< JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/Characters


Jonathan Joestar

Young Voice: Kazuya Nakai (game)
Adult Voice: Hideyuki Tanaka (game), Katsuyuki Konishi (movie)

Jonathan Joestar. Nicknamed JoJo. Just a 12 year old boy minding his own business in 1880s Victorian England. One day, his father announces that Dio Brando is moving in with them, and Dio proceeds to push him out of his father's favor and ruin his life in every way possible. Jonathan, however, puts up with Dio, managing to get beyond it all and become an archaeologist. He researches a Mesoamerican stone mask that was in his father's collection, that, at first, appears to be a trap that kills the wearer. JoJo then finds out that Dio plans to kill his father and races to get an antidote from the evil Wangchan with his newfound friend Robert E. O. Speedwagon. After getting the cure, the two men save JoJo's father and fight Dio, who, during the fight, shows that he has used the mask on himself and not died but become a vampire, and burns down Jonathan's house and escapes. JoJo and Speedwagon meet the Italian William Antonio Zeppeli, who teaches JoJo the vampire-killing fighting style Hamon to beat Dio. JoJo, Speedwagon and Zeppeli go to a European village and face off with Dio.


  • Defeat Means Friendship: Speedwagon, his first enemy, becomes not only his, but his family's loyal friend.
    • Hell, his ability to hold his own against Vampire Dio gains Dio's respect, and his victory and courage earned Dio's outright adoration. Too bad that Dio's a Yandere.
  • The Determinator: Zeppeli stated that one of the reasons he could master the Ripple in so little time was due this characteristic.
  • Go Out with a Smile: As he dies from the wounds Dio inflicted on him, he smiles, both at Erina, and Dio himself.
  • The Hero: His resolve to protect his family kicks off the whole story.
  • Nice Guy: He's polite, earnest and openly kind, though most of his descendants don't have these traits.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After a brief Time Skip, post Dio's Kick the Dog, he grew into a Badass Bookworm of sorts...
    • ...And then he took ANOTHER level during his training to master the Ripple.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Dio puts him through the wringer, beating him at everything, stealing his girl's first kiss, burning his dog, and that's when he was twelve.

Joseph Joestar (Stand: Hermit Purple)

Young Voice: Hochu Otsuka (video game)
Old Voice: Chikao Ohtsuka (OVA), Kenji Utsumi (CD Drama 1 & 3), Goro Naya (CD Drama 2), Toru Okawa (video game)

Grandson of the original JoJo. An unscrupulous fighter who uses any means necessary to defeat his opponent. During the course of Battle Tendency, he travels the world to keep the vicious Pillar Men from obtaining the Red Stone of Asia and attaining a level of immortality that would render them absolutely invincible.

Following that, he joined up with his grandson Jotaro in order to put a stop to the revived Dio Brando. His role during these events was more or less a supporting part, though he did get a few moments to himself.

His final appearance was during the events of Diamond Is Unbreakable, where he met his biological son Josuke and adopted the child known as Achtung Baby (later christened Shizuka Joestar).

  • Artificial Limbs: Stroheim's associates gave him a robotic hand to replace the one that he lost during his final fight against Kars.
  • Back from the Dead: Dio completely drained him of blood, leaving him a husk of a body for a short time before a transfusion revived him.
  • Badass Grandpa: In Part 3.
  • Bare Your Midriff: In Part 2.
  • Batman Gambit: A master of this trope due to the same mind-reading abilities that produce his catchphrase.
  • Catch Phrase:
    • "Your next line will be X!" And it nearly always is.
    • "What did you say? Depending on your answer, I may have to kick your ass!" Makes a great "reaction" image, too.
    • He's well-known for his Gratuitous English and Large Ham reactions to things going slightly wrong. "OH. MY. GOOOOOD!"
  • The Combat Pragmatist: His willingness to do anything to win is legendary.
  • Fighting Spirit: Hermit Purple, who can create images of faraway places when Joseph visualizes them.
  • Hot-Blooded: One of the more emotional Joestars. Particularly in the fighting game.
    • In one of Joseph's super attacks, he uppercuts the opponent into the air, then has flashbacks to his youth in Part 2, with the opponent taking damage during this. Yes, Joseph's flashbacks convey enough strength to physically harm people.
  • Nice Hat: At one point, he wears three hats stacked on top of each other.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: In Part 2.
  • Stage Magician: He uses simple magic tricks to distract his opponents.
  • Trickster Archetype: He's clever, deceptive, perceptive and surprises the viewer just as much as he surprises his opponents.
  • Whip It Good: Hermit Purple's other ability. Got to put those vines to use, y'know?

Jotaro Kujo (Stand: Star Platinum/Star Platinum: The World)

Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (OVA), Kiyoyuki Yanada (CD drama, Part 3 video game), Tetsu Inada (Part 5 video game)

Grandson of Joseph Joestar. A perpetually angry youth, Jotaro's first appearance has him sitting in a jail cell which he willingly put himself in to keep the people around him from getting hurt by his Stand, Star Platinum. Shortly afterward, he is recruited by his grandfather and Mohammed Abdul to search out and kill Dio Brando before the vampire takes over the world.

He next appeared in Diamond Is Unbreakable, where he sought out his grandfather's son Josuke. He made a few appearances after that, but was regulated to a supportive role for most of that adventure.

He sent Koichi Hirose to find Giorno Giovanna in Vento Aureo, but aside from that had nothing to do with the plot.

His final appearance was in Stone Ocean, wherein he spent most of the time in an almost vegetative state brought on by Enrico Pucci's Whitesnake Stand. At the end of that adventure, he recovered, but lost his life in the end. However, it's implied that Pucci's death before Made in Heaven could finish its work restored Jotaro in a slightly different form. That's how the rest of Emporio's slain comrades turned out, after all.

  • Badass Longcoat: In Part 3, it's technically a school outfit, but still looks cool. Revised to a Badass Labcoat of Science and Medicine to go along with his new identity as a renowned marine biologist for Part 4.
  • But Not Too Foreign: One-fourth British and American from his mother, half Japanese from his father.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Jotaro is convinced that everyone can read his motives like a book, so he never bothers to display much emotion or explain himself. So no one has any idea what he's thinking.
  • Catch Phrase: "Yare yare daze". Meaning either "Well, well, well", or "Gimme a freakin' break", depending on how you translate it.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Noriaki Kakyoin. Justified in that he risked his life to remove the mind control bud from Kakyoin's brain after putting him down.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Despite being obnoxious and generally kind of a jerk, he's willing to go to the depths of Cairo to stop Dio from controlling his mom.
  • Expy (If this image (and the following ones) of Jotaro without his cap on remind you of some Badass guy who makes people's heads explode using martial arts, then you are already dead. May be intentional or not, but if it's any help, Araki himself has stated in interviews that he's a North Star fan.
  • Fighting Spirit: Star Platinum, who has super-strength, speed and precision.
  • Genius Bruiser: He eventually earns a Ph.D. in marine biology, but even in his later years is capable of dishing out a beating.
  • Hot Dad: In Part 6.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Yes, he's a street punk who disproportionately beats up people, and he's quick to get annoyed by people who fawn over him, but he's ultimately a good guy at heart, and he absolutely Would Not Hit a Girl. His mother alludes to this before she falls into a coma.
    • Goes into Gentle Giant territory when he runs into Josuke's mother when looking for him despite Tomoko confusing him for Joseph and squeals with tears in his arms, the kind of thing that sends him into a angry shout. He instead calmly breaks that he is not Joseph but is here in place of him, and upon leaving, sincerely offers condolences for the trauma she has recently been through.
  • Kiai: "ORA ORA ORA ORA!"
  • Nice Hat: Although just a school boy's cap, Jotaro's fashioned a few charms to it. However, the main reason why it's cool is because of how it's missing the back. Then again, over the course of the series, the exact place the hat ends and hair begins becomes so blurred, it eventually becomes a part of his head.
    • Exaggerated in the recent adaptation, where it almost seems to be literally that. Not only Jotaro not lose his hat while he was drowning in a whirlpool, he later congratulates N'Doul for managing to knock it off with a claw made of water, even Lampshading the previous run-in with water.
      • When he recovers his hat after his battle with N'Doul, we can see that only the rearmost part of the hat is actually ripped off, making this property all the stranger.
      • Araki himself said in an interview that Jotaro's hat is a part of himself, which is why he never intentionally takes it off. It also makes him easy to recognize even when viewed from behind.
  • Nineties Anti-Hero: Mostly Subverted. He has the appearance and mood of one, but acts like more of a Pragmatic Hero than anything else really.
  • Older and Wiser: When he returns on Diamond Is Unbreakable, he's more level-headed and less explosive than during his younger days.
  • Older Than They Look: He appears to get younger later in the series, in spite of having a teenage daughter.
  • School Uniforms Are the New Black:
    • Lampshaded when asked why he and Kakyoin are still wearing theirs on a road trip to Egypt: "We're students, so we should look like students."
    • It comes up again shortly after the heroes defeat ZZ. Jotaro had sacrificed his jacket to make ZZ think an attack had succeeded. As they're headed through Pakistan, Polnareff expresses amazement that Jotaro was able to get a Japanese student jacket there.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Let's face it: the first JoJo people think about in this series is Jotaro.
  • The Stoic: Appears to be. According to his profile, however, he doesn't think showing emotions is necessary because he assumes people can tell what he feels by looking at him. Understandably, this causes misunderstandings with people, including with his own daughter who assumed he didn't care about her.
  • Time Stands Still: Star Platinum is capable of stopping time.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Or so Holly would like to think. However, when Alessi de-aged him to about seven years old, Jotaro was still capable of seriously pounding him, and still had his not-accepting-any-nonsense mentality. Which, given the way Set works, he must have had when he was a little kid. It's possible that he was always a mix of sweet and uncompromising, and the "uncompromising" part just worked its way to prominence without Holly taking account of it. Either that or Holly is simply in denial.
  • Younger Than They Look: Do you seriously think he looks 17 in Part 3?

Josuke Higashikata (Stand: Crazy Diamond)

Son of Joseph Joestar. Josuke is known for his unique hairstyle and fierce temper regarding said hair. His adventures started when Jotaro tracked him down and informed him that he was Joseph's son and warned him about the deadly Stand user Angelo, who killed his grandfather shortly after the start of the story. Following that, he was pulled into the search for the serial killer that threatened Morioh-cho.

Note that going with the Theme Naming of JoJo, the second kanji in his first name, can also be read as "jo", as well as that his proper name would be Josuke Joestar.

Giorno Giovana (Stand: Gold Experience/Gold Experience Requiem)

Voiced by: Romi Park (Part 5 video game)

Son of Dio Brando, who had obtained Jonathan Joestar's body, making him part of the Joestar bloodline. His goal was to join up with the mob and set things right from within. As soon as he joins, he gets roped into traveling with Stand users, protecting their boss' daughter. Unfortunately, the real reason for the boss wanting to meet his daughter was to kill her. They rescue her and make it their goal to kill the boss instead.

Note that for the Theme Naming of JoJo, his name is romanized as Joruno Jobana, though during Part 5, Araki would write it in English as GioGio. It's still pronounced the same.

  • Anime Hair: He has what can only be described as hair tubes or cornets.
  • Attack Reflector: Living beings created by Gold Experience can reflect the effects of attacks back to the attacker, even from Stands, and remain unscathed in the process.
  • The Beast Master: He can turn inanimate objects into animals and can then exercise control over them.
  • Bishonen: The first JoJo to be this trope, given that his part is when the series' Art Evolution was solidified.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Yes indeed. [dead link]
  • But Not Too Foreign: Like Jotaro, he's part British-American and part Japanese. He grew up in Italy with his Japanese mother and Italian step-father, changing his name from Haruno Shiobana to Giorno Giovana.
  • Chick Magnet: Early on in Vento Aureo, he's shown in a cafĂ© with a bunch of girls positively swarming over him.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: When he got his Stand, his hair turned from black to blonde, and he switched from a generic boyish haircut to his current Anime Hair.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Like Josuke, his Stand can be used to heal injuries. Unfortunately, since that's not what it was made for, the process hurts like hell, leading to an... interesting moment between himself and Mista later on in the series.
  • Green Thumb: Can turn inanimate objects into plants.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: Giorno is the gold (*snicker*) standard which all other JoJo's aspire to.
  • In the Blood: Being the son of their Arch Enemy but carrying the DNA of the Joestar bloodline, Joseph and Jotaro send Koichi to find out which side of his lineage he takes after. Fortunately for everyone involved, Giorno is a Noble Demon on his worst day.
    • The "MUDAMUDAMUDA WRRRRRRYYYYYYYY!" is sure not from the Joestar lineage, though. Apparently the famous WRRRRRRRRYYY isn't just limited to vampires.
  • MacGyvering: Giorno's Stand despite seeming to only having the ability to only create life and organic matter is potentially flexible to all extents, from using it to age things to its death, to using it to accelerate your mind to the point that it cannot catch up with your own body which also amplifies your senses, I hope that you're not the enemy, and in one case, MORPHED AN INANIMATE OBJECT THAT WAS SLAKED WITH A FLESH EATING VIRUS INTO A SNAKE THAT WAS IMMUNE TO SAID VIRUS AND HAD IT INJECT ITS OWN BLOOD INTO HIM TO BE USED AS A VACCINE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE FOUND A CURE FOR AIDS.
  • Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters: After saving the life of one of these when he was younger, it became his life's mission to become one himself.
  • Put on a Bus: After Part 5, he doesn't show up again despite other JoJo's typically appearing again after their own parts. Additionally, Gold Experience Requiem would've been pretty damn useful against Enrico Pucci's Made In Heaven, eh?
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He machine-gun punches villains to death, is the son of the ultimate villain of the entire series, is a member of the mafia who killed two other members of the mafia to get his spot (they had it coming though), becomes the head of said mafia through punching the right people enough times, doesn't flinch when shoving his eye back into his skull... and he looks absolutely fabulous while doing it.
  • Reset Button: Gold Experience Requiem is a version of this, rendering any action taken by anyone null and void.
  • Tranquil Fury: He never gets consumed by anger, but he will not forgive cruelty, whether monstrous or indifferent. For the former, see his determination to put a stop to Diavolo's crimes. For the latter, see his determination to avenge the innocent janitor killed by Black Sabbath's "test".

Jolyne Kujo (Stand: Stone Free)

Daughter of Jotaro Kujo. After being arrested for a crime she didn't commit, Jolyne was incarcerated in Green Dolphin State Penitentiary. Her father, realizing that something was amiss, sent her a package containing the tip of one of the Stand arrows, activating her latent abilities in the form of Stone Free. After her father was attacked by White Snake, she set out to stop the priest Enrico Pucci and get Jotaro back to normal.

  • Anime Hair: It's multicolored.
  • Anyone Can Die: Even for a JoJo, she still dies at the end of the story.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Dies smiling in order to not only protect, but to comfort Emporio to the very end.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Although her main ability is to unravel her body into a string-like substance, she finds an incredibly diverse amount of ways to use this to her advantage.
  • Odango: An interesting example in that not only does she have the two buns, but she has more hair wrapped around said buns as braids.

Gyro Zeppeli (Stand: Scan/Ball Breaker)

A mysterious racer who suddenly shows up in the U.S. for the Steel Ball Run. He ends up catching the eye of many people, good and bad, due to his unique ability to manipulate steel balls. He eventually acts as a sort of partner and mentor to Johnny after the race begins.

Gyro hails from Italy and comes from a family line of executioners. After questioning the morality of the job when an innocent boy Marco is involved, he sets out to enter the Steel Ball Run and land first place so he can use the prize money as amnesty for Marco, who is awaiting execution.

  • Anyone Can Die: No character surnamed Zeppeli has ever reached the end of their given part alive.
  • Badass Long Hair: Has a wild untamed mane, and being a physical fighter, has the right to claim it.
  • Badass Normal: Before he gained "Scan".
  • Biseinen
  • Brought Down to Badass: After he willingly gave "Scan" away by handing the corpse part over to Lucy Steel.
  • Deuteragonist: He shares an equal amount of page-time with Johnny in the first 21 volumes, but following his defeat and subsequent death at Valentine's hands, he loses The Protagonist role to Johnny, who is left to defeat the villain by himself.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: He has balls of steel.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: The basis for the steel balls power is their rotation. Based on the Golden Ratio, no less.
  • Generation Xerox: Like the other Zeppeli who have appeared in the series, he doesn't survive.
  • Killed Off for Real: 'Tis the inevitable fate of the Zeppeli bloodline...
  • The Last Dance
  • Nice Hat: Cut to resemble a cyclist helmet. Also, there's a pair of goggles which, instead of lenses, just has a few holes cut kinda like Kanye West venetian sunglasses.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: After his teddy becomes ragged and is falling apart, he orders a new one from a catalog. Specifically, the one with the pretty pink bow on its head.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Eventually gains "Ball Breaker", a second Stand.

Johnny Joestar (Stand: Tusk)

A young horse racing prodigy, Johnny's heyday as a horse jockey came to an abrupt end when a public incident left him paraplegic. He meets Gyro before the Steel Ball Run begins and finds himself captivated by his steel ball ability. After fighting for Gyro's attention, the two team up for the race.

  • Bishonen: Perhaps the most androgynous looking JoJo.
  • Break the Haughty: How he wound up paralyzed.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: Once he figures out the Golden Ratio, his nail bullets become incredibly powerful weapons which create movable rifts that seek out the targets vitals and destroy them.
  • Green Lantern Ring: The Golden Ratio also allowed him to use the rifts created by his nails to transport parts or all of him to other places.
  • Handicapped Badass: Not being able to use the legs doesn't stop him from kicking ass, as well as participating in a country spanning horse race.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He shoots his fingernails like bullets. Even for JoJo, that's pretty over the top.
  • Nice Hat: His odd horseshoe-bandanna combo. JoJolion implies that at some point, he traded it for a tasseled sailor's cap resembling Josuke's.
  • Parental Neglect: His father focused most, if not all, of his attention on Johnny's brother Nicholas, who was even more skilled in horse racing.
  • Pet the Dog: When his father finally apologizes to him for all those years of neglect.
  • Took a Level in Badass: His Stand, Tusk, keeps evolving as he learns to use the Golden Ratio in battle.

Unknown JoJo Josuke Higashitaka (Stand: Soft & Wet)(Part 8)

  • Adorkable: The guy is so goofy that it's cute. For instance, the way he eats buns.
  • Easy Amnesia/Trauma-Induced Amnesia: At this stage, we really don't know what it is, but Unknown JoJo claims he has no recollection of even his name.
  • Liquid Assets: Soft & Wet can form soap bubbles that when popped, can plunder anything from whatever they were on. So far, he was able to steal water from a women's body, causing her to become thirsty, to stealing the sound in a room, making it soundproof.
  • Serial Escalation/Bigger Is Better in Bed: He has four testicles.

Supporting characters (Part 1, Phantom Blood)

George Joestar I

Robert E. O. Speedwagon

Will A. Zeppeli


  • Old Master: He's the one who taught Zeppeli the art of the ripple.


  • Lethal Joke Character: His ripple ability seems to be an extremely slow kick, but it actually turns out to be an effective trap if an enemy takes the bait and gets too close.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: How he meets the heroes.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: How he dies.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite being competent enough to match Jonathan (if briefly), he is easily defeated and killed by Dio. Bad luck for him that Dio's Freezing Touch was the perfect counter to his Cross Thunder Technique.


Supporting characters (Part 2, Battle Tendency)

Smokey Brown

  • Token Minority: The only black character of the group.
  • The Watson: Smokey has no knowledge of Hamon, the Pillar Men, the Stone Mask, Dio Brando or any of the other craziness that Battle Tendency runs on. Most of his reactions, as a result, allow the other heroes to explain what they wouldn't have a reason to talk about.

Rudolf von Stroheim

  • Anime Hair: Notable case in that Stroheim was the inspiration for Guile's hairstyle.
  • Enemy Mine: With Joseph. Remember, it's okay to team up with Nazis, but only if your mutual enemies are a race of super-powerful vampire-eating vampires.
  • German Cyborg: After blowing himself to smithereens in an attempt to kill Santana, Stroheim returns as a cyborg, complete with a suite of weapons built into his prostheses.
  • Those Wacky Nazis

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

Lisa Lisa

Supporting characters (Part 3, Stardust Crusaders)

Mohammed Abdul (Stand: Magician's Red)

Noriaki Kakyoin (Stand: Hierophant Green)

  • Bishonen: "He's the only reason women watch this show!"
  • Cool Shades: Gets a pair after he gets scars across his eyes from N'Doul.
  • Defeat Means Friendship
  • Fighting Spirit: Hierophant Green, a humanoid Stand with the same coloration as a watermelon. Capable of crawling inside people and controlling them. For a more direct approach, blasts opponents with Chunks of Glowing Crystals Forged from Pure Will. Call it a Beam Spam variant.
  • Heel Face Turn: Mainly because he was never evil in the first place.

Jean Pierre Polnareff (Stand: Silver Chariot/Silver Chariot Requiem, also just known as "Requiem")

  • Butt Monkey If any member of the team ends up in a horrible situation, it's usually Polnareff.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Polnareff isn't exactly the brightest member of Team Joestar, but whenever danger is present, he can be quite a formidable fighter.
  • Dead Little Sister: Courtesy J. Geil. This made him kind of a sucker for Dio's promises to help him. Did we mention that J. Geil's mother was the one who awakened Dio's Stand in the first place?
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In the OVA, he wasn't even possessed by one of Dio's buds.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: ...Almost. He is quickly and rather anticlimactically killed by Diavolo, but due to Silver Chariot Requiem, his soul winds up in Coco Jumbo. A turtle.
  • Eldritch Abomination: What starts coming out of people when they are under Silver Chariot Requiem's effects for too long. It's supposed to be because Requiem is quickening evolution to breakneck speed.
  • Fragile Speedster: Silver Chariot is fast, but has almost no physical strength when it comes do doing anything aside from stabbing the hell out of a target.
  • Freaky Friday Flip: This is what Silver Chariot Requiem does upon awakening to the entire population of Rome.
  • Handicapped Badass: Courtesy of Diavolo.
  • Reality Warper: Silver Chariot Requiem.
  • Worthy Opponent: He is willing to explain his abilities to Abdul during their fight, and while he is burning alive, he honors Abdul's skill, leading to him being spared and befriended.


  • The Load: Except while the heroes are in Singapore, she always gets attacked, and the situation with ZZ makes it abundantly clear that she's only hampering Jotaro's quest. In fact, they knew this back in Singapore, and thought they could safely leave her there without her following. Nope... However, after defeating ZZ, they get her on a plane back to Hong Kong, so she definitely can't chase them.

Iggy (Stand: The Fool)

Supporting characters (Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable)

Koichi Hirose (Stand: Echoes/Echoes Act 1/Echoes Act 2/Echoes Act 3)

  • Cowardly Lion: By far the most fearful and introvert Stand user in Morioh, at least at the beginning, but he truly shines in dire situations and defends himself fiercely.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: His hairstyle changes significantly every time Echoes evolves to match his rise in confidence and bravery, from very conservative and unremarkable to spiky, flame-looking Anime Hair.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Unlike other characters, Koichi visibly struggles early on with learning how to summon or control his Stand. This is implied to be because Koichi should've been killed by the Arrow, but was revived by Josuke.
  • Older Than They Look: His height's probably to blame.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: He even goes out of his way to save Yukako's life after everything she did to him.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Several times, actually. The first time he did, his Stand was created, the other times, his Stand leveled up with him. Ends with his Crowning Moment of Awesome: "Your stupidity has exposed you! I will wait for you in the other world!"
  • Unsound Effect: Echoes's first ability.

Okuyasu Nijimura (Stand: The Hand)

  • The Big Guy: The Hand is pure strength in Stand form, basically.
  • Butt Monkey: Like Polneraff and Narancia, he is usually the first person to get subjected to the enemy's Stand.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Expect to see this a lot where Josuke is concerned.
  • The Ditz: He himself is aware of his low intelligence and comments on it on regular occasions. He had the habit of letting his older brother take every important decision and is nearly unable to make a choice that requires thinking.

Antonio Trussardi (Stand: Pearl Jam)

  • Berserk Button: Kitchen hygiene is something that Antonio takes very, very seriously. He does not take ignorance of said hygiene well, as Josuke found out.
  • He Knows Too Much: Subverted. It looks like he's flying into a rage when Josuke and Okuyasu see his Kick the Dog moment. Turns out he was just pissed that they didn't come in with the proper hygiene.
  • Kick the Dog: Shockingly subverted, considering this series's track record for the trope. Josuke and Okuyasu witness Antonio feeding some of his food to a sickly dog, and witness said dog puke up his intestines. Turns out though (As Okuyasu finds out the hard way) that it's just Pearl Jam's way of curing people, as they need to expel the damaged body parts. The dog turns out to be perfectly fine and better than before.
  • Mundane Utility: Pearl Jam was awakened by his resolve to perfect his culinary arts, and its ability reflects that—it quickens the body's digestion and utilization of food to repair any diseases the eater is suffering from.

Shizuka Joestar (Stand: Achtung Baby)

  • Invisibility: Her Stand ability "Achtung Baby" allows her to turn her and anything at short range invisible. Depending on stressful situations for Shizuka, the active strength of the Stand can increase making the immediate surroundings of the child invisible as well, be it a person's fingers, her baby carriage or even the ground.
  • Power Incontinence: Her Stand power is triggered by her stress level and is a source of problems rather than an actually useful ability.

Rohan Kishibe (Stand: Heaven's Door)

  • Author Avatar: Although certainly not completely. For one thing, although Araki likes Josuke, Rohan can't stand him.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Only partially though. Rohan gets along very well with Hazamada and Koichi, but not Josuke. He was defeated by the latter, mind you.
  • It's Personal: He's even more motivated to bring down Kira when he learns that one of Kira's victims once baby-sat him at her home, on the night Kira chose her as his newest "girlfriend" donor. She neglected her own safety so she could ensure that Rohan would not be killed as well. Suffice to say that Rohan becomes determined to repay her sacrifice.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Heaven's Door can rewrite a person's memory and Rohan uses this ability to make his targets forget about his tampering and manipulations of their actions.
  • Laughing Mad: Subverted. Cheap Trick interprets a sudden off-putting laugh as a sign of mental break, and the audience can be forgiven to think alike at first, but Rohan actually had a nervous laughter of relief by realizing he finally reached an opportunity to get rid of Cheap Trick once and for all.
  • Properly Paranoid: "Scans" everyone he has any significant interaction with with Heaven's Door, just to make sure he doesn't stumble on a dangerous Stand user. Understandable considering the growing number of dangerous Stand users in the city.

Reimi Sugimoto

  • Our Ghosts Are Different: After her death, she choose to stay in the space in between Morioh and the afterlife until Kira is stopped from killing again.
  • Jacob Marley Apparel: Likely averted in the case of Reimi herself (she appears fully dressed but was killed a short time after getting up from bed), played straight with her dog Arnold still sporting a gaping wound reminiscent of his death by throat-slitting.

Shigekiyo "Fatty" Yanguu (Stand: Harvest)

  • Anyone Can Die
  • Gonk
  • Greed: At first happy with collecting lost coins in all of Morioh with his Stand to gather small sums of money, Josuke's intervention and plan to make even more money out of his abilities makes him obsessed with it and he repeatedly tries to screw him and Okuyasu out of their share they had agreed upon beforehand.
  • Weak but Skilled: Harvest is a really weak Stand in direct combat, but Shige is very creative when using it and easily overpowers much stronger and combat-oriented Stand users: he gives a hard time to both Josuke and Okuyasu by himself by taking advantage of everything he can find.

Aya Tsuji (Stand: Cinderella)

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: She gets detonated by Kira so she can't reveal how she altered his features, and so they won't revert. Notice that detonation occurs very shortly after the heroes find her after Kira's escape from her shop.
  • Mundane Utility: When Cinderella alters a woman's features, it also amplifies her luck while the features are in effect. This includes gaining Mr. Right.

Mikitaka (Stand: Earth, Wind, and Fire)

Hayato Kawajiri

  • Badass Normal: No Stand power. In Elementary. Catches onto the villain first, escapes his elaborate trap, and throws himself in harm's way in a determined attempt to make sure Kira gets what he deserves. He more than qualifies.
  • Driven to Suicide: Horrified and feeling guilty when Bites the Dust kills Rohan twice, he tries to kill himself when confronted by Josuke and his friends about his father to spare them. It backfires as Bites the Dust shows up in front of everybody to keep him alive.
  • Papa Wolf: Ironic in that, being just a child, he's willing to die, and kill, to protect his mother from Kira, in the guise of his father.

Yuuya Fungami (Stand: Highway Star)

  • Chick Magnet: Judging by the trio of women who seem crazy about him and follow him nearly everywhere.
  • Heel Face Turn: Although he was actually compelled to help by Josuke in order to deal with Enigma.
  • Implacable Man: Highway Star relentlessly chases anyone it could smell once at high speed and even a barrage of punches from Crazy Diamond or a wall suddenly standing in its way won't deter it for long.
  • The Nose Knows: One of Highway Star's signature abilities, Yuuya can identify and track people by scent and deduce their recent activities with shocking accuracy from the smell of their bodily fluids and some educated guesses.

Supporting characters (Part 5, Golden Whirlwind/Vento Aureo)

Bruno Buccelatti (Stand: Sticky Fingers)

  • Appendage Assimilation: Sort of: Buccelatti can use his zippers to attach other people's body parts to himself. This aspect can also be used for healing purposes by reattaching a severed limb, as in the case of Abbacchio's hand.
  • Dead All Along: He really is dead after his first confrontation with King Crimson. It's only Gold Experience and his own resolve that keep him going up to the end.
  • Detachment Combat: Another zipper-related ability.
  • The Determinator: How determined? At one point, he sectioned his heart apart into several pieces to avoid detection, almost dying in the process. Later on? He died but through sheer willpower alone, after Gold Experience healed his body, his spirit reanimated his dead body.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: His Stand's power is creating zippers. In classic Araki fashion, however, the uses he finds for this power can tend to make you forget Giorno's supposed to be The Hero.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He turns out to be a lot nicer than his first impression suggests.
  • Kiai: AriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAri! Arrivederci!
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Revenant type.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Buccelatti or Bucciarati? Probably the former, since it's also the name of an Italian pastry.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: A lot of Vento Aureo focuses around him rather than Giorno. He gets the most fights, was the person who took Trish to meet the boss, first encountered his Stand, has the most prevalent character arc, and the entire epilogue is centred around him.
  • Zipperiffic: His outfit matches his power.

Leone Abbacchio (Stand: Moody Blues)

Guido Mista (Stand: Sex Pistols)

  • Abnormal Ammo: His Stand consists of six little imps who get fired out of his gun along with the regular bullets and help direct the bullets to their targets. They also like to eat pepperoni.
  • Bang Bang BANG: Discussed: at one point, Mista lampshades that his gun isn't as loud as "those you hear in movies."
  • Bare Your Midriff: He wears a turtleneck crop top cashmere sweater that leaves the belly uncovered.
  • Butt Monkey: Number 5 of Sex Pistols is always getting beaten up by the other Numbers.
  • Four Is Death: A childhood incident involving some cats resulted in Mista associating the number 4 with general misfortune. This is why the numbering for Sex Pistols skips from 3 to 5.
  • The Gunslinger: Thanks to his Stand who guide his bullets. However, even without his Stand, Mista is a gifted sharpshooter: his uncanny precision with a revolver supported by his ability to keep his cool even in the middle of a gunfight. His precision is likened to "a nurse injecting a needle into a vein."
  • Made of Iron: Takes some truly brutal injuries during Part 5, even compared to the rest of the cast.
  • Man, I Feel Like a Woman: While under the effects of Silver Chariot Requiem.
  • Rape as Drama: Before he joined Passione, he ran into a street gang trying to rape a woman. His determination to stop them awakened Sex Pistols. Suffice to say the rape did not succeed.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Even better with a Stand that can speed up the reloading process and control the trajectory of the bullets. It is Justified though: a six-shooter would naturally pair well with the six Sex Pistols, and when he does obtain a magazine-loaded handgun in Rome, it's more cumbersome for Sex Pistols to reload due to having to place the bullets in the magazine before putting that into the gun.
  • Unorthodox Reload: He reloads with bullets dropped from his hat sometimes, but reloads normally just as often.

Narancia Ghirga (Stand: Aerosmith)

  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Although not exactly stupid, he has a terrible attention span and struggles to retain long strings of instructions or notice immediate danger. This gets him nearly killed by Formaggio who could strike him first and then find his map with every info he was looking for on it. However, this lack of attention is barely noticeable once the situation gets serious.
  • Book Dumb: 16 x 55 = 28!
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Somewhat.
  • Butt Monkey: Seems to have a bad problem with being the first person subjected to the newest enemy's stand, especially if it's a potentially humiliating one like shrinking, rapid aging, or being unable to say what you mean.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Similarly to Polnareff, most of the time a barely threatening goofball but deadly and relentless when Aerosmith is out.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Diavolo kills him without any real warning. The group figured it was so his stand's CO2 radar wouldn't notice someone else chasing after Silver Chariot Requiem. Later, we find out he sent into Mista's body along with Trish, and Narancia wouldn't have found him out any earlier than the others.
  • I'll Kill You!: Ends up saying this a lot, due to his cranky personality and status as Butt Monkey.
  • Kiai: Vola Vola Vola Vola Vola Vola Volare Via!
  • Long-Range Fighter: Aerosmith has an incredible range considering its sheer destructive power and high speed and Narancia can track his targets from afar, but he can leave himself vulnerable to close-ranged attacks pretty easily.
  • More Dakka: His main approach in combat is to shower enemies with bullets from Aerosmith's machine guns.
  • Older Than They Look: As pointed out in their first meeting, Narancia is two years older than Giornio. However, due to childhood malnutrition and a lack of education, he looks and acts like the youngest member of the group.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Narancia is noticeably shorter than most of the cast and Aerosmith is the smallest Stand in Vento Auro not of the "colony" type, but no one can deny the damage it can dish out and how terrifying getting hunted by it must feel.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: His Stand Aerosmith has plently of fire power, but poor aim. As a result, any fights against faster, more evasive enemies tends to cause some collateral damage.
    • ...Some?! The street where he fought Formaggio looked like a war zone afterwards!
  • Super Senses: His CO2 scope.

Pannacotta Fugo (Stand: Purple Haze)

A member of Buccelatti's gang and one of the most mature and smart people in the group. Leaves Buccelatti and the rest after he learns the Boss's plan and is the only one who decides not to stay with the rest.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: He comes off as one of the more mature and polite members of the gang, but he has a short fuse and a very dangerous Stand.
  • Neat Freak: Purple Haze has this personality.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: At least one of his eyes get covered by his bangs in more than one occasion.
  • Poisonous Person
  • Put on a Bus: The mangaka took him out of the group because his Stand's ability was so cheap that he had difficulty designing battles with him around. Given what Purple Haze's virus does, this is arguably a good thing.
  • The Smart Guy: He tested high in school, but failed to excel due his short temper.
  • Story-Breaker Power: His Stand Purple Haze has three globes on his knuckles of each hand that contain a deadly virus that eat up all organic matter in the area where a globe is broken, until they get hit by sunlight.

Trish Una (Stand: Spice Girl)

  • Damsel in Distress: At first. She later holds her own in assisting her group, though she's still by far the least experienced among them.
  • One-Scene Wonder: After the fight with Notorious B.I.G., Spice Girl is never used again, except for a brief section of the final battle.
  • The President's Daughter: Her role in the story.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Samus Is a Girl: Buccelatti's gang first meet Trish when she's in disguise as a janitor. When she reveals herself, the boys are quite surprised to see she's a girl, especially since she'd just beaten up Narancia.
  • She Knows Too Much: The reason why Diavolo wants to kill her. Despite the fact that Trish knows nothing about who he really is. Diavolo is just that paranoid.

Coco Jumbo (Stand: Mr. President)

Supporting characters (Part 6, Stone Ocean)

Ermes Costello (Stand: Kiss)

  • Anyone Can Die: Dies during the universe reset.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Yes, you got your revenge. Unfortunately, killing him had the not-so-minor side effect of putting his Stand into overdrive...
  • You Killed My Father: Sports Max killed her elder sister because she witnessed him performing a mob hit. Hermes got herself imprisoned at Green Dolphin on purpose, just to have a shot at killing him while he was serving time for racketeering.

Emporio Alnino (Stand: Burning Down The House/Weather Report)

  • Bigger on the Inside: Burning Down the House is pretty similar to the last part's Mr. President, being an extradimensional space that emulates Green Dolphin's music room as it was before fire destroyed it.
  • Break the Cutie: His mom was a prisoner, and he's been hiding in a prison his whole life, so he's pretty broken by the time the series starts.
  • Creepy Child: Thanks to his stand ability to live in the "memories" of places, can appear in random corners of Stone Ocean.
  • Final Guy: Emporio is the only character to survive Pucci's plot. Granted that destroying Made in Heaven restores the slain heroes in slightly altered form, but...
  • Took a Level in Badass: He gains Weather Report as a stand, and is basically the one to kill Enrico Pucci.

F.F. (Stand: Foo Fighters)

  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Due to her nature, Foo Fighters can recover from pretty much any injury as long as a piece of her is able to get to a water source. Also, like Gio Gio's ability, she can use some of her plankton to patch up the others when they get hurt, but the process is very uncomfortable.
  • Puppeteer Parasite/The Worm That Walks: Of a sort: Foo Fighters is an independently intelligent Stand created by a colony of plankton, animating the body of a dead woman.
  • Serial Escalation: Once could probably accept hawks and dogs and even tortoises geting stand powers. But plankton?!
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Because she's a corpse filled with plankton, Foo Fighters has to be constantly hydrated.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Heavily averted after F.F. is defeated and joins Jolyne's side.

Weather Report/Wes Bluemarine (Stand: Weather Report)

  • Brother-Sister Incest: An unwitting variety, what with the whole Switched At Birth problem. Enrico's reaction to this sets in motion the events that will lead to him being fully under Dio's influence...
  • Death Seeker: Although he becomes just as omnivengeful after regaining his memory as before losing it, Weather quickly decides it's better for the world if he and his Stand are dead. He just needs to make sure it's meaningful by taking Enrico with him. Doesn't quite work...
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: {spoiler|Courtesy of Enrico using Whitesnake to extract his memory-disc}}, Weather has absolutely no recollection of his time before he appeared in the Green Dolphin Prison. Considering what happens after he gets his memory back, that's a good thing.
  • Nice Hat: A flat-topped buffalo hat.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: When the goons Pucci hired went farther than planned (he didn't know they were KKK) and raped and drove to suicide his sister, Weather came to desire revenge against the entire world, in the process awakening his Stand. In Heavy Weather mode. When Donatello restores Weather's memory, we're back to Heavy Weather.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Not only does his power become harmful due to the fact he can't turn off his snail transfiguration ability, he's also much more of a jerk than before.
  • Switched At Birth: A mother whose own child was stillborn stole him, and made him think she was his biological mother... in the process leaving his fraternal twin Enrico Pucci without his brother. And, more importantly, left their younger sister without the knowledge that she had more than one brother...

Narciso Anasui (Stand: Diver Down)

  • Ax Crazy: His obsession with "taking things apart" doesn't stop at inanimate objects...
  • Creepy Crossdresser: Skirts pretty close to it.
  • Heroic Sociopath
  • Jerkass: To everyone except Jolyne and Jotaro.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Initially a shorter haired girl before the Unsettling Gender Reveal.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: More that Araki had difficulty remembering the exact nature of Diver Down's powers.
  • Retcon: His gender, mentioned below.
  • Stalker with a Crush: His ideas for courting Jolyne leave something to be desired. Trying to get F.F. to push Jolyne down a flight of stairs, just so he can catch her, and trigger her love for her savior? Um...
  • Token Evil Teammate: Initially, with Character Development, he becomes a better person to get together with Jolyne.
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal: Originally, this character was going to be a woman simply named Anasui or Anna Sui, but Araki decided that he needed another male ally for Jolyne in addition to Emporio and Weather. After the original female template had been drawn while inside Burning Down the House. Hermes is actually pretty surprised to find that Anasui's actually male.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Technically, he's wearing a mesh shirt. And even then, it's more like he wrapped himself in maybe a dozen strips of thread and called it good.
  • Yandere: He ended up in prison for murdering his ex-girlfriend for cheating on him. He's also quite violent towards anyone who he perceives as getting in the way between him and Jolyne.

Supporting Characters (Part 7, Steel Ball Run)

Stephen Steel

Lucy Steel

  • Determinator: No matter how hard the circumnstances, she never thinks of giving it up.
  • Deus Ex Machina: She's the one that kills Alternate Universe Diego Brando.
  • Guile Hero: She is just a weak teenager that doesn't even develop a proper Stand, but makes it up with brains.
  • The Heart: Johnny and Gyro may have their moral flaws but their will to keep Lucy safe keeps them firmly on the side of good.
  • The Messiah: (Or at least, Valentine makes her play host to the Messiah...)
  • Ms. Fanservice: She is very well-shaped and we get a lots of good looks at her body.
  • Selective Gravity:Subconsciously, during the second stage of being the host of the Holy Corpse.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: With Stephen Steel, though they marriage is completely platonic.

Pocoloco (Stand: Buckethead)

Mountain Tim (Stand: Oh! Lonesome Me)

Hot Pants (Stand: Cream Starter)

Sugar Mountain (Stand: Sugar Mountain's Spring)

Supporting Characters (Part 8, JoJolion)

Hirose Yasuho

  • Hair Decorations
  • The Ingenue: Every time Josuke tells her to look away, she does, which Josuke uses as an opportunity to beat Oujirou.
  • The Nicknamer: She nicknamed our unnamed hero Josuke because he reminded her of her dog.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Though she's more depressed and anxious than most instances of this trope, it is her kindness and willingness to accept and befriend Josuke despite his... eccentricities that draws him to her and forms one of the strongest bonds in this part of the series.

Daiya Higashitaka (Stand: California King Bed)

  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Looking at her Traits, along with the other members of her family, she seems to resemble Buccarati or Narancia, given her hairstyle and the way she acts. Adding to this, most of her family has someone that resembles someone from Giorno's Gang for that matter....
  • Yandere: She falls almost instantly for Josuke, much to his confusion. She uses her Stand to force him to playing a game with her and steal his memories so he can stay with her forever. When she discovers he was trying to call Yasuho on her cell phone, she tries to destroy his stolen memories of Yasuho in a jealous rage.


Dio Brando (Stand: The World)

  • An Ice Person: In Part 1, at least. He's capable of freezing anyone he comes in contact with by vaporizing the water and removing the heat from their body.
  • Big Bad: Of Part 1 and Part 3.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Casanova: Four of his sons from numerous liaisons appear in the series, and it's implied that there may be many more.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: And well-beloved by the fandom for it.
  • Dark Messiah: A few of the Part 3 hirelings, such as Enya and N'Doul, see him as at least akin to this. As N'Doul put it, "even the bad guys... need a savior."
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: His only soft spot, which was killed before the story even began, thereby letting his personality run loose.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Dear lord do they ever.
  • Evil Brit: Even if only in the literal sense, since the entirety of Phantom Blood takes place in Britain.
  • The Fighting Narcissist
  • Flechette Storm: One each on Joseph and Jotaro.
  • Freudian Excuse: Invoked and immediately defied. Dio tries to blame his villainy on his upbringing, but Speedwagon says he can smell that Dio's been evil since birth.
  • Genius Bruiser: He has a passion of reading and drops steamrollers on people.
  • Grand Theft Me: He hijacked Jonathan's body, without the head, after they sank to the floor of the Atlantic. It's been surmised by many fans that he took Jonathan's Stand in the process. In other words, The World was originally Jonathan's Stand. One could argue that the Stand of the homonculus of Dio in Stone Ocean was his "real" Stand.
    • An alternate theory is that The World is in fact Dio's stand, and that the bramble-looking stand, similar to the stands of Joseph and Holly Joestar (it even has the same function of Joseph's Hermit), is Jonathan's. It's seen shortly after Dio's resurrection, but after that we only see The World (suggesting that Jonathan's body might have been rejecting Dio's presence early on).
    • Still, another theory is that The World, be it Jonathan's or Dio's, simply has all the powers of every living Joestar's Stand. In other words, stopping time was JoJo's power to begin with, but only Dio had discovered it.
  • Gratuitous English: ZA WARUDO!!
  • Kick the Dog: Just for starters, he arranged for Jonathan's dog Danny to be stuck in the estate's incinerator.
  • Knife Nut
  • Our Vampires Are Different: He sucks blood with fingers, freezes his own limbs and fires beams from his eyes... yeah. Then there's the fact that awakening human potential via Stone Mask results in vampirism.
  • Psychotic Smirk
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Begins with blue (orange in the anime) eyes that become red upon his transformation into a vampire.
  • Self-Made Orphan
  • Slasher Smile
  • Time Stands Still: The effect of The World.
  • Vampire Bites Suck: Rather than biting, he uses his fingers to suck blood. Don't ask how that works.


  • And I Must Scream: Even though he attained immortality he sought, he was launched into outer space and rendered unable to return to earth, eventually going insane and never thinking again.
  • A God Am I: Views himself as one and eventually succeeds.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Although it was in self-defense.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Just like the other Pillar Men.

Yoshikage Kira (Stand: Killer Queen)

  • Fate Worse Than Death: Very heavily implied when he's grabbed by hellish-looking hands in the border to the afterlife, though a spin-off shows him being given the chance to redeem himself.
  • Groundhog Day Loop: When his father's Arrow cuts him, he gains the ability "Bite the Dust" which allows him to create brief versions of this. He can even control whether or not they elapse... and even if they DON'T repeat, whomever he killed to start one will die anyway... as long as he doesn't retract his Stand beforehand...
  • Having a Blast: Killer Queen has the ability to imbue things with explosive energy. Whenever someone touches the imbued thing... BOOM. Not the object, by the way, but the person. He can also directly make people explode, and because it's a Stand, no one hears it. Plus, his secondary ability Sheer Heart Attack allows him to launch an autonomous, indestructible, heatseeking bomb from the Stand's main body.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Keep in mind that his definition of "normal" is "live without anything obstructing his rituals." He wants his life to be predictable... by him and Yoshihiro, at least.
  • A Love to Dismember: Erotic fascination with women's hands, absolutely no use for the rest of the woman's body. Take it from there...
  • Meaningful Name: He's a serial killer named "Kira", predating Death Note. Maybe this is part of why Light was unimpressed with his fans' nickname for him... unoriginal.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Of David Bowie.
  • Serial Killer: One that kills women for their hands, which he has a strange fetish for (he thinks of the hands as his "girlfriends", and he seems to show no interest in the rest of the body). He is all the more dangerous because his ability leaves no evidence, and he tries to keep a low profile (killing anyone who comes in between him and the normal life he wants to live).
  • Shout-Out: In Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, there's an attack called Bites the Dust that gives characters the Bomb status, which instanly KO's them if hit by a second physical attack.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Killer Queen has the ability to imbue things with explosive energy. Whenever someone touches the imbued thing... BOOM. Not the object, by the way, but the person.

Diavolo (Stand: King Crimson)

  • Cloudcuckoolander: As Doppio.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Cioccolatta's past crimes actually unnerve Diavolo himself. They're the only things that are known to do this to him though.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: He ends up getting sent into an infinite death loop courtesy of Gold Experience Requiem, experiencing a variety of ends but never truly dying.
  • Meaningful Name: Diavolo means "devil" in Italian. And Doppio means "double" or "understudy".
  • Shrinking Violet: As Doppio.
  • Split Personality: An integral part of Diavolo's masquerade is that he has a second personality Aceto Doppio, which he allows to stay in the forefront of the body's control while still observing. Doppio, while a member of Passione, is still pretty innocent compared to the likes of Cioccolatta and Risotto, and is also a cardinal Cloudcuckoolander, thanks to the way Diavolo communicates with him. Oddly enough, when Chariot Requiem goes haywire, it turns out that Doppio and Diavolo are actually separate souls. Arguably, they're actually a chimera resulting from one fetus absorbing the other in utero.
  • Time Master: He can make time skip itself. Basically, he makes everything suddenly shift to what causality would result in in ten seconds time, without himself being affected with everything else.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Well, it's actually a mesh shirt, for what it's worth it's transparent.
  • Who's Your Daddy?: Inverse edition. To call the circumstances regarding his conception "bizarre" would be a gross understatement. His mother was an inmate in a female prison with absolutely no male guards. Add in the timing of when she was incarcerated, and the oddly long pregnancy, and we are looking at one very difficult-to-decipher paternity issue, in the form of no viable candidates. At all.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: His is pink with green polka dots.

Enrico Pucci (Stand: White Snake/C-Moon/Made In Heaven, the latter was originally called "Stairway To Heaven" in the Shonen Jump release)

  • The Fatalist: Pucci buys into the idea that everything that happens is destined to happen, which also leads him to believe...
  • Ironic Echo: The way Pucci manages to kill Jotaro during the final fight. Just like Dio, Pucci doesn't hesitate to play dirty when he has to...
  • Knight Templar: To quote Weather Report on Pucci, "The kind of evil that doesn't realize that it's evil... is the worst kind there is."
  • Powers as Programs: Whitesnake can extract Stands and memories as disc-like objects. These can be placed in other people to give them those powers and memories.
  • Ret-Gone: Made In Heaven would have done this to his victims from Weather Report onwards. That would be including Jotaro, Jolyne, Hermes and Anasui. After Emporio kills him though, the resulting reality can be interpreted as that plot failing to the point that Pucci has been hit with Ret-Gone.
  • Sadistic Choice: Pucci puts Jotaro before a nasty one: saving Jolyne from a Flechette Storm or killing Pucci. Jotaro tries to take both options but ultimately fails and is killed by Pucci.
  • Sinister Minister: Sinister priest, anyway. Of course, it's not going to be easy convincing him that following Dio's scheme is not God's will in any shape or form...
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: His ultimate plan is to accelerate time to the point where it loops back through a singularity--without the Joestar bloodline following--so everyone is subconsciously aware of what will happen in the entire future. End result: shock and horror are utterly erased, along with anything else related to surprise.

Funny Valentine (Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, also shortened to [D4C])

Minor Enemies (Part 1, Phantom Blood)



  • The Brute: Relies on Super Strength and his surprising agility, and is undoubtedly crueler than Bruford.
  • Kick the Dog: Did he really need to kick his fallen ally's remains like that?

Jack the Ripper

  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Dio turns him into a vampire after sensing a kindred spirit in him. At least it helps explain why he was never caught and identified: Jonathan's hamon disintegrated him before that could happen.
  • Knife Nut: To the point that, after becoming a vampire and thus no longer running on biological processes, but on pure will and power, he implants a mess of knives in his body.

Wang Chan

  • Yellow Peril: He looks the part, but he's really only concerned with running a business. Until Dio turned him into a minion.

Minor Enemies (Part 2, Battle Tendency)


  • Taken for Granite: Looks to be this when he is first found inside the pillar in Mexico, though he's actually just hibernating. Happens to him for real after Joseph takes care of him though. Twice.



  • Blood Knight: Despite his loyalty to his masters, he loves to fight as seen with Joseph as he spares the latter for the promise of becoming a stronger warrior.
  • Blow You Away: By using his barbed dreadlocks or turning his arms in opposite directions, he can create mini twisters or large torrents of wind.
  • The Dragon: A traditional one to Kars, as well as one of the Co-Dragons with Esidisi.
  • Eye Scream: To himself, just so Joseph is on more of an even footing with him.
  • Worthy Opponent: Dear heavens, does Wham enjoy having one in Joseph.

Wired Beck

Minor Enemies (Part 3, Stardust Crusaders)

Gray Fly (Stand: Tower of Gray)

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: His Stand Tower Of Gray takes the form of a large Stag Beetle.
  • Evil Old Folks: Old and evil.
  • Fragile Speedster: His Stand is fast to the point where it can dodge Star Platinum's attacks.
  • Psycho for Hire: The first, but not the last.
  • Tongue Trauma: His favourite method of killing is by tearing people's tongues out. He himself has a forked tongue, likely splitted in half with a sharp object.

Captain Teneille (Stand: Dark Blue Moon)

  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Averted. The first we see of Dark Blue Moon is it cutting a shark in two lengthwise. What do you call something that's even worse than a shark?
  • Hazardous Water: Don't go into the water at the same time as Dark Blue Moon. Just... don't.
  • No Name Given: He's not the real Captain Teneille. He just killed the real one to take his place and eventually attack the heroes.

Forever (Stand: Strength)

  • Freighter Fu: Trying to figure out where Strength's kill zone is? Try the whole blasted ship, no matter where Forever actually is! If only because Strength is the ship. Loading hooks, bulkheads, fire hoses, even shards from a previously unbroken window... That freighter is Forever's personal murder factory.
  • Intellectual Animal: He shows off to Jotaro by solving a Rubik's Cube in what is presumably less than two minutes.
  • Interspecies Lust: An orangutan who likes human pornography, and has molestation intentions towards the runaway girl? You came just in time, Jotaro.

Devo The Cursed (Stand: Ebony Devil)

  • Badass Longcoat
  • Creepy Doll: His Stand uses this as its weapon.
  • Death by Irony: Remember all the scars he has? Well, as a result of Synchronization and Polnareff dispatching Ebony Devil by slicing the living daylights out of it, Devo is killed by suffering a few hundred new slashes... as though he'd received all his old, scar-giving wounds at once.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Many, many scars. All of them the result of him goading his targets into attacking him.
  • Magical Native American: Looks the part. Not enough is seen of him to judge about the personality though.
  • Psycho for Hire: It even mentions that he has been hired by governments, military officers, Mafia and other organizations prior to DIO.

Rubber Soul (Stand: Yellow Temperance)

  • Blob Monster: Yellow Temperance itself.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Well, his Stand is.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Yellow Temperance can change its consistency to anything Rubber Soul wants. Texture, resilience, conductivity... infinite control over all of them, so there's no way to harm it. Why the "nigh"? Because Rubber Soul himself ISN'T invincible.

Hol Horse (Stand: Emperor)

  • Dirty Coward: ...sort of. A big part of it is that he understands how weak Emperor is in comparison to most other Stands, at least if he doesn't have another Stand User at his side to help compensate for Emperor's flaws. He also isn't as fanatically loyal to Dio as most of Jotaro's other enemies are.
  • The Gunslinger: Unfortunately, he can't hit a damn thing.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Hol Horse, you've got to suck pretty badly when you miss everyone you fire at WHEN YOU CAN CONTROL THE DIRECTION OF THE BULLETS!
    • Made even better by the fact that he's been hit by his own bullets on two separate occasions. The first time he was being subjected to People Puppets, but the second time was him forgetting his own stand's bullets were still flying around.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Hol Horse's Stand can control the bullets from his gun.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: The form of his Stand.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Although he makes an exception once.

J. Geil (Stand: Hanged Man)

  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Hanged Man stabs its victims with a wrist-mounted dagger.
  • Gonk: And unlike most other examples, in a genuinely unnerving fashion.
  • Light Is Not Good: Hanged Man behaves like light, able to bounce instantly from one reflective surface to another. Hopefully, no one thinks J. Geil even approaches good...
  • Loves the Sound of Screaming: And he's raped and murdered quite a few women in order to experience it.
  • Red Right Hand: In this case, a left hand shaped like a right hand.
  • Serial Killer: Noted to be one, just made worse after meeting DIO.

Nena (Stand: Empress)

  • Body Horror: Empress essentially subsumes whomever it parisitizes. It starts off looking like a scab, but as it eats, it gets more and more humanoid, and more resolute to eat its host. Ultimately, it's revealed that the real Nena isn't the Indian woman the heroes met, but a short fat white woman who was wearing that Indian woman's skin as a disguise. It gets worse when you consider that this is probably the ultimate fate of Empress's victims.

ZZ (Stand: Wheel of Fortune)

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: When he thinks he's slain Jotaro, he points his finger at the reader and declares "I win! This is the end of Part 3 of JoJo!". Of course, it's followed by a not-so-dead Jotaro replying "Oh yeah? Then who's gonna be the new main character? You better not say you."
  • Car Fu: His Stand lets him perform unusual feats with his car, such as driving on walls, shapeshifting and shooting bullets of gasoline.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: After being defeated, he is tied up to a rock, gagged, and they put a sign which reads: I am training, please do not disturb me.
  • Feet of Clay: The second type: the heroes just see his muscular arms at first, but it turns out the whole rest of him is scrawny, and he's a total coward once his Stand is defeated.

Enya Geil (Stand: Justice)

Steely Dan (Stand: Lovers)

  • Bishonen: It fits his arcana.
  • Dirty Coward: Since his Stand allows him to have the other person suffer more than him, he abuses the fact that he's invincible, only to beg once that's no longer an option.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The victim of one.
  • Synchronization: Lovers attaches itself to its victim and transfers and multiplies any damage done to Steely Dan to the other person, making it impossible to hurt him while it's in effect.

Arabia Fats (Stand: The Sun)

  • Curb Stomp Battle: In spite of the sheer power exhibited by The Sun, Jotaro takes him down with a solitary rock. Admittedly, it was thrown by Star Platinum, but...
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Sun plays the part of a second sun, the whole idea being to warm Arabia Fats's victims unto death by hyperthermia. Of course, the actual sun can't shoot lasers...
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: Shoots burning beams when approached.

Mannish Boy (Stand: Death 13)

  • Bonus Boss: Death 13 in the Capcom fighting game.
  • Enfant Terrible: An 11-month-old baby who smokes and has fangs.
  • Gaslighting: When Kakyoin becomes suspicious of him, Mannish Boy screws with him and the rest of the group until everyone (even Kakyoin himself) believes he is insane.
  • Monster Clown: Death 13, a Grim Reaper with a clown mask.
  • Shout Out: Gets into people's dreams to attack and kill them, and every injury they suffer remains when they awaken. Sounds familiar?
  • Sinister Scythe
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Mannish Boy is just an eleven month-old infant (with fangs), so instead of fighting directly he kills people in their dreams.

Cameo (Stand: Judgement)

Midler (Stand: High Priestess)

  • Extra Ore Dinary: High Priestess possesses the ability to possess mineral substances and reform them into any inorganic object (razor blades, valves, harpoon guns, etc).
  • The Ghost: The entire battle against her is just against her Stand: the heroes only find her after defeating her, and all the reader gets to see is her legs poking out from under her clothes, and her hair.

N'Doul (Stand: Geb)

Boingo (Stand: Thoth)

  • Anti-Villain
  • Art Shift: His Stand is a comic book, and the illustrations are rather surreal.
  • Prophecy Twist: His Stand predicts the future and is 100% accurate, and while such predictions seem clear enough, it turns out there's enough wiggle room that they don't always occur the way Boingo and his allies expect.
  • Prophetic Fallacy: Sometimes the predictions don't include what happens afterward, especially if it was otherwise straightforward.

Oingo (Stand: Khnum)

  • Genre Savvy: He's well aware that while Thoth's prophecies always come true, they don't always come true in the way that he would like them to. When Thoth reveals that Jotaro will be blown up by a bomb hidden in an orange, Oingo becomes very nervous when he uses his stand to disguise himself as Jotaro.
  • Prophecy Twist: While he immediately realizes that one is coming beforehand, and does everything he can to get out of it, the twist still blindsides him.
  • The Unfought: The heroes never realize they're being attacked by him!
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: His Stand lets him do this as long as the end result is still humanoid. He can't alter or generate clothes, but he can resculpt his hair to resemble a hat.

Caravan Serai/Chaka/Khan (Stand: Anubis)

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Easily splits a 5-foot diameter stone pillar.
  • Death by Irony: Anubis is named for the Egyptian god of embalming. It dies by rusting away.
  • Evil Weapon: Can possess the wielder if the user draws the sword from its sheath.

Mariah (Stand: Bast)

  • Gag Boobs: Averted. It's actually a bunch of nails, nuts and bolts stuffed in her shirt, which get attracted to the magnetized Joseph and Abdul.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: Joseph and Abdul use her magnetic powers to their advantage by getting on opposite sides of her while a good aggregate of steel and iron is stuck to them. When they let go of the ground...

Alessi (Stand: Sethan/Set)

  • Ax Crazy: Literally.
  • Catch Phrase: "Such a good boy!" Whether referring to himself (anything but good) or his victims.
  • Dirty Coward: Even if he's de-aged a victim, he still has to break out an axe to dispatch them. He has a submachine gun too, but that's only for when he's in a hurry.
  • Fountain of Youth: Sethan/Set does this to Alessi's victims, all the way to toddlerhood... or fetus-hood, if they stay really long. It doesn't help that Alessi just loves to ravage the weak.
  • Psycho for Hire: He and J.Geil are easily the most kill-happy of DIO's servants.
  • Shout-Out: He does a variation of Jack Nicholson's "Heeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!" bit from The Shining at one point.
  • Would Hurt a Child: In fact, too cowardly to face adults and only attacks children.

Daniel J. D'arby (Stand: Osiris)

  • The Gambler: It's implied he managed to make a quite a comfortable living thanks to this trope, even before acquiring his Stand power. Of course, he may have had Osiris from birth. A comment Terence makes about an event that happened about a decade earlier suggests that they had Stands even back then, before Enya ever met Dio or acquired an Arrow from Diavolo.
  • Gratuitous English: Good.
  • Lost Him in a Card Game: Betting with him isn't exactly recommended.
  • Most Common Card Game: He plays Jotaro in a game of poker, and loses in the most spectacular fashion possible.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: He's pretty picky about people pronouncing his name correctly, something Joseph tries to capitalize on during their water tension match.
  • Villainous Breakdown: A truly epic one.

Pet Shop (Stand: Horus)

  • An Ice Person: Horus's ability is ice related.
  • Shown Their Work: The explanation of why Pet Shop has an advantage over Iggy underwater.
  • Somewhere an Ornithologist Is Crying: Hawks can only dive at 300 km per hour, it's not their regular flying speed.
  • Your Head Asplode: It's implied that Iggy trapping a forming ice bolt inside Pet Shop's beak leads to this. We don't actually see his head's fragments though, just his cracking beak, then an explosive cloud while looking at Pet Shop from behind.

Terence Trent D'arby (Stand: Atum)

  • And I Must Scream: Unlike his brother, Terence doesn't leave the souls he collects dormant. Instead, he traps them in dolls that are aware of everything going on, but unable to do anything.
  • Battle Butler: Describes himself as this, but doesn't have nearly the tenacity and loyalty of Vanilla Ice.
  • Ironic Echo: While explaining what Kakyoin and Jotaro are in for, Terence admits that he doesn't have much use for his brother's cheating, since he thinks that only the old and the slow-witted can be taken in that way. Thing is, Jotaro and Joseph defeat him by cheating... and Terence is neither old nor stupid. Jotaro pretty much rubs it in when he points out that Daniel would have figured out the trick immediately.
  • Living Doll Collector: His victims are still self-aware, unlike his brother's.
  • Lost Him in a Card Game: Same situation as his brother.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He inflicted one on his brother for trying to steal his girlfriend. Keep in mind that at the time, Daniel was 25, and Terence was 15. Not only that, Daniel didn't even bother to defend himself because he knew that with Atum, Terence would get around it anyway.
  • Serious Business: Considering what Atum can do to your soul, video games become extremely serious when he's around.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Not quite as bad as his brother, but still impressive.

Vanilla Ice (Stand: Cream)

  • Determinator: Averted. Vanilla Ice thinks he's this after surviving Silver Chariot stabbing him through the mouth and severing the brain stem. In reality, he survived because when Dio resurrected him, he was turned into a vampire in the process.
  • The Dragon: Well, technically speaking, he shares this post with Terence and Kenny G in terms of being a deadly blockade, but he's the only one we see showing absolute loyalty, to the point of beheading himself in order to supply Dio with the blood he needs.
  • Invisibility: Sort of a side effect of Cream's void state. Made more terrifying by the fact that he could instantly destroy anything by mere contact with his cloaked state. The downside of it is that he couldn't see anything while being invisible either.
  • Kick the Dog: Literally delivers a fatal one to Iggy.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He delivers one to Iggy fueled by his outrage at having to attack the semblance of Dio.
  • Power of the Void: His Stand is able to devour itself and its user to become a void that consumes everything it comes in contact with.
  • Psycho Supporter: His very devotion to DIO is what also makes him unreliable, and causes DIO to entrust his master plan to Pucci instead.
  • The Renfield: To DIO.
  • Sphere of Destruction: His Stand could project an invisible one capable of instantly erasing anything that came into contact with it.
  • There Was a Door: In his zeal to dispatch Jotaro and his allies after being resurrected by Dio, Vanilla Ice immediately sets Cream into void mode, and charges after them, in the process obliterating part of the wall. A probably mildly annoyed Dio asks, "Couldn't you use the door?".
  • Undying Loyalty: His loyalty for Dio was the factor that turned him into such ferocious opponent. He didn't hesitate and immediately carried over the command when Dio ordered him to behead himself to offer him his blood.

Kenny G (Stand: Tenor Sax)

  • Bizarchitecture: Tenor Sax made Dio's palace into this.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: To quote the manga: "This man is Kenny G. His Stand is a Stand of illusions. He was beaten without a fight."


  • Meaningful Name: Japanese for "idiot": the Viz translation uses "loser", which encapsulates his efficacy rather well.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: The heroes force him to open Dio's coffin. It goes about as well for him as you would expect.
  • Shape Shifter: A really, really bad one. HE FORGET TO PUT HIS BODY THE RIGHT WAY AROUND.
  • Too Dumb to Live: There's a reason why his name means idiot.

Minor Enemies (Part 4, Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Angelo Katajiri (Stand: Aqua Necklace)

  • And I Must Scream: Angelo's fate after Josuke melds him into a boulder. Although it's probably more a scream of fury than a scream of agony that's building up in him.
  • Making a Splash: Aqua Necklace's power is a lot like Geb's. The main difference is that while Aqua Necklace can't control as much fluid as Geb could at a time, it's a lot more precise, and can even control water vapor.
    • Eh? He passed that long beforehand. Look at the kidnapping scheme that put him on death row.

Keicho Nijimura (Stand: Bad Company)

  • Anti-Villain: He's really only awakening Stand Users because he's trying to find someone who can put his hideously-mutated-by-Dio's-death father out of his misery.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Keicho was actually doing pretty well even after Josuke defeated him. Then Red Hot Chili Pepper drags him and his Arrow through a power line. This happens to leave the carried things intact, but still kills living things in the process.

Tamami Kobayashi (Stand: The Lock)

  • Consummate Liar: He is so good at making up stories and distorting facts that he can convince Koichi's mother that her son is a thief and a murderer.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After being defeated, he becomes a follower of Koichi.
  • Driven to Suicide: If The Lock becomes heavy enough, its victim will become so guilt-addled, they'll think suicide the only proper thing to do.
  • Heel Face Turn: Brought on by not wanting to have his eardrums explode by Echoes. However, during the Surface arc, he comments on his admiration for Koichi when he's alone, showing that his reform could be genuine.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Makes a living by exploiting people's guilt with schemes and lies and accentuating it with The Lock to extort money or other valuable assets from them.

Toshikazu Hazamada (Stand: Surface)

  • Defeat Means Friendship: After his defeat, he wants to befriend Koichi Hirose as both are fans of mangaka Rohan Kishibe. The most downplayed example of this in all of Part 4, really, since nobody really likes him, and his role in the story afterwards is a minor part in Rohan's introduction.
  • Heel Face Turn: Unlike other Defeat Means Friendship characters like Tamami, Yuya or even Yukako, there's more of a moral "bleakness" about Hazamada. It's notable that his crime before becoming an ally was to make somebody rip an eye out after having a disagreement with him, an act that few of the other allied Stand users had sunk to, and it's noted repeatedly that he was moments away from pulling off an Attempted Rape on a classmate with his Stand. Rohan even gives a reminder that he's not a particularly good person when he uses Heaven's Door on him. However, after his defeat, he acts friendlier to the heroes, and his more off-putting characteristics are played with a bit of humor.
  • Older Than They Look: After being defeated by Josuke and befriending Koichi, Hazamada suddenly looks quite a bit younger than before, partly because he suddenly looks a lot shorter. On the other hand, Koichi is the primary point of view, so this may be an indication of Hazamada no longer being a threat to him. The same thing happened with Tamami.
  • People Puppets: Surface uses an interesting version of this. Once it begins mimicking a person, it can actually control their actions so long as it maintains eye contact. Specifically, whenever it makes a motion while doing so, the one mimicked will wind up doing the same motion, albeit with the other side of their body, as though they were Surface's mirror reflection.

Yukako Yamagishi (Stand: Love Deluxe)

  • Defeat Means Friendship
  • Prehensile Hair: The power of Love Deluxe. She can use her hair as a weapon to do things like use strands to wrap around someone's tongue so they cannot talk, smash though a window so she doesn't cut herself, put some of her hair on someone else's to drag them into things, and just flat out crush a two story house.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Towards Koichi, although after he successfully defeats her, she greatly tones down her aggression.
  • Yandere: Until Echoes defeats her, anyway.

Akira Otoishi (Stand: Red Hot Chili Peppers)

  • Paper-Thin Disguise: His flashy hairstyle sticks out like a sore thumb when disguised as a Speedwagon employee but nobody notices anything odd.
  • Shock and Awe: We're talking about a Stand that can manipulate the entire power grid of Moriou.

Bug Ear (Stand: Ratt)

  • Body Horror Prepare to shudder when you see what happens to living things hit with Ratt's barbs...

Yoshihiro Kira (Stand: Atom Heart Father)

  • The Dragon: To his son Yoshikage.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Think Atom Heart Father sounds weak? He came within inches of killing both Jotaro and Josuke. It's because any person in a photo with him in it is bound by the area that the photo covers, and whatever Yoshihiro does to the people in the image will happen to the actual people, without any way to stop it. The only way to defeat this is to take another photograph that makes him the only feature.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: The only reason he's sticking around is because his Stand binds his soul to photographs.
  • Papa Wolf: He will kill you horribly if you threaten Yoshikage's peace of mind.
  • Reality-Changing Miniature

Ken Ooyanagi (Stand: Boy II Man)

  • Rock-Paper-Scissors: Yes, Boy II Man uses that as its modus operandi. He can compel someone to play a 3-of-5 match with him. That's it... until he wins. If he ever gets to finish a match and win, he'll permanently hijack the loser's Stand.

Erba Gatta (Stand: Stray Cat)

  • Blow You Away: Gatta's Stand Stray Cat has the ability to manipulate air, capable of creating air bubbles strong enough to hold a person against a wall or enter their veins, blocking blood passage. This is powered by its photosynthesis: the stronger the light, the stronger the control Stray Cat has over the air.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: He's a flower with the mind of a cat. He almost killed Kira.
  • Not So Harmless: He's just a plant with a cat's mind! How dangerous could he be? Answer: Very. And that's before Kira realises that he can use him to make air bombs...

Toyohiro Kanedaichi (Stand: Superfly)

  • Attack Reflector: Superfly's main gimmick is reflecting damage inflicted to its transmission tower. Toyohiro weaponizes this ability by damaging the tower at calculated angles to redirect the damage where he pleases.
  • Not Good with People

Terunosuke Miyamoto (Stand: Enigma)

  • And I Must Scream: Josuke actually binds him into a spiral-bound book in order to put an end to Enigma's threat. However, a legend develops that the Miyamoto book can be heard whispering, so it might not completely apply.
  • Hammerspace: Enigma can give paper this property.
  • Karmic Death: Or rather Karmic demise, seeing as he doesn't die.

Masazo Kinoto (Stand: Cheap Trick)

  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Overlaps with Yoshihiro Kira for creating Cheap Trick. Cheap Trick tried to get Rohan to burn the photos he had of Hayato following people with a Camcorder, confirming that Kira was one of the crowd people.
  • Synchronization: A rather interesting case in this series, as it essentially attaches and becomes a separate Stand to whoever sees the back of the previous person. When it's on the back of another person, it synchronizes to them as their own Stand would as when Rohan tries to open its face with Heaven's Door, he gets his own face torn for the trouble.

Minor Enemies (Part 5, Vento Aureo)

Polpo (Stand: Black Sabbath)

  • Animal Motifs: "Polpo" is Italian for "octopus". The octopus is often used to represent widely influential leaders with Control Freak tendencies or to give a face to wide-spreading abstract phenomena, like on this poster. Fitting for a mafia higher-up controlling drug dealing in a large part of a city from his prison cell.
  • Ate His Gun: Literally tried to do this. In his defense, at that time, it was transformed into a banana. It did not end well.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: One has to wonder how exactly Polpo came to look like he does.
  • Fat Bastard: An inhumanly fat and monstrous man who believes a mere insult justifies murder and doesn't seem to care about the potential collateral damage his Stand may cause.
  • Gonk: Polpo is a very ugly and morbidly obese man.
  • Kick the Dog: Black Sabbath kills an unfortunate janitor that was unlucky enough to relight the lighter that actually calls him forth. Giorno doesn't let it slide.
  • Living Shadow: His Stand Black Sabbath is a long-range automated stand traveling in object's shadows.
  • Luxury Prison Suite: Polpo eats well in prison.
  • Weakened by the Light: Black Sabbath dissipates if it's caught in sunlight.

Mario Zucchero (Stand: Soft Machine)

  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Suffers this at the hands of Giorno's group after his defeat. It involves a fishhook, glasses and getting sectioned by Sticky Fingers. What? They are members of the Mafia after all.
  • Drives Like Crazy: And is prone to leaving the car while it's still in motion mid-conversation.
  • Mighty Glacier: While Soft Machine's deflation power is devastating (one poke and you're not fighting anymore, and very much at Zucchero's mercy), it has terrible range. This is why Zucchero takes pains to first corner enemies in a narrow space, so they won't have time to dodge the stabs.

Sale (Stand: Kraftwerk)

  • Attack Reflector: One of the truly scary things he can do with guns is, once Kraftwerk's stilled the bullets, tap the bullet with his own finger to add potential kinetic energy. Once enough is stored, the bullet will fly off on its own, back toward the poor sap who shot at Sale.
  • Floating Platforms: Turning individual pieces of gravel into these is yet another application of Kraftwerk.
  • Made of Iron: Even getting a bullet in the outside of his brain doesn't kill him! The Heavy might have a problem here...
  • Nigh Invulnerable: As far as he's concerned, he's this because his Stand can alter the velocity of anything it touches so that it stands still with respect to him This includes bullets.

Formaggio (Stand: Little Feet)

  • Incredible Shrinking Man: Little Feet can do this to both Formaggio and his targets. He can freely toggle the effect on himself. They can't.
  • Man On Fire: How he meets his end.

Sorbet and Gelato

Illuso (Stand: Man In The Mirror)

  • Life or Limb Decision: He rips off his own arm using his Stand ability when it gets infected by Purple Haze's deadly virus.
  • Mirror Monster: He even provides the picture for that page.
  • Power Nullifier: He can separate Stand users from their Stands, rendering them powerless against his own.

Prosciutto (Stand: Grateful Dead)

  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: His Stand has eyes all over its body.
  • The Faceless: During his first few appearances, his face is obscured by shadows.
  • Made of Iron: It's one thing to fall off of a train and survive. It's quite another to be CRUSHED UNDER THE WHEELS OF ONE AND STILL KEEP HIS STAND RUNNING FOR A FEW MORE MINUTES.
  • Rapid Aging: This is what Grateful Dead does to its victims.
  • Younger Than They Look: Grateful Dead can do this to Prosciutto. It's how he manages to trick Mista.

Pesci (Stand: Beach Boy)

Melone (Stand: Baby Face)

Ghiaccio (Stand: White Album)

  • An Ice Person: His Stand takes the form of ice armor around his body, and he can rapidly lower temperature in an area to create ice and trap his opponents.
  • An Ice Suit: Literally, as described above. Additionally, the interior of the armor is insulated like an igloo, since his Stand powers don't actually include resistance to cold.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: Subverted. Ghiaccio has a very nasty surprise for anyone who tries to attack his weak point...
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Sort of. He occasionally goes off on very strange tangents.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: The whole reason White Album Gently Weeps exists.
  • Meaningful Name: Surprise surprise, his name means "ice" in Italian.
  • Nerd Glasses: He wears a pair of thick-rimmed spectacles.
  • Rollerblade Good: Or rather, Ice Skates Good.

Squalo (Stand: Clash)

  • Berserker Tears: After Tiziano dies to protect him.
  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Especially when they are in your soup and can jump from liquid to liquid as needed to follow you...
  • Gayngster: And before you ask, Tizziano and Squalo are the only Passione members depicted as being gay. They're also a couple.
  • Meaningful Name: Italian for "shark".
  • Tongue Trauma: The first injury Clash is seen inflicting is ripping Narancia's tongue off.

Tizziano (Stand: Talking Head)

  • Dark-Skinned Blond: Although the colored manga has him with silver hair.
  • Gayngster: Confirmed to be in a relationship with Squalo.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Poor Communication Kills: The reason he is so deadly when combined with Clash, as he can invoke this on his victims.
  • Taking the Bullet: Not just to save his beloved Squalo, but also to give Clash a liquid field via his own blood. Sadly, it doesn't buy Squalo much more than about a minute, if that.
  • Tongue-Tied: His Stand twists the victim's words so they always communicate the opposite of their intent... even if it's writing or gesturing.

Carne (Stand: Notorious B.I.G.)

  • Blob Monster: Notorious B.I.G is a flesh consuming creature that attacks and consumes the fastest moving thing in the vicinity.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Horribly, horribly subverted. Carne goes down in a minute thanks to Mista. And then Notorious B.I.G. attacks...
  • Gonk: It's quite hard to tell where his neck begins.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Notorious B.I.G. isn't truly activated until it receives feelings of hate and contempt on account of Carne's death.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: And unlike Yellow Temperance and Yo-Yo Ma, there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it. Their best bet is to drop it in the ocean.

Risotto Nero (Stand: Metallica)

  • Artistic License: Biology: The human body contains around 3 gram of iron, not enough for even one razor, let alone a pair of scissors.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: His irises are surrounded by black sclera.
  • Bloody Murder: Although in this case, he's using his opponent's blood as a weapon.
  • Body Horror: This guy has the ability to transform the iron in a person's bloodstream into any kind of sharp metal objects he pleases, while the iron is still inside the person's body. Hence the memorable scene where he makes Doppio cough up a handful of razor blades.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Risotto was actually defeating The Big Bad until he gets shot by accident by Aerosmith.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Debated by the fans, as many portrayals of him have his irises as being white to match the rest of his outfit.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Of the "scary and evil" variety.

Cioccolata (Stand: Green Day)

  • Ax Crazy
  • Body Horror: A lot of Stands are downright nasty, but a flesh-devouring mold that makes people explode if it germinates fast enough? Even more amazing, he's immune to the more harmful effects, so he can sever off body parts and use the mold to prevent blood loss and keep nerves connected? Geez.
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: There's a cross on his chest that opens to his midriff.
  • Detachment Combat: Green Day's mold allows him to keep controlling a severed arm that he uses to great effect to ambush Sex Pistols and Giorno.
  • Karmic Death: Diavolo calls him and Secco trash. Both he and Secco are flung into garbage trucks on their defeats.
  • Serial Killer: You did not want to end up at the hospital where he worked.

Secco (Stand: Oasis)

  • Dishing Out Dirt
  • Improbable Weapon User: When he isn't dragging Green Day's victims down to get the mold to germinate, he will spit mud at his foe. Here's the problem for his opponent though: it's only mud when it's within Oasis, the relevant sub-area in this case Secco's mouth. Once it's fully spit out, it turns back into rock. High-velocity rock.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: It was just so he could easily tag along with Cioccolatta. Once Cioccolatta dies, and Secco finds he wasn't quite as pure evil as he thought though...
  • Sand Is Water: Stone is water in his case. His Stand power other than manifesting as armor.

Scolippi (Stand: Rolling Stone)

  • You Can't Fight Fate: Played straight and averted. Rolling Stone automatically manifests near those it senses will die soon, and even gradually takes the form of what their pose will be at death. However, if the one sensed touches it, it will give them another, less futile way to die.

Minor Enemies, Part 6 (Stone Ocean)

Gwess (Stand: Goo Goo Dolls)

Jongalli A (Stand: Manhattan Transfer)

  • He Knows Too Much: Because he knows Pucci's face, his stand Whitesnake shoots him in the head (before planting the gun on his body, so that others would deem the event a suicide).
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: You wouldn't expect a blind man like Jongalli to be such a good sniper, would you? Well, Manhattan Transfer is the Stand equivalent of sonar, and can impart a new angle to his bullets when they reach it.

Thunder McQueen (Stand: Highway to Hell)

  • Death Seeker: But see below...
  • Taking You with Me: His Stand's modus operandi. Xander's suicidal, but he also feels compelled to drag someone with him so his suffering will be shared. His Stand's power? Reflect every injury he performs on himself onto a target. Even the lethal ones.

Miraschon (Stand: Marilyn Manson, also called "The Debt Collector")

  • Lost Him in a Card Game: Much nastier than with the D'Arby brothers. Basically, if you lose or forfeit (through cheating) a bet that Marilyn Manson is overseeing, it will instantly take away from you the value that you bet. If you don't have the money with you? It just starts taking things equivalent in value... ultimately including internal organs to sell on the black market.

Lang Wrangler (Stand: Jumpin' Jack Flash)

  • Explosive Decompression: Averted. Although Jumpin' Jack Flash generates a near-total vacuum like in space, Jolyne and Weather aren't in danger of rupturing. The real problem is the possibility of their blood boiling away...
  • Eye Scream: Almost loses an eye when Jolyne pulls him into the vacuum.
  • The Starscream: He has thoughts of acting this way towards Pucci when it looks like his Stand really is going to kill Jolyne and Weather.

Sports Maxx (Stand: Limp Bizkit)

Viviano Westwood (Stand: Planet Waves)

One of the guards assigned to the solitary confinement portion of Green Dolphin. He attacks Jolyne when he falls under Survivor's influence.

  • Death From Above: Planet Waves can summon meteoroids from outer space toward Westwood, which will harm an opponent if he can put them between himself and the meteoroid. Unfortunately, as Jolyne found out, it's impossible to try the same tactic on him, since they will simply disintegrate before they hit him.

Kenzo (Stand: Dragon's Dream)

D an G (Stand: Yo-Yo-Ma)

  • Bodyguard Betrayal: Yo-Yo-Ma uses this as its modus operandi. It all but falls over itself to help you out of pickles, but it's really trying to make you lower your guard so it can find a way to get the anti-human-flesh enzyme it exudes on you.
  • For the Evulz: Once he became convinced that Nostradamus really had foretold the world's end in 1999, he exchanged his dutiful police officer personality for one of "homicidal maniac". Why bother with holding your impulses in if even the universe isn't going to live long enough to punish you?
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Like Yellow Temperance, nothing hurts Yo-Yo-Ma. Although in this case, it's just because it's that tough. Only killing D an G will dispatch it.

Guccio (Stand: Survivor)

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Once Anasui realized not only that Guccio was an agent of Pucci, but that another such agent—specifically, D an G--was nearby, he arranged for Diver Down to activate its power. On Guccio's ribs. In such a way that D an G's own arm was horrifically mangled.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Survivor incites this.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: While many Stand powers might look useless at first, their users' ingenuity tends to put that idea to rest. However, as far as Dio was concerned, Survivor just wasn't good for any active purpose, since its effect was uncontrollable and not easily manipulable: make people fight each other if they have animosity, relay their weak points to each other... that's it. Now compare that with weak-in-the-description/DEVASTATING-in-practice Stands like Sticky Fingers and Bohemian Rhapsody...

Miumiu/Miuccia Mueller (Stand: Jail House Rock)

At first, looks like another female inmate. She's actually the prison's head of security.

  • Four Is Death: Since Jail House Rock's victims can only remember three recent things at a time, her most reliable way for dispatching them is to shoot four bullets at a time at them. This way, even if they notice how the first three bullets are flying and come up with a way to avoid them, they'll completely forget about the first bullet when the fourth bullet shows up. Jolyne gets around this by concentrating on a puddle of water under the bullets' flight path, letting her register them not as separate projectiles, but a single pattern.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Your short-term memory pretty much ceases to exist once Jail House Rock gets its hands on you.

Ungalo (Stand: Bohemian Rhapsody)

One of the four sons of Dio. Nasty-tempered drug addict. His Stand Bohemian Rhapsody evokes stories right onto people who like them. This is worse than it sounds... much worse.

  • Gonk: Add in the fact that he's a paradigm junkie, and you can guess how low his Pleasantness Quotient is...
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Weather defeats Bohemian Rhapsody by telling a story of a superhero-like being who rounds up wayward story characters (i.e. the entities created and/or transformed by the Stand) and forces them back into their stories of origin. Ungaro's horror and disbelief at Bohemian Rhapsody being made to negate itself makes him regress into a vegetative state (we should be thankful that he didn't think to just reactivate his Stand... Then again, given that Weather could just tell his story again)...
  • Shout-Out: Creates these in droves. Given what his Stand ability does, this should come as no surprise. Even if we don't see the majority of the characters.
  • The Unfought: He never actually meets the heroes; he only interacts with Pucci, who helps make him aware of his Stand. He spends all of his post-hospital screen time on board an airplane, glutting himself on fine food and drink while Bohemian Rhapsody's creations run roughshod over the world.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: This is why the story evocation is so devastating. You'll be cast into the role you most identify with, and no matter what you do, everything that befell the character in the original story will befall you. Meaning that if the character in question died, so will you.

Rikiel (Stand: Sky High)

One of the four sons of Dio. Not the most self-confident of people, and arguably only assisting Pucci out of gratitude.

  • The Beast Master: With the cryptozooids called "rods".
  • Cosmic Plaything: He certainly felt like this, at least until Pucci revealed why things kept falling flat for him. It was actually his semi-dormant Stand constantly attracting heat-sucking rods to him.

Donatello Versus (Stand: Underworld)

One of the four sons of Dio, and the most like him in mentality.

  • The Starscream: As far as Versace's concerned, he's the one most deserving of being the one in control of Dio's planned "heaven", not a mere confidant. He intentionally restores Weather's memory just to try to ensure that Pucci will get wiped out.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: A less devastating version than Bohemian Rhapsody, but still irksome. You can't get out of or alter one of Underworld's unearthed memories until it finishes, so you'd better find some way to circumvent whatever bad things Versace has in mind for you that the memory won't interdict.

Minor enemies, Part 7 (Steel Ball Run)

Diego Brando (Stand: Scary Monster/The World])

  • Alternate Universe: An alternate Diego is brought into play by Valentine as a backup if he died. This Diego doesn't have Scary Monster as a Stand, but he does have The World.
  • Bishonen: Handsome as a Brando.
  • Brick Joke: How AU Diego is defeated by Lucy Steel.
  • Dragon Ascendant: The original was not Valentine's dragon, and in fact opposed him, but the Alternate Universe Diego is this to Valentine.
  • Evil Brit: Downplayed. While he is very unfettered in getting his way and implied to have done nasty things to get to where he is, he is far more humane and sympathetic than the original Dio.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: AU Diego whacks Johnny with his own leg. He also gets killed by Lucy Steel when he uses the head of the original Diego against him.
  • Half the Man He Used To Be: He gets cut off in half by a train.
  • Killed Off for Real: This is where his Alternate Universe counterpart comes into play.
  • Let Them Die Happy: The original dies believing he defeated Valentine.
  • Power Incontinence: At first, he doesn't have the greatest control over his dino shapeshifting.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: After he fuses with one of the Turbo Eyes shortly before Dr. Ferdinand's death, he gains the ability to change into a dinosaur at will, thus gaining his own stand. The Ability itself comes from Dr. Ferdinand's Stand "Scary Monsters", thus the derived name.

Mrs. Robinson

Don't let the name fool you. This character is actually a he, and is always referred to as such.

Andre Boom Boom

  • Bloody Murder: The point of his initial contact with Gyro and Johnny wasn't just to get fire to treat his lizard bite. It was also to get some of his blood on them for his Stand to start work with. His Stand, by the way, manipulates magnetism. Now, consider that blood contains iron...

L.A. Boom Boom

Benjamin Boom Boom

  • Abusive Parents: You really have to feel bad for his sons. What with all the upbraiding he sends their way, especially to L.A.... And then there's intentionally shooting through Andre's own wound to get more blood on the heroes, and not really paying attention when it's clear Andre's starting to succumb to the lizard venom...

Oyecomova (Stand: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)

  • Spam Attack: Have fun trying to disarm all those bombs before they go off...
  • Western Terrorists: Oyecomova is one, trying to murder the king of Naples.

Fritz von Stroheim

Pork Pie Hat Kid (Stand: Wired)

Pork Pie Hat actually seems to be his first name, being referred as such a number of times.

  • Expy: Of Pesci
  • Extreme Omnivore: He likes the taste of ink, he wonders if his own teeth taste good... No wonder Wired's bound to his tongue.
  • Funetik Aksent: He has a problem pronouncing Johnny's name.
  • Gonk: Once he loses the pipes on his head... ugh...
  • Western Terrorists: By now, it becomes clear to Gyro and Johnny that the terrorists are after one thing, the components of the Saint. Even if they have to kill to do it.

Dr. Ferdinand (Stand: Scary Monsters)

  • The Beast Master: Well, first, he has to transform other beings into at least partial utahraptors, but once that's done...
  • Berserk Button: More calm than most other instances, but doing anything that looks even a little disrespectful to the ground is one very fast way to get on his bad side.
  • Bishonen
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Once Scary Monsters is disengaged, it turns out it was at the worst possible time for Ferdinand because the two utahraptors nearest to him had originally been mountain lions. Unhappy mountain lions, at that. Cue one savage mauling.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: If Scary Monsters affects you, and you're not holding a piece of the Saint's corpse, you get to look forward to becoming part utahraptor.
  • Western Terrorists: Willing to turn an entire town into dinosaurs in order to carry out his goals.

Ringo Roadagain (Stand: Mandom)

  • Badass Beard: His goatee is shaped like a skull. He's just that awesome.
  • Blood Knight: Pretty obliquely, though. He intentionally gets those in his orchard bound into Mandom's effect so they grow desperate enough to kill him. He believes that if he engages in duels only with those who seek only his death, with no spite or the like involved, his spirit will be purified of uncertainty, and he'll grow ever more useful to humanity.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Because he clears all chance and doubt from his fights, he dies knowing his killer was the better fighter, exactly what he wanted.
  • Groundhog Day Loop: Only six seconds worth, and they have to be spaced out by at least a minute. But everyone gets to react to what they know will happen in those six seconds.
  • Honor Before Reason: Good news: He explains everything that could be a factor in a fight. He's purifying chance out of his duels.
  • Rape as Drama: Well, almost raped by a vagrant murderer who'd already killed the rest of his family. "Almost" because of Mandom's power. Basically, the threat of rape was what awakened Mandom.
  • Time Master: And, oddly for JoJo, he's not the main antagonist even though he has this sort of power.

Blackmore (Stand: Catch the Rainbow)

  • Hazardous Water: He can manipulate raindrops into platforms, blades, bandages, etc.
  • Holier Than Thou: Once he sees a vision of Jesus in connection with the pieces of the Corpse, he gets really bad when it comes to confronting the heroes.

Sandman (Stand: In a Silent Way)

The Eleven Riders (Stand: Tattoo You!)

  • Hive Mind: Not much is known about their personality but they have an uncanny ability to act in unison.
  • I Am Legion
  • No Name Given: To the point another name some fans use for them is "Eleven Nameless Men".

Mike O. (Stand: Tubular Bells)

  • The Beast Master: An interesting sort, in that his breath transforms pieces of metal into balloon animals that act like their real-life counterparts.
  • The Dragon: If only because he's the White House's head of security.
  • Your Head Asplode: What happens when Hot Pants makes it impossible for Mike to properly exhale Tubular Bells.

Wekapipo (Stand: Wrecking Ball)

  • Badass Normal: Wrecking Ball is just a variant of the Zeppeli Steel Ball, not a Stand per se.
  • Dead Little Sister: Revealed to still be alive, thanks to Gyro's father.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: You know how Funny Valentine can trigger a Never the Selves Shall Meet? He does it to Wekapipo. Valentine traps Diego in another dimension with the intent to kill him, but Diego quickly realizes how D4C works (allowing things to travel between dimensions when they get caught between two things) so Diego gets himself stuck between the two Wekapipos.
  • Heel Face Turn

Magent Magent (Stand: 20th Century Boy)

  • And I Must Scream: His final confrontation with Diego and Wekapipo forces him to activate 20th Century Boy underwater. Far underwater. And 20th Century Boy's aegis extends to not letting him drown. Since no one can find him there, and deactivating his Stand will kill him, and it won't let him do that, he's now an underwater edition of Kars.
  • Eye Scream: Try to remember that what goes up must come down, next time!
  • Nigh Invulnerable: If Magenta can get all four of his limbs on the ground and stay perfectly still, 20th Century Boy won't let anything touch him. If.
  • Repetitive Name

Axl RO (Stand: Civil War)

  • Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: Manifests and brings to life objects the victim feels guilt over. This includes the Stand owner, who can actually bring himself back to life if he's killed by someone who feels any form of guilt over his death.

Disco (Stand: Chocolate Disco)

Minor enemies, Part 8 (JoJolion)

Yoshikage Kira (Stand: Killer Queen)

  • Dead All Along: He died from what is apparently cardiac arrest three days before the the manga began and was buried along with Josefumi in the Wall Eyes, resulting in the Fusion Dance that created Josuke.
  • Identical Stranger: Looks like an older Josuke.

Sasame Oujirou (Stand: Fun Fun Fun)

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