though with a rather masculine name. Her mind, on the other hand, isn't so normal, as she claims to be a Magical Girl called Tsugihagista SS Ruby-Sapphire the Fifth.


My real name is Tsugihagista SS Ruby-Sapphire the Fifth. Maybe you know me as The Magical ☆ Wonder Tsugiha from the Neighborhood. This child who sits on my right should is my fairy partner Diana! Oh, I'm sorry, normal humans can't see her....

  • Gender Blender Name: Yojirou is a bit masculine for such a girly-girl, but that's not what she meant when she asked Hitoyoshi to not call her that...
  • Imaginary Friend: Diana, the fairy that sits on her right shoulder. Given that this is a manga, though, Diana might not be so imaginary.
  • Magical Girl: A parody on the concept, as it is all in her imagination.
    • She insists that her stun gun is not a stun gun at all, but actually thunder magic called "Thunder Bolt". The same goes for her "Water Bolt" which is really just concentrated sulfuric acid.
  • Meet Cute: Her interview with Hitoyoshi starts out this way. She blushes and informs Hitoyoshi that she is inexperienced all the while fidgeting. Just as Hitoyoshi thinks he got the only normal one, she reveals herself to be from another world.
  • The Chosen One: She believes she is the Chosen Warrior of Heaven, sent to our world to stop the Great King Walgold.
  • Third Person Person: Not always, but she'll occasionally throw in that she is known as "The Magical ☆ Wonder Tsugiha from the Neighborhood."

Kibougaoka Suishou

An autonomous android with a French accent. She came to Hakoniwa Academy in order to learn of the heart.


Suishou: Please read the attached manual carefully later.

  • Ridiculously Human Robot / Robot Girl: She is a prototype of an autonomous humanoid android called "Loup."
  • Supreme Chef: Despite not needing to eat, she can cook an absolutely grand feast.
  • "Three Laws"-Compliant: Unsettlingly averted after revealing she lied about not knowing how to cook: "In the robot world we've disposed of those slavery laws long ago."
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Claims to have come to Konikawa Academy to study the human heart (emotionally speaking, not anatomically!). She also acknowledges that while she's an exceptional cook she can't sense if the food she makes is "delicious".
  • Wingding Eyes: Has cross-shaped "highlights" in her eyes.

Jet Black Feast Suitors

Namanie Nienami

One of Medaka's suitors during the Jet Black Feast. A powerful swordswoman with high pain tolerance.


  • Alliterative Name
  • Bandage Babe
  • Cry Cute
  • Dual-Wielding: Goes way further than that. She wields seven swords at once. How? By impaling three swords into each arm while wielding another one.
  • Feels No Pain: Has a high enough pain tolerance to withstand an attack from the strongest member of the 100th Student Council and shove swords into her arms without flinching. Partially subverted when it's revealed that she's resistant to sharp pain but hypersensitive to dull pain. Considering that biting down on her neck really hard still hurts.
  • Razor Wind: She introduces herself by slicing a helicopter in half with one swing of her sword. She immediately tops herself by slicing a battleship in half.
  • Verbal Tic: Rukirukiruki.

Kanaino Sui

One of Medaka's suitors during the Jet Black Feast. Fights on all fours with a scythe in her mouth.


  1. Wild Mass Guessing aside, that is
  2. As an in-joke about people who overuse Scare Quotes.
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