< League of Legends

League of Legends/WMG

  • Anybody noticed that, just like the ninjas, Gangplank has received a buff for being a Pirate? (As of June 2010) Perhaps it hints at a Pirate trilogy to properly versus the Ninja trilogy.
    • A couple of devs have stated that there will be at least one more pirate Champion.
  • Riot will release a lot more lore at some point, likely involving a sort of epic conflict against Noxus. This comes from a post by the game's Lead Creative Designer, Babagahnoosh, here, with the latter part of it noting the fact that much retconning in various champion backstories end up including Noxus being involved in how the champion got to the Institute of War.

Leblanc hated how she formerly looked, and is obsessed with her new self

Leblanc had severe self esteem issues, and trouble with body image, and was so happy when she took on the new and more attractive appearance of The Black Rose's honorary leader. May even have a Les Yay with herself as you can notice in her dancing animation, she dances with the reflection she see's in her staff's gem (this is also not including all of the Rule 34 of her and her mirror image).

Gangplank's father is not dead

After Gangplank killed his father, he dumped the body. The body eventually made it's way to the Howling Marsh, where Karthus revived him and gave him a crew for whatever reason. The recent attack by pirates on the Demacian Navy was his doing. See the sneak peek of The Journal of Justice.

Nunu's real parents are Popo and Nana.

Fiddlesticks uses corpses as raw materials to make his crows.

Fiddlesticks is the League's executioner; he kills anyone who enters his dungeon, so summoners more or less through all of their condemned criminals into Fiddlestick's room. However, since the summoners don't want to die, they can't really go in and retrieve the bodies of people who have been executed. While it is possible that Fiddlesticks simply lives in a filthy room loaded with decomposing corpses; it seems more plausible that uses the dead bodies to make his endless supply of crows. The mundane explanation is that he feeds the corpses to his birds so that they have the fuel to reproduce, but the more interesting explanation is that he uses dark magicks to turn bodies directly into crows.

Karthus is secretly Kassadin's great-grandfather.

Being undead its entirely possible Karthus had a family before he died. Kassadin is one of his descendants. Karthus knows this but no one else does. He got involved in the fight to protect his great-grandson. He referred to Kassadin as the inhibitor since he's trying to prevent the Void from screwing over Runeterra. (I.E. He's inhibiting the Void's takeover)

Sivir will be buffed

One of the devs said that they will remove dodge because it's too random, and Jax relies on it a tad too much. Sivir has a passive that allows her to dodge, so maybe she'll be reworked.

  • Done and done. Sivir has been reworked and is awesome. Incidentally, Jax has also been reworked.


C is either:

  • Twisted Fate the Card Master who simply teleported away, which is why Caitlyn never caught him. Caitlyn may be able to use an oracle elixir, but Twisted Fate can teleport - even if she caught him, she probably couldn't ahve kept him out for long.
  • An upcoming champion.
  • C.C.
  • A Jekyll and Hyde persona created by Caitlyn's subconscious out of the desire for a challenge she could not easily overcome.

More Noxian characters

Recent Journal of Justice had revealed names of Noxian Grand General Darkwill's two sons: Draythe and Keiran. Both sound badass enough to waste on background characters, moreover, the Journal indicates Keiran's impressive military record. One of them may provide a counterpart for Jarvan IV, for Noxus doesn't have a 'royal heir' character yet.

  • Ironically we have two noxian characters in a row.
  • Confirmed! Enter Darius, the Hand of Noxus.
    • Actually, that's technically Jossed: Darius isn't a Noxian "royal" and he was introduced by executing Kieran.

Riven is really evil.

While she is known as a Noxus Champion who wishes to redeem her actions, that is really just a cover for her plans to usurp her peers and take control of the Noxian army, and change it to fit her image of a good and glorious army.

  • This isn't really a WMG. It's specifically stated that Riven still believe in her "The Strong will survive" philosophy. The only reason she left Noxus is because they use tactics in which NOBODY survives and rely on Zaun's chemical warfare instead of their own army. The only 'Wild' part is that she seems to have no desire to take over the army. She's more Neutral than Evil though, going by the impression given by her League Judgment.

Kog'maw's "Daddy" will be part of a new game mode

A competitive monster-hunt type of game on a new map. Both teams will have minion waves to farm and turrets to hide behind, however both nexuses are invincible. Instead, "Daddy" will periodically appear on the map as an Epic Creature, and each side races to get credit for killing him (possibly by % damage dealt for the point, though any exp/gold reward goes to the killshot team, making ninja kills valuable), racing against the other team to be strong enough to do so without getting wiped out by him or the opponents. After "Daddy" is killed, he reappears somewhere else a few minutes later, stronger. Best of X Daddy kills for a team wins the match.

Pentakill's Fifth Member

The Fifth member of Pentakill will be a champion who uses dual weapons and be their drummer.

  • Or possibly any of the following: Alistair, Anivia, Nasus, Rammus, Renekton, Twitch, Warwick, Wukong, or Tibbers. Udyr also has a shot.
    • Katarina, Nocturne, Olaf, Shaco, Shyvana, Akali, Karma, Shen, Irelia, Miss Fortune, or Heimerdinger as suggestions for non animal dual wielding Pentakill drummers.
  • Gragas is also a possibility since his cask could very easily be turned into a drum.
  • Mundo could also be a drummer with those beefy-ass arms he has. Maybe replace his cleaver with an oversized drum stick.

Swain is actually serving Tzeentch and just serving Noxus to forward his goals.

His uncanny ability in manipulating and tactics plus the ability to transform into a GIANT DEMON BIRD really gives him away.

Mordekaiser hails from the Shadow Isles, and is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

He has an unnatural affinity with illness, striking everyone around him with incurable diseases. He's the horseman of Pestilence. The other three Horsemen are in the League as well. Hecarim is obviously War, Evelynn is Famine, and Yorick is Death. Yorick even has Four Horsemen references in his abilities.

Caitlyn is inspired by Caitlin Todd. Maybe not consciously

Think about it for a second. Caitlyn is a good investigator, not unlike the inspiration. Sasha Alexander is an attractive brunette with rather long hair. All adult, human female LoL characters are designed as attractive. Kate Todd was killed by a sniper, so Caitlyn uses a sniper rifle as her weapon.

Kennen is inspired by Ken Amada from Persona 3.

They're both short and use electricity/light attacks. Also theres an obvious similarity between thier names, and both of them say 'Yes yes yes' in similar ways; Kennen when he's being told to move, and ken when he levels up.

Mordekaiser is General Du Couteau

His introduction implies he was a victim of some scheme or another and he emerged from some corner of Noxus. It is also stated that he has a general like aura around him.

Fizz's race sudden dissappereance was because they left Runterra predicting one last Rune War that would destroy the world

They were never native of Runeterra, they came from another world and settled down in runeterra in their travels. When Fizz comes back , his town was deserted, the only thing left behind was this message:

So long, and thanks for all the fish

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