A list of the characters from the anime and manga series Beelzebub. Currently a work in progress.
Contains spoilers
Main Characters
Tatsumi Oga
"Everyone bow before me!"
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi
Protagonist of the series, a young Delinquent and first year at Ishiyama High, the delinquent school. At the start of the series he already holds quite a reputation, being known as "Rampaging Ogre" or the "Strongest Juvenile Delinquent". The story starts as he is telling the story of how he first found Baby Beel to his best (and only?) friend Furuichi. One day while fishing by the river (actually, taking revenge on some gangsters who tried to kill him in his sleep), he sees a man floating down it, pulls him to shore and the man splits in half revealing a baby boy. This boy is the son of the demon king and Oga soon finds he has been chosen as the one to raise it, along with the baby's maid Hilda. The story follows his life as Baby Beel's father, and the events at Ishiyama as he battles for the title of the strongest.
Oga was picked to become Beelzebub's father because he possessed the qualities of the ideal parent for the future Devil King: strong , arrogant, and a person who thinks-nothing-of-fellow-man . Despite this Oga isn't completely evil: he only really bullies those stupid enough to attack him in the first place and is willing to stick his neck for his True Companions without a second thought. He also takes time to teach Baby Beel what it means to be a "real man" (when he's not trying to get rid of him that is). He easily gives in to flattery and is an avid Dragon Quest fan.
- Anti-Hero: Type V and when you think about it, very little of what he does can he called heroic at all.
- During the Akumano Academy and onward he becomes a Type IV.
- Art Evolution: The mangaka has started drawing Oga's face softer around the edges, making him look more and more Bishounen by each chapter. The evolution in his design is coincidentally in line with his recent character development and maturity.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Ishiyama now recognizes him as their new leader after defeating the Tohoshinki one by one.
- Badass
- Badass Abnormal
- Badass Baritone: For a fifteen year old anyway...
- Badass Family: Somewhat; Oga's older sister was the first leader of the Red Tails, though her abilities have yet to be seen. Whether his parents are (or were) this as well remains to be confirmed.
- Badly-Battered Babysitter: Constantly getting electrocuted and at one point almost has his arm blown off by Beel's powers.
- Battle Couple: That's what the whole school assumes he and Hilda are.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: with Hilda
- Berserk Button: Don't interfere with his fights and don't mess with his True Companions.
- Blood Knight: Hasn't turned down a fight in the series so far.
- Blue with Shock: Often ends up like this.
- Body Horror: When Baby Beel gets too excited and his powers go haywire, his arm swells up and almost explodes.
- Calling Your Attacks: "Shouryuken!" "Psycho Crusher!"
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Is abnormally strong even without Beel's powers. This is the whole reason he's been able to survive as his parent so far.
- Chaste Hero: Has shown no interest whatsoever in girls, relationships and other gender-related high school trappings.
- Chick Magnet: For some reason (and to Furuichi's utter dismay). He himself is completely oblivious (at least consciously), putting him in Clueless Chick Magnet territory.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Frequently reacts to situations like no other sane human being would, and spouts absurd aesops that he seems to think make perfect sense.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Pretty much one-shots everyone he fights with except Tojo, Miki and Aoi.
- Cutting the Knot: If a problem exists, Oga will punch people until it goes away. His solution to an impending tournament arc was to arrive at the site a night early and beat everyone up himself.
- Deal with the Devil: He wasn't aware of what he was doing though.
- Delinquent
- Determinator: No matter how much damage he takes, even when he's covered in blood, he's still able to get up and keep fighting. The only reason he won against Tojo was because he wanted it so much.
- Dismotivation: Half the time he seems to forget about his ambition to lay Beel off on somebody else until it becomes relevant to the plot.
- Evil Laugh
- Mr. Fanservice: He's been appearing shirtless on covers and so forth far more as the series goes on.
- Face of a Thug: No kidding. It's enough to scare Yolda shitless...He doesn't seem to realise though.
- Fusion Dance: When he drinks too much Super Milk.
- Heroic BSOD: Several, all of which have been minor and hilarious.
- Hot-Blooded: Sometimes
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Type V antihero? Check. Sociopathic towards everyone and enjoys being excessively violent? Check. Jerk? Check. Usually gets away with it? Check. It's all Played for Laughs? Check. Oga is definitively one of these.
- Idiot Hero: Frequently pointed out by Furuichi. A Running Gag is that he seems to think everyone else is a bigger idiot than him, and when he encounters anyone particularly clever he asks them ridiculous trivia questions.
- After tearing through a several dozens of demons to save Hilda, when confronted by needing to solve a sudoku quiz to advance he instantly gives up.
- Innocent Cohabitation: Everyone assumes he and Hilda are sleeping together. In fact, he doesn't even want to live with her.
- Invulnerable Knuckles
- Is That Cute Kid Yours: Except for demons, Furuichi,Aoi, Saotome, Isafuyu and Ittousai Kunieda, everyone is sure Baby Beel is his biological son.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Maybe. He does seem to care about Beel to some extent. He also makes sure he breaks off his friendship with Miki to make sure the latter doesn't get bullied from association.
- Recent chapters throw him into this category.
- Last-Name Basis: Everyone refers to him by his last name, except his family obviously. Hilda has started to do this recently. Partly explained by her Identity Amnesia, but she still does it even after regaining her memory.
- Made of Iron: He does show realistic damage, however he never seems to notice it and certainly won't let it stop him.
- Mark of the Beast / Power Tattoo: The Zebub Spell mark, which grows bigger every time he uses his strength.
- Megaton Punch: His main method of attack.
- Men Don't Cry: Sticks to this philosophy.
- Mental World: He has absolutely no idea what dwells in his. Looks kinda like a some sort of Widget Series mecha anime on a ton of acid.
- Mistaken for Cheating
- Not What It Looks Like: He doesn't get very far trying to explain that Baby Beel isn't his, as his family seem far more willing to believe Hilda than him. Well, that and he's an idiot.
Oga: I already told you, I won't accept being the parent!
Hilda: What are you saying all of a sudden? After even going as far as that. It was honestly amazing...
- And half of what he says to Aoi, which he seems to think is entirely platonic, such as asking her to "go out with" him for the park debut, trying to make her Beel's new mother and buying her alter-ego ice cream before having a chat about babysitting.
- Oblivious to Love: Has no clue about Aoi's massive crush on him, despite her blushing whenever she's around him. Although if we go by what's seen on previous chapters, he's finally beginning to catch on, if only on a subconscious level.
- One-Man Army: When Hilda gets kidnapped, the enemies propose a Tournament Arc to settle things. Oga then decides "Screw it, that'll take too much time," and after a quick five-minute conversation with his friends, attacks the enemy base head on. By himself. While he probably would have failed without his eventual backup, he chews through about a third of the army before he even gets winded.
- Otaku: Big fan of Dragon Ball and videogames
- Papa Wolf: He flat out states Beel won't destroy the world because he's his parent and he won't let him do something that stupid. He even managed to turn this trope into a powerup to beat Jabberwock with his bare fists.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Progressively Prettier
- Power Dyes Your Hair
- Power Gives You Wings
- Promotion to Parent: Sort of. Beel isn't actually related to him in any way, but as far as he's concerned Oga is his father.
- Psychic Link: Played for laughs when he and Furuichi randomly start conversing using telepathy. It's quickly forgotten.
- Punch a Wall: Punches the ground following his fight with Tojo and a nasty powerup from Beel and subsequently destroys the school.
- She's Not My Wife: But at this point he doesn't even bother to correct anyone any more.
- In recent chapters, he's begun to issue denials, starting with Tojo.
- Slasher Smile/The Un-Smile: Any time he smiles, pointy teeth and all.
- Snark Ball
- Super Mode: Super-milk time!
- Suplex Finisher: Against Tojo.
- Talk to the Fist
- Tiger Versus Dragon: The dragon to Tojo's tiger.
- The kanji for dragon is also in his name.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Croquettes
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- Unwanted Harem: The makings of one, which he barely seems to acknowledge, and which Furuichi points out is incredibly unfair considering this.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Furuichi.
- With Friends Like These...: It's understandable why he has no friends. Why Furuichi sticks around with him is a complete mystery.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: He dodges Aoi's attacks but never went on the offensive. Hilda finds this trait of his rather disappointing. Averted in the last chapters. He went all out on Aoi during their fight to prove that they were prepared to learn Black Techs. However his attitude towards her was friendlier that what was displayed against, say, Miki and Alex.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Has taken to using wrestling moves quite a lot in his fights lately.
- Younger Than They Look: Due to Art Evolution, he's started looking older and older. He's 16.
Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV aka "Baby Beel"
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro
Son of the ruler of Hell, he was sent to Earth to destroy humanity in place of his Otaku father who's too busy to do it personally. But before he can do that he needs to grow up and master his powers, and for that a human contractor who will take the role of parent is needed.
He quickly becomes very attached to Oga, and can always be seen clinging onto Oga's back or sitting on Oga's head. When he becomes agitated or sees blood, he'll often throw a tantrum and will spontaneously electrocute anyone within his vicinity. Without Oga, he is physically weaker than even the average human child, but contact with Oga allows him to unleash his demonic powers.
He understands speech but can't speak himself yet, instead making typical baby noises (often accompanied by subtitles, for instance when conversing with another baby and a household deity) and is always naked with a pacifier in his mouth. He, like Oga, is shown to get angry easily and often copies Oga's movements and mirrors his reactions. He provides most of the story's comic relief.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Doesn't seem very concerned about destroying all of humanity. Instead he's quite happy to follow Oga around and get into petty fights, or just act like a regular infant.
- In Chapter 107, Oda declares that as his father, he will make Beel this.
- Attack Of The 50 Foot Baby: During the Demon World arc, he grows to gigantic proportions and fights the guardian of Vlad's Haunt, who is roughly the size of a mountain.
- Blood Upgrade: Whether it's his or not.
- Character Title
- Curtains Match the Window: Green hair, green eyes.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Deus Ex Machina
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's terrified of Miki and refuses to have anything to do with him.
- Not exactly terrified but Miki pisses Beelzebub off.
- Goo-Goo Godlike
- Harmless Electrocution: Thankfully for Oga. They seem to have eventually dropped the whole "outside of a certain radius, the electric shocks become lethal" aspect of them.
- Head Pet
- Horrible Judge of Character: Baby Beel zigzags all over this trope. Sometimes he can tell good people from bad people, sometimes it's completely random.
- Joke Character
- Like Father, Like Son: One of the reasons no one questions that he's Oga's son is because they're just so alike.
- Revisited when Beel gets involved in a Love Triangle between Kanzaki's niece, Futaba and Izou's littler sister Chiyo (who happen to be blonde and dark-haired respectively).
- Moses in the Bulrushes: Subverted, as his father willingly gave him up, and he was not completely abandoned as he still had Hilda and Arandron.
- Naked Babies Are Funny
- The Noseless
- No Mouth: His mouth is almost always covered with his pacifier.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: No one ever refers to him by his Overly Long Name.
- Actually we find out in chapter 80, that at least Oga and Furuichi just don't remember it. Much to Baby Beel's distress.
- Shock and Awe: Has the power to electrocute people when he's angry or upset, a power which by extension belongs to Oga as well.
- The Symbiote: Needs to feed off Oga's strength in order to use his powers properly.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
"Together we shall raise a brilliant Demon King."
Voiced by: Shizuka Itou
Preferring to be known by her nickname, Hilda is the busty, blonde-haired demon maid who helps Oga take care of Beelzebub. She was personally chosen for the position by her master the Demon King and treats this as a great honor. She always dresses in a gothic lolita style and carries a parasol. She's first introduced trying to take Baby Beel back from Oga but failed since at that point he had already became attached. After that she decides to move in with Oga and act as Baby Beel's mother.
Hilda is not to be trifled with as she's every bit as strong, brutal and short-tempered as Oga. She also posses a sharp mind and often works behind the scenes to aid Oga and Beelzebub in their escapades. At first she was skeptical about Oga's ability to be Baby Beel's father, believing he lacks many essential qualities, but after learning more about him and seeing the extent of the trust between the two of them she changes her opinion of him and they start getting along better.
After Ishiyama's group got challenged by the Six Knights she transferred to Oga's class in order to help them on their way to victory.
She seems to care for Lamia, who in turn idolises Hilda for her strength and beauty, and affectionately refers to her as Nee-sama (older sister).
- Action Girl
- Almighty Janitor: Just read chapter 104.
- Aloof Big Sister: To Yolda
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: With her sister Yolda such as saving her from the Pillar Squad
- Badass
- Boobs of Steel: Maybe her breasts are the source of her power?
- Braids of Action/Odango: Well, one.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: with Oga
- Combat Stilettos
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Big Sis: To Lamia.
- Crucified Hero Shot: In the Akumano Academy Arc
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen: It's a very, very, very slow proccess given all the other weird stuff going on, but she's been warming up to Oga slightly. Later developments seem to be speeding up this proccess somwehat. Then she gets her memories back and forgets everything...well, maybe not everything, as she calls Oga with his first name.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: How she dresses, though not necessarily how she acts.
- Femme Fatale: Uses her looks to her advantage when convincing Oga's family to let her live with them.
- It was less about her looks, and more about manipulating them into thinking that she and Oga had a child together.
- Gag Boobs: Bound to happen once in a while, especially it it involves (A) Aoi, who is very flat in comparison or (B) Furuichi in his fantasies about Hilda. Yuka even calls her "cow tits".
- Green Eyes
- Hidden Depths: Who would have guessed that she is such a Soap Opera fan?
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Kuudere
- Hot Demon Girl
- I Have Your Wife: Is kidnapped at one point (along with Furuichi) in order to lure Oga out though it was just her tricking them. Happens again much later on, with Behemoth Squad as the perpetrator this time.
- Identity Amnesia: In the latest chapters, after her rescue, she forgot everything, even her name. After some 'help' from Oga's family, she starts thinking she's actually his wife...and behaves appropriately, even gaining Tareme eyes in the proccess! Squee?
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice, though she got better.
- Mama Bear: She takes her job as mother very seriously.
- Meido
- Ms. Fanservice
- New Transfer Student: In the Saint Ishiyama arc.
- Not Love Interest: Believed by many to be the mother of Beel and Oga's wife, but they can't stand each other. Until Oga saved her from the Pillar squad and she contracted amnesia, that is. After the whole incident, Hilda became the only non-relation character in the series to call Oga by his first name, Tatsumi.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Parasol of Pain: She keeps her sword hidden in the handle.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Perpetual Frowner
- Pretty Freeloaders: To the point where she's considered a part of the family by everyone except Oga.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Aoi and Oga's red
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Aoi
- The Spartan Way: Her methods of teaching Oga and the other delinquents how to play volleyball.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: While trying to entertain Baby Beel.
- Strong Family Resemblance: With her sister Yolda
- Tall Blonde And Bishoujo
- Tsurime Eyes
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Kicks Oga out of his own house once she thinks he's neglecting his duties.
Takayuki Furuichi
"I've never seen such an idiot!"
Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima
Oga's one and only friend, and the first person who knows the truth about Beelzebub. He is also just about the only student who is not a delinquent in the main cast. Despite his lack of fighting ability, he's quite clever and cunning. Expresses a desire to escape the strange events he's become embroiled in, but always gets dragged back into it one way or another. Likes to think of himself as a ladies' man and will never pass up an opportunity to flirt with someone; however, he always fails at it, just like with everything else he does in life.
- Action Survivor: This kid has been to the demon world, and got through all of the fights Oga has been in without really knowing how to fight at all.
- What about saving the girl and taking down the Big Bad of the Summer in Hell arc with just a baby's foot?
- Arandron Knows Where You Are And Will Abduct You: He is not allowed to go on vacation or even sleep when Oga and the gang want him for something (usually nothing). They make Arandron go kidnap him.
- Blue with Shock: Ends up like this even more than Oga.
- Bromantic Foil
- Butt Monkey/The Chew Toy: Nothing ever goes right for him and he's bullied almost constantly.
- Casanova Wannabe: No one can deny that he tries...
- Chivalrous Pervert: He doesn't actually get any though.
- Combat Commentator: Although sometimes it's just lies.
- Combat Pragmatist: As mentioned below the one fight he has fought and won on his own his method of attack involved nearly drowning a baby. It worked.
- Dirty Coward: Unless there is a woman involved.
- Fun T-Shirt: The anime gives him a shirt with the words Fool 1 written on it. The Okinawa arc adds to the collection by giving him one with the word (and picture of a) Chicken.
- Genre Savvy: He seems to have a good grasp of the plotline and often points out tropes when or even before they happen.
- Guile Hero
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kidanova: His dearest wish.
- Knight in Shining Armor: He wanted to be this to save Arandron's daughter, Angelica, but, well, not much came of that.
- Last-Name Basis: He is on this with Oga and everyone calls him by his last name. His first name isn't revealed until about half way through the story, and only mentioned in passing.
- Memetic Badass: General Furuichi is an in-universe example, as well as in the fandom. It backfired in universe where everyone just assumed that he was the mastermind behind the whole fight.
- Even Oga's mind seems to think he's pretty Badass.
- Mistaken for Badass: Kazuya (as well as a few others) seem to think he's much cooler, stronger, smarter and good-looking than he really is. Furuichi doesn't deny this. It gets him in trouble (see above).
- Mistaken for Pedophile: Due to being caught in several Not What It Looks Like scenes with Lamia, around a quarter of the cast thinks he's a nasty pedophile, including his sister. Due to his Butt Monkey status, naturally this is all Played for Laughs.
- Mr. Exposition: Even his buff counterpart in Oga's mind acts as this.
- Not What It Looks Like: Because he is the Butt Monkey, he had to try and explain Arandron moving in with him and talking like he and Furuichi are lovers to his parents.
- Plus the episode when Lamia visits his house...
- Only Sane Man: He plays this a lot. Poor guy.
- Pretty Freeloaders: Arandron is living with him. So subverted. Hard.
- Psychic Link: He gains one with Oga; like a lot of things in the series, it's played for laughs.
- Straight Man: To everyone else.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: The one fight he participated in alone that he won, his method of attack involved nearly drowning a baby. It worked.
- Unlucky Everydude
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Oga.
- With Friends Like These...: This is his and Oga's relationship.
Voiced by: Wataru Takagi
One of the servants of Beel. He basically serves as a sort of... umm, humanoid storage device. Currently rooms with Furuichi, which has led to a LOT of fun. Also, considering how he looks, EVERYONE suspected he was gay. At least until the big reveal...
- Abhorrent Admirer: Furuichi does not appreciate his affection, or obsession. Arandron talks about Furuichi to his daughter using the honorific "sama" for whatever reason. The anime takes this trope and runs full steam with it.
- Ambiguously Gay: No surprise here.
- Bag of Holding: His purpose. Has also led to a lot of "inside jokes" with Furuichi.
- Disney Death: Most DEFINITELY parodied in the Demon World Arc.
- Macho Camp: Definitely no surprise here. Turned Up to Eleven in the anime if you can believe it.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He's based off Freddie Mercury and named after French actor Alain Delon.
- Stealth Hi Bye
- Stalker with a Crush: To Furuchi
- Teleporters and Transporters: A living teleporter.
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter: His daughter Angelica. Like wow.
- Mind you, some people still think he's gay. (It's like bisexuality is an unknown concept.)
Dr Forkas Rachmaninnor
Voiced by: Akio Kato
The real imperial doctor, who is also pretty dang awesome, just for showing up to the party with a name like his...
- Actually, That's My Assistant: Lamia was believed to be the doctor of Beel until he showed up.
- Awesome McCoolname: Have you seen it?
- Nice Hat: The only item of clothing he wears.
- Playing Both Sides: Claims to be on the side of the sick, and heals both Hilda and the demons that work for Behemoth's group after the attack.
- The Faceless: Sort of. When he first appears in the human world he uses a muumuu body, which is basically a slime with two eyes, arms and a hat.
- The Unpronounceable: Once again, this guy's name.
Voiced by: Kaori Fukuhara
A very snarky, very young demon who initially tricked Oga into thinking she was Baby Beel's doctor... at least until the real doc showed up. She is devoted to Beel and seems to admire Hildegard but dislike almost everyone else.
- Actually, That's My Assistant: Was thought to be Beel's doctor until the REAL doctor showed up.
- Boom! Headshot!: The way she gets Oga to enter his Mental World.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Most definitely this.
- Head Pet: Has a little ghost who tends to hang around.
- Magic Skirt
- Rose-Haired Girl: Sort of justified, considering that she's a demon.
- Token Mini-Moe
- Tsundere: Furuichi seems to think so.
The Demon King
Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi
Baby Beel's daddy and ruler of Hell, who also happens to be a total nut job. Vows to destroy the Earth every so often, but is always too busy to go through with it.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The guy is INSANE. No, really.
- The Faceless: Not once have we ever seen his true face.
- Horned Humanoid
- Ominous Opera Cape
- Phrase Catcher: "Demon King sure is random..."
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
The older brother to Beel, he is sent to destroy Earth due to Beel taking too long, but decides video games are more important than his duties. He has three demon maids of his own: Isabella, Yolda and Sachura.
- Abhorrent Admirer: To Lamia.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Disco Dan: The most advanced consoles he knows are the SNES and Sega Genesis, at least until he goes to the human world.
- Informed Ability: For someone who puts video games before world destruction, he sure relies on his wet nurses a lot. Lampshaded by Furuichi and Lamia several times.
- Meaningful Name: The kanji for (Part of?) his name, 焔,can literally translate as "Fire."
- Playing with Fire: He creates seas of fire when he cries, enough to destroy 30 towns in Hell and on Earth, possibly everything in a 9 mile radius.
- Spell My Name with an "S": His name in Japanese is "Enou," but the scanlations translate it as "Lord En." Only time and context will tell which is correct...
- Chapter 123 confirms it as Lord En. A teacher in Akumano Academy reads it as Enou and faces the wrath of the Pillar Squad for his troubles.
- Spoiled Brat/Royal Brat
- The Battle Didn't Count: Beat En at his own game? He will just have you play another one and another and another...
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Voiced by: Minako Kotobuki
She bears a strong resemblance to Hilda and carries a mop with her, which she uses as a weapon much as Hilda uses her parasol. The two seem to have an unsettled score and Yolda positively despises Hilda. She is also able to move very quickly and knocks Furuichi and Kunieda out easily. In contrast to Hilda, she has a Femme Fatale attitude. It is later revealed that she is a dimensional transfer demon like Alaindelon; her powers are said to be even greater than his, and she is able to distort dimensions and create sections of space detached from the physical world. It is later revealed that she is Hilda's sister.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: She does care for her sister Hilda such as asking En what's the cure for her amnesia.
- Broomstick Quarterstaff: A mop and it's her Weapon of Choice
- Dark Action Girl
- Dissonant Serenity
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Femme Fatale
- The Gadfly
- Meido
- Shameless Fanservice Girl
- Strong Family Resemblance: To Hilda
- Teleporters and Transporters
The Pillar Squad
Behemoth's army of demons who are going to "help" En destroy the world. Have currently taken over Ishiyama High and turning it into Akumano Academy...right as the main cast was about to go back to it resulting in a rivalry (partially sparked by Furuichi who had united everyone under tales of a mysterious Akumano Academy without knowing it actually existed).
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Their headquarters is the repaired Ishiyama High...and all of the students other than the main cast have been brainwashed into being their slaves!
- The End of the World as We Know It: Their goal.
- Eviler Than Thou: Kick out En's three maids for not keeping him focused on destroying humanity. But they keep Yolda to transfer their soldiers from the Demon World, promising her that she can stay with En. Naturally they lied.
- Man Behind the Man: It is implied that Behemoth is not really in charge anymore and the group has suffered for it. We know his son is involved, but he doesn't seem to be in charge either...
A komainu living in the human world. Kunieda made a deal with him to let them use his powers against the demons.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dirty Old Man
- Evil-Detecting Dog
- Hell Hound
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- Our Demons Are Different
- Sleep Mode Size: His picture above. His real form is that of a demonic dog.
- Talking Animal: Justfied since he is a demon.
- Youkai: Said to be much older and of a different kind to the other demons.
Ishiyama High
The school that Oga attends, basically filled with a buttload of delinquents. In essence, it's the school that no parent in their right mind would ever send their kid to. EVER. Ruled over by the pseudo-Student Council Tohoshinki, the students of Ishiyama High get into a whole lot of trouble, all of the time.
- Delinquents: Its delinquency level is 120%.
- Inner-City School
- Mooks: A lot of the guys Oga finds in his quest to be rid of Beel are generally this.
- No Teacher School: Understandably, there's not ONE to be found anywhere on the premises.
- One-Gender School: At first thought to be this, until you meet Kunieda and her crew...
- Slobs Versus Snobs: Ends up culminating in a most epic match of volleyball.
Various Students of Ishiyama High
When they were first introduced, these guys were said to be the most terrifying group in Ishiyama. Now, these guys are the laughing stock of the entire show.
- Butt Monkey: Honestly, these poor, poor guys... I mean, being talented in being beaten in one page (in volleyball to boot)? It's pathetic.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: They've been completely useless lately.
- Jobber: What these guys have become...
- Joke Character: Will there be no end to this list of pathetic titles to give these guys?
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Pretty obvious at this point.
- Super Sentai Stance: They have one now that they have become probably the most ridiculed group in the entire series.
Kanzaki's Crew
Kanzaki's rag-tag brigade of misfits, who actually seem to be a hell of a lot more competent than their boss.
Shintaro Natsume
"This looks interesting..."
Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio
A laid-back subordinant of Kanzaki. He's a pretty decent guy, but Beware the Nice Ones.
- Badass: Hell yeah.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Damn Heroes: Seems to be making a habit of this.
- Bishounen
- Brilliant but Lazy: He's clearly one of the strongest fighters around, but just can't be bothered to get serious.
- Cavalier Competitor:
"It's not really my style to go all out in a fight, you know."
- Comedic Sociopathy: The guy gets his kicks from watching (and then joining in) potential battles as they develop and unfold.
- Curb Stomp Battle
- Dissonant Serenity: Cheerfully laughs when the demons have taken over Ishiyama High, brainwashed the students, and practically declare all-out war on the gang.
- Mr. Fanservice: He's pretty good looking, in addition to having a Modesty Towel scene.
- Hair Flip: Very fond of running a hand through his hair. The anime also animates it flipping prettily while he's in action.
- Hidden Depths: Maddeningly so.
- High School Hustler: Episode 14 shows his potential for zany schemes and the beginnings of manipulative tendencies.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Guile Hero
- Let's Get Dangerous: Against the Six Knights.
- Nice Guy: Well, by the series' standard.
- Perpetual Smiler
- Servile Snarker: To Kanzaki, only because when he's around, there's bound to be a fight happening.
- Tranquil Fury
- Wild Card: Is stronger and more intelligent than he lets on, bordering on Obfuscating Stupidity. His actual motives have yet to be explored, however, and he remains one of the most mysterious characters in the series.
- Well, unless he was telling the truth about finding hanging around Kanzaki to be fun and interesting.
Takeshi Shiroyama
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura
A hulking nice guy recognizable by his girly pigtails. Extremely loyal to Kanzaki.
- Gentle Giant
- Girlish Pigtails: Overlapping with Braids of Barbarism. Very, very rare male example of this and not exactly played for laughs.
- Minion with an F In Evil: One wonders exactly why he's so attached to Kanzaki.
- Yes-Man
- You Have Failed Me...: Gets this as well as a Kick the Dog moment from Kanzaki after failing to dispose of Oga.
Red Tails
A group comprising all of the girls in Ishiyama High. Basically they all really, really don't like guys. Was once headed by Aoi Kunieda, with her cohorts Nene and Chiaki; however, Nene has now taken over.
- Amazon Brigade
- Badass Longcoat: Their uniform is a long white coat with their name on the back.
- Does Not Like Men: The reason for their existence.
- Improbable Weapon User: See the individual entries for some examples.
- Those Two Guys: Two of them, Yuka Hanazawa and Ryoko Asuka, turn up pretty often. Now that Yuka has a more major role, Ryoko is instead paired up with another short-haired member named Kaoru Umemiya.
Nene Omori
Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki
The new leader of the Red Tails after Kunieda leaves. Nene's main objective is to get Kunieda to take her old position back.
- Beauty Mark: Under her left eye.
- Chain Pain
- Does Not Like Men: Enforces this vigorously.
- Fiery Redhead
- Heroic Sacrifice: Performs one in the online war game, Taking the Bullet to save Chiaki. Being a medic, Chiaki heals her.
- Number Two: To Kunieda, even after Nene becomes the new Red Tails leader.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Obviously, the red to Aoi's (obvious) blue.
Chiaki Tanimura
Voiced by: Aoi Yuuki
- Abnormal Ammo: Paintballs in the manga, high pressure water jets in the anime.
- Bob Haircut
- Gamer Chick: Has an astounding hidden talent for this.
- Also one of the first to recognize Oga's false name given in chapter 148 was from Dragon Quest V.
- The Gunslinger
- Gun Fu
- Guns Akimbo: She's even capable of taking it Up to Eleven by using SIX guns at once.
- Hidden Depths: See Gamer Chick.
- The Stoic
Yuka Hanazawa
Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu
- Ascended Extra: In a way, as she's risen from one of the background Those Two Guys to a comedic recurring minor character after the Saint Ishiyama Arc.
- Birds of a Feather: With Kanzaki of all people. Other than the obvious delinquent connection, they seem to be quite alike in terms of Personality.
- Calling Your Attacks: After getting her hands on a Humongous Mecha in the war game.
- Cloudcuckoolander / The Ditz: Has definite shades of these. She tends to say whatever is on her mind, regardless of its appropriateness.
- Genki Girl
- Hair Decorations: Her flower shaped hairpin, which can also be used as a dagger
- Odd Friendship: Is developing into this with Kanzaki. She seems not to realize that he is not as strong as he claims.
- Also develops one with his niece Futaba.
- "Silly Me" Gesture: After finding and subsequently losing the group's gamebreaking "Crazy Frog" mecha while playing End Of War 4.
- Tempting Fate: Makes statements paralleling sneaking into Akumano Academy with entering a haunted house. Twice Nene has to tell her to stop.
- Verbal Tic: "Paa-ne!"
The four leaders of the delinquent forces at Ishiyama High. Tōhōshinki is an acronym of their respective last names, Hidetora Tojo, Aoi Kunieda, Hajime Kanzaki, and Tatsuya Himekawa.
They serve as the primary antagonists for the first part of the manga. Their conflict with Oga was caused by his quest to find someone even stronger and more evil than himself on whom he could force Beelzebub, which they took as him trying to usurp their power. Tōhōshinki aren't coherent group but rather rivals who fought among themselves over domination of Ishiyama (except for Toujou who did not care about the whole thing and even had problems reorganizing the others). This comes to an end after Oga defeats them and briefly unifies the whole school under himself.
After Ishiyama High is destroyed, the Tōhōshinki together with their top subordinates are put in the same class as Oga and Furuichi and ally with them to defeat the Six Knights.
- Balance of Power
- Enemy Mine --> Friendly Enemy --> Fire-Forged Friends: First Kanzaki and Himekawa team up with Oga to take down Tojo, and after that all four have to team up with Oga to deal with Saint Ishiyama, with finding En, and then with the demons from Akumano Academy. The constant teaming up has been slowly and tactfully making them much more friendly with each other. If this continues, it could even result in Fire-Forged Friends and Five-Man Band.
- Four Is Death
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sort of. Kanzaki seems to be choleric, Himakawa is sort of phlegmatic, Aoi tends to be melancholic, which leaves Tojo to be... ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!?!
- Necessary Evil: Not the nicest of people, but after Oga starts beating them, lower level Delinquents who they previously held in check start getting out of hand.
Hajime Kanzaki
Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita
The first boss taken on by Oga in his quest to be rid of Baby Beel. Kanzaki's gang was one of the most feared gangs in Ishiyama, and his reputation for malice and extreme violence was the reason Oga sought him out in the first place. However, after Kanzaki humiliates and attacks Shiroyama, his most loyal subordinate, an enraged Oga defeats him, upon which he loses his reputation and much of his retinue, save for Natsume and Shiroyama.
Kanzaki has mellowed out much after his defeat and began to consider Natsume and Shiroyama as friends rather than subordinates, and became much more loyal to Oga and the rest of his schoolmates in Ishiyama.
- Actor Allusion: During the New Year parody of Journey to the West Himekawa calls him Gin-san. [1]
- Bad Boss: Initially he treated everyone under him like crap He still does but takes offense to others treating his subordinates like crap.
- Berserk Button: Pulling that chain on his face looks awfully tempting, but it gets him seriously pissed off and gives him a huge power boost.
- Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: Plays the Rough role as one of Those Two Bad Guys.
- The Comically Serious
- Hot-Blooded
- Hypocritical Humor: When someone tries to use his niece as a hostage, Hajime calls them on it... only for his subordinates to point out that is exactly the sort of thing he has done before.
- If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten: His way of testing Oga's loyalty to him, it predictably backfires.
- I Can Still Fight: He and Himekawa pull this trope while fighting Tojo's underlings.
- Also tries something similar during the rooftop battle with the Six Knights.
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kick Them While They Are Down
- Miles Gloriosus: Heads down this path after Oga beats him but technically is a good fighter that gets into fights WAY over his head.
- Overshadowed by Awesome
- Perpetual Frowner
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He goes on a short-lived one when Shiroyama is beaten into unconciousness with dumbells. Unfortunately Miki takes him out.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Has this going on with Himekawa.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Absolutely no one is addicted as he is to yogurt drinks.
- Warmup Boss: The first of the Tohoshinki that Oga comes across, and by far the easiest dealt with.
- Yakuza: He's the second son of the Kanzaki-gumi oyabun or family head.
Tatsuya Himekawa
Voiced by: Seiro Ogino
A member of the Tohoshinki and the second member that Oga takes on in his quest to be rid of Baby Beel. At first he is seen as a suave, devilishly smooth mafioso style guy, sporting an 80's style outfit and a ridiculous pompadour. After meeting Oga, however, we then see him become almost entirely useless.
Himekawa is the sole heir of a large financial zaibatsu, and almost always uses his immense wealth to have his way. Unluckily for him, his money was not able to buy Oga off, the latter promptly giving him the beating of his life. He now regularly uses his wealth to assist the Ishiyama Gang in their escapades. He is also shown to be quite handsome when he doesn't sport his trademark pompadour.
- A Lady on Each Arm: First time we see him.
- Bishonen All Along: Who would have thunk it? Shown here.
- Batman Gambit: Pulled one on the fly to avoid being expelled and to force a confrontation with the Six Knights, which not only saved him, Oga and his group from being kicked out of the school but also got the Six Knights to lose their authority.
- Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word: Never outright says it, but considering his actions...
- Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: He's the Smooth to Kanzaki's Rough, considering his use of bribery to get what he wants.
- Characterization Marches On: He starts off as being as a violent Smug Snake. Compare the Bishonen Magnificent Bastard in the later episodes to his debut.
- Combat Pragmatist: Include covering his chest with a ceramic plate and using a stun baton.
- Cool Shades
- Fashion Dissonance: Caught somewhere between Awesome Anachronistic Apparel and Outdated Outfit, Himekawa and that forward beehive of his stand firm.
- High School Hustler
- I Can Still Fight: He and Kanzaki pull this trope while fighting Tojo's underlings.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Subtly alluded to throughout the series.
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: The pretty you'll find out later
- Lonely Rich Kid: Recent chapters of the manga showed hints of this.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Whenever he can't throw his money around he's usually lumped in with mediocre fighters like Kanzaki, but then he electrocutes an entire gang with a custom taser-whip and coolly drops one of them off a high rooftop just to prove a point.
"We have to teach you to never oppose us, ever again."
- Only Sane Man: Not like Furuichi or Aoi.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: His initial belief that if you can't beat them, buy them out.
- He uses it again when playing a videogame against En and his maids... but to be fair, he didn't use this trope until the other side started to cheat.
- Secretly Wealthy: Being the son of the "Himekawa Group" it's not really a secret that he is rich. The extent being that he owns a luxury building just for himself, is something everyone finds out later when he shows off the place offhandedly.
- He Cleans Up Nicely/Letting His Hair Down: "Hime" sure is bishounen when his hair isn't in that ridiculous pompadour and he takes his glasses off... to the point that no one recognizes him.
- Furuichi referred to it mentally as Himekawa's "Super Pretty Boy" mode
- Even the shape of his chin changes!
- The Smart Guy: At least as far as the Tohoshinki is concerned. The others frequently comment on how useful he is.
- Stun Guns: His preferred melee weapon.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Has this going with Kanzaki.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Though we only find out the "pretty" part later on.
Aoi Kunieda
"I can't let anybody see that the leader of Kantou's strongest ladies, The Red Tails, is taking care of a baby."
Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki
Aoi is a 17-year-old that led an all-girl delinquent group in the school, the Red Tails. She uses a wooden sword to fight with and is one of the best fighters in the series thus far. She has a crush on Oga, but won't admit it to anyone, including herself. She quit the Red Tails, but still fights and hangs out with them. She dons a disguise and a fake name when taking care of her little brother in the park or other places so as not to be embarrassed or confused as his mother. Especially in front of Oga. She is almost always seen with her two henchman/friends Chiaki and Nene After her first encounter with Behemoth's subordinates she becomes the second person to learn the true nature of Baby Beel.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Possibly on Shigure's level.
- Action Girl
- Action Girlfriend: Usurping Hilda's position as this is her unofficial goal.
- Amazon Brigade: She used to lead the Red Tails, which was composed of the entire female student body.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: She's pretty cute whenever she goes all deredere toward Oga.
- Badass Longcoat: When she was leading the Red Tails.
- Badass Abnormal: After dealing with a lesser god, she obtained power to fight against demons.
- Big Damn Heroes: When Oga, Himekawa, and Kanzaki were going to fight Tojo the entire student body showed up to stop them, then Aoi and the Red Tails show up and start kicking ass.
- She has one again in Akumano Academy to save Nene.
- And yet again, during the Akumano Academy Raid to save Hilda, when she arrives to save Oga from fighting a horde of female demons.
- Cannot Spit It Out: She just won't admit that she likes Oga.
- Class Representative: After their transfer to St. Ishiyama, she was appointed as co-representative with Oga, tasked to keep the delinquents of Ishiyama in line.(Cue her girlish daydreams of doing patrol duty together with him.) She's the only one taking the job seriously however, Oga prefers slacking off.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Delinquents: It almost goes without saying in this series, though.
- Disappeared Dad coupled with a Missing Mom
- Does Not Like Men: Played straight, as it is The Red Tails' official policy. She left the group after meeting Oga.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Girlish Pigtails: As Aoi Kunie
- Girl Posse: She has one. Chiaki and Nene follow her more or less everywhere, and are the only people except Furuichi who notice her crush on Oga. In the anime Himekawa knows as well.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Liking Oga makes this trope more or less a given.
- She seems to realize that he acts much more kindly to her alter ego than he generally acts at school. It should also be noted that Oga may act like a jerk to a lot of people, but actually treats Aoi without that much hostility.
- It should also be noted that she does seem to realize that he is a violent jerk. She just feels like there's a softer side to him.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Improbable Weapon User: She prefers a wooden sword, but she has used an umbrella and once a ruler.
- Is That Cute Kid Yours: People are constantly mistaking her little brother for her son. She does not approve.
- Love Triangle: She thinks she is in one, but Hilda does not love Oga ...yet.
- She is in another one only with Aiba having a crush on her, while Oga has no idea what is going on.
- Mandatory Unretirement: The Red Tails just won't let her quit.
- Meganekko: Her alter ego "Aoi Kunie" is this.
- Miko: Her family owns a shrine. She also dresses as one when training.
- Mistaken for Cheating: She gets pissed off when she thinks that Oga has been cheating on Hilda with her, though he wasn't interested in either of them to begin with.
- Muscles Are Meaningless
- Only Sane Woman of Ishiyama's special class.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Her alter-ego, Aoi Kunie (which she adopted when taking care of Kota) is her wearing girly clothes, a bucket hat, and glasses with her hair in pigtails. Except the Red Tails, nobody in Ishiyama saw through her disguise. Especially Oga.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: To Hilda's Blue.
- Sarashi
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Hilda
- Stripperiffic: Her original school/Red Tails uniform does not leave much, if anything, to the imagination.
- The Smurfette Principle: The only female in the Tohoshinki.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tsundere: Type B with Oga. To display the difference, her Tsurime Eyes change to Tareme Eyes.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Occasionally drawn with blue hair in color spreads.
Hidetora Tojo
"If you've got a problem, then we'll settle it with fists."
Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki
The last of the Tōhōshinki to be introduced and by far the strongest one, Tojo (Tora to his friends) could have taken over Ishiyama any time he wanted if he actually cared about it. He loves nothing more than a good fight and has power to back it up, being the first man to ever beat Oga in a fight.
He's... actually a pretty nice guy who won't bother those who don't want to fight with him. He loves cute things like babies and cats. When he's not beating someone up he's usually doing some kind of part-time job (exactly what job changes with each appearance). After Oga destroyed Ishiyama High the two of them ended up in the same class (along with the rest of main cast) and teamed up against Six Knights. They get along now, which doesn't stop them from engaging in fights almost every time they meet. He has past with Zen, a mysterious demon contractor who took care of him when Tojo was a kid. As it's turns out, their newest teacher Saotome is in fact Zen.
As of the current arc he accidentally got into a fight with demons targeting Baby Beel and received heavy wounds. After receiving basic training from Zen on how to fight demons, he went off on his own to train and will assist Furuichi with the incoming battle against Behemoth's army .
- Badass
- Badass Normal: He doesn't possess demon powers. Doesn't stop him from kicking ass.
- Blood Knight: Just as much as Oga.
- The Big Guy
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Every bit as physically strong as Oga if not stronger.
- When he fights an opponent who has a supersonic swords, he punches it and breaks it.
- Cuteness Proximity
- Determinator: Probably the biggest in the series. After fighting Izuma who was using demon powers most of the night, he takes on a full demon and holds his own.
- The Ditz: He makes Oga look smart.
- Friendly Enemy: He and Oga seem to get on all right nowadays.
- Gentle Giant: Despite being a 2-meter-tall Blood Knight, at heart he's probably the nicest person in Ishiyama. He also has teddy-bear pyjamas.
- Don't forget the time he oogled over a kitten and Baby Beel himself.
- Home Run Hitter
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Subverted somewhat in that he isn't really that much of a jerk. Unless you are asking for a fight.
- Made of Iron: Oga can kick people into concrete with half-hearted kicks, even while sick. Tojo blocked Oga's full-power kick with his forehead.
- Megaton Punch: Undisputed master of this.
- Oblivious to Love: Seems that way at least in regards to his childhood friend Nanami Shizuka, given their interactions and Shizuka's own thoughts on it.
- Pet the Dog: Very fond of small, cute things like cats, and takes good care of Beel while they're together.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh
- Tiger Versus Dragon: He's the Tiger to Oga's Dragon.
- he also has the kanji for tiger in his name.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Tojo is constantly job-hunting (missing school in the process) due to other gang members seeking him out for fights. Their limp, beaten bodies tend to cause some damage to the surroundings. Amusingly enough, he got a job as a construction worker for the Akumano Academy completely by accident.
- Long story short, Hidetora Tojo needs a better insurance policy.
Saint Ishiyama Academy
A very, very posh school, where the kids of Ishiyama High are forced to go after Oga accidentally destroys the entire school. As it's a high-end academy, a lot of the kids there definitely don't approve of the delinquents. Much trouble ensues.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council : Gee, their student council is called the Six Knights. I wonder if they'll be friendly...
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Well, not evil... just incredibly snobbish.
- Enemy Mine: The Six Knights ally with Ishiyama against Akumano Academy for the stated purpose of forcing the Ishiyama students to leave and go back to their own school.
- Punny Name
- Slobs Versus Snobs: Guess who the snobs are. Go on, guess.
Six Knights
Saint Ishiyama's resident Absurdly Powerful Student Council. A group of student club captains who act as enforcers for school protocol, they more or less have carte blanche to do whatever they please to maintain order.
Hisaya Miki
- Voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Beauty Mark: He has two, one under each outer eye corner.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Miki appears this at first to Oga.
- Later revealed it was part of a surprisingly intelligent move by Oga to protect Miki from a thug the two ran across that was moving to the same location as Miki was by distancing himself from him.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Homoerotic Subtext
- The Lancer: Within the ranks of Six Knights he appears this.
- Took a Level in Badass: Once a regular weakling with aspirations for greatness. After a certain altercation in the past dedicated himself to becoming one.
Ichiro "Alex Rodriguez" Shinjo
- Voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
- Affably Evil: Tries to go for this in his debut but his partner messes it up.
- But Not Too Foreign
- Delayed Reaction: After challenging Oga in their second encounter, he winds up on the end of a Megaton Punch that destroys part of the roof. He still stands up long enough afterward to warn some St. Ishiyama students away from the ensuing violence before losing consciousness.
- Extremity Extremist: The series' resident boxing expert, for whatever good it does him.
- Knight Templar
Mitsuteru Sakaki
- Voiced by Keiichi Nakagawa
- Eyes Always Shut: Almost always the case.
- Kendo Team Captain
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Love At First Sight: Seems to have fallen for Aoi right after seeing her.
- The Quiet One
Hiromichi Go
- Voiced by Takahashi Shinya
- The Big Guy: Sort of; he is the most physical intimidating of the Six Knights, but is also the captain of the amateur radio club.
- Hot-Blooded
- Facial Markings: Has some sort of tattoo on his cheek.
Shizuka Nanami
- Voiced by Haruna Ikezawa
- The Archer
- The Chick: Only female on the Six Knights.
- Cool Big Sis: Actually has a trio of younger siblings
- Dogged Nice Girl: is implied to have romantic feelings for Tojo. The problem is Tojo, like Oga, approaches neutron star levels of density.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Turns out she has a history with Tojo and the new teacher, Saotome.
- Neutral Female
- Rapunzel Hair: Waist-length at least.
- Sexy Secretary: Seems to play this role for Izuma.
Kaname Izuma
- Voiced by Kenji Fukuda
- Badass Bookworm
- Genius Bruiser: One of the taller and largest human characters in the series, also seems to know much more then anyone else what is going on.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Knight Templar: Seems to be a good-natured fellow and doesn't enjoy fighting... Death matches, however, are apparently a different story.
- Martial Arts and Crafts: During the ULTIMATE Volley ball match, he uses one of his family's finishing moves to serve.
- Red Herring
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Student Council President
Zenjuro Saotome
- Voiced by Shinshu Fuji
- Badass
- Big Brother Mentor: To Tojo, slowly becoming this to Oga.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Every single fight he's gotten into so far.
- Establishing Character Moment: He bursts into the manga by jumping out of a window onto the roof of St. Ishiyama and then defeating three of the most Badass characters in the series (Oga, Izuma, and Tojo) simultaneously in one panel.
- In the anime, he beats all three with one punch.
- Expy: Looks a lot like Jecht, with a little bit of Onizuka.
- Or like a cross between Jack Sparrow and Solid Snake.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- One-Man Army: We haven't actually seen this, but everything points to it. Jabberwock calls him "The champ of the great war" and Behemoth goes out of his way to ensure he stays out of the upcoming conflict because "our side will take major damages."
- Perma-Stubble
- Power Tattoo
- Smoking Is Cool
- Wild Hair
Takumi Sadohara
- Butt Monkey: He thought he was going to be the Badass Teacher, but the poor guy got assigned to the wrong class.
- Temporary Substitute: Technically he was introduced first, but since Mr. Saotome wouldn't be in town at the start of the year, they gave the job of teaching the Ishiyama High kids to Sadohara. But no one told him that he was just the temp until Saotome returned.
Ittosai Kunieda
- Voiced by Hiroshi Iwasaki
Kunieda's grandfather and a powerful swordman.
Nazuna "Suiten" Ikaruga
Temple Priestess of Decapitation Island, Zenjuro Saotome sends Oga and Aoi to her for them to learn Black Techs, a technique where they increase their powers by fusing with their demon familiars - Aoi with Koma, and Oga with Beel. It is revealed that she is also an alumna of Ishiyama High and Saotome's classmate, where they had a relationship not so different with Oga and Aoi in the present day.
- The Alcoholic: Shame she Can't Hold Her Liquor.
- Badass
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Zenjuro Saotome. The secrets come out when she's drunk...
- Miko
- Samus Is a Girl/Gender Blender Name: Thanks to having a Buddhist priest name, Oga and Aoi think she's a man until they meet.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Izo Aiba
- Badass
- Captain Ersatz: Of Oga.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Finger-Poke of Doom: His signature move.
- Love At First Sight: With Aoi.
Chiyo Aiba
- Adorably Precocious Child: In her big brother's mind.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Love At First Sight: With Baby Beel.
- Back to Beelzebub
- ↑ He was portraying Ginkaku