< League of Legends

League of Legends/Fridge

  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • The lore shows champions doing extremely powerful things prior to their League admittance: from Maokai nearly destroying the entire Twisted Treeline along with all champions and spectators, Kayle using her typically one-target ultimate on everyone to protect them from the previous champions' Slicing Maelstrom, to Renekton easily putting down his brother and getting past three opponents before being stopped. Just feels like Riot wants the champions to look incredibly awesome at first, but then again the Institute of War is probably heavily toning down their strengths when they enter the Fields of Justice. Now imagine what they could do if they had all the champions under their control at the same time in which they gave them full access to their powers.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Talon's title, The Blade's Shadow. He worked under General Du Couteau, and in French "Couteau" means "knife."
  • Fridge Brilliance: The ammoral mutant scientists in League of Legends both have a damage dealing spell that does a percentage of health (Warwick and Mundo). Guess they know enough about Runeterran anatomy so that they do damage on a unit's maximum health. Likewise most of the Void Champions have a silence.
  • Fridge Horror:
    • The Dominion Map, Crystal Scar, is described in backstory as being uninhabitable due to what amounted to a magical nuke being dropped on the place to flush everyone out and prevent diplomatic tensions reaching breaking point. In gameplay, it inflicts the permanent status "Crystal Scar's Aura", which boosts magic regeneration, makes champions take more damage, and makes them harder to heal. This isn't some Summoner-induced Competitive Balance thing, Champions (who still feel pain) are suffering from magical radiation poisoning while they're in the arena.
  • Fridge Logic:
    • How does the bird Anivia wear her speed increasing boots? And why is she slower than everyone, even the zombie?
    • Why is it that Anivia, Cho'gath, and Rammus are the only non-humanoid but still bipedal champions?
      • Likely most of this is due to time constraints in efficiently making new heroes since anything with more than two legs or flight becomes more difficult to animate without horrible Squick-inducing animation bugs.
      • This will be averted by Skarner.
    • How come only Corki is the only flying champ who can actually be more than half a meter above the ground? And even that is not as high than Tristana's Rocket Jump?
    • Out of all the skills in the game, Poppy's Ultimate is the only one that does NOT MAKE SENSE. How the hell do you prevent others from whacking her or another champion with some unknown skill!?
    • Some of the components and corresponding results for advanced items are frequently fairly strange.
    • Players shall either forever be confused how oranges remove all crowd-control effects on Gangplank, wonder if they could get oranges to work for them like that to, or just decide to forget about caring.
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