Brütal Legend/Characters
This character sheet holds much more than the named main characters of Brutal Legend. Unique from other Real Time Strategy games, and brawlers like Dynasty Warriors, each and every unit has a story behind it, and was designed to be as important to combat as they are charming. And so, you will find information on every unit in the game, divided by the faction they come from. Of course, most of the heroes reside in the Ironheade faction, while the villains are in the rest.
Ironheade is the heroic Heavy Metal faction of Brutal Legend. They embody Heavy Metal (and Heavy Mithril) from The Seventies, and The Eighties. The single player campaign is a Justified Tutorial for multiplayer, teaching players how Ironheade came to be as well as the other factions.
- The Alcoholic: If they're not kicking ass, any member of Ironheade is enjoying booze. You'd probably drink a lot too if you had a Sacred Beer Tree that provided you with unlimited free lager.
- Faction Calculus: Balanced.
- Fragile Speedster: Ironheade has fast units that lack high health. Metal Beasts, Fire Barons, and Raptor Elks.
- Guys Smash, Girls Shoot
- Heavy Mithril: Brought to life.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Horny Vikings: Your infantry, post-upgrade.
- Medieval Stasis: They start off victim to this.
- Mood Motif: Heavy Metal, in particular from The Seventies, The Eighties and modern Power Metal. They also have a Nordic slant, and are themed around Fire. Their art is inspired by Frank Frazetta.
- Music for Courage
- Nerf: More heavily nerfed than any other faction, due to advantages inherited from the story mode.
- When the game was first released, Ironheade was the most powerful faction due to fire baron rushes. They were then nerfed heavily and became the weakest multiplayer faction. It also became apparent that Ironhead has the smallest number of units.
- Playing with Fire
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Welcome to Corneria: Eddie can "chat" with Ironeheade forces in the campaign when they're not kicking ass, but rarely do they have over three lines at a given time.
Eddie Riggs
Where I come from, this guitar makes noises. Here, it blows stuff up!—Voiced by Jack Black
The world's greatest roadie. He finds himself transported to a mythical land of metal after an accident at a concert. Now he must find a way to help his new friends and find out some of the secrets surrounding this strange new land.
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: Eddie becomes a Large Ham after he first gets his wings.
"Silence, groundwalker!"
- Almighty Janitor
- An Axe to Grind: "The Separator", his main melee weapon.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: The reason Ophelia is afraid to explain who Succoria is. Lars, Lita, and Ophelia's parents know a prophecy that someone would come along to destroy or save them. Lars and Lita lean to the former, but Ophelia believes the latter. It turns out he's he child of humanity's greatest hero and nemesis together.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: "Everything in that general direction must die!" Practically the philosophy that your ground game is more important than Real Time Strategy skill.
- Audible Sharpness: The Battle Cry solo creates a shockwave, justifiably invoking this trope.
- Badass
- Badass Beard: In the Mountain Man DLC outfit. In his regular costume he sports a soul patch.
- Badass Long Hair
- Battle Cry: A song that makes Lars' sword appear in a Battle Aura, bursting into a wave of Audible Sharpness.
- The Beast Master: The Call of the Wild solo summons animals as free units with a limited lifespan.
- Born in the Wrong Century
- Buffy-Speak: All the effing time.
- By the Power of Greyskull: Eddie, trying to command an Overblesser with an improvised evil prayer.
Eddie: How do I get this thing started? Oh man... Dear evil, messed up, demon powers. (Of darkness.) Please transport me off this awesome corpse pile, I am but a visitor in this strange world, which some would call hellish, but I have to admit, is kinda badassed. Oh lords of gross leather things and S&M type wear! You know you guys really have style! That Battle Nun? She was hot. Sorry about killing her, but you're evil though, so we're cool! I didn't know I could do that with an axe.
- Call Back: When Eddie plays the "Battle Cry" solo, a flaming sword appears over his head. He learned the solo off of Lars' blade.
- The Call Has Bad Reception: And how! Only Ophelia and Doviculus had a clue to his significance.
- Calling Your Attacks: Either spoken or sung...
- Aaaannvil!
- Call of the Wiiiiild was my faaavorite booook!
- Facemelteeer!
- Non-solo attacks will also get called if you use the Love Giver.
- Chekhov's Skill: It's his roadie skills that unlock the secrets of the Age of Metal for all three factions.
- Chick Magnet: Ophelia, Lita, and the Zaulia.
- Cool Car: The Deuce a.k.a. "Druid Plow".
- Cue the Sun: The Light of Dawn solo.
Eddie: "Oh mighty sun, burn the creatures of the night from this land while I enjoy coffee and bacon!"
- Dual-Wielding: Eddie has two axes, one he swings and one he plays.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Lars ends up getting the credit for Eddie saving Ophelia early on. Later, Eddie willingly lets Lars and Lita take credit for saving the world. He's a roadie after all, it's not his job to be in the spotlight. Subverted in that even though Eddie doesn't want the glory, it's clear everyone else appreciates him and his actions. Played straight with Kabbage Boy, who give Eddie absolutely no respect, though the feeling is mutual.
- The Engineer: Combat Engineer, natch.
- Fantastic Nuke: The solo "Bring it on Home" summons a lead zeppelin to crash at your location. It's fantastically powerful, kind of a Wave Motion Gun in that you're quite vulnerable when jamming out the long spell and has a five-minute recharge.
- Game Face: He turns into a demon.
- Genius Bruiser
- Genre Savvy
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Half-Human Hybrid: His mother is the demon emperor Succoria.
- Heartbroken Badass: In one of the final battles, Eddie is finally shown to still love Ophelia and want her back.
- Heroic Lineage
- Hero Unit: To Ironheade.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Becomes a demon... and loves every minute of it!
- Hot-Blooded
- Humble Hero: Eddie himself, who believes that roadies shouldn't take the spotlight away from the band. In the end, he lets others take the credit for his deeds as well as lets Lita become the new leader of the humans.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- I Call It Clementine: His guitar. Which shoots lightning.
- I Choose to Stay: Immediately scoffs at the thought of trying to get back home.
- Ink Suit Actor: Though a bit more on the buff side.
- The Last DJ: Not a fan of Kabbage Boy.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Eddie is fond of telling these to Mangus.
"Mangus, the Hour of Rock is upon us."
"Hope you're in the mood..... for Death! Which is waiting for us on the road now lets HIT IT!"
- Living MacGuffin: The final legend says everything about him was the key to saving the Land of Metal.
- MacGyvering
- The Man Behind the Man: Lars and Lita are damn near helpless without him.
- Meaningful Name: Eddie Riggs.
- And story-wise, his last name is just an amalgamation of Riggnarock.
- The Messiah
- Mr. Fixit: He can fix anything. Except Kabbage Boy's music.
- My God, What Have I Done?: He is partially responsible for Ophelia's Face Heel Turn and the creation of the Drowning Doom.
- Nerf: Facemelter lost power (on infantry, but not cars), and Call of the Wild summons animals at the stage instead of anywhere.
- The Only One: The final Legend paints Eddie as this.
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Power Gives You Wings
- The Reliable One: As a roadie.
- Show Runner: Without him, Ironheade would've consisted of Lars, Lita and Ophelia sitting around getting wasted constantly instead of becoming the kickass
bandarmy it is. - Smoking Is Cool
- Tomato in the Mirror: Eddie did not end up in the Age of Metal out of wish fulfillment or chance. He is the son of Succoria, the evil ruler of the Tainted Coil, and Riggnarok, her nemesis turned lover.
- Visual Pun/Zeppelins from Another World: The Bring It on Home solo drops a lead zeppelin where it's played.
- Winged Humanoid: But only during stage battles.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Early in, he asks Ophelia if they are in Medieval times.
- He mistakes a Thunderhorn Bassist from Drone Jamming to prevent him from going into a dangerous area.
- His treatment of Lars is a Double Subversion. One would think Eddie is The Messiah immediately, but Eddie believe that role belongs to Lars, and right down to the end Lars is treated as such, but the final legend says that Eddie is the true hero.
I hope my parents were wrong about this...—Voiced by Jennifer Hale
She met Eddie only a few minutes after he was transported to the world of metal. After a few fights the two quickly became allies and friends. Eddie is immediately smitten by her Perky Goth sexiness. She is a good friend to Lars Halford, but his sister Lita does not trust her due to her parents.
- Action Girl: She and Eddie fight off a horde of demons together only a few minutes into the game.
- Already Done for You: You know that whole
bandarmy-building thing? Ophs is way ahead of you. - Badass
- Bare Your Midriff
- Broken Bird
- Dark Action Girl: As commander of the Drowning Doom. Or rather, her evil doppelganger is.
- Dark and Troubled Past/Fantastic Racism: Her parents were part of the Black Tear Rebellion, which spurs much distrust from Lita.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Ophelia retrieves her first Razorfire Boar cannon, and strokes it slowly in anticipation of using it as a gun. Eddie and Killmaster stare.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: "Oohoohoo, hello!"
- Hot Amazon
- Keeping Secrets Sucks: She figures out early in Eddie is the child of Succoria. She refuses to explain this, which leads to Eddie coming to believe it's her, then It Got Worse.
- Meaningful Name
- Mistaken Identity: Ophelia refuses to explain who Succoria is after Doviculus is seen seeking her out via scent, as doing so would reveal Eddie as The Antichrist, as Lars, Lita and her own parents warned. Eddie assumes it's her, and it tears their relationship apart. It turns out Doviculus is smelling him, and Ophelia is protecting Eddie from the truth.
- The Ophelia
- Perky Goth
- Shallow Love Interest: Averted.
- Taking the Heat: Right down to the end, she never throws Eddie under the bus about his heritage or mentions the name on his shirt.
- They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste/What Could Have Been: She was going to stay dead, but Tim Schafer didn't want to leave Eddie with Lita.
- Token Wholesome: A tee shirt and pants? Quick! Somebody indoctrinate her into the Zaulia's mindset about clothes!
- Unexplained Recovery
Lars Halford
How long do you think I should let my hair grow?—Voiced by Zack Hanks
Lars is the leader of Ironheade and Lita's brother. Despite being dead for half the game he gets most of the credit for overthrowing Doviculus.
- Awesome but Impractical: Lars is, in-universe, a living version of this trope: so inspiring that the armies of man will follow him to the gates of Hell, but completely incapable of organizing the logistics of an army. That, of course, is why he needs... a roadie.
- Battle Cry: The song written on his sword.
- Big Good: Treated as such, even by the true protagonist.
- Designated Hero: In universe, anyway. Until you find the last Legend.
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu He got away with Lyonwhite, but Doviculus was not to be trifled with.
- Fearless Fool He's a valiant and courageous man, but he's also very foolish... He walked right up to Doviculus, no weapon drawn, wearing no armor, and no actual plan or back up. He thought he would be a badass and declare his people's independence and his own sovereignty... Doviculus impales him with less effort than it'd take to swat a fly.
- Fake Ultimate Hero
- Genre Blindness
- Heroic Lineage:
Eddie: So who died and made Lars king?
- In the Name of the Moon: For the honor of Bladehenge, the freedom of its people, and the glory... OF ITS METAL!
- Last Second Chance: Tries giving these to the Lionwhyte minions that he fights.
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Mr. Fanservice
- Perma-Shave: Lampshaded by the Headbangers.
Headbanger: "Do you think Lars shaves his chest?"
- Plotline Death
- Red Oni
- Rousing Speech: His Double Team not only makes him powerful, but he will give a very long speech the entire time.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Double Team with him, and he actually becomes powerful.
- Sophisticated As Hell:
Lars: "The time has come for you to shut the hell up, Lionwhyte!"
- Standardized Leader
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: "Have you... been looking at my sword?"
- Suicidal Overconfidence
- Supporting Leader
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Lita Halford
Watch me stick this dummy in the crotch!—Voiced by Kath Soucie
Lars Halford's sexy, but aloof younger sister. An utter Ice Queen who is critical of Lars and mistrusting of Ophelia. She harbors personal prejudices of Ophelia because her parents were Tear Drinkers in the Black Tear Rebellion.
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blade on a Stick: Her blade, nicknamed the Lita Halberd.
- Blue Oni
- Boobs of Steel: Lita is probably the most busty female in the game (with the only possible exception being Rima), and she is also the female character whose fighting style is most reliant upon physical strength.
- Character Development: At the start of the game, Lita distrusts pretty much everybody except for Lars. Following Lars' death, she slowly becomes more trusting towards the other members of Ironheade. Finally, during the game's ending, she admits that she was wrong to be so distrustful of others.
- Combat Stilettos: Lita's outfit includes a pair of high-heeled leather boots.
- Commander Contrarian: Lita, do you think you could stop criticizing everything and everyone for five minutes?
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: She acts vindicated when the Drowning Doom are revealed to be led by Drowned Ophelia, but it turns out she and Eddie are to blame for her Face Heel Turn.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Partially for Eddie, but more out of responsibility to Ironheade. Not enough for Tim Schafer though...
- Fantastic Racism: Towards Ophelia because of her parents, making her a "Tear Drinker".
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Yowzah!
- Heroic Lineage
- Ice Queen
- Jerkass: Later Jerkass Woobie.
- Knight in Sour Armor/Sour Supporter: While she does adamantly give her objections constantly, her loyalty to Ironeheade is absolute.
- Lady of War
- Male Gaze: If you visit Lita at the graveyard following the end of the story, you get a very nice look at her cleavage while she kneels at Lars' grave.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Revenge Before Reason: Lita blames Ophelia solely for Lars' death, believing she was a mole for Doviculus.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Princess and later queen of Bladehenge, she
rocks in the mosh pitsfights on the front lines of every singleshowbattle the Ironheadebandarmy is in. - Supporting Leader: Replaces Lars in the end.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste: Lita is given limited Character Development, most of her characterization is her mistrust of Ophelia, but in the second half of the campaign, she is developed briefly.
- Tomboy Princess
- Tsundere
- Unlucky Busty Girl: Near the end of the game, it's implied that Lita has started to develop romantic feelings for Eddie. But Eddie only has eyes for Ophelia.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: Or as Eddie once calls her "Bossy Bangs".
Mangus, are you an Engineer?
What's an Engineer?—Voiced by Alex Fernandez
An ugly, lanky guy who becomes Eddies right hand as Bladehenge develops. Eddie is a boss and mentor to him, teaching him his Roadie ways.
- The Apprentice: To Eddie.
- Bring My Brown Pants: Apparently wears a diaper when driving the tour bus to avoid having to make restroom stops.
- The Ditz
- The Engineer: Yet he and Lars have no clue what an engineer is.
- Lovable Coward
- What Are You Looking At?: At one point, he is an NPC just standing around and Eddie asks why.
"What are you looking at?"
"I don't know."
What is that sound?!
It's a Devil screaming!
It's an Angel singing!
It is the pounding of Creation's Hammer upon the Anvil of Time!
It's fucking awesome!
It's called...Music/HeavyMetal.
Headbangers are Ironheade's main infantry unit who attack with their amazingly hard heads. They may not seem too smart but a big enough group of them can cause a lot of damage in a little time. They are the only unit in the game with a Double Team attack that stacks depending on how many of them are around. In other words, the more Headbangers you have, the larger their Mosh Pit attack is.
Tier 1 melee infantry.
- Cosplay: They dress like Ormagoden when upgraded.
- Die, Chair, Die!: I HATE statues!
- Frazetta Man: A silly version of this trope.
- Genre Blindness: Eddie must teach them what Heavy Metal is.
- Hard Head: The Headbangers, who were forced to mine with nothing but their heads. They're not particularly bright at first, but they are valuable allies.
Lars: What do you do with a bunch of kids who don't know how to do anything but bang their heads all day?
Eddie: (as Manly Tears form) You start a revolution, Lars.
- Hidden Eyes: Covered by goggles, hats, bandannas, etc.
- Only a Flesh Wound: "I don't care! I LIKE being on fire!"
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Shout-Out: In the campaign, you can find a begoggled headbanger with a suspiciously familiar voice.
- Surfer Dude: Dude, like totally the most metal example!
- Use Your Head: They aren't called Headbangers for nothing.
Razor Girl
It's like they're born warriors!
I know! I think I'm gonna cry!
The Razor Girls were formerly sex slaves who were freed by Ophelia and joined Ironheade. They use guns made from razor fire boars for ranged attacks.
Tier 1 ranged infantry.
- Action Girl
- The Archer/Friendly Sniper: They're somewhere between the two.
- BFG: Their guns are ripped from the engine-like carcass of a Razorfire Boar. Which are quite weak... until you Double Team.
- Cosplay: Like the Headbangers, they dress like Ormagoden when upgraded.
- Do Not Run with a Gun: Justified and averted. Their guns are as large as they are, one can ride on Eddie's shoulders to avert it.
- Eighties Hair: They even use hairspray when idle!
- Full Boar Action
- Glass Cannon
- Go-Go Enslavement: They escaped from this.
- Groupie Brigade: Their evil counterpart.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: To avoid a lawsuit, their name was changed from Runaways to Razor Girls.
- Plucky Girl: Very very cheerful in the middle of battle.
- Shout-Out: They are dressed like the girls from Heavy Metal Parking Lot.
- Smoking Is Cool
- The Squadette
- Token Wholesome: Along with Ophelia.
- Valley Girl: "I think their stage is SO lame compared to ours!"
- Zerg Rush: It works.
Kill Master/Thunderhog Bassists
Marchin' off to war!—Voiced by Lemmy Kilmister
A mystic healer who resides at the peak of Thunderhorn Mountain. He and his clan of bassists join Ironheade to stick it to Lionwhyte. His clan's bass music has the ability to heal allies. Their bass strings are harvested from the webs of Metal Spiders, who spin threads of metal instead of silk. After Eddie delivers the strings, Kill Master modifies the motorcycle Eddie hastily delivered, strapping dozens of amps to play his healing music, or the paralyzing Stun Note.
Tier 1 healing vehicle.
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels
- Badass Biker
- Badass Grandpa
- Bad Boss: Kill Master is a harsh man to serve, which is why some of the bassists left to join Lionwhyte.
- Cameo: Kill Master is Lemmy Kilmister. The first Thunderhog produced in battle is always rode by Kill Master.
- Combat Medic/The Medic: A blurring of the two. Thunderhogs have no direct ability to damage anything, but when double teaming their shockwave attack paralyzes enemy units.
- Cool Pet: The Metal Spiders, who spin webs of metal, which can be harvested into bass strings.
- I Call It Vera: Eddie can borrow his bass guitar, called Rickenbastard.
- Ink Suit Actor
- Luke Nounverber
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: That's the idea. Kill Master chose that name just to scare people off.
- Smoking Is Cool
- Technical Pacifist: He and his clan took an oath not to hurt others. However...
Eddie: Hey, Kill Master! How did you like your first battle?
Kill Master: First battle with YOU. I've been around a while.
- Waxing Lyrical: Lemmy quotes his own works on occasion.
- Zerg Rush: Because multiple Thunderhogs don't stack their healing ability, one would think there would be no reason to have more than one at a time... until you start Double Teaming, and stunning opposing armies over and over.
Reverse engineered from Lionwhyte's crossbow towers, they behave like mobile defense turrets. They attack slowly, but hit relatively hard and their arrows are unblockable. Double Team to make them fire rapid, exploding arrows.
Tier 2 ranged vehicle.
- Abnormal Ammo: A cannon turret? Oh heavens no. It has a massive crossbow strapped to it.
- Automatic Crossbows
- Cool Car
- Cool Shades
- Goggles Do Nothing: The turret is a crossbow sitting on a giant skull sporting goggles.
- Mighty Glacier: Alone, they fire so slowly, they fall prey to lots of infantry.
- Tank Goodness: The closest thing you'll find to an Advance Wars light tank.
- Zerg Rush
The Baron/Fire Barons
BURN THE OTHER GUYS!—Voiced by Rob Halford
A clan of pyromaniac bikers, they fling Molotov Cocktails at their enemies. After finding out about Ironheade's exploits, they save them from the Drowning Doom just in the nick of time. Their leader is simply known as The Baron, voiced by Rob Halford. Initially a Game Breaker, patched into a fast anti-infantry unit.
Tier 2 anti-infantry vehicle squad.
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels
- Badass Biker
- Big Damn Heroes: How they're introduced.
- Cameo: Unlike Lionwhyte, the Baron looks just like Rob Halford. The first group of Fire Barons produced by Ironheade always has the Baron.
- Camp Straight: This rendition of Rob Halford is straight, and Rima is his ex.
- The Cavalry
- Cool Shades
- Finger-Snap Lighter: The Baron does it just once.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Considering the Baron is voiced by and for all intents and purposes is Rob Halford...
- Herd-Hitting Attack: Double Teaming creates a ring of fire that shrinks and severely burns infantry.
- Ink Suit Actor: The Baron for late-70s/early-80s Halford.
- Judas Priest
- Kill It with Fire
- Leather Man: Ironically inverted, as apparently the Baron is straight. The man he's based on is not.
- Nerf: Initially a Game Breaker, they were quickly patched into a strictly anti-infantry unit for Competitive Balance.
- Playing with Fire: Spamming molotovs, you say?
- Ring of Fire: Double Teaming lets you draw one. It shrinks when completed, burning enemies.
- Victory Is Boring: Post-campaign, the Baron seems to think so.
- Zerg Rush: When the game was first released, spamming fire barons was a nearly unstoppable strategy. This resulted in a patch that severely nerfed fire barons, making them virtually useless in multiplayer.
I'm helping!
Massive Top Heavy Guys whose brawn is matched only by their gentle nature. Originally in the service of Lionwhyte, their boss' poor treatment of them encouraged most of them to defect to Ironheade.
Tier 2 anti-vehicle infantry.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: A Bouncer with a headset, nicknamed "Mittens" by Eddie.
- The Cameo /ActorAllusion: One Bouncer has the voice and head of Kyle Gass, Jack Black's bandmate.
- Captain Obvious: "Girls are pretty!"
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Dumb Muscle:
I like hitting things!
- Fastball Special: Inversion of the standard. Eddie carries a Bouncer and throws him to create a shockwave, not far from Eddie obviously.
- Gentle Giant
- Giant Hands of Doom
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Ground Pound/Shockwave Stomp: When double teaming with Eddie.
- Man Child: The innocent kind. Even Ophelia calls them "simple minded".
- Middle Management Mook: Mittens.
- Top-Heavy Guy
- Useless Useful Unit: Bouncers are anti-vehicle units but are themselves slow-moving infantry. Their attacks are so slow that only stationary targets will reliably be hit. Compounding matters, many vehicles are themselves anti-infantry and can attack while on the move.
Lets blow some eardrums, man!
These Roadies are not just hard to notice, they become invisible in The Age of Metal.
Tier 3 anti-building stealth infantry.
- Already Done for You: Ophelia used them to smuggle the Razor Girls. Eddie gives them actual weapons later.
- Blow You Away: The Double Team. Eddie puts his guitar against the amp and lets out a feedback blast.
- Failed a Spot Check: They really are hard to notice.
- Invisibility Cloak: At a distance, they are literally invisible.
- Stealth Parody
- Zerg Rush: And when they are pulled off, it stings so bad for the player receiving it.
Rima/The Zaulia/Metal Beasts
Search the prisoners for potential mates!—Voiced by Lita Ford
The Zaulia are a clan of Amazon women in King Diamond makeup who ride fire breathing cats called Metal Beasts. Their leader is Rima, voiced by Lita Ford.
Tier 3 anti-infantry infantry.
- Amazon Brigade
- The Beast Master
- Black Comedy Rape: They are not above abducting and capturing men for snoo-snoo.
- Cameo: The first Metal Beast produced in battle is always rode by Rima.
- Cool Pet
- Do You Want to Copulate?: "Are you here for the mating challenge?"
- Exposed to the Elements: Eddie lampshades this in the Dry Ice Mines.
- Fluffy the Terrible: Look, Baby! Coil! *attacks*
- Herd-Hitting Attack
- Hot Amazon
- Hulk Speak: Very subtle.
- Mars Needs Women: Gender inverted.
- Mega Neko: Metal Beasts.
- New Old Flame: The Baron. And flame as in Rima almost burns him alive.
- Panthera Awesome: Rima's wears a Laser Panther head as a hat, which implied by The Hunter, can shoot lasers.
- Playing with Fire
- Stripperiffic
- Third Person Person: Rima hears the Battle Cry!
- Thong of Shielding
- Underboobs
Rock Crusher
Hey! Who else feels like taking on the world?!
Metal is just too epic for a show battle to have only one stage base, so why not have another one? The Rock Crusher is a massive unit that bombards nearby enemies with fireworks, razes infantry with it's massive grinder, and constantly provides an attack buff for nearby friendly units. Double teaming with it, Eddie plays the Bladehenge Assault solo which traps enemies in an energy effigy of said landmark that explodes. The fact that it also plays your main stage's base's current song fanfare doesn't detract from it's awesomeness.
Tier 4 vehicle, 1 unit limit.
- Cool Tank: A giant tank that serves as a portable stage? Yes, please.
- Double Entendre: It resembles an actual rock crusher, and it also allows you to crush your enemies with the Power of Rock.
- Drop the Hammer
- Herd-Hitting Attack: The Bladehenge Assault summons an exploding landmark on top of your enemies.
- Lightning Bruiser: When double teamed, it's movement speed can match Eddie's car on flat ground. But only if Eddie is standing on it.
- Mighty Glacier
- Near-Victory Fanfare: It actually plays the music from your base, buffing your infantry.
- Nerf: The Bladehenge Assault lost range and gained recovery time after the patch.
- The Power of Rock/Theme Music Power-Up: Literal example. The songs it plays provide an attack buff.
- Status Buff: Battle Cry can buff the Rockcrusher and stack its buff with other units.
- Sword Plant
- Tank Goodness
- Weaponized Landmark: The Double Team summons a second Bladehenge.
Drowning Doom
The second army is the Drowning Doom, embodying Turn of the Millennium Death Metal and Black Metal. They are composed of various forms of The Undead, ranging from emo zombies to ghosts to pseudodemonic creatures that have crawled straight from the Uncanny Valley. They are the only army with no buffs, yet they are also the only army with debuffers. The Drowning Doom are more about bringing the opponent down than building themselves up.
- Bad Moon Rising: The Encompassing Gloom solo makes the sky gloomy and the moon becomes a skull.
- Dark and Troubled Past: The whole Black Tear Rebellion thing. Not to mention most of their units being in various stages of un-death.
- Faction Calculus: Subversive. Not a single buffer to their name. Instead, they have all the debuffers.
- Hostile Weather: Get a full army together, and their proximity has a completely different weather scheme.
- Mood Motif: Themed around Death Metal and Black Metal, but with exaggeration towards the "depressing" songs, a satirical look at Goth subcultures. Their art is inspired by the Polish artist Pazinski.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Standard Status Effects: All of them. Attack down, defense down, speed down, mute (silence blocks "magic": guitar usage and issuing orders).
- Swiss Army Tears: Black Tears can do anything.
- Turn of the Millennium: With the exception of King Diamond, all of their music is modern.
- The Undead
- Weakened by the Light: Gameplay wise, the Light of Dawn solo can shut down all their debuffers. Every member of this army has really, really bad skin. Of course sunlight is bad for them!
- Your Makeup Is Running
The Leader of the Drowning Doom: Drowned Ophelia
After you tore out my heart and left me for dead, I'll admit I was a little down. But then I pulled myself together! Started making new friends...—Voiced by Jennifer Hale
After Eddie and Doviculus's respective cases of Mistaken Identity, Eddie decides that Ophelia is not trustworthy for refusing to explain the name Succoria, and leaves her to tend to the now devastated Ironheade without her. Heartbroken, she wandered the land until The Sea of Black Tears compelled her to attempt suicide in its evil waters. The Sea snatched and drowned her, imprisoning her at the bottom and creating a Doppelganger, which took everything learned from Eddie to use it against him.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Broken Bird
- Calling Your Attacks: Silence!
- Cool Car: A souped up hearse.
- Death From Above: The Weeping Heavens solo. Causes the stage to launch a bombardment of Faceless Eyes covered in black tears, wherever the solo is performed.
- Doomy Dooms of Doom: Talks about Doom a lot, and uses a lot of metaphors for drowning.
- The Dragon
- Evil Diva
- Goth
- Hero Unit: To the Drowning Doom.
- Hot Witch
- I Call It Vera: The Six-Stringed Sorrow, her guitar. Works about the same as Eddie's, minus a Relic Raiser spell, instead collapsing a relic bridge he raised.
- Ice Queen
- Leitmotif: "Betrayal" by Lita Ford.
- Not Staying for Breakfast: "Was it good for you?"
- Peek-a-Bangs
- A Plague on Both Your Houses
- [1]
- Stating the Simple Solution: If her opponent Hero Unit flies away, sometimes she yells "PULL!".
- Stripperiffic
- Vaporware: Quite literally. She is nude, and the Black Tears swirl around her in all the right places.
- Weakened by the Light: "The sky, the sun, STOP IT ALL!"
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- Wolverine Claws: Can stretch out the Black Tears to form claws in some attacks.
- Woman in Black
- Woman Scorned: And How!
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
- Your Makeup Is Running
Grave Diggers
A zombie dressed in Goth clothes. They are the only infantry to come in a squad of six (because large groups help them express their individuality). Before the patch, they had the lowest health of any infantry. After the patch, they got a little more. Their Double Team is very powerful, to the point of being a Game Breaker.
Tier 1 melee infantry squad.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Death Metal
- Fearless Undead: "I just wanna keep my head today."
- Goth
- Guyliner: You'll hear Eddie and units of different factions mocking them for it.
- Individuality Is Scary
- Made Myself Sad: "That song makes me want to kill myself... in a good way!"
- Our Zombies Are Different: They are intelligent, non-carnivorous, Emo Teen crybabies risen from the grave.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Shovel Strike: Their weapon of choice.
- Spam Attack
- Turn of the Millennium
- The Undead
- Your Makeup Is Running
Begin the procession!
A female ghost in a wedding gown who died without finding a husband (or possibly a zombie with a wedding dress Fetish). Depressing rain follows her wherever she goes, slowing enemy movement. It can stack, so if you get three together, opposing armies will hardly function, which is why you can only make three.
Tier 1 passive debuff/ranged infantry.
- Action Girl/Faux Action Girl: Somewhere between the two, brides can only attack if being attacked or the Hero Unit double teams with them.
- Battle in the Rain/Gray Rain of Depression/Hostile Weather/Weather of War
- Broken Bird
- Christmas Cake
- Personal Raincloud
- Standard Status Effects: Slowing enemies. Taken to the extreme in a Drowning Doom mirror match, it's possible for one player with three Brides to steal the other's three Brides, in which case one player will have six. The victim's side becomes practically frozen in place, to the point a flying Hero Unit can die before they ever hit the ground.
- The Undead
- Woman Scorned: Leave ME at the altar will you?!
Let's give someone a hairdo!
The severed head of a female Tear Drinker who washed her hair in the Sea of Black Tears, giving it supernatural beauty. After her death, her hair came to life on its own, severing the head to fight for the Drowning Doom.
Tier 1 ranged/possession infantry.
- Badass Long Hair
- Fastball Special
- Magic Hair
- Personal Space Invader: When thrown, they possess units to betray their team.
- Prehensile Hair: Its hair behaves like spider legs, or can fling out like a tentacle for attacks.
- Zerg Rush: Desperate players will spam them and throw them, stealing as many units as they can, which works until the other player spams infantry in response.
Lead my rats to victory!
An undead Eurotrash guy whose Balloon Belly houses a family of plague infested rats. Or it's a horde of rats reanimating a lifeless corpse, it's intentionally vague.
Tier 2 anti-infantry infantry, limit 4 units.
- Balloon Belly
- Berserk Button: Being called fat. Every now and then, he yells "DON'T JUDGE ME!".
- Big Eater: He can swallow you and transform you into rats which you can control.
- Body Horror: This stomach inflates and deflates as the rats enter and leave.
- Herd-Hitting Attack: He barfs out the rats, which seek out and munch on infantry.
- I Am Legion: Even the Tour Book doesn't know whether the rats or the Ratgut is in charge.
- Mister Seahorse: "Isn't anybody going to offer me a seat?"
- Papa Bear
- Peek-a-Bangs: Sports a stereotypical Eurotrash haircut.
- Personal Space Invader
- Shout-Out: "And THAT is the dangers of AC current!"
Here is a song about the futility of war. Well... for YOUR side anyway...
A large car with a ghostly organ player who plays depressing music, reducing the opposing side's attack power. During a Double Team, the Hero Unit plays the organ while the player controls the Organist, who can float to any enemy unit and possess it with puppet strings.
Tier 2 passive debuff/possession vehicle, limit 3 units.
- Evil Laugh: Lets out one of these every now and then, but is other wise mellow.
- The Ghost
- Mind Control
- Ominous Fog: Blue fog surrounding The Organist can visibly show you the area of it's effect.
- Ominous Pipe Organ: The Doom attached one to a car.
- People Puppets: The Organist can literally extend puppet strings to steal any unit.
- Standard Status Effects: Attack debuff to nearby enemies.
- Stringy Haired Ghost Guy
- Useless Useful Spell: The double team. It prevents your avatar from doing a more powerful double team, the vehicle is always nearby the possessee, and of course you can't double team with the possessee because it's the organist in doing the possession. Their attack debuff remains useful, however.
Lightning Rod
A hot rod sporting an electric chair. Strapped to it is Sparky, a criminal with an electric personality who gets electric shocks and fire them at enemies. During a Double Team, he creates Chain Lightning that can zap a massive group of enemies all at once. The Drowning Doom equivalent of a Headsplitter.
Tier 3 ranged vehicle.
- Acquitted Too Late: Sparky jokes around with the Hero Unit about this.
Hero Unit Let's go see the Governor!
Sparky: YES! A pardon from the Queen!
- Chain Lightning/Charged Attack: When double teaming, it can be charged up to jump through up to eight enemy units.
- Cool Car: A Badass blue hot rod with an electric chair that serves as a bolt-slinging turret.
- Electric Torture: But it doesn't bother Sparky at all.
- Herd-Hitting Attack: Double Teaming allows charging, creating Chain Lightning that can zap a large group.
- Laughing Mad: Has more than his share of moments.
- Let's Get Dangerous: "Time to share the wealth!"
- Psycho Electro
Nobody here but us babies!
An evil pram (baby stroller) that launches baby dolls that munch on infantry or severely damage cars.
Tier 3 anti-vehicle ranged vehicle.
- Abnormal Ammo
- Creepy Doll: The ammunition.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Their Double Team is a suicide attack called Mamakaze.
- Personal Space Invader: Hero Units will yell and complain when they're being mauled by them.
- Perverse Puppet: The dolls attack with teeth and claws.
- Tyke Bomb
- What Measure Is a Mook?
Time to reap!
A Grim Reaper sporting big headphones and the Drowning Doom crest, riding on an undead Reaper Steed. They are expensive and have low health. But they move very fast, and their attacks are unblockable, making them good for guarding an area from Hero Units, or attacking lone units of any kind. During their Double Team, you can ride with them, creating a scary aura that causes enemy infantry to flee in a panic, allowing other units to close in.
Tier 3 anti-infantry infantry.
- Fragile Speedster/Glass Cannon
- Grim Reaper
- Headphones Equal Isolation: "Hey! Can you hear me through these headphones?"
- Hellish Horse: The Reapers ride on Reaper Steeds. Undead horses with manes made up of blue-flame candles.
- Rule of Scary: Simply being Double Teamed with it causes enemy infantry to flee in a panic.
- Sinister Scythe
- The Undead
Riiiiide with meeeeee......
The ultimate Drowning Doom debuffer, it lowers defense. It is a dirigible with an unseen, mysterious dead guy inside who whipsers and spreads his own crematory ashes across the battlefield. Around it, the land seemingly rots and decays. It doubles as a healing unit when it's urns are dropped on friendly units.
Tier 3 passive debuff/healing vehicle, limit 1 unit.
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Dishing Out Dirt
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: The dead man inside talking is never seen.
- Mighty Glacier: Painfully slow, but devastating if it's surrounded by allies to dish out extra damage.
- Punny Name: Its name is a combination of a dirigible(blimp) and a dirge, a depressing song.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: This unit causes some hilarious reactions from opposing players. They act depressed. Even Doviculus.
Eddie, Defense Down: Hey guys? I think we should break up the army.
Eddie, Defense Down: Man, I don't even like Heavy Metal anymore.
Doviculus, Defense Down: Why did I EVER think the demons could win!?
Doviculus, Defense Down: It's YOUR fault, Minions! YOU'RE the reason we're going to lose today!
- Walking Wasteland: The land turns to dead desert clay around it.
Show your roots!
A giant zombie with a tree on it's back that houses murderous crows. The crows are anti-infantry, but when double teaming the giant rises from the ground and has powerful melee attacks.
Tier 4 anti-infantry range/general purpose melee infantry, limit 1 unit.
- Herd-Hitting Attack
- Mighty Glacier: Becomes powerful but slow during a Double Team. Using it between fights is not advised.
- Ravens and Crows
- The Undead
- When Trees Attack
Tainted Coil
The Tainted Coil are the villains of the story. A race of S&M covered demons themed around Industrial Metal, they enslaved humanity before the events of the single player campaign. They are led by the evil, yet delightfully kinky Emperor Doviculus. Gameplay wise, they resemble the Zerg, as specific demonic units have the power to grow monsters and vehicles anywhere on the battlefield.
- Abusive Parents: Doviculus, the Battle Nuns and Warfather.
- Bad Habits: "Bless me, Father. For I must sin."
- Body Horror
- Bondage Is Bad
- Brains and Bondage
- Chest Burster:[2]
- Double Standard: They hate Fleetus's faction for being too ugly.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: Battle Nuns and Warfathers ask for impregnation by Doviculus often.
- Evil Is Visceral
- Expy: Gameplay wise, they ARE the Zerg. Easy reinforcements, highly disposable units and piss poor defense will look very familiar to StarCraft fans.
- Faction Calculus: Powerhouse, natch. They can throw their weight around with many suicide attacks.
- Happiness in Slavery: They loved their Titan masters before they Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Horny Devils
- Incest Subtext: Doviculus is the father to the entire army. Guess how he makes more of them.
- Informed Deformity: They are so ugly they willingly wrap themselves in bondage to make themselves look more like The Titans. And therefore, more human.
- Medieval Stasis
- Mister Seahorse: The Warfather and Overblesser, quite literally.
- Mood Motif: Industrial Metal. Their Body Horror is inspired from 15th Century Artist Hieronymus Bosch, in particular, "The Garden of Earthly Delights".
- Nightmare Fetishist: Oh so much.
- No Cure for Evil: The only faction with no means to heal.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Parent Service
- Replacement Goldfish: Inverted, as it is the Goldfish that are trying to replace their masters: the Titans. They're only partially successful... and go batshit crazy as a result.
- Subtext: Everything.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential
- What Measure Is a Mook?: This army has many suicide attacks.
- Zerg Rush: The undisputed king of swiftly rushing the enemy's side.
Emperor Doviculus
Give them your mercy UNTIL THEY CAN TAKE NO MORE!—Voiced by Tim Curry
The Big Bad, ruler of, and kinky father to the entire Tainted Coil army. Doviculus is demon that revels in his own evilness, enjoys being hurt as much as hurting his enemies (or even his own children), and oh yeah. Something about impregnating his own children by force of will to build an army. In short, he's every famous role Tim Curry has had in the skin of the Prince of Darkness.
- Abusive Parents
- Anything That Moves
- Awesome but Impractical: Doviculus' Quad Guitar, as made famous by Michael Angelo Batio.
- Beat Still My Heart: Doviculus is able to rip a heart out of his his chest, use it as a guitar pick, or use it in attacks. But it's not his heart, so he's cool. Drowned Ophelia, on the other hand...
- Big Bad
- Body Horror: Still the matter with Doviculus' heart. Sometimes you can see him open up his own chest to pluck his heart out!
- Bondage Is Bad
- Brains and Bondage
- Calling Your Attacks: Agony Boil!
- Cast from Hit Points: The "Martyrdom" solo, which buffs his units but leaves him near death.
- Church Militant
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Very few of his Double Teams don't involve torturing or killing his own creatures.
- Combat Sadomasochist: Go ahead and attack him. He LOVES it. And he's the only character with self-damaging attacks.
- Cool Car: A horseless war chariot. It uses an engine but is steered with horse reins.
- Cool Mask
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Emperor Doviculus. Dear sweet Crystal Dragon Jesus, Emperor Doviculus:
[After Lars declares himself leader of the human rebellion] "Well, in that case... *skewers Lars* It seems I had less to worry about than I thought."
- Depraved Bisexual
- Distracted by the Sexy: "Your motion pleases me."
- Evil Overlord
- Expressive Mask: The mouth hole on Doviculus's bondage hood is so tight, it moves like a pair of lips.
- Expy: Doviculus = The Prince of Darkness.
- The Fighting Narcissist: "Now can you see why they love me so?"
- Go, Ye Heroes, Go and Die: Pulls this on his own infantry.
- The Heartless: That heart he pulls out of his chest and mutilates for attacks? It's not his.
- Hero Unit: To the Tainted Coil.
- Large Ham: And how!
- Make My Monster Grow: The final battle.
- Medieval Stasis: So bad that Doviculus thinks cars are living things.
"Can you hear me?! I AM YOUR MASTER!"
"You will surrender to me, monstrosity!"
"Tell me your secrets, automobile!"
- Fridge Horror: The cars the Coil has manufactured are alive.
- The Minion Master: The only Hero Unit who is cruel to his army, and refers to them as minions.
- Mistaken Identity: He is on the hunt for Succoria. Having no eyes, he can only smell her. It turns out he's smelling Eddie. He has no nose either! Presumably he has both under his bondage mask. Hell, the thing is so tight, he can probably see through it.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Nightmare Fetishist: And how!
- The Nose Knows
- Not Staying for Breakfast: DO NOT CLING TO ME!
- Only a Flesh Wound: "You think that hurt me?! I've had more limbs removed than that!"
- Plaguemaster: The Curse and Agony Boil solos count. Agony Boil infects the ground.
Curse solo quote: "Let your veins RUN THICK WITH MY DISEASE!"
- Playing with Syringes: His Summon Flag is a syringe. In the single player, it can produce units.
- Poisonous Person
- The Pornomancer: "My seed...germinates within you!"
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: I-AM-YOUR-EMPEROR!
- Really Gets Around: He fathered his entire army.
- Rock Me, Asmodeus
- Sex Is Violence: "Moooooore paaaaaiiiiiinnnn..."
- Shout-Out: He is one big Shout-Out to Legend.
- Silence, You Fool: Defend or micromanaging commands cause him to do this.
- Tim Curry: Every possible trope associated with this man's career made it into Doviculus' persona.
- Too Kinky to Torture
- Torture Technician
- We Have Reserves: His army has suicide attacks, and he'll contemplate killing them if he maxes out the load.
- What Measure Is a Mook?
- What the Hell, Hero?: He has no problem blaming Ophelia's Start of Darkness on Eddie. "Oh please. That was nothing compaired to what you did to her."
- X Meets Y: The Prince of Darkness meets Dr. Frank N. Furter.
- Your Mom
Battle Nun
"I feel more... DISCIPLINE is needed."
A latex clad demonic nun with the power to give birth to demons in the middle of the battlefield. When not being impregnated by the will of their emperor, Battle Nuns are proficient melee units which heal and are strengthened by any non-breeding units near them.
Tier 1 melee infantry/hierarchy unit.
- Abusive Parents: "You may call me Mother Ultra Superior, children!"
- Brains and Bondage
- Christmas Cake: "I should be BREEDING now! I'm not getting any younger!"
- Church Militant
- Explosive Breeder: Um... ew.
- Gonk: "You... are the definition... of a butterface!"
- Head-Tiltingly Kinky: Eddie's reaction.
- Hot for Student: It's time to get back home for the orgy!
- Mandatory Motherhood: Parodied. They REALLY want to have Doviculus's demon babies all the time.
- Mook Maker: They get pregnant in the middle of the battlefield, creating a nasty boil that bursts into monsters.
- Naughty Nuns
- Nuns Are Spooky: But "kinda sexy in a weird way."
- Order Versus Chaos: Claims the Tainted Coil fight for order.
- Parent Service: "Emperor Doviculus! Let me bear your rage!"
- Sexy Walk
- Show Some Leg
- Unholy Matrimony
- Zerg Rush: A singe Battle Nun can slip over to the enemy stage and endlessly make units if nobody's looking.
Soul Kisser
Basic melee infantry, these demons are covered in latex and their hands bound behind their backs. They silently attack with their hair, made of meshing metal shears.
Tier 1 melee/kamikaze infantry squad.
- Bound and Gagged: Their hands are bound behind their back, and their face covered by a mask.
- Fastball Special: Their Double Team suicide attack.
- Grievous Harm with a Body
- Prehensile Hair
- Spam Attack: A powerful, suicidal Fastball Special.
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Doviculus can pick them up and throw them for a suicide attack.
Punishing Party
We punish you, and punish you, and WHAT DO YOU GIVE US?!—Voiced by Courtney Taylor
A complex squad composed of one demonic gimp called Pinboy, and four bird-faced dominatrices that pluck spears from his back to throw at enemies.
Tier 1 ranged infantry squad.
- The Archer
- Bound and Gagged: Pinboy. Complete with a ball gag in his mouth.
- Butt Monkey: Pinboy.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Driven to Suicide: If the dominatrices all die he'll pull an arrow of of his back and off himself... rather messily.
- Happiness in Slavery: If they dominatrices die, he commits suicide.
- Human Pincushion: The Pinboy pins are ammo for Doviculus to throw during the Double Team.
- Human Shield: The Pinboy serves is meat shield for the Dominatrices.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Pinboy doesn't so much as die as violently explode into chunks.
- Modest Orgasm: Trying playing a solo near them.
- Stripperiffic
- Thong of Shielding: On Pinboy.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Pinboy.
- Vapor Wear: The dominatrices don't have any clothing over their nether regions... And there's nothing there to hide.
Tick Choppers
Imp like creatures who ride on Chopper-esque motorcycles. They fling metallic ticks, similar to the metal spiders, onto enemies, which suck blood (or motor oil) from their victims until they burst. They cannot be produced, instead they can only be summoned by a solo.
Special tier summoned ranged vehicle squad.
- Badass Biker: Maybe not as badass as some of Iron Heade's units, but they can still kick ass when used well.
- Demoted to Extra: They are a weak, freebie unit for the Tainted Coil instead of Fleetus's faction.
- Fragile Speedster
- Our Demons Are Different: They are a very different race from the Tainted Coil according to Fleetus.
- Strong Flesh, Weak Steel: They are the weakest car in the whole game, weaker than most infantry.
I can give you things the Sisters cannot.
Tainted Coil's tier 2 production unit, the Warfather shares the same double team as Battle Nuns and Overblessers: being impregnated by Doviculus' will and producing tier 2 units anywhere on the battlefield. Their regular attacks are demonic energy fired from their unholy book. Has a similar healing/buffing effect as Battle Nuns.
Tier 2 ranged infantry/hierarchy unit.
- Abusive Parents: "What's that? Kill all the children? Shhh..."
- Church Militant
- Corrupt Church
- Depraved Bisexual: "You see? MINE are bigger." (He's talking about his units.)
- Mister Seahorse: OH GOD.
- Mook Maker Maker: Can make superior Battle Nuns, which in turn make superior infantry.
- Sinister Minister
- Squishy Wizard: They are not really meant for fighting.
- Tome of Eldritch Lore: The Tainted Book is an evil book from which he casts projectile magic and tells stories.
Screamwagon/Screamin' Demon
Can you help me? I was told that I was signing up for a spa day!—Voiced by David Cross
A lone, unlucky Screamin' Demon is strapped to a car and tortured various ways. His screams of torment inspire different buffs depending on the torture.
Tier 2 active buff vehicle.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Deadpan Snarker
- Iron Butt Monkey: He can withstand blazingly hot oil, a torture rack, and being set on fire infinitely. Oh, but don't worry, enemy units can free him of his suffering.
- The Joys Of Torturing David Cross
- Skyward Scream
- Status Buff: Nearby friendly units are buffed by the wagon pouring blazing oil on him for increased defense, stretching him in a torture rack for increased attack, and setting his ass on fire speeds up production.
Skull Raker
Drive my skull DEEP into the enemy!
A massive demon with the mind of an infant. Its head is a mace, chained to a tether on its neck.
Tier 2 medium range melee infantry.
- Dumb Muscle
- Epic Flail: Its head.
- Hard Head
- Mighty Glacier: Until you Double Team...
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Use Your Head
Pain Lifter
Your pain is a beautiful gift!
A slow but deadly, long range trebuchet that fires living bombs called Agony Balls, which burst, spreading poison.
Tier 2 anti-infantry ranged vehicle.
- Abnormal Ammo: Agony Balls are pitiful creatures who are born spending every moment of their short lives in agony, waiting to be euthanized by being launched and self-destructed.
- And I Must Scream: The Agony Balls spend every moment of their existence in agony until they self destruct.
- Geo Effects: Find a high spot and launch Agony Balls very long distances to your heart's delight.
- Herd-Hitting Attack
The metal demon Eddie used to depart the Temple of Ormagoden. This time, a demonic priest sporting garb The Pope would wear sits atop it. He has the power to breed a Superior Warfather, making even better units.
Tier 3 ranged infantry/hierarchy unit, limit 1 unit.
- Christianity Is Catholic: Visibly has a lot of catholic imagery.
- Church Militant
- Corrupt Church
- Humongous Mecha
- Mister Seahorse
- Mook Maker: Can create a chain of tier 3 units via Superior Warfather and Divine Battle Nun.
- The Pope: Except evil and sporting a gas mask.
- Sinister Minister
Hate Cage
Time for a Hate Parade!
Actually two different creatures. One is a massive pair of legs. Between them is a cage with a living lump of pure hate. It spits liquid hate on enemies, lowering defense. Unfortunately, they are the worst unit in the game: their cost is high, their health is low, and by the time they have entered the fray, they will have taken serious damage before they can get a hand into the battle. If you see somebody build one, it means they're showing off (they still look cool after all...).
Tier 3 ranged/melee infantry.
- Awesome but Impractical: Man, it sure does look cool. Shame its useless.
- Chicken Walker: Natch. They literally look like bird legs.
- The Load: Costing 300 fans, being very slow and having low health, they are the worst unit you can possibly make.
- The Power of Hate: Now in defense-lowering liquid form!
- Trampled Underfoot: "Haha! I LOVE IT up here!"
Heart Cutter
My heart years to serve the Coil!
A massive, disturbing vehicle with an anti-vehicle attack. The car serves as a massive altar in which one of the Tainted Coil druids stands with his sword beside a giant, pulsing heart. When the druid stabs it, massive spikes rise up from the ground, impaling infantry or cars, causing severe damage to cars especially. During the Double Team, Doviculus allows his own heart to be stabbed. But he remarks "Don't worry. It's not MY heart...".
Tier 3 anti-vehicle ranged vehicle.
- Beat Still My Heart: Stab the giant heart to summon spikes. Or Doviculus's for bigger spikes.
- Cool Car
- Expy: It's a Zerg Sunken Colony on wheels.
- Mighty Glacier
- Nerf: As the most powerful anti-vehicle in the game, their price increased from 250 to 300.
- Spam Attack: The Double Team can be used infinitely. Any unit can be caught in it endlessly until death.
Bleeding Death
A combination of the final Tainted Coil unit and final attack, it is violently stuffed into an iron maiden and then launched anywhere on the battlefield, where it goes on a rampage, refusing to follow orders until it slowly bleeds to death.
Tier 4 uncontrollable melee infantry.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: He CANNOT be commanded by any means.
- Ax Crazy
- The Berserker: It's constantly losing health from the moment it's created, the only thing that will cease its attacks is death.
- Body Horror: It's a massive humanoid... thing... with arms and mouths growing out of places they really shouldn't be. One of the extras shows concept art, which reveals that its torso is made of skulls.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Is stuffed into a way-too-small iron maiden where it awaits being launched. Once released, it will attack endlessly until it bleeds to death.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Friend or Foe: He does not count as an ally to the point that if he destroys a Merch Booth, the geyser will appear green and your opponent can claim it all over again. Yet there is no friendly fire.
- The Juggernaut: The only thing that can stop it is a Drowning Doom "Wall of Death".
- Unstoppable Rage: Not even Doviculus can control it when it's set free.
- Wave Motion Gun: Takes a long time to cast.
Additional Characters
The Guardian of Metal
I want you to go FUCKING CRAZY out there! YOU HEAR ME?!—Voiced by Ozzy Osbourne
A mysterious robed man with Cool Shades and a thick accent. He offers Eddie the secrets of the Titans in exchange for Fire Tributes, which are treated as currency.
- All Powerful Bystander: "I'm not really a fighter, I'm more of a... keeper of timeless secrets."
- Arms Dealer: He supplies all the upgrades to Eddie's car and armaments as well as a few other things he sells. Apart from an axe upgrade Eddie gets from the Hunter, and a nitro upgrade from Squealer. Everything else comes from the Guardian of Metal.
- Brilliant But Lazy: He's not a fighter. Ok fine. He supposedly knows all there is about the Guardians and the knowledge they left for the future generations. But he doesn't actually tell you much of it. He also sometimes gets annoyed when Eddie visits him since he apparently interrupts the Guardian's nap.
- Cameo: From the great and powerful OZZY!
- Ink Suit Actor: Looks like Ozzy, talks like Ozzy, and curses like f---ing Ozzy.
- Ozzy Osbourne: Playing himself, pretty much.
- The Reveal: "Well! It's about fucking time!"
- Watch the Paint Job: It's not even his car, but man does he get pissed at Eddie.
Every time you come down here, there's another fucking scratch on that beautiful car!
A villainous human warlord who Doviculus appointed to rule over the enslaved humans. He enslaves his own people to please Doviculus while attempting to fashion humanity in his Camp, Hair Metal image. Voiced by Rob Halford.
- Affably Evil: A slave driver, yet he fancies himself as the leader of a professional, profitable industry. He calls his slaves "employees", dismisses Ironheade's rebellion as a labor dispute, and insists he has humanity's interests at heart. Such talk just infuriates Lars in responce.
- Affectionate Parody
- Bad Boss: Cruel, and prone to sexual harassment in modern standards.
- Camp Gay
- Compensating for Something: Eddie assumes this after observing the final set of gun towers.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: An odd, Camp Gay example. See Affably Evil above. He even has statues of himself that sing random Motivational Poster rhetoric (a popular Memetic Mutation).
- The Dragon: Right up until he dies, and is replaced by Drowned Ophelia.
- The Eighties: The part of Heavy Metal history that fans pretend they weren't a part of.
- Eighties Hair
- Evil Brit
- Evil Counterpart: Lionwhyte's army is bascially a glammed-up version of Ironheade.
- Go-Go Enslavement: His Groupies.
- Groupie Brigade: The Razor Girls villainous equivalent.
- Hair Metal
- Hair Wings
- Hero Unit: A non-playable one.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: General Lionwhyte dies because he tries to avoid being crushed by a giant falling mirror by shattering it with his voice... leading to him being impaled on the falling shards of glass instead.
- Large Ham: Did we mention the statues of himself?
- Les Collaborateurs
- Make Me Wanna Shout: General Lionwhyte never misses an opportunity to do this. He even possesses a sonic yell that can shatter glass. Creating his Karmic Death, naturally.
- Metal Scream: Has all the same basic powers as Eddie, but uses high pitches singing to perform them.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: "I know how to handle petty labor disputes!"
- Prehensile Hair
- The Quisling
- Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
- Sissy Villain
- Smug Snake
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He claims to be one, but has nothing to back it up.
The Hunter
What a little puss.—Voiced by Brian Posehn
A grumpy hunter who has hunted every animal in the land. He challenges Eddie to beat his hunting records, which awards Eddie the increasingly powerful Call of the Wild song, which summons the animals he defeats. Voiced by Brian Posehn.
- Badass Normal: He's hunted and killed several of the worlds most dangerous animals... all by himself.
- Cameo: Brian and Schafer worked on a newspaper together in high school. Also, he likes Metal.
- Grumpy Bear
- Ink Suit Actor: The Hunter is not only voiced by Brian Posehn, but he also looks exactly like him.
- Nice Hat: Makes himself one of these out of the laser panthers he killed.
- Real Men Eat Meat: Often found munching on a slab of whatever he just killed.
- Troll: Eddie and The Hunter do not like each other.
- Twenty Bear Asses: He gives these quests exclusively.
Oh can it. I know who you are, you're that guy who thinks he invented cars!
Nah, I didn't invent cars, I just showed them how to put them together, it's easy!
Oh yeah. My people have been doing it for years... EXCEPT WE MADE THEM FAST!
Originally the leader of his own faction, but cut out due to time restrictions, he sits around with his car, The Squealer, awaiting challengers to race him. He hints several times that he has an entire army. He hints that his army is a race of demons different from the Tainted Coil, and their races are enemies. The Coil, who wrap themselves in bondage to mimic the Titans, decided that Fleetus's race are too ugly to be allies.
- Cool Car: The Squealer is a green Dodge Challenger that's WAY too small for Fleetus. His body sticks out of the moon roof, along with the steering wheel and stick shift, a reference to Ed Roth's Rat Fink.
- Demoted to Extra: Originally Fletus was the leader of his own faction of demons, but this ended up being cut out of the game due to time constraints.
- Expy: Of Glottis from Grim Fandango.
- He also talks and dresses like Brian Johnson from ACDC.
- Grumpy Bear
- Hero Unit: To a cut fourth faction. What it looks like is unknown other than the Tick Choppers.
- Our Demons Are Different: Fleetus explains to Eddie that his race is fundamentally different from the demons of the Tainted Coil, who are not his allies. The Tainted Coil dislike his race because they are too ugly. Furthermore, his race has had access to cars long before Eddie showed up.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: What race is unknown at this time...
- Racing Mini Game
- The Rival
- Sequel Hook: He hints his army will return for revenge for Eddie winning so many races.
- Watch the Paint Job: "Do not touch my damn car!"
- Winged Humanoid: His wings are tucked behind his back in-game, but his full Hero Unit wings are revealed in concept art. He has wings like a vampire bat, except with hairy tarantula legs in between the membrane of the wings.
Get out of here before I bite your fucking head off!—Voiced by Ozzy Osbourne
A small, angry, neurotic vampire bat with a human head. He holds one sidequest for Eddie: clearing out his cave of monsters so his family can move back in. Ozzy's second voiced character.
- Cameo: Resembles Ozzy's look from The Eighties.
- His kids and wife actually play the family of Dadbat.
- Ink Suit Actor: With a healthy dose of Actor Allusion thrown in.
- Never Live It Down: In-Universe: he threatens to bite Eddie's head off.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Ozzy Osbourne: His face is that of his young self.
Kabbage Boy
Alriiiiight! Do you people wanna hear some Heavy Metal?!
The band that Eddie works for in the intro, Kabbage Boy is a "Second Wave of American Tween Melodic Rap Metalcore" group that does "Heavy Metal", as they put it. They are killed by Ormagoden when Eddie accidentally summons him.
- Bloody Hilarious: Ormagoden roars in their faces so loud that their heads fall off.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Being their roadie is a pretty thankless job for Eddie. Of course, he gives them no respect himself as well.
- Intercourse with You: "Finger in yo' behind!"
- Jerkass: They treat Eddie like crap. In return, he's pretty surly around them. Though the bassist seems okay, if commercial nonetheless.
- Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly
- Shout-Out: One of the members does Raz's Victory Dance. He's even voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz.
- Stylistic Suck
- Take That: To Nu-metal and its ilk.
- X Meets Y: Linkin Park meets The Jonas Brothers.
Characters of Legend
These are characters that appear in the origin stories and legends of the old/beginning/creation of the world of metal.
The Eternal Fire Beast, the Creamator of the Sky, and Destroyer of the Ancient World. It is a six legged monster Made of Iron, who although appears menacing and evil in the intro, is actually a Physical God of nature and Heavy Metal who shaped the world into what it is.
- All Part of the Show: He is summoned in the middle of a rock show and goes on a rampage. The crowd LOVES IT.
- Audible Gleam
- Awesomeness Is Volatile
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Instead of burning out and drowning in mud like the First Ones planned, he let out a Metal Scream and exploded. His body turned into the Sun, his metal corpse exploded and enriched the earth with ore, his blood formed the oceans and drowned the First Ones, and his scream echoed the land eternally. His death made The Age of Metal possible.
- Big, Terrifying Yet Awesome Good
- Blofeld Ploy: Ormagöden is just about to finish Eddie off during the game's opening sequence, then decides to kill the Boy Band he works for instead. It turns out that's because he's one of the world's Big Goods, whose death at the hands of treacherous monsters allowed the world to flourish, not the Big Bad he looks like, but you don't find that out until later.
- Chrome Champion
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: This terrifying creature actually made the world what it is.
- The Dreaded: To the Tainted Coil.
- Heavy Mithril: He IS this trope.
- Kill It With Mud: The First Ones hated Ormagoden for his light, so they tried to douse him with mud, using Etulia's singing as bait. Instead of letting them douse him, he self-destructed and in doing so, changed the world.
- Living MacGuffin: He's the reason Eddie appears in the Age of Metal.
- Made of Explodium
- Made of Iron: To the point that loud clashing metal can be heard as he walks. Flame spewing pipes stick out of his back.
- Metal Scream: The FIRST Metal Scream according to lore, which was collected by the titans to create Heavy Metal. He uses it to make Kabbage Boy's heads fall off just from the awesomeness.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Physical God
- Pieces of God: Metal (iron ore), Noise (his scream), Blood (water) and Fire (the Sun).
- The Power of the Sun
- Smash to Black: Applied vigorously to the drummer.
- Take That: He brutally kills an amalgamation of Linkin Park, Korn and Limp Bizkit.
- Volcanic Veins: His flesh is etched with lines that glow red-hot. All three factions mimic this when upgraded.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Dousing the fire from his body nearly killed him, much like Charmander.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Like you wouldn't rock out during that Kabbage Boy concert.
The First Ones
Exactly What It Says On the Tin. These were supposedly the first beings in existence in the world of metal, before it was even a world of metal.
- Asshole Victim: They greedily drank from a holy tree all day with no sense of gratitude, one of them kidnapped, caged and forced Aetulia to sing only for him and under his orders, used her to try and trap Ormagoden. Suffice to say, when their plan backfires (literally), it ends with them all dying, and seemingly being reborn as the Tainted Coil. Either way, it's hard to pity them.
- When It All Began: In the beginning, all was darkness, which they felt was good because even they somehow knew they were so hideous that they couldn't bear to look at themselves.
An ancient goddess-like being who lived deep beneath the earth's surface and sang to the roots of a sacred tree to help it grow.
- Angelic Beauty: While the first ones were all supposedly super ugly monsters, she was a beautiful humanoid-looking woman. Her voice AND appearance were supposedly second to none.
- Beautiful Agony: After her being part of the events leading to Ormagoden's death, she went back into isolation and spent millennia crying. Her tears formed into what later became known as the Sea of Black Tears, and supposedly, any who drink from said sea will receive some of her power, but also go insane with despair or rage.
- Corrupt the Cutie: The First ones did this to her, though not literally, they made her do something that made HER feel corrupted. She falls to despair after she was used to help kill Ormagoden, and her tears formed the Sea of Black Tears which turns anyone who drinks from the seas insane and/or evil. Like what happened to Ophelia.
- Damsel in Distress: She was singing her beautiful songs all day every day, minding her own business, when one day... the The Greedy First King of the First Ones imprisoned her and forced her to do his bidding.
- Heroic BSOD: Happens to her after she was forced to lure Ormagoden into a trap. She blamed herself for his death and cried so much and so long that her tears formed the Black Tear Sea, and SHE herself eventually turned to dust.
- Jerk With a Heart of Gold: Not exactly HER but at the same time, yes. SHE is a good person or rather, she WAS. By the time of the game's events, she's been long dead/gone. All that remains is the Sea of Black Tears that she created from her own tears of despair. The tears curse any who drink of them which is a pretty Jerkass move.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Her voice was magic and was used to nourish the great tree of drinking, which was in turn suckled for nourishment by the First Ones... The Greedy First King of the First Ones imprisoned her and forced her to do his bidding. This in turn leads to her being used to lure Ormagoden down into a trap, and after his death, she was rid of the First Ones, but went into seclusion where she cried and mourned her part in the death of Ormagoden. Her tears ended up creating the "Sea of Black Tears" which in turn caused a great deal of pain and suffering even millenia after she had "turned to dust". Some of the Titans going insane and dying, the Black Tear Rebellion, and Ophelia becoming tainted.
- Unwitting Pawn: Some of the wording of the legends, on top of a supposed poem heard in-game, leads one to believe that perhaps when she was imprisoned by the First Ones, they may have either tried befriending her or manipulating her into trusting them, and then she sang her song which lured Ormagoden down for them to try and kill him.
The Titans/Gods of Heavy Metal
An ancient race of giant human-like beings that came to power after the fall of Ormagoden and the First Ones.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Eventually, they evolve SO much that they become all-knowing and all-powerful, and they do this. However, before they leave, they left instructions and other preparations behind to tell those left behind how they could live and follow in their footsteps.
- Kryptonite Factor: Even the Titans were vulnerable to the Black Tears. Thus they dropped a mountain atop the sea to seal it away.
- Gentle Giant: They saw the Tainted Coil and pitied them, clothed them, and adopted them (like pets).
- Physical Gods: At first, they were giants that appeared from places unknown. Eventually, they evolved so much that they became this, and so they decided to ascend to higher planes of existence.
Eddie's father.
- Chekhov's Armoury: He left behind a few very important items that Eddie would take possession of that became very important later including: the Ormagoden artifact which sent Eddie back in time, the very shirt Eddie wears has the logo of his mother (though he didn't know that) on it, and the sword Eddie gets from Lars was actually originally Riggnarok's.
- Determinator: He was the only one of his entire army to resist the effects of the Sea of Black Tears. This leads him to infiltrating the Tainted Coil so that they would take him with them to the future, so that he could kill the emperor of the Tainted Coil.
- Like Father, Like Son: Eddie supposedly looks a lot like his father, minus a full beard. They also act very similar in their heroic deeds.
The Emperor of the Tainted Coil from the days of Eddie's father's life. The Grand Demon Witch, the White Winged Death, the most fierce and bloodthirsty warrior of ALL the Tainted Coil.
- Death By Childbirth: She died giving birth to her and Riggnarok's son... Eddie.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Initially, she was the most blood-thirsty and fierce warrior of the Tainted Coil, but when she went to the Future, she lost her will to go on. She then developed a bond with Riggnarok who spared her life. The two fell in love and even had a child together, but she died in child-birth of their son... Eddie.
- Even Evil Has Standards: She had always apparently turned down Doviculus whenever he made advances toward her. Good thing though, by the time Eddie comes around, Succoria is long dead, and apparently, almost ALL of the entire Tainted Coil is either his offspring or has bred with him in some way. Kind of a funny insult toward Doviculus in that, she fell in love with and had a baby with a human who for the longest time were seen as inferior and always HATED by the Tainted Coil, and yet she'd prefer one of them to Doviculus.
- Hoist by Her Own Petard: She wanted to go to the future to reacquire secrets of the Ancient ones including the Titans, but when she found society was dominated by humans, she gave up on everything. Instead, she and Riggnarok actually fell in love and had a child together: Eddie. Who would later go back in time to help take down the Tainted Coil, which very well may have been why the future was dominated by humans in the first place.
- Red Herring Twist: Initially, everyone is led to think that Ophelia IS Succoria, but actually, Succoria is long dead in the story. It turns out that Eddie is actually her and Riggnarok's son, hence why they can "smell her blood".
- ↑ Break the Cutie/Corrupt the Cutie/Dark Action Girl/Dark and Troubled Past/The Dark Chick/Came Back Wrong/Doppelganger/Evil Makeover/Face Heel Turn/Heel Face Turn/Heel Face Revolving Door/Heartbroken Badass \\ Ironic Echo: "Hey look, Eddie! I finally got myself a car. It has a special seat in the back just for you." \\ Poor Communication Kills: Everything that happened to her was because of Doviculus's and Eddie's respective misinterpretations of Succoria's presence. \\ Super-Powered Evil Side/The Ophelia/Unwitting Pawn
- ↑ Doviculus wills his own children to pregnancy, causing a nasty growth to rapidly surge out of their mouth, around their body, and into the ground. The growth comes back out of the ground in a hand-like shape holding a ball with the new unit growing inside. This explodes and poof! More children for Doviculus to impregnate!