League of Legends/Characters/Three
This is part of the character sheet for the game League of Legends. Check back often, as new champions are added regularly. This page contains all champions beginning with the letters L through O.
LeBlanc the Deceiver
"The world is very different for those who cannot see beyond what is placed before their very eyes."
Evaine LeBlanc is an evil, manipulative, aristocratic sorceress of illusion. She is the head of the Black Rose, an entire society of ageless illusionists who acted as the evil chancellors behind the Noxian throne until the monarchy was destroyed. She has joined the League to bring the new global authority under the Black Rose's heel.
LeBlanc is a mage-type assassin champion. She can shoot a magic missile that deals magic damage and will explode and silence the debuffed enemies if LeBlanc hits them with another spell, teleport back and forth from two spots at will, shackle enemies with magic that locks them in place if the bond isn't broken, and her ultimate is to repeat one of her other spells with more damage. Her passive ability allows her to become invisible for a brief interim when her life becomes too low, reappearing with a dummy made of illusions to confuse foes and help her escape.
LeBlanc's skins include Wicked LeBlanc, Prestigious LeBlanc and Mistletoe LeBlanc.
Associated tropes:
- Ancient Conspiracy
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Crutch Character: Terrifying for the first two-thirds of the game, then falls off HARD if she isn't fed... though a good early game for her almost invariably means some other poor sucker is going to be miles behind on the resource curve, and falling off much harder and sooner.
- Dark Chick
- Evil Chancellor
- Glass Cannon
- Lady of Black Magic
- Legacy Character: Possibly.
- Master of Illusion
- Ninja Log
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Borderlines with Evil Laugh.
- Older Than They Look: Her title is the Deceiver, and her organization deals with illusions. Since she's as old as the ageless lord of Noxus, Boram Darkwill, this would make her EXTREMELY old. Or maybe not as her Judgement implies that LeBlanc is the honorary title of the Order of the Black Rose, passed down from each matron to her successor, together with an illusion that makes them all share the same appearance. "Emilia" LeBlanc's real name is actually Evaine. Alternatively there may even be elements of Grand Theft Me involved.
- Sexy Santa Dress: Mistletoe LeBlanc combines this with a Grade A Zettai Ryouiki.
- Stripperiffic
- Teleport Spam
- Too Many Belts: She wears three around her thighs and a few around her arms... despite not wearing any pants.
- Vain Sorceress: May borderline with selfcest. In her idle animation, she checks her reflection in the gem on her staff. In her dance, she does a romantic slow dance looking into the same gem, pretending she is dancing with herself.
Lee Sin the Blind Monk
"The actions of one may sunder the world, but the diligence of many may rebuild it."
A blind martial artist from Ionia. Formerly a magician prodigy in training at the League, Lee Sin's future as a summoner came to an abrupt end when his arrogance led to his accidentally disintegrating an entire village on his first attempt. After his departure, he subsequently joined the Shojin Monastery vowing never to use magic again. Years later Lee Sin burned himself in protest over the Noxian-Ionian disputes, hoping to achieve atonement in martyrdom. Despite this he survived the ordeal, losing his eyes from the burns but regaining his will to live. To make a difference in Valoran's affairs Lee Sin rejoined the League, this time as a champion on the Fields of Justice.
Lee Sin was a champion in-production but canceled due to his design not being seen fantastic enough... however, he was featured in early trailers for the game. There were rumors of him being put back into development, however, especially since champion design has gotten less fantastic as of mid-2010. In late March 2011, he was announced once more, with a new model and skillset (although his original model is available for purchase as a skin).
Lee Sin is a fighter-type champion with an Energy Meter instead of a Mana Meter (the first beyond the three ninjas) and a strong theme of duality and combo-oriented fighting in his abilities. After using any of his three basic skills, he may choose to perform a secondary follow-up; he can combine damaging waves of sound with a charging attack that deals a percentage of the target's missing health in damage, allied damage interception with a lifestealing self-buff, and a location-revealing gale with a crippling slow. Lee Sin's passive grants him a short burst of attack speed and energy restoration after using an ability, and his ultimate is a roundhouse kick that sends an opponent flying backwards (and through obstacles), and in turn disables enemies caught in the victim's path.
Lee Sin's alternate skins include Acolyte Lee Sin, Traditional Lee Sin and Dragon Fist Lee Sin.
Associated tropes:
- April Fools' Day: Announced just before the patch closest to April 1st; between the screenshots of specially-made models and visuals but his champion spotlight throwing all seriousness out the window, fans were on tenterhooks. But it turned out Riot actually did release him.
- The Atoner
- Bald of Awesome
- Blinding Bangs: In his old design and his Traditional Lee Sin skin.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Brother Chuck: He was announced/modeled during beta and early movies but did not show up in the game until nearly three years after his initial appearance.
- Bruce Lee Clone
- Crutch Character: Is absolutely terrifying early and mid game, but if he doesn't get fed, he doesn't do so well in a teamfight situation (unless, of course, you put that roundhouse kick in the right place...).
- Demoted to Extra: For tournaments before his official release, his character model was used so that another person could spectate in the game.
- Determinator: The man set himself on fire lasting two freakin months. He survived.
- Disability Immunity: His passive in-production and in his April Fools announcement was, logically, the inability to be blinded. Thankfully averted because there's all of two champions (out of 90+) that can blind you.
- Disability Superpower
- Expy: Lee Sin is visually very similar to Yang Fang Leiden (the latter can be seen as the picture for the Bare-Fisted Monk page).
- Eye Scream
- Flash Step: He has two skills that allow him to blink to friendly or enemy targets.
- Foil: To Udyr, a fellow martial artist. Lee Sin is calm, composed and well-groomed. Udyr is a raging wildman with shaggy hair, dresses in bearskins, and who looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks.
- Foreshadowing: A Journal of Justice entry mentioned a monk protesting the Noxian occupation of Ionia by burning himself. When Ionia was freed, he stopped and was rushed off to be treated, with the text specifically mentioning his eyes were ruined... And now confirmed to be one and the same.
- The Ghost: Before his official introduction, he got a lot of indirect references in the Lore, but did not make a direct appearence for months.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Has a braided topknot that's long enough that he wraps it around his neck two or so times.
- Inspired By: His self-immolation in protest to a major conflict was clearly shaped by another monk, over The Vietnam War.
- Japanese Ranguage: Several times you can hear stereotypical L and R switching.
"Brindness is no impairment against a smelly enemy."
- Ki Attacks
- Lightning Bruiser: To the point where he can 1v1 Jax, which for most others would be suicide.
- Meditating Under a Waterfall: In his 'Classic' splash art.
- My Greatest Failure: Lee Sin was once a very talented summoner... but he felt he was held back by being taught at the same pace as everyone else, and tried his hand at summoning a creature from a foreign jungle. It didn't work, and the spell summoned a human boy... who fell apart, and the boy's entire village was found to have been accidently killed by feedback from the spell. While the League was willing overlook the grave error due to Lee Sin's sheer talent, he left the Institute of War and joined the Shojin Monastery, swearing off magic.
- Mysterious Watcher
- Mythology Gag: His Traditional Lee Sin skin looks like his first design while the game was still in production.
- Punny Name: How does he find you? He can't see, so he "Lee Sins" for you.
- Rapunzel Hair: Lee Sin is bald aside from a braid using hair from the center of the top of his head, which is so long he wraps it around his neck.
- Shockwave Stomp
- Significant Anagram: Lee Sin can see nil.
- Super Senses
- Zen Survivor: Well, duh. A pretty big part of his characterization is that, like any good Zen teacher, talking to him while expecting a straightforward answer will prove completely infuriating. In his League Judgment, he wound up talking rhetorical circles around the summoner who was supposed to judge him.
Leona the Radiant Dawn
"The sun’s rays reach all of Runeterra, so too must the image of its champion."
A young woman raised by a warrior society trained to revel in violence but instead rejected their war-mongering ways and their rite of passage that required two teenage members of the tribe to fight to the death. Her planned execution was called off when she was revealed to posses the divine powers of the sun and indoctrinated into a society of enlightened warrior priests known as the Solari.
Leona is a tank-type champion who can stun enemies with her shield, create an explosive solar forcefield around herself, dash to enemies she pierces with her sword, and bring down a mighty solar blast in an area that stuns enemies in the center and slows them at the edge. Her passive puts a mark on enemies hit by her abilities that deals extra damage when they're attacked by one of her allies.
Leona's alternate skins include Defender Leona, Valkyrie Leona and Iron Solari Leona.
Associated tropes:
- Affirmative Action Girl: Specifically designed to answer the fanbase's complaints that there were no female tanks.
- Ascended Meme: Iron Solari Leona was created in honor of the player group by the same name, founded by Leona's artist IronStylus, who also had a big hand in designing the skin.
- Author Appeal: Her concept artist IronStylus heavily based Leona off his wife.
- Battle Ballgown: While not an actual dress, her armor does hint at one.
- BFS: It's got to be at least four feet long, held with one hand!
- Childhood Friends: With Pantheon.
- The Chosen One
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Shown in her judgement: she was unable to stand by while others were bullied, and is internally unable to forgive herself for the many she couldn't save from the Kor, causing her to join the League of Legends to go more good to make up for that.
- Combat Stilettos: Despite her both being a tank and hailing from a particularly treacherous mountain range... stranger costume choices have been seen though.
- Defector From Decadence: Of sorts: she does not abide the disregard for life in the Rakkor, but understands the logic of it since she knows their food stores are constantly strained.
- Deflector Shields: Appears around her for her Eclipse ability.
- Deliberate Values Dissonance: Despite disliking the Rakkor's brutality and the fact one of the teenagers in every Kor ritual is supposed to be killed, she does not begrudge the logic... her people are stated to have a strained food supply.
- Difficult but Awesome: Leona is generally considered to be a VERY solid support. The tradeoff, however, is that you need to be on top of your game and have a lanemate who is with you every step of the way: Her lockdown is performed piecemeal, meaning her partner has to be taking advantage of every millisecond of it, and her passive is one of two abilities that she herself gains absolutely no benefit from without a partner to activate it; problematic when it's easily half again more damage. She absolutely cannot babysit like Sona or Soraka: she has to keep the enemy zoned, positioning both herself and the carry to set up kills and pounce on mistakes at a moment's notice, while monitoring her surroundings for ganks. Of course, if you can do it all, you'll have a carry with all the farm that comes from last hitting uncontested and being thrown free kills, while you'll be both absurdly durable and have access to more lockdown than any comparable tank.
- Fiery Redhead: Though a bit unclear with her portrait's lighting, she's clearly a redhead in-game.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Broke a Nail: Parodied with her joke, in which she removes her left gauntlet to say:
Think I broke a nail. Good thing it wasn't mine.
- Kill Sat: Her ultimate, Solar Flare.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Female example!
- Lady of War: Hell, her dance basically looks like it's a martial drill.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: She backs behind her shield while her Eclipse's effect is active. Her taunt lampshades her use of it, complete with her tapping her shield with her right fist.
Next time, try to leave a dent!
- Magic Knight
- Martial Pacifist: Refused to fight to the death in a traditional coming-of-age ceremony because she believed that might should only be used to protect others.
- The Messiah: To the Solari religious order, with her powers having never been seen since the founder of their order.
- Ms. Fanservice: Averted, since mostly all the female characters in this game are Ms. Fanservice (and Glass Cannons/Fragile Speedsters) by default, Leona was specifically created to fulfill a request for an inversion. There is no aversion for her Valkyrie skin though: it covers a whole lot less than her normal skin. Standing in a bush in her Valkyrie skin makes her skirt see-through, and you can see her panties.
- The Paladin
- The Paragon
- The Power of the Sun
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Although she is a member of such a race, she doesn't share their zeal for battle... she only wants to protect others.
- Shield-Bash: Her Shield of Daybreak ability does this, stunning the target hit. Her critical strike hit is one as well.
- Shout-Out: You'll take one look at her Valkyrie skin and expect her ult to turn into Nibelung Valest.
- Stone Wall: One of the best examples in the game: unlike the other tanks, who usually either have an ability that deals semi-decent damage or a passive that gives them some offensive perk (like Rammus), all of Leona's abilities are focused around disabling and soaking damage and have incredibly low base damage and awful scaling. Her Sunlight passive can be quite powerful, but it requires an ally to proc it, further emphasizing her intended role as this trope.
- Valkyries: Valkyrie Leona.
Lulu the Fae Sorceress
"The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out and round again."
A young Yordle girl with a boundless imagination who befriended a fae sprite by the name of Pix. She followed Pix to the hidden land of the fae where she learned from their chaotic magic. However, upon leaving, she discovered that centuries had passed in the outside world. Finding herself distanced from everyone who lived normal lives, Lulu turned to the one place where the strange and unique are celebrated: the League of Legends.
Lulu is a support-type champion who excels at buffing allies and disabling enemies with her quirky spells. Her fae friend Pix shoots bursts of energy that go along with her basic attacks. She can fire a slowing beam of magic from both her and Pix, cast a spell that either speeds up an ally and boosts their ability power or transforms an enemy into a harmless critter, send Pix to shield an ally or harass an enemy, and use her ultimate to increase an ally's size, giving them a large HP boost and a slowing aura in the process.
Lulu's alternate skins include Bittersweet Lulu and Wicked Lulu.
Associated tropes:
- Adult Fear: When she first returned from the fae world, she attempted to reconnect with people by luring children into the woods to play games with her, often turning them into flowers or animals with her magic. The children's parents were less than pleased.
- Baleful Polymorph: Her Whimsy spell transforms an enemy champion into a cute little squirrel (changed to a cupcake and a kitten for her other skins).
- Cloudcuckoolander: "Never look a tulip in the eye."
- Cute Witch: She's the first Yordle in the style of Poppy or Tristana in a while, and she's adorable.
- Dark Magical Girl: Wicked Lulu.
- Difficult but Awesome: Lulu is one of the trickiest champions to master in the game- several of her abilites serve dual purposes depending on the target and situation and Glitterlance (which fires simulataneous skillshots from both her and Pix) is incredibly hard to aim perfectly but can potentially hit targets on both sides of Lulu at once, or be fired from one enemy to hit another!
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Glitterlance.
- Fairy Companion: Pix, who initially led Lulu to The Glade and shares some of its power with her.
- Make My Monster Grow: Her ult does this with your allies. There's nothing scarier than someone coming out of a bush to gank you with Wild Growth on. Especially gank specialists like Sejuani. There's literally no escape.
- Miss Imagination
- Nice Hat: It's enormous.
- Our Fairies Are Different: Actually a Yordle, but she has spent so much time with them that shes a bit... off.
- Rapunzel Hair: Well, for a yordle.
- Rip Van Winkle: While she visited the world of the fae, centuries passed by in the outside world.
- Squishy Wizard
- Status Buff: One of her specialties. Whimsy and Help, Pix! (when cast on an ally) and Wild Growth all do this.
- Tastes Like Purple: She quotes the trope verbatim. Several of her lines follow similarly random logic.
Lux the Lady of Luminosity
"Her guiding light makes enemies weary, but they should worry most when the light fades."—Garen
Garen's younger sister, Luxanna "Lux" Crownguard was taken from her home to serve in the Demacian military at the age of 13. A magical prodigy with command over the powers of light, Lux has served her nation well even before joining the League, conducting infiltration missions into Noxus territory to steal their secrets; it was on one such mission that she stole the secret of the Dark Binding spell from Noxus' ally Morgana the Fallen Angel and repurposed it for her own ends.
Lux is a supportive mage-type champion. She can bind up to two enemies in a line, throw her wand like a boomerang to apply a damage shield to herself and allies both ways, create a slowing vortex of light that can be detonated for damage, and fire a rainbow laser with huge range. Her passive is almost identical to Leona's: any of her damaging spells applies an Illumination charge, which can be set off by an attack or her laser to deal additional damage. The difference is that Leona's Sunlight mark has to be set off by an ally, whereas Lux can set off her own (incidentally, the two of them work really well together).
Lux's alternate skins include Spellthief Lux, Sorceress Lux, Commando Lux and Imperial Lux.
Associated tropes:
- Alliteration
- Annoying Laugh: Spam /l in chat while playing as her. Or don't, you'll probably regret that.
- Badass Adorable: She is a prodigiously powerful magician who acts and sounds like an innocent teenager (...in the military).
- Badass Bookworm: Is well-educated in her background and proves it in-game with a joke line in which she (quickly) explains a double rainbow, as well as being a very talented student in magic to the point of being considered a prodigy.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her Sorceress skin. This was also part of her original character design, but after it received considerable derision from the fanbase, she was redesigned.
- Blue Eyes: And she definitely sounds pretty damn innocent.
- Child Soldiers: An example of the dark side of Demacia; while she is famous for being the youngest solder in the Demacian army, it isn't widely known that she didn't volunteer to join... her parents decided to give her to the Demacian military, requiring her to be dragged out of her home in tears.
- Cool Shades: Commando Lux.
- Cute Witch: He character by default, Sorceress Lux doubly so.
- Difficult but Awesome: Much like Ezreal, all her abilities have to be manually aimed. In particular, Light Binding and Prismatic Barrier are incredibly potent if you can land them just right. Her passive, which applies a debuff when an enemy is hit with Lux's spells and can be detonated with Lux's basic attack, is particularly difficult to master. Most casters don't usually auto-attack mid-combo, so this is counter-intuitive for most. It stacks with Lich Bane procs (which do the same thing), and Lux's ult can blow it up as well. This can add 600-1000 damage to the combo.
- Exactly What I Aimed At: Her ultimate has an outrageous maximum range, travels through walls and, barring her initial channel, hits instantly. So before you yell at her for missing the enemy right in the middle of a team fight, make sure she didn't just nail the support who just flashed to (apparent) safety.
- Expy: Her Light Binding ability was stolen from Morgana's own Dark Binding ability.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: According to her background, she can manipulate light to make herself invisible. She can do nothing of the sort in the game. Her original design included a spell that could stealth allied units, but it turned out to be so difficult to balance that it was replaced with a simpler shield spell.
- Gratuitous German: Her ultimate, Finales Funkeln is German for "Final Sparkle".
- Or, as has been pointed out on the forums, "Final Flash".
- A big laser called Final Sparkle? Hmmm...
- In the Name of the Moon: See Shout-Out below.
- Kamehame Hadouken: Her ultimate certainly tips its hat to this trope with her animation of casting it pointing her palms in the direction she's firing (but while holding her staff in both hands). If you watch the animation closely, for a short time she floats and her legs point in the direction she's firing as well!
- Laser Sight: Just before you know you're about to die from final flash. Incidentally, the warning line is much narrower than the actual attack.
- Light Is Good
- Light the Way: She even says it almost verbatim.
- Long-Lost Relative: Of sorts: she knows who Garen is and what he does, but her League Judgement implies she never seen or spoke to him after enlisting in the Demacian military (or possibly even ever) aside from League broadcasts. In the judgement, she feels the urge to call out to the illusion of Garen.
- Magical Girl: She was created by Japanese designer Shurelia to specifically reflect this archetype.
- Meaningful Name: 'Lux' is 'light' in Latin. It is also a unit used in measuring the brightness and intensity of light.
- Motor Mouth: A mild but noticeable example in her in-game lines, especially in one of her joke lines when she explains a double rainbow.
- Parental Abandonment: Lux's parents casually gave her over to the Demacian military to serve the state at the age of 13, without showing the slightest signs of regret or reluctance.
- Squishy Wizard: Yes, she has a shield, but it's not really going to save her without backup.
- Stepford Smiler: She is upbeat and loyal to her city-state... but her judgement reveals her to be having been forcibly given to the Demacian military at her parents' wishes while she was 13. She then says herself she wants to join the League (and thereby serve Demacia) because she has nothing else.
- Token Wholesome: Noted by many for being the one of the most sensibly dressed females.
- Wave Motion Gun: Her ultimate is the closest thing the game has to one of these.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: A line she may say after being ordered to attack is the modern "Light em' up".
Malphite the Shard of the Monolith
"Beware, minions of chaos! The Shard of the Monolith has come."
Malphite is a sentient rock being from another dimension. In his homeworld, all beings are living silicone creatures who live in a utopian society linked by a benevolent hive mind called the Monolith. Malphite was summoned from his home dimension to help bring order to Runeterra, and though dim, he aims to do so.
Malphite is a tank-type champion who gains a stone shield equal to 10% of his total health when he stays out of combat and can shoot a shard of rock to steal movement speed, slam the ground to deal damage in an area and lower enemy attack speed, deal splash damage to nearby enemies with his regular attacks, and rush forward to smash foes in an area, launching them into the air.
Malphite's alternate skins include Shamrock Malphite, Coral Reef Malphite, Marble Malphite and Obsidian Malphite.
Associated tropes:
- The Big Guy
- The Brute
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Dynamic Entry: His Unstoppable Force sends foes flying!
- Foe-Tossing Charge
- Green Eyes: Being a sentient rock goes along with the natural magic connotations of the trope.
- Hive Mind: What he left behind in his home world.
- Mighty Glacier
- Shockwave Stomp: Achieved by smashing the floor with his hand, leaving the Riot Games logo in the ground for a few seconds afterward.
- Silicon-Based Life: His entire species.
Malzahar the Prophet of the Void
"The land may melt, the sea may swell, the sky may fall... but they will come!"
Once a Seer with a powerful gift of foresight, Malzahar's talent worked against him and the calls of the Void led him to the lost city of Icathia. There his visions were replaced with images of the creatures of the Void invading Valoran and overtaking it, images he now works to make reality. Malzahar is a mage-type champion with chaotic and potent spells. He can unleash silencing energy between portals, create a void zone dealing damage based upon enemies' max health level, cast a curse that bounces to nearby enemies and restores some of his mana when the target dies, and paralyze a foe in a deadly beam. He also has the ability to summon Voidlings, little spider creatures, as temporary minions after casting four abilities.
Malzhar's alternate skins include Shadow Prince Malzhar, Vizier Malzahar, Djinn Malzahar and Overlord Malzahar.
Associated tropes:
- Blue Eyes
- Completely Missing the Point: He refers to Kassadin as "Enlightened Walker of the Path" and tried to get him to join his Void Cult. He did this by kidnapping Kassadin's daughter and sacrificing her to the Void. Since then they've established a pretty strong rivalry.
- Demonic Invaders: His voidlings seem to be this. And that's not even mentioning his masters.
- Eye Beams: His ultimate.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: Kog'maw is supposedly drawn to Malzahar and aids him in battle, but in-game he's a separate hero. Can be averted if a Kog'maw and Malzahar player are on the same team, but apart from that Kog'maw has little to do with Malzahar in-game.
- Glass Cannon
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: And trust us, beware him.
- Go Mad from the Revelation
- Guardian Entity: It's unclear what Kog'Maw was going to do upon arrival, but he was the first to rush to the scene when Malzahar was fighting Kassadin outside the league.
- Humanoid Abomination: Has more or less become one.
- The Minion Master: Every four spellcasts of his winds up giving birth to a "Voidling", a small, only sort-of controllable pet with a limited lifespan. It starts out pretty ineffectual, but as its lifespan runs down, it gradually becomes much more dangerous, doubling in size, gaining half again their attack and armor values, and then gaining twice the attack speed, in that order. Under ideal circumstances, he can have two at the same time.
- Power Echoes
- Power Floats
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone
- Punctuation Shaker: He was originally "Mal'Zahar", presumably to keep with the other Void dwellers, but his name changed before release.
- The Rival: To Kassadin.
- Stop Helping Me!: Their actual damage utility aside, to say that his pet voidlings have gotten Malzahar players into trouble before would be an understatement.
Maokai the Twisted Treant
"I will use this power until I am free of it."
Once an oak on the Twisted Treeline battlefield, Maokai was animated by the chaotic magic in the land. He allowed himself to be summoned by the League in return for their researching a way to remove his sentience. But in the meantime, magekind is waiting to be punished.
Maokai is a tank-type champion with a mix of protective and disruptive abilities. He can knockback nearby foes into a slowing shockwave, turn into a spore cloud and root enemies, throw saplings that serve as both as vision-granting wards and walking landmines, and create a storm of whirling wood to block damage to his allies and unleash it back on foes. His passive absorbs the energy of nearby spellcasts into his sap, which provides a healing effect on his next attack when he stacks enough.
Maokai's alternate skins include Charred Maokai, Totemic Maokai and Festive Maokai.
Associated tropes:
- The Beast Master: Summons saplings which explode toward nearby enemies, or can be used to just temporarily keep watch over an area for Maokai and his team.
- Blood Magic: Implied in his Judgement that his saplings are birthed from of the dead.
- Counter Attack: His Vengeful Maelstrom ability reduces non-turret damage taken for him and his allies when they stay within its circle. When the effect ends, the ability damages enemies within the circle. It does extra damage for every point of damage absorbed, up to a limit.
- Cursed with Awesome: He hates mages and everything they've done, including and especially bringing him to life.
- Death Seeker: Though more looking for a way to return to his roots, so to speak.
- Expy: The saplings look and move quite a lot like Pikmin.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Green Thumb: Can summon saplings, temporarily literally root an enemy in place, and his ultimate is stated to be "a great vortex of natural energy."
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His first victims in his new life: the champions fighting on the Treeline at the time. He nearly took his fury out on the summoners and spectators as well, but fortunately Kayle was on the scene to cast her ultimate... on an entire crowd at once!
- Significant Anagram: What Maokai himself might state -- I am Oak.
- Spiritual Successor: To the Plant King champion, who didn't make the final cut.
- When Trees Attack: He also takes hits like a tree.
Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman
"The art of Wuju lives on in Master Yi, and is plunged through the hearts of his foes."—Soraka
Old lore: a wise old martial artist who has kept himself in his 30's for 1000 years via careful application of ki. He's an assassin that strikes quickly and moves so fast that he appears to teleport. Too bad he takes hits like an 1000-year old man.
New lore: a mystic warrior and keeper of the ancient art of Wuju hailing from Ionia, his village helping exhalt its traditions as well. When Noxus invaded the isle of Ionia, Yi went to met them on the fields of battle... but Noxus took the opportunity to test the latest invention of Singed on his village in his absence. Master Yi will not speak of what was done to his village, but he joined the League to avenge his kin and eventually end the evils of Noxus.
Master Yi is a melee DPS-type champion who can strike twice every seventh attack. His skills include a teleport-slash in a straight line, a passive boost to his attack damage that can be temporarily doubled, a health-restoring trance, and a self-buff that ups his movement- and attack-speed and makes him immune to slowing effects.
Master Yi's alternate skins include Assassin Master Yi, Ionia Master Yi, Chosen Master Yi, Samurai Yi and Headhunter Master Yi.
Associated tropes:
- Boring but Practical: Most Yi players will just run up and stab you to death. It works.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: In his old lore, not explicit by any means in his new lore.
- Difficult but Awesome: Yi has an Ability Power-based build that reduces his DPS in exchange for a few gimmicky but effective (and entertaining tricks.
- The Faceless: He's never been seen in official artwork without his nifty helmet/visor, which completely covers everything from his eyes up.
- Flash Step
- Fragile Speedster
- Glass Cannon
- Goggles Do Nothing: "The Seven Lenses of Insight" actually allow him to see beyond the range of normal human vision, not that it affects gameplay in any way.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Of sorts: whatever Singed's invention did to Yi's village, we are never told.
- Heroic BSOD: In his updated lore, Yi fell into one of these for years after his village was destroyed, dedicating himself to training and only prevented from going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge because he was the Last of His Kind.
- Katanas Are Just Better: His Sword is about as close to a Katana as you could get. Made more so apparent in his Samurai Yi Skin [dead link] .
- Last of His Kind: As the last master of the Wuju Style, he has sworn to keep it alive. To accomplish this, he took Wukong, the Monkey King as his pupil and made him promise that he would someday take on a student of his own to pass on their craft.
- Older Than They Look: In his old lore. The new lore for him does not indicate his age.
- Revenge: His updated lore states this is the reason he joined the League: to get vengeance on Noxus for the massacre of his village.
- Samurai: Samurai Yi.
- Shout-Out: He has a skin that makes him look like a Jedi, complete with lightsaber in place of his normal sword.
- Skill Gate Character: He teaches other teams to avoid backdooring, as Master Yi is one of the best champions to do this with.
- A Worldwide Punomenon:
"Wuju pass me that potion?"
- Yubitsume: In the artwork for Ionia Master Yi, the swordsman in question is clearly missing a finger on his left hand.
Miss Fortune the Bounty Hunter
"More men have voluntarily surrendered to the care of Miss Fortune than any other bounty hunter."—Grinnick Torip, Bilgewater Bonds
A female bounty hunter and captain of her own ship from the town of Bilgewater. Her mother killed by a pirate (so she naturally distrusts them), she joined the League to help her toward uniting Bilgewater and finding her mother's killer. Miss Fortune is a ranged DPS-type champion who can fire a shot that bounces to a target behind it, rain down a hail of bullets that slow enemies in a small area, passively stack bonus damage on successive shots, increase her attack speed and apply a healing reduction on her targets, and shoot a storm of bullets directly in front of her. Her passive increases her movement speed as long as she remains out of combat.
Miss Fortune's alternate skins include Cowgirl Miss Fortune, Waterloo Miss Fortune, Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Road Warrior Miss Fortune and Mafia Miss Fortune.
Associated tropes:
- Action Girl
- Bounty Hunter
- Bullet Time: Not really, but this is what her ultimate is called.
- Combat Stilettos: Her passive is a movement-boosting ability called 'Strut'... somehow.
- Double Entendre: Her /joke... "How do you like my guns... Shock and Awe?"
- Femme Fatale
- Gun Fu
- Guns Akimbo
- The Gunslinger
- Hand Cannon: Of epic proportions. Seriously, they look more like blunderbusses.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Her 'Double Up' skill banks a bullet off one enemy to hit another one behind it.
- The Mafia: Mafia Miss Fortune, complete with Thompson machine guns replacing her blunderbusses.
- More Dakka
- Ms. Fanservice: Could almost be her name. Absolutely everything about the character and the way she's been promoted by Riot screams "SEX APPEAL!".
- Older Than They Look: Her biography states that she managed to flirt and shoot her way through Bilgewater, only obtaining her ship at the age of sixteen. Presumedly, she didn't have much less potential for Fan Service at that age. While the time after she got her ship and joined the League is unknown, some of the fanbase assumes she's still not 'legal'.
- Pirate Girl
- Punny Name
- Sexy Santa Dress: Candy Cane Miss Fortune.
- Stripperiffic
- Wild West: Cowgirl Miss Fortune, sporting giant revolvers.
Mordekaiser the Master of Metal
"The common perception is that the encompassing armor protects him, I fear that -- for the fragile time being -- it actually protects us."—Rozuel Fecirem, Arch Adjudicator, noted in Mordekaiser's eligibility evalution
An entity of death and disease in a heavily spiked outfit that commands a legion of the dead, diseased, and dying. Mordekaiser is a tanky mage-type champion who uses health as a resource to cast his spells. He can empower his attack to lash out at multiple targets, form a cloud of shrapnel around himself or an ally that defends them and damages nearby enemies, siphon destructive force in a cone, and place a damaging curse on enemy champions that, if they die while under its effects, turns them into a ghostly slave that Mordekaiser can command against their former allies. A portion of his damage dealt through spells is converted into "shield points," giving him bonus health that depletes over time.
Mordekaiser's alternate skins include Dragon Knight Mordekaiser, Infernal Mordekaiser, Pentakill Mordekaiser and Lord Mordekaiser.
Associated tropes:
- Achilles' Heel: Morde is one of the only champions in the game with no forms of crowd control or mobility mechanics whatsoever. This means that he is relatively easy to escape from, compared to most of the other casters.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall:
"You only need to click once, fool."
- Captain Ersatz: Of Arthas, after he became the Lich King, from Warcraft.
- Carry a Big Stick: Jesus, that mace is the size of Akali.
- Dark Messiah
- Deflector Shields
- Extra Ore Dinary
- The Faceless: He even keeps his helmet on despite leaving his chest bare for rocking out.
- Filk Song: This parody of Britteny Spears' Womanizer.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Heavy Metal
- The Juggernaut: A fed Mordekaiser is still pretty slow and has to get close to deal damage, but good luck stopping him once he's on his way.
- Mighty Glacier
- Odd Friendship: He's in a band with Sona, Yorick and Karthus.
- Pet the Dog: According to Word of God he's very protective of Sona as the only living member of Pentakill.
- Plaguemaster: Although none of his actual abilities reflect it, Mordekaiser is repeatedly mentioned in the backstory to be drawn to sources of plague and death, particularly in the Zaunite slums, "where the gutters glow green with techmaturgical runoff." In fact, in case you're wondering how he got into music in the first place...
JP: Mordekaiser, you're an enigma both in and out of the arena. What draws you away from the Field of Justice to pursue this surprising side-project?
M: My fans. I am drawn to their disease.
JP: You mean their feverish love of this Techma-Tune music?
M: No.
- The Power of Rock
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Rock Me, Asmodeus: He ain't the devil, but he likes his weapons like he likes his music (heavy and metal). His Pentakill skin is him actually as a guitar player.
- Shirtless Scene: His Pentakill lacks a shirt and shows an actual torso. He still has the helmet on.
- Spikes of Villainy: As quoted from his preview:
If you have ever felt that your champion's aesthetic could be vastly improved by the addition of plate armor covered in metal spikes, [Mordekaiser] should definitely scratch that itch.
Morgana the Fallen Angel
"There is no rest while Kayle's brand of tyranny still exists."
There is a world far away where an ancient conflict still rages, a war split families. Morgana was Kayle's younger sister, long ago any filial connection between them. Kayle and her "angels" had fought for order, not seeing the "bigger picture," Morgana fought against what she saw as their tyranny, and so was branded fallen. One day, as they were locked in what might have been their final conflict, they were summoned to Valoran. Morgana now fights with the final goal of ending her sister, once and for all.
Morgana is a mage-type champion who can cast a snaring ball of energy, curse an area to damage and lower the defenses of enemies, cast a magic-nullifying shield on herself or an ally, and release slowing bonds on nearby enemy champions that do extra damage and stun them if they stay in range. She passively restores health based on how much magic damage she does to her enemies.
Morgana's alternate skins include Exiled Morgana, Sinful Succulence Morgana, Blade Mistress Morgana and Blackthorn Morgana.
Associated tropes:
- American Kirby Is Hardcore: Chinese Morgana Is Scarier. Compare her old art to THIS.
- Black Magician Girl
- Cain and Abel: With Kayle.
- Dark Chick
- Dark Is Not Evil: Possibly. She certainly thinks so, at the least.
- The Fair Folk: Her Blackthorn skin.
- Fallen Angel: No shit.
- Glacier Waif: Looks tiny and frail, can take a massive beating and still fare quite well. Between her ability to drain life with any of her spells, a long ranged area effect spell that kills lane minions from a distance, her immunity to disables when Black Shield is up and her two separate disables, she is almost impossible to gank or force out of her lane. To compensate, she is one of the slowest characters and has very limited offensive reach.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Implacable Man: Morg is League of Legend's most infamous immoveable object; unless you counterpick her (which is not easy considering how she's strictly a counterpick in the first place), you will NOT be able to dislodge her from mid or top no matter how hard you try. Go ahead, do whatever you think will work... it's just not gonna happen.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: There's implications that she's done this in her background: she started off helping the Chaos side of Order Versus Chaos with the reasonable justification that their enemies wanted to such order and safety at the cost of freedom and the individual... but by the time she was deemed as "fallen", she was said to be "not innocent", having used forgotten and forbidden ways to obsessively become more powerful to defeat her sister. However, it's not stated what horribleness she's done for her magic if any, and her goal of defeating Kayle to win the war for the chaotic side still remains.
- Non-Indicative Name: Her Black Shield ability is... blue on the target. Presumedly, it's named as in "Black Magic Shield" and trying to avoid being long-winded.
- Our Angels Are Different: As well as the general background differences noted in Kayle's entry, Morgana shows that when they "fall" they fall hard... apart from what her dark magic has done to her ears, her skin has turned a pasty grayish color and her wings have either been severely burned or have rotted while still attached to her, preventing her from flying. Despite this, she's still hot somehow.
- Pointy Ears: A result from her strong use of magic.
- Purple Eyes: Is pretty mysterious and powerful with her Fallen Angel vibe and dark magics.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: See Kayle's entry; although Morgana is explicitly younger than her, she's still undoubtably many thousands of years old.
- Rival Turned Evil
- Squishy Wizard: Averted. Morgana is actually one of the bulkiest mages in the game and can substitute quite well for a tank.
- Stone Wall: Morg is banned left and right not because of her offensive ability (she CAN lay down a ton of pain, but it's very situational and will not happen very often at all), but because unless counterpicked, she is absolutely impossible to force out of lane. You can try and budge her, but she'll just shrug it off and go back to farming like nothing happened. Hell, even ganking her usually fails because she'll just toss down her ult and blast you with her combo, which really, really hurts to the point where you might actually die.
- Stripperiffic: Her outfit is more or less a long skirt and a bra. The way she takes hits, you'd think that's a Kevlar Wonderbra she's got on.
- Supreme Chef: Unlike what her appropriate skin suggests, the Journal of Justice claims her baking is excellent and she vaguely alludes to enjoying it (while swearing about her sister in the same breath, natch).
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Compared to Kayle, she's a more girly girl... Morgana exclusively uses spells and wears, y'know, that outfit.
- Villains Out Shopping: When she's not inflicting pain on her opponents in the Fields of Justice, Morgana runs a chain of bakeries called 'Sinful Succulence'.
Nasus the Curator of the Sands
"The Keeper of the Sands, though contemplative, is not to be trifled with."
Nasus is a librarian from another dimension where mankind is protected by a race of animal-headed men in the vein of the Egyptian pantheon. Nasus was also a soldier bent on fighting his totalitarian, crocodile-headed brother Renekton, but was summoned to Runeterra before he could finish him off. He agreed to help protect Runeterra from the forces that were poised to tear it apart, seeing them as no less threatening to innocent lives as the war he left behind.
Nasus is a fighter-type champion who can empower his next attack with a spell that grows stronger every time it deals a killing blow, summon an armor-melting circle of flames, age an opponent to slow them, and engage his ultimate to become an avatar of death, draining health from nearby enemies and turning that into attack damage. His passive grants him natural lifesteal on his attacks, returning a portion of the damage as health.
Nasus's alternate skins include Galactic Nasus, Pharaoh Nasus, Dreadknight Nasus and Riot K-9 Nasus.
Associated tropes:
- Arch Nemesis: To Renekton.
- Awesome Yet Impractical: Nasus dominates the game if the enemy team lets him free farm. If the enemy is aware of this, they will never let you farm up that much, and you will be a liability to your team.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Creed: Like 90% of his lines.
"Life is part of a cycle; yours is over."
"Anthropomancy. Divination by entrails."
- Bad Powers, Good People: Come on, Nasus can not only drain life, he can cause his target to age much faster! His passive is called "Soul Eater", his Spirit Fire is described to "desecrate the earth" and his ultimate, "Fury of the Sands" used to be called "Avatar of Death".
- Cain and Abel: Nasus versus Renekton.
- Cultured Warrior
- Dark Is Not Evil: In the season one trailer, he appears as a largely inarticulate monster, working with the likes of Cho'gath and Warwick. He is huge, menacing, and constantly rambles on about death in a deep, booming voice. He is also a truly noble creature, a gentleman and a scholar.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Well, sand.
- Egyptian Mythology
- Evolving Attack: His "Siphoning Strike" ability, which gains bonus damage every time you lasthit with it. Once you put a few skill points in it, it's quite easy to power it up several times per creep wave... if you're free to concentrate on the timing, which is unlikely in a game where Griefing enemy players is a key tactic. After the laning phase breaks down, you can steal away and farm in peace... but it's dangerous to go alone.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Improbable Species Compatibility: Nasus looks like Anubis (jackal), and Renekton looks like Sobek (crocodile). One can only wonder what their parents looked like.
- Magikarp Power: In the early game, Nasus is quite an easy target, but "Siphoning Strike" can hit like a train in the late game. The number one rule of fighting against Nasus is "Do. Not. Let. Him. Free. Farm" or he will turn those 200 creep kills into a staff-whack that removes half of your health.
- The Mario: Does a bit of everything.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: But he's a good guy.
- Tranquil Fury
- Warrior Poet
"Your legacy shall drift away, blown into eternity like the sands of the desert."
Nautilus the Titan of the Depths
"When lost in utter darkness, there is nothing left but forward."
Once a sailor commissioned by the Institute of War to explore the unexplored seas, Nautilus was abandoned at sea while he was dragged down into the depths by an unseen force, grabbing the ship's anchor as he sank. When he awoke again, he found that his diver's suit had merged with his body, and his memories were fuzzy at best. With nothing to go on but the anchor, he trudged through the depths of the ocean until he reached Bilgewater, whereupon he was directed to the Institute of War. He joined the League so that he could discover and punish those responsible for a lifetime lost.
Nautilus is a tank-type champion whose first attack on a target deals extra damage and roots them in place briefly. He can throw his anchor, pulling himself and an enemy towards each other if it hits a target or pulling himself forward if it hits terrain, put up a health shield that causes his attacks to deal splash damage, release three slowing rings of explosives that expand outward to slow fleeing foes, and release an accelerating shockwave that knocks enemies back on its way to its target where it explodes with greater force.
Nautilus' alternate skins include Abyssal Nautilus and Subterranean Nautilus.
Associated tropes:
- Anchors Away: Nautilus is armed with the anchor of the ship aboard which he served. He grabbed it as he was being dragged to the sea floor.
- Dark Is Evil: Whatever grabbed Nautilus came from a black ooze in the section of the ocean.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He may look quite frightening and have a pretty nasty set of powers, but he just wants to find out who left him for dead and what made him the way he is.
- Determinator: Despite having incredibly hazy memories, and being weighed down by an impossibly heavy diver's suit-anchor combo, Nautilus woke up after death and walked across the sea floor for who knows how long, in utter blackness and loneliness, in order to find the people who decided he was better off dead.
- Gameplay and Story Integration: Nautilus in his suit is so lumbering, he couldn't swim back to shore. As a result, his movement speed is tied for the slowest in the game where every melee champion move faster than him, leaving him reliant on using his anchor through his Dredge Line ability for mobility.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: This can be justified as being the lights of his diver's suit. Taken to a logical conclusion with his Titan's Wrath ability, causing his eyes to glow even brighter while it lasts.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: His Dredge Line ability uses his anchor for this, capable even of dragging Nautilus to terrain, turrets, and walls.
- Hooks and Crooks: He uses his anchor as a very effective grappling hook to overcome his lumbering speed.
- The Juggernaut: Slow and cumbersome even when he is using his hook to get him places, but DO NOT LET HIM GET CLOSE. He's ridiculously durable, deals extremely high sustained damage, and has enough crowd control to ensure that you'll never get away from him alive.
- Left for Dead: His backstory made concise.
- Mighty Glacier: A very dedicated tanking character with large amounts of disruption and a respectable damage output, but has the lowest possible base movement speed, a trait usually reserved for ranged characters.
- Ocean Madness: Sort of. By the time Nautilus got back to land, he no longer remembered much of the details of his life.
- Power Glows: His Titan's Wrath ability, causing his anchor to glow red, and his eyes glow even brighter.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Revenge: His reason for being in the League is basically to take revenge on those responsible for his lost life and time. Hell, this may even be the reason he's alive in the first place!
- Shockwave Stomp: His Riptide ability. The waves that fan out can hit his enemies twice, meaning it may be better to hold your ground against Nautilus. Or... you're in a Morton's Fork situation.
- Shout-Out: The resemblance to the Big Daddy has not gone unnoticed.
- The Abyssal skin for Nautilus quite uses patterns and colors similar to the Black Legion Chaos Space Marines.
- Stone Wall: Well he is a tank, after all.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His ultimate is Depth Charge, blowing up upon impact with its main target and causing them to fly up into the air.
- Tunnel King: Subterranean Nautilus substitutes the anchor for a massive drill.
- Walk, Don't Swim: His diver's suit was so heavy that he had to trudge along the ocean floor all the way to land.
Nidalee the Bestial Huntress
"Nidalee was taught to fight by her feline family, battling viciously with tooth and nail. Something in her feline ways may draw you to her, but remember that she is no pussycat."
A child abandoned in a magical jungle when her treasure hunting parents were struck down, Nidalee was raised by a family of jungle cats. Infused with magic, she can morph into a cougar at will. She joined the League to protect the environment from civilization.
Nidalee is a ranged-DPS/support champion who can morph into a melee fighter-type cougar with bonus defensive stats and movement speed when she casts her ultimate. As a human, she has a long ranged spear throw that gets stronger the further the spear flies, traps that damage and weaken enemies, and a healing spell that also increases attack speed. As a cougar, she can pounce to deal damage where she lands, slash enemies to deal bonus damage that gets stronger the weaker her target is, and slash in an area around her. In both forms she moves faster when she travels through brush.
Nidalee's alternate skins include Leopard Nidalee, Snow Bunny Nidalee, French Maid Nidalee, Pharaoh Nidalee and Bewitching Nidalee.
Associated tropes:
- All Witches Have Cats: Her Bewitching skin changes her cougar form into a black cat.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Blade on a Stick
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: An ability of her's involves throwing a spear, which does more damage based off how far away it is from Nidalee upon impact, seemingly like a gyrojet. That would be bizarre enough... but due to how it's coded, it does just do more damage based off how far away it is from Nidalee upon impact, and thus also deals more damage from Nidalee just moving back away from the spear and its intended target...
- Catgirl: Well, she doesn't actually have cat ears, but she can turn into a cougar and was raised by cats. It certainly seems this was what the creator(s?) was/were going for.
- Crutch Character: Is less powerful endgame than a dedicated support, ranged-DPS, or fighter champion.
- Difficult but Awesome: The above and below claims are somewhat subverted in that during the most recent official tournament game between TSM and CLG (i.e. two of the best teams playing League of Legends), Nidalee was still automatically banned by TSM solely due to CLG's Hotshotgg's fearsome reputation when playing her. She's now almost always the first-pick ban in professional matches.
- Fan Service: A sexy cougar in a Fur Bikini whose /dance emote causes her to pole dance on her spear and whose /joke is "Did I mention it's mating season?" And then there's...
- French Maid: A skin for her. Yes.
- Hello, Nurse!: Nidalee is apparently very popular with men in-universe, (especially the younger crowd).
- Hot Witch: Bewitching Nidalee.
- Impossibly Low Neckline: Did we mention the Fan Service already?
- Jungle Princess
- Nature Hero
- Raised by Wolves
- Stealth Pun: She has a hidden passive when in cougar form that gives a very small amount of exp to any nearby friendly champions lower level than her. Because she's a "cougar".
- Stripperiffic
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Nocturne the Eternal Nightmare
"The darkness is closing in... it’s pitch black now... but I can still see him..."—Kelvin Ma, patient #4236
A creature of darkness and dreams, Nocturne caused insanity and death to the League's summoners before his capture. The League deduced him as an assassin, attacking the mages at their weakest. To that end Nocturne is now a pawn of what he hates most; bound to the will of the summoners he would gladly haunt.
Nocturne is a fighter-type assassin champion who can periodically unleash a whirling lifesteal attack, shoot out dark hands that leave behind trails of darkness that boost his speed, block spells to boost his attack speed, and trap foes in a growing nightmare that causes them to run around in fear if left unbroken. His ultimate blinds the enemy team to one another, allowing Nocturne to pounce to a helpless foe from a huge distance.
Nocturne's alternate skins include Frozen Nocturne, Void Nocturne, Ravager Nocturne and Haunting Nocturne.
Associated tropes:
- And I Must Scream: An odd variation of it; he is chained to the League's will. Literally.
- Bedsheet Ghost: Haunting Nocturne looks like one.
- Berserk Button: Summoners seem to really piss him off.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: He has two gigantic curved blades attached to (growing from?) his forearms.
- Dark Is Evil
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: The first part of his ultimate, Paranoia, actually affects summoners, not the champions themselves, making them distrustful of their fellow summoners around them for a few seconds and literally blinding them with fear. As such, this effect also barely crosses over into allied summoners, darkening the corners of their screens and providing a very faint laughing sound.
- Easter Egg: If Graves uses his Smokescreen ability on Nocturne, Graves says one of two special lines of dialogue.
- Eldritch Abomination: He's a dream-born monster who utterly despises all life, especially Summoners, and wants nothing more than to slaughter everything because it offends him.
- Enemy to All Living Things: He REALLY hates Summoners, but life in general is an abomination in his eyes.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: Frozen Nocturne.
- Expy:
- An omnicidal assassin who kills people on their dreams and hates an specific group, which he harassed in the past. Are we talking about Nocturne or Freddy Krueger?
- Of Spectre from Defense of the Ancients, in both looks and abilities (trails of darkness, and materialising behind foes).
- Also shares a team-blinding ultimate with the Dark Lady from Heroes of Newerth.
- Not to mention, Darkrai. No seriously. Nightmares anyone?
- Game Breaking Bug: His Duskbringer trails count as dying units with large amounts of hitpoints when they expire, making enemy Trundles and Alistars very happy summoners.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Heroic Sacrifice: The summoners who died to Nocturne so the League could capture him.
- Actually, its been strongly implied the "Summoners" were an illusion used to trap him.
- Humans Through Alien Eyes: Nocturne makes it clear that he's an Omnicidal Maniac because life as we know it offends and disgusts him.
- Laser-Guided Karma: After delivering eternal nightmares to the summoners for so long, they decided to respond in kind by chaining him to the League to serve the very same summoners for extra poetic justice.
- Lightning Bruiser: He was designed to be a Glass Cannon, but anyone halfway decent with him will build him tanky thanks to Duskbringer's attack boost, which allows you to build a fair amount of defense and still do enormous damage. When built this way, he's nearly impossible to peel off a target or escape from but can also take a good beating and fight off multiple opponents with ease.
- Living Dream: The possibility was mentioned that he is someone's nightmares given physical form.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Now that he's been ripped out of the dream world and into the real world, his only desire is to massacre anything and everything he can get to.
- Psycho for Hire: Probably the only relief of his slavery; at least he still gets to torture people during matches.
"Bring me more fleshbags to slice up!"
- Sealed Evil in a Can: In a nexus shard. That is, until someone needs him on the Fields of Justice. Once a match is over, back in he goes.
- Shout-Out: His Ravager skin has more than a passing resemblance to Carnage.
- Unstoppable Rage: Considering that he's being held prisoner by the people whom he despises above all others, this is pretty much his only setting.
Nunu the Yeti Rider (and Willump the Yeti)
"Imagine what Nunu will be like when he grows up!"
Lore V1: an Inuit-ish boy who came from a family that rode Yetis, rodeo-style, for fun. After getting hold of the world's largest Yeti, Nunu went a little nuts with power and basically decided to rampage across the planet for fun and profit.
Lore V2: Nunu is a kind girl born with the ability to wield ice magic. She befriended a sick yeti and raised him back to health, and the two have been friends ever since.
Lore V3: Nunu is a orphan raised by yetis, who rides into battle alongside of his adoptive Yeti brother Willump in order to fight for Yeti rights.
Nunu is a fighter-type champion with a wide variety of skills at his disposal, making him very versatile. He can shoot ice-balls that slow enemies, cast a movement and attack-speed buffs on allies that also buffs himself, restore his health by eating minions, and create a blizzard around his body that slows enemies before dealing massive damage. His passive makes his next spell free after a certain number of standard attacks.
Nunu's alternate skins include Sasquatch Nunu, Workshop Nunu, Grungy Nunu, Nunu Bot and Demolisher Nunu.
Associated tropes:
- Ascended Meme: Nunu Bot, named and based on a series of YouTube videos about how horrible the A.I. version of the champion can be.
- Big Eater
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Rides a Yeti by default and a Sasquatch in his Sasquatch Nunu skin.
- Black Magician Girl: Arguably, when Nunu was a girl. The yeti takes care of the physical work while she casted spells.
- A Boy and His X: A boy, er, girl, no, boy and his yeti.
- Brown Eyes: But Nunu's not the most typical person ever, really, so, Averted Trope.
- If you are in Runeterra and you don't have glowing eyes, it makes you unusual.
- Charged Attack: His ultimate is a three second channel, during which nearby enemies are slowed. If you manage to complete the entire channel without getting interrupted, you pretty much win the teamfight by default.
- Difficult but Awesome: His ultimate is an absolute bitch to land, as almost all champions can interrupt casting, and some of those who cannot can escape it in time. When fully channeled, through clever use of brush, proper teamwork and timing it is the absolute most powerful thing in the game.
- Eskimo Land
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Inuit, but with yeti-riding as a pastime.
- Fan Vid: Amazingly, a whole series starring the game's Nunu Bot and player Angry Goran. Check the first one out here. Also an Ascended Meme: Riot honoured the series with an actual Nunu Bot skin, featuring a robotic yeti that mimics the voice from the series.
- Jack of All Stats: In terms of gameplay.
Olaf the Berserker
"Beware the war cry of the Berserker. What surges toward you is unyielding, free from the shackles of reason."
A warrior from the far away realm of Lokfar. He and his crew were in search of a prosperous, new land to plunder for his seafaring people when a storm destroyed his ship and wiped out his crew. He washed up on the shores of Valoran and struck a deal with the mages of the League. He fought for them as they found a way to return him to his home. Olaf kept his true purpose secret, as well as most information about his tribe, otherwise he suspected the mages would dominate his people like they did all of Valoran.
Olaf is a fighter-type champion who can damage and slow enemies in a line by throwing his axe, which can be picked up again to shorten its cooldown, grant himself bonus damage based on maximum health along with lifesteal and spell vamp, land a reckless strike that damages Olaf and the target for a flat amount of health, and make himself immune to disables, reduce all damage taken by a flat amount, and passively grant himself armor penetration for a brief period. His passive increases his attack-speed for every percent of health that he's missing.
Olaf's alternate skins include Forsaken Olaf, Glacial Olaf and Brolaf.
Associated tropes:
- An Axe to Grind: Two of them!
- Armor-Piercing Attack: Everyone has options for it, but he's pretty much the biggest utilizer of it in the game. His Reckless Swing ability does true damage, which is so armor-piercing it deals full damage regardless of enemy defenses, unless they have something that makes them invincible. On a more minor level, his ultimate gives him more armour penetration per level.
- Ascended Meme: Brolaf, now a skin! Doubles as the ascension of Garen's favorite battle cry. BROMACIA!
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Due to his passive and buffing ability, the best tactic for surviving a fight with Olaf is to make sure he dies first or ignore him entirely. Going somewhere in between will probably allow him to slaughter you all at some point in the fight.
- Axe Before Entering: His ax-throw usually hits you way before he appears on-screen.
- Badass Beard: You're damn right it is.
- Badass Long Hair: His hair is even longer than his impressive beard.
- Barbarian Hero
- The Berserker: It's his title, if you haven't noticed yet.
- The Blade Always Lands Pointy End In: His axe when thrown, which being an axe probably makes more sense.
- Cast from Hit Points: His Reckless Swing ability deals equal bonus damage to himself and an enemy. Considering his passive ability, this can be a good thing.
- Dual-Wielding: He holds two axes.
- Horny Vikings: With the obligatory horned helmet.
- I Can Still Fight: Normally, players are below half their maximum health would retreat to heal up. When Olaf's below half health, he's just getting started.
- Implacable Man: His ultimate works well to making him this, making him immune to crowd-control effects and reducing damage taken.
- Magikarp Power: At lower levels, the vast majority of ranged champions easily handle him on a one-vs-one basis, and his jungling is fairly risky since utilizing his potential to the fullest requires him to be constantly low on health and easily killed by an enemy champion plundering in on him. In a teamfight late-game with Olaf's build complete and his allies with him to stop the enemy from simply backing away, Olaf is a Mighty Glacier with very few drawbacks of the "glacier" aspect being apparent.
- One-Man Army: Get him to level eighteen and give him his core items, and congrats, he's more a force of nature than a champion.
- Plunder: His motivation that ended up getting him stuck in Valoran.
"To plunder!"
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: A viking. He really doesn't trust the summoners.
- Rated "M" for Manly: He is an enormous viking that dual-wields axes who just gets pissed off by your feeble attempts to kill him, as you will hear.
- Screaming Warrior: When he activates his buffing abilities. This is a good sign to his enemies to watch out.
- Shock and Awe: Mildly; his Reckless Swing ability hits the target with a lightning bolt.
- Unstoppable Rage: Get him to half health and watch him pop his ultimate. If he's not on your side, you best start running.
- Violation of Common Sense: Remember Critical Existence Failure especially applies to Olaf when using him.
- Who's Laughing Now?: Most Olaf players will let you get them to at least half health before they chop you to pieces.
- Your Mom: From the Brolaf skin:
"I'm OP? Your mom is OP!"
Orianna the Lady of Clockwork
"Dance with me, my pet. Dance with me into oblivion."
Orianna Reveck was a young girl who loved dancing and the League of Legends. She trained to achieve her goal of one day becoming a champion in the League but died in a tragic accident. Her father, a brilliant scientist from Piltover, built a new Orianna: a powerful android that could fulfill her dream of being a champion, along with a mechanical sphere to protect her from dying again. Orianna is not quite human but is desperate to fulfill the wishes of her father and predecessor.
Orianna is a unique mage-type champion whose abilities are all based around her floating ball. The Ball can fly to a target location, dealing damage to any enemies it hits along the way, emit an electronic field that damages and slows enemies and boosts allies, attach to Orianna or her allies to boost their defenses and give them a temporary shield, or damage and knock enemies around with a blast of electricity. For her passive, Orianna's basic attacks deal additional damage that increases with each consecutive strike on the same enemy.
Orianna's alternate skins include Gothic Orianna, Sewn Chaos Orianna and Bladecraft Orianna.
Associated tropes:
- Attack Drone: The Ball.
- Bond Creatures: The Ball protects Orianna and obeys her commands.
- Clockwork Creature
- Companion Cube: Her ball, and to a lesser extent herself.
- Creepy Doll: Sewn Chaos Orianna.
- Dance Battler: Not in a typical sense though. Orianna does the dancing while the Ball does the fighting.
- Difficult but Awesome:
- All of her abilities are centered on the ball, not Orianna herself, and on top of that her basic attacks deal more damage the more she attacks the same opponent. In order to be successful with her, you need to micro around your ball to a good position for her skills, stay out of enemy range, target the weakest opponent and be able to tell when activating your ball's abilities are going to help or hamper your team. In the hands of someone who's good with her, however, she's arguably the best character in the game.
- Mastering when to use her abilities is crucial to success at her. Used in the right place, the slow/speedup can save yourself and teammates from a gank, and a combo of the slow and the character-moving ulti can actually do enough damage to kill them. However, both have a smaller area of effect than you might think; miss one or put it in the wrong place, and you'll end up dead. Using the shield (which puts the Ball on an allied champion) can also change fights: you can shield a hurting ally, or you can put in on an initiator who can hop on the enemy, just to list two examples.
- Her Ball teleports back to her if she gets too far away. If you were just about to activate your ultimate, you now look like a complete idiot.
- Expy: The mechanical distortion in her voice makes her sound like a character from Portal; either GLaDOS or the Military Android Turrets. The characteristic of her skills emanating from the Ball was supposedly inspired by Youmu Konpaku.
- Eyeless Face: Her Sewn Chaos Orianna skin has X's sewn over the eyes.
- Improbable Weapon User
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter
- Magikarp Power: Her autoattack passive is mostly ineffectual early game, but its bonus damage increases sixfold from levelling up (on top of the actual autoattack damage itself), and it also scales with the help Ability Power items.
- Planar Shockwave: Her ultimate ability causes The Ball to emit a shockwave that pulls enemies towards it.
- Replacement Goldfish: She, rather off-puttingly, insists that she is the original Orianna, and gives no indication that she realizes she isn't normal in the first place.
- Robot Buddy: The Ball.
- Robot Girl
- Shout-Out: Her quote, shown above, is a blatant reference to a popular line from Invader Zim.
- Swiss Army Weapon: That is one useful ball.
- Uncanny Valley: In-universe, people find her empty imitation of life to be very unnerving. During her League Judgment, she casually performs blatantly inhuman actions, such as keeping her head locked on to the summoner speaking to her while her body contorts in physically impossible positions to wind her key. The observation noted that, while she is far more human looking than Blitzcrank (who's basically a big lumpy man-shaped robot), she looks far less alive. Her delighted squeal of glee on being accepted as a champion is described as "horrifying".