< League of Legends

League of Legends/Nightmare Fuel

Runeterra, the world that League of Legends takes place in, is known for it's colorful brightness.It is also known to have some creepy stuff...


  • The general feeling of trying to escape from a large mob when you're outnumbered.
  • Anytime Nocturne uses Paranoia. And how!
  • Gangplank's laugh when he fires his ult.
  • Fiddlesticks. Fucking Fiddlesticks. His Ult. is perhaps the most dangerous. Made worse is that a good Fiddlesticks player WILL do it when everyone least expects it.
  • The huge-ass Shark that Fizz summons is quite scary the first time. Doesn't help that it's a huge Game Breaker.
    • It is worth noting that if the shark finishes off a small champion, it eats them , as in, it takes the whole body and doesn't leave behind a corpse.
  • That moment in midair after a Singed fling/Blitz grab as you travel towards the enemy team.
    • Skarner's ult is the worst with it- before the bug was fixed, teleport used to be considered a debuff. So Skarners would hide in the bush, ult you, use teleport, then hit cleanse to reach their base instantly, taking you for the ride.
  • Cho'Gath's feast ability. He EATS YOU. ALIVE.
    • Cho'gath claims to have far worse things in store for you than merely eating you.

DEATH, is NOT the end for you. I have seen to it. For eternity; YOU. ARE. MINE.

  • Any character that turns invisible is this and Paranoia Fuel. Especially the Joker Expy Shaco with his boxes, and Twitch with his creepy laugh and devastating ult.

Twitch: Uehahauahahuaeuh!
Announcer: Pentakill!

  • Being taunted by Galio, Rammus, and Shen when you least want it.
  • When you're losing a match and your jungle is unwarded, suddenly the entire map is a very large, empty place, with the entire enemy team hidden just ahead in the fog of war. In every direction.
  • Warwick, especially when he smells you when your health is low. Just when you think your safe.....SURPRESSION!!!!!


  • Warwick was originally a deranged Mad Scientist prior to his transformation. The fact that someone only became worse when they had been cursed is really saying something. Just how horrible was he prior to his transformation?
    • Judging by what we saw in Karma's League Judgment, he was an absolutely disgusting bastard who made Singed look like a saint. Singed is merely callous and uncaring; Warwick went out of his way to be as horrible as he could out of sheer sadistic joy in the carnage he was causing.
  • Singed, Warwick's student, is no slouch in Complete Monster territory either. Remember what happened in Riven's backstory? During a war with the Noxians and Ionians, Singed fired off salvos of an extremely powerful chemical weapon with no regard for who he hit, leaving the poor girl shattered mentally at the scene.
    • Turns out Master Yi was also a victim to this asshole. His village, attacked by Noxians, was brought down to ashes by Singed. Yi isolated himself to ensure that, as the last of the wuju style, would not die out
  • He may have been a source of humorous memes, but Dr.Mundo may have actually been worse than Warwick. He started his sadistic experiments as a child, and only got worse and worse.
  • Nocturne is basically a more sadistic Darkrai. Darkrai was bad enough, but even he would be disturbed by Nocturne
  • Urgot's fate. You're basically Immortal while being horrendously disfigured. He even laments that it sucks in his current position.
    • And what comes with his disfigured body? Eternal pain. Literal eternal pain. The only thing keeping him going is his near-endless hatred for Demacia, especially Garen. Come to think of it, pretty much every single thing about Urgot is terrifying.
  • Wanna know how Renekton became evil? He had been around evil people for too long, destroying his mind and making him go crazy.
  • Orianna's judgement. Orianna in general. She redefines Uncanny Valley Girl.

Orianna: [after reliving her implanted memories of the death of the original Orianna Reveck] Yes, I died.

Summoner Carin: We have entered your mind, Orianna. How did this make you feel?

Orianna: [creepy mechanical giggle] It was fun. I like memories. Don't you?

  • Fiddlesticks is bad enough in-game. His lore makes him much worse. He had to be sealed into the summoning chamber because they couldn't get rid of him. Everyone who went in was either cut down or driven mad.
    • Even worse, all anyone knows about his orgins is that a summoner attempted an extra-planar summoning. No one knows what happened or where the summoner went; all that's left of the event is Fiddlesticks.
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