< Beelzebub
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: When it was finally announced there would be an anime.
- Brain Bleach: Arandron in a bikini. Or a girl's school uniform.
- Complete Monster: The St. Ishiyama students that attack Shiroyama with a weight to the head. Normally that've would've led to permanent expulsion, yet alone imprisonment for homicide, if the cast wasn't Made of Iron.
- Crazy Awesome: Oga, the guy who convinces Arandron to teleport a polar bear into his room just so he can fight it.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Because of the quirkiness of the cast, there are a lot of fan favorites, like Good Night Shirokawa, the Red Tails (especially Yuka), Azusa and Kazuya, the Shadow Group, Zenjuro, Isafuyu, Yolda, Lamia etc.
- Ear Worm:
- Say it with us now: DA DA DA DA DA!
- The fourth ED. Full stop.
- Fan Nickname:
- Because of Forkas Rachmaninorr's name, people just call him "Doctor Awesome".
- There's also the nickname Oga gives the Teimou students, the Krillin Bros, which has spread like wildfire in the fandom.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: This shot of Oga is drawn with such detail it has to fit the description of this trope.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Aoi notes at one point that if Oga's rampages continue that the school would be destroyed.
- Memetic Badass: To some parts of the Fandom, 'General' Furuichi is this.
- Memetic Mutation: Hilda's status as the "Breast Idol".
- The Scrappy: Miki. Fandom reaction to him is about the same as Beel's.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Chapter 139 deliberately does this for laughs.
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