Baccano!/Characters/Novels-Only Characters
The Gandor Family and associates
Maria Barcelito
One of the assassins hired by Gustavo Baggetta in 1932 to destroy the Daily Days, Maria is a battle-loving Blood Knight. After losing to Claire, she somehow ends up joining the Gandor Family as one of their bodyguards. Along with Tick, she is one of the major players of the 1933 arc.
- Action Girl
- Action Girlfriend
- Adult Child
- Blood Knight
- Bodyguard Crush: With Tick/Chic.
- Career Killer
- Cute and Psycho
- Dual-Wielding: Uses a pair of katanas.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic BSOD: After losing to Adele at the Genoard manor.
- Holding Hands: With Tick at the end of 1933.
- I Am Your Opponent: To Adele, during the Mist Wall incident.
- I Call It Vera: Named her swords Murasamia and Kochite.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- McNinja: Maria is sometimes described as a "Mexican Samurai".
- Verbal Tic: Says "Amigo" every other line, even if she's talking to a woman.
A speakeasy waitresses for a bar owned by the Gandors, Edith is the only woman among four siblings enamored with the newspaper industry. Edith went through a lot for being Roy's girlfriend and ensuring he doesn't waste his life by being a drug addict; from trying to talk the Runoratas out of pressing Roy with their drug trafficking operations, to insubordinating the Gandors by taking responsability for all of the problems Roy brought with him.
- Love Martyr: A major part Edith's entire character. There's a long list of things she's done for Roy, whether he's aware of it or not.
- Plucky Girl: When it comes to helping Roy, Edith will never throw in the towel. Taking a once in a lifetime chance to earn a Fate Worse Than Death by resident Torture Technicians Claire and Tick? No problem if Roy is forgiven.
- Odd Friendship: With Tick. Edith became one of his few friends after the "torture" event. In 1933, it's mentioned that she often sends him bouquets of flowers. She's on good terms with Claire as well.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: After being horribly mistreated at the Daily Days for trying to gather information on Roy and the Runoratas, she brought Claire with her when paying the newspaper a second visit. Unsurprisingly, Edith was treated very differently this time around.
- Taking the Heat: For almost any of Roy's wrongdoing.
- Traumatic Haircut: A subversion. Tick thought that cutting short Edith's beautiful long hair would be proper punishment for insubordination. Edith herself considered this to be a Poke the Poodle and grew to like the haircut.
The Russo Family and associates
Ricardo Russo (Lydia Russo)
Placido Russo's only grandchild and heir to the Russo Family. Ricardo is a calm boy who has no interest in being a mafioso, especially since his parents were killed by a car bomb just for their Russo connection. Ricardo is actually a girl who was raised as a boy so that she could one day take over the Russo Family. Huey tried to use Sham to control Ricardo, but this failed because he did not realize her true gender, and Sham refused to take control of a girl. Ricardo and Sham now share their consciousness.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: At the end of 1934, Ricardo plans to rebuild the Russo Family, on her own terms.
- Bifauxnen
- Big Damn Heroes: With Car Fu, no less.
- Bokukko
- Hive Mind: Courtesy of Sham.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: with Christopher
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Ricardo really doesn't enjoy being heir to a mafia family.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Christopher.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Mind Hive: Shares her mind with Sham.
- The Stoic
- Wise Beyond Their Years
The Beriam family and associates
Former Felix Walken
An assassin whose abilities, infamy and success account are comparable to that of Vino himself. In 1932, he is hired to finally put an end Vino's legacy and leave him as the only most efficient assassin in the United States. It turns out that the legend is quite old and not in the prime of his abilities anymore. He sold his name to three of Sham's vessels, and is currently living as a bodyguard for the Beriam family.
Not to be confused with the Felix Walken that Claire bought his name from—that one is a woman in her thirties whom Claire considers to be a Worthy Opponent. She retired after giving birth to a daughter.
- Career Killer
- Cool Old Guy
- Expecting Someone Taller: He is described as Vino's one and only equal, but turns out to be quite old. Felix is not in his is prime anymore.
- Legacy Character: The Felix Walken name is sold from one assassin to another.
- Passing the Torch: Sold his name to Sham.
- Shrouded in Myth: The legends of his feats as an assassin spread freely for too long, and people began to compare Felix with Vino--Felix himself admits that he is long past his prime.
Lamia and Larva
A member of Lamia. Adele is an apprehensive woman of few words who has trouble maintaining eye contact with strangers. Despite appearances, however, she is a formidable fighter with unquenchable bloodlust.
- Action Girl
- Artificial Human
- Blade on a Stick
- Blood Knight
- The Cameo: Makes an extremely brief appearance in the anime's first episode.
- Designated Girl Fight: Averted. The only reason that all of her opponents are female is because the only combatants that happen to be present are women. The second time around, it's a case of I Am Your Opponent.
- Hannibal Lecture: Gives one to Maria.
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Shrinking Violet: Adele constantly blushes and stammers her way through conversations, but...
- Cute and Psycho: She'll also blush and stammer her way through some of her more violent outbursts.
Tim/Tack Jefferson
The leader of Larva, and the only human within the group full of homunculi. Something of a genius, Tim was taken in by Huey while he was still in his teens. He is dedicated to his missions and following Huey's orders.
- Dark and Troubled Past: In contrast with his brother, he seems to actually care about their mother's death and their stepfather not giving two shits about them.
- Informed Ability: Supposedly a child prodigy.
- Missing Mom: His mother left him and his brother with a really bad stepfather.
- No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me: Subverted. Tick recognized him immediately, but played along because he knew that he wanted to leave his past behind him.
- Non-Action Guy
- Parental Abandonment: His biological parents are dead. His stepfather just didn't care about him.
- That Man Is Dead: He changed his entire appearance to cut himself off from his past.
- Important Haircut: Tim shaved his head as a part of the above.
Christopher Shouldered
A member of Lamia, a group within Larva. Christopher likes to follow his own agenda and often plays Rules Lawyer with Tim's orders, doing as he pleases. Chris has constant blood-shot eyes and razor-sharp teeth. After his debut arc he joins the Russo family as Ricardo's bodyguard.
- Artificial Human
- Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Often wears clothes about a century out of date.
- Badass: One of the few people Claire comes close to acknowledging as a Worthy Opponent.
- Battle Butler: Eventually becomes one to Ricardo Russo
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: In one particular instance, he walks along Broadway, singing and twirling his umbrella.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dissonant Serenity: Is very prone to serene, childlike smiles—especially during massacres
- Fangs Are Evil
- Faux Affably Evil: Christopher sings songs as he happily massacres people. He grows out of the evil part after joining the Russo Family.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: He doesn't want Chi to get his hopes up.
- Heel Face Turn: After being ambushed and nearly killed in Chicago, Christopher starts working for Ricardo as he loses contact with Huey.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Huge Guy to Ricardo's Tiny Girl
- I Am a Monster: Jokes with it ("Would you believe me if I said I wanted to do that by destroying you, a man obviously gifted by Him, and in doing so overcome a massive inferiority complex left inside me by the fact of my artificial creation?"), but it's implied that he does have more than a few hangups with being so obviously unnatural.
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Ricardo.
- Knife Nut: Uses a knife-gun hybrid.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: As of 1933, he's at least 40 years old.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Christopher personally bakes madeleines. Extremely delicious madeleines that the likes of Ricardo, Rail, Chi, and Huey approve of.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Chi's Blue.
- Technical Pacifist: After losing to Claire at the end of The Slash and becoming Ricardo's bodyguard. In the ninth book, he decides to rehabilitate himself.
- Technicolor Eyes: Blue eyes with red sclerae.
- The Un-Smile: Even Christopher's genuine smiles are terrifying. Expected, given his teeth.
Hong Chimei "Chi"
The oldest homunculus within Lamia. He may not be the strongest, but is the most rational and most experienced. Hong is a close range fighter, and easily the fastest whithin Lamia. He's part of the team that comes to New York in 1933 to back up Tim, and shows up again in 1934 as part of Huey's experiment in Chicago.
- Artificial Human
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Mistaken for Gay: Christopher appears to be under the impression that Chi likes him in not entirely platonic ways.
Christopher: Oh, let me make it clear, though. I don't have a thing for men, just so you know. Wouldn't want you to get disappointed.
- Obfuscating Disability: Those bandages sure are suspicious for a homunculus.
- Odd Couple: With Christopher.
- Straight Man: To Christopher's Bunny Ears Lawyer.
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: As with Chris, he's at the very least 40 years old.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Christopher's Red.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Christopher.
Chi: ...I just realized that I don't think of you as a friend at all.
Christopher: W-what?! Does that mean you think of me as a lover, then?!
Chi: You're someone I'd love to kill, but circumstances prevent me from doing so. For almost four decades now, come to think of it...
- Wolverine Claws: His giant tiger claws.
A member of Lamia created less than 15 years ago. Rail is an explosives specialist with an outspoken hatred of his master and creator Huey. He hero-worships Christopher, who befriended him after a particularly traumatizing experiment. Later in 1934, Rail leaves Huey's side after befriending Nice and joining Jacuzzi's gang. He is also revealed to be female.
- Anti-Villain: The only thing really "villainous" about Rail is the fact he's part of Lamia. That is, until Frank is captured by Nebula and Rail pulls a Heel Face Turn.
- Artificial Human
- Bifauxnen: At the end of the 1934 novels, Rail is revealed to be a girl.
- Body Horror: Rail's scars are from experiments that robbed her of most of her sense of touch.
- Feel No Pain: Mostly.
- Glasgow Grin: A variation. The surgical scars stretch out Rail's face and pulls his mouth into a faint smile.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hero Worshipper: To Christopher.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Mad Bomber: Becomes one after Frank's kidnapping.
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After Frank is kidnapped by Nebula.
- Throw Down the Bomblet
- Turned Against Her Master
A member of Lamia whose body is proportioned like a child, but is over 7 feet tall. Frank is one of Rail's closest friends. He is kidnapped by Renée's team of scientists during the raid on Russo Manor, but is recovered by Huey at the end of 1934.
- Anti-Villain
- Artificial Human
- The Big Guy
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Despite his size, Frank's really just a kid.
- Dude in Distress: Is kidnapped by Renée and Nebula in 1934.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Strapped to An Operating Table
One of the last members of Lamia to be introduced along with Rail, Frank and “The Poet” after The Slash arc. Sickle is a fighter well-versed in kick-based attacks with her main style being (admittedly) not-quite-Capoeira; her mission is to intervene with the Russos' sudden meddling with Lamia affairs.
- Action Girl
- Artificial Human
- Dance Battler
- Deadpan Snarker
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Kick Chick: Capoeira is her base style after all.
- Lady of War
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- The Stoic
- Straight Man: To the Poet. Sickle often resorts to physical violence to shut down his poetry recitals.
"The Poet"
“The Poet” is Lamia's resident wannabe gentleman. As his name suggests he is very fond of poetry and likes to recite them at any time given, and much to everyone's dismay, he happens to recite them or make his conversation into a rhythmic banter pretty much any time he opens his mouth. Graham seems to be the only one who appreciates his poetry.
- Artificial Human
- Butt Monkey
- Hidden Eyes: He keeps them hidden for fear of Power Incontinence.
- Hypnotic Eyes: The Poet's eyes have some degree of hypnotic powers.
- Immortality: Type 2.
- Large Ham
- Man in White
- Milking the Giant Cow: All the time.
- Nice Hat: White fedoras are basically synonymous with the trope.
- Non-Action Guy
- Odd Friendship: With Graham, who is so moved by his poetry that he buys him a drink.
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Purple Prose: His poetry is made of this.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Stylistic Suck: To be blunt, his poems suck.
- Talkative Loon
- Warrior Poet: Graham looks like a silent fighter compared to him.
Leeza Laforet (Hilton)
Huey's younger daughter and Chane's sister. She is a little girl who is viciously loyal to her father and practically worships him. In 1933 and 1934, Leeza is with Huey in his cell in Alcatraz, but is somehow able to know of things that are going on outside the prison. When not in Alcatraz, Leeza appears as a disembodied voice. Leeza is actually Hilton's first vessel. Huey had the infant Leeza drink the water that contained the consciousness of Hilton, which overrode Leeza. Didn't make much of a difference as far as personality and intellect goes, as Hilton was also newly-made at the time.
- Berserk Button: Leeza reacts rather violently to anyone hurting, or even threatening Huey.
- Cute and Psycho
- Daddy's Girl
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Enfant Terrible
- Eyes of Gold
- Girl In White
- Hive Mind: She's Hilton's first vessel.
- Killer Rabbit: Leeza is just as violently protective of her father as Chane is.
- Precocious Crush: On Firo after her saves her from Ladd. Of course, he's completely oblivious.
- Rings of Death
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After Firo steals Huey's eye in 1934. Foiled when Ladd decides to make her his next target.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Leeza or Liza? Or is it Riza?
- Tyke Bomb
- The Voice: When she's on the field with the other members of Lamia.
"The Twins" Sham and Hilton
A pair of twins who, within Lamia, are in charge of information and communication. They are seemingly omnipresent, appearing in multiple places at the same time. They are the consciousnesses contained within a "water"--whoever drinks it either consumes or is consumed by the consciousness. Sham only consumes males, while Hilton is in charge of females. Together, they are in control of hundreds of people across the country.
- The Beast Master: Hilton controls not only women, but about a hundred female falcons as well.
- Different As Night and Day: Huey notes that while Hilton is fiercely protective of her first vessel Leeza and values Leeza's blood relation to Huey, Sham personally destroyed his first vessel and considers all of his vessels to be of similar value.
- Double Agent: Sham's vessels include Graham's right-hand man Shaft and a Nebula researcher, among many others. He's playing them all for his own ends.
- Identity Absorption: Pulls this on anyone who drinks their water. However, there is a (yet-undocumented) chance that the reverse may occur.
- Hive Mind
- The Mole: Sham's been feeding information to Nebula and the Daily Days.
- Voices Are Mental: Averted. Each vessel has its own voice.
Immortals and related characters
One of the 1711 immortals. After becoming immortal, he began to frequent battlefields so that he would never forget the meaning of death, but ended up desensitizing himself to it instead. Usually calm, collected, and stoical, but once he gets angry, watch out. In 2001, he is traveling with Maiza, Czes, and Sylvie in search of the remaining 1711 immortals.
- Always Someone Better: Nile got schooled on this by none other than Shizuo.
- Badass: Implied to be the one who destroyed Christopher's teeth.
- Blade on a Stick
- Blood Knight
- The Cameo: Has one line in the 1934 novel. Turns out he was passing through Chicago.
- Character Overlap: Elmer alludes to a fight Nile got into with Shizuo Heiwajima during the year they both spent in Japan. The same fight is referenced in the fifth Durarara!! book, when Shizuo comments that Chikage was almost as hard to take down as that one foreigner he fought a couple years back.
- Cool Mask: Wears one in 2001.
- Immortality: Type 3
- Shell-Shocked Veteran
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Felt in 2001.
- Straight Man: Elmer decides that he's his new Straight Man after they meet up. Nile is not amused by this.
Nile: I say this: Die, Elmer. No, I will kill you myself.
- Unstoppable Rage
- Verbal Tic: Prefaces statements with "I say this".
Denkuro Tougo
One of the 1711 immortals. A Japanese man who, after the Advenna Avis landed in America, decided to get back to his homeland via Siberia. He was trapped in ice for about 250 years, but after a great deal of grief during the Cold War, he manages to find his way back to Japan. Finally joins up with the surviving 1711 immortals in 2002.
- And I Must Scream: Denkuro was stuffed into a box and thrown into a crevasse. He was stuck there for 250 years, courtesy of Fermet.
- Antiquated Linguistics: Talks like this.
- Badass
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Sylvie in 2002.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: After 200 years in an iceberg.
- Immortality: Type 3
- Samurai
- Stranger in a Familiar Land: By the time he finally comes home to Japan.
Victor Talbot
One of the 1711 immortals, Victor is part of the immortal-monitoring division at the FBI. Because his best friend, a fellow 1711 immortal, was the alchemist that Ennis devoured, Victor has a grudge against her and Szilard.
- Butt Monkey
- Immortality: Type 3
- Jerkass
- Motor Mouth: When he gets excited.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: To some extent. Despite his Jerkass tendencies, Victor refuses to stoop so low as to take revenge on Ennis for devouring his friend. He also does not devour Huey or Firo, both of whom are in his custody for an extended period of time.
- To generalize, he refuses to devour anyone for personal reasons on the grounds that this would make him Not So Different from Szilard.
- Pet the Dog: Victor is, generally speaking, a demanding and verbally abusive boss. After a suicide bomber sent by Huey endangers his subordinates, Victor shows genuine concern for their well-being and relief that they are unhurt. The subordinates are duly surprised and make snarky comments about it.
- Rabid Cop: Comes across as this to Firo.
- Smug Snake
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Begg Garott
One of the 1711 immortals, Begg works for the Runorata Family. Even before 1711, he's been creating all sorts of drugs to bring people "ultimate happiness". He and Fermet studied together under the same alchemy teacher.
- The Aggressive Drug Dealer: Justified, as Begg is actively looking for people to test out his drugs on.
- For Happiness
- Happy Place: After Bartolo Runorata's death, he's gone to one of these with no signs of recovery.
- Immortality: Type 3
- Immune to Drugs: He's injected himself with so much drugs that's he's developed an immunity to them.
- Pet the Dog: After Czes loses the explosives he was going to use to negotiate with the Runoratas, Begg reveals that he was the Runorata buyer, and that Czes won't be held responsible for the loss of the explosives. The whole negotiation was set up by Begg so that he could help Czes financially without arousing suspicion.
Nebula Sky
Renée Palamades Brinvillier
A scientist working at Nebula. Renée is a clumsy and forgetful woman who is nevertheless devoted to science, to a frightening degree. Her attractive figure is the subject of much attention from her fellow researchers, but Renée doesn't seem to care about anything not related to her experiments. She was also Huey, Elmer, and Monica's alchemy teacher in the early 1700s. Renée is from a generation of immortals even earlier than the 1711 group, though details on that are still sparse.
- Absent-Minded Professor: On Elmer's first day at school, she left him standing outside the classroom all day, forgetting to call him in for introductions at the beginning of class.
- Apologizes a Lot
- Cute and Psycho: She devours people without losing that airheaded smile.
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Ditzy Genius
- Eye Scream: Courtesy of Huey, in exchange for taking his eye. No anesthesia.
- Faux Affably Evil
- For Science!: Renée is basically a Distaff Counterpart to Huey, except she doesn't even try to hide her scientific curiosities.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Hot Mom
- Hot Scientist: Her gorgeous figure is frequently pointed out by both the characters and the narration.
- Hot Teacher: Notice a pattern?
- Immortality
- Mad Scientist
- The Older Immortal: Drank the Elixir of Immortality before the 1711 group.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Student Teacher Romance: She's implied to be the mother of Huey's daughters Chane and Leeza. Whether this really was "Romance" as opposed to For Science! is up for debate.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Lotto Valentino Inhabitants
The Mask Maker
A masked Serial Killer who terrorizes the city of Lotto Valentino in 1705. Very little is known about him—not even his gender or approximate age. The Mask Maker's victims are all stabbed to death with a stiletto and their faces are covered with the same white mask worn by the killer himself. It is said that anyone who witnesses the Mask Maker will become his next target. His true identity is Monica Campanella, a student at the alchemy school. She had been targeting key members of the Lotto Valentino drug trade and the slave children who acted as runners in order to increase profits for Huey's counterfeiting operation. Elmer temporarily borrows the identity in order to get Monica together with Huey.
- Dramatic Unmask: Inverted. The Reveal of the Mask Maker's identity comes when Monica puts on the mask in front of Huey, Elmer, and Niki.
- Knife Nut: The Mask Maker's signature weapon is an eight-inch stiletto.
- Legacy Character: Long after the events of the 1700s, the Mask Maker's legacy lives on as a group of assassins-for-hire.
- Serial Killer
- White Mask of Doom
Monica Campanella
An alchemy school classmate of Huey and Elmer, Monica is a friendly girl who works at a nearby patisserie. She has a massive unrequited crush on Huey, and the aftermath of her confession starts off the 1705 story. In reality, she is the serial killer, the Mask Maker. Eventually marries Huey, but is killed by Fermet in 1710.
- Action Girl
- Beneath the Mask: Under the cheerful girl-next-door exterior is the mind of a world-hating serial killer.
- Blue Blood: She's the younger sister of Count Esperança C. Boroñal.
- Blue Eyes
- Decoy Damsel: After witnessing the Mask Maker and becoming a potential target, Monica gets Huey to walk her home from school. Of course, Monica is the Mask Maker. Elmer set up the situation to help Monica get together with Huey.
- Doomed by Canon: Monica's death is first mentioned in the 2002 story, two books before she actually dies.
- Generation Xerox: When Huey's mother was put on trial for witchcraft, she smiled at Huey before she was thrown into the lake. In 1710, Monica smiles at Huey as she disappears into the water.
- Go Out with a Smile
- The Lost Lenore: The Mask Maker's legacy is one of the driving forces of the 2002 plot, and Monica's death in particular is part of Luchino's main motivation.
- Love Makes You Evil: Started her killing spree in order to facilitate Huey's counterfeiting operation. Without his knowledge.
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Smitten Teenage Girl: The 1705 novel starts five days after she confesses to Huey (with no clear answer).
- Stalker with a Crush: Has some shades of this.
- Stepford Smiler
- Unholy Matrimony: With Huey, sometime between 1705 and 1710.
- Yandere: Inverted. Monica is a cold-blooded serial killer who hates the world, but she becomes your typical Smitten Teenage Girl whenever Huey's involved.
Esperança C. Boroñal
An eccentric count who governs the city of Lotto Valentino. Esperança is a famed womanizer who will go above and beyond the call of duty in order to serve a woman's needs, be she old, young, fat, skinny, rich, poor, etc. In 1705, he is hosting Elmer, who had come to Lotto Valentino in order to study alchemy.
- Blue Blood
- Blue Eyes
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Celibate Hero: Despite his overwhelmingly frequent declarations of love for all womankind, Esperança will not lay a hand on any one of them.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Up to Eleven, with extra emphasis on the Chivalry.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Honor Before Reason: Especially when it comes to women.
- Nice to the Waiter: He treats his maids with a great deal more respect than any other noble would.
- Odd Friendship: With Elmer.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He genuinely cares about Lotto Valentino and the safety of its inhabitants. Likely more for the women than the men.
- Upper Class Wit
- What's Up Count Dude: Will allow this to any woman. Men as well, but only if they happen to be close friends.
A witness of the Mask Maker's serial killings. Niki meets Huey and Monica during an unfortunate run-in with a group of thugs. She is later saved by Elmer from those same thugs, and ends up staying at Esperança's estate as Elmer's guest. Niki is actually one of the young slaves that the residents of Lotto Valentino use as tools for a lucrative drug trade. At the end of the 1705 story, despite Esperança's offer to house her, she leaves Lotto Valentino.
- Abusive Guardian: Her guardian/master is one of these.
- Broken Bird
- Death Seeker
- The Dog Bites Back
- "It" Is Dehumanizing
- Parental Abandonment
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Niki considers her time at Esperança's estate to be one such moment.
Dalton Strauss
The headmaster of the alchemy school in Lotto Valentino. He is an elderly man who commands a great deal of respect from his students. Dalton knows about the truth behind many of the events that are occurring in Lotto Valentino in 1705, and discloses his knowledge to the visiting Denkuro and Zank.
- Artificial Limbs: His right hand is made of wood.
- Elderly Immortal
- Immortality
- The Older Immortal: Just like Renée, he has been immortal since before 1705.
- Stern Teacher
The leader of the Rotten Eggs, a gang composed of disgruntled aristocratic youth. His real name is Maiza Avaro.
- Bad Boss: Stabs the hand of a gang member who got into a fight of which he did not approve.
- Blue Blood
- Death Glare: The narration goes on about how "sharp" his eyes are and how intimidating it is to meet his gaze.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Do not call him Maiza.
- Neighborhood Friendly Gangsters: He wants what's best for Lotto Valentino; what his subordinates want is less clear.
- Noble Demon: Despite the harsh manner in which he does so, his motives for warning various people to stay out of Lotto Valentinian politics appear to be altruistic. Elmer calls him on it, and he doesn't deny it.
- Young Future Famous People: In-universe.
The Children of Bottle Characters
Five identical girls, all calling themselves Phil, who live in the castle with Elmer. Prior to his taking up residence in the castle, they lived in the village, where they were regarded as demonic by the villagers. In fact, all five are vessels of a single "water" being created by the Quates family.
- Artificial Human: Her bodies were grown as homunculi in a lab.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The girls look up to Elmer for this reason.
- Dandere
- Extreme Doormat
- Flawed Prototype: Her bodies do not visibly age, but have very short lifespans.
- Gender Blender Name
- Hive Mind: She's a "water" being with five bodies.
- Human Sacrifice: The girls were given up by the villagers as "living sacrifices" to appease the supposedly demonic Elmer. Phil is 100% okay with this, as she likes Elmer and hates the abusive villagers.
- Humanoid Abomination: Technically, Phil is a consciousness from another plane of reality about which nothing is known. Elmer speculates that she could be nonsentient and mimicking human behavior to survive, but chooses to believe that she is a person.
- Mysterious Waif
- Please Kill Me If It Satisfies You: She wants to allow at least one of her bodies to be tortured and killed by the villagers to ease Felt's (supposed) pain at his father's death. Nile and Elmer quickly veto the idea.
Dez Nibel
The mayor of the village. Highly suspicious and hostile toward outsiders. A homunculus/water being who escaped from the Quates family's lab and tried to live as a normal villager. After the death of his human wife, he had a bit of a breakdown and became determined to destroy the village and its creators.
NOTE: This character is treated as two separate people, Dez and Felt, throughout most of the book. After the character's true nature is revealed, he is referred to exclusively as Felt. Tropes that apply to the character throughout the book will be duplicated on both sheets. Tropes that only occur after the reveal will be listed on Felt's sheet.
- Artificial Human
- Freudian Excuse: He truly snapped when his wife died due to the outdated medical practices of the village, with Dez knowing that modern technology such as the lab used could have saved her.
- Hive Mind: Dez, his son Felt, and a couple of flesh-blobs are all controlled by one consciousness.
- Identity Absorption: Tries to do this to the villagers, then Czes, then Elmer.
- Turned Against Their Masters
- Villain with Good Publicity: The villagers love him, which allows his to use their paranoia to his advantage, incite them to abuse Phil for no reason, and after his Dez body dies, use his Felt persona to whip them into a vengeful/fearful frenzy that drives them to capture Czes for him.
Felt Nibel
Dez's son. He is kinder and more open-minded than his father. Except that he and his father are actually the same person, a water consciousness created by the Quates family and occupying multiple vessels.
- Artificial Human: The Felt body is a homunculus.
- The Atoner: Becomes one at the end.
- Forbidden Fruit: This appears to be part of the appeal of the outside world to him. Although it's definitely not all-see Dez's sheet.
- Gender Flip: At the end of the story, his/her only body is one of Phil's little-girl bodies.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Realization: Pushed into it by Elmer and Phil.
- Hive Mind
- Villainous Breakdown: After his plan to absorb Elmer fails.
The Peddler/Bild Quates
- The Atoner: for the misdeeds his ancestors committed to create the village.
- Fatherly Scientist: to Phil, although rather ineffectual for most of her life.
- I Am Not My Father: Nor is he his grandfather. Or his great grandfather. Or his...
- Identical Grandson: To the point that Elmer initially mistook him for Szilard.
- Sins of Our Fathers: Self-inflicted. Maiza also reacts rather badly upon first hearing his name.
- White Sheep: All the Quateses from Szilard on down seem to have been amoral mad scientists except for him.
The Walken Family
Claudia Walken
A world-renowned actress who is aboard the luxury cruise liner Entrance to promote her new movie, Mode Gears 2--Shark Flight. Claudia is an outgoing 14-year old solipsist, and is the great-granddaughter of Claire and Chane. At the end of 2002, she decides to put all of her funds into a private investigation to find the kidnapped Illness.
- Above Good and Evil: Claudia doesn't care whether someone is good or bad, as long as they're honest.
- The Ace
- A God Am I: Just like Claire, Claudia is of the opinion that the world exists for her sake, and that if she wants something to happen, she will make it happen.
- Eyes of Gold: You'd be hard-pressed to find a descendant of Huey's who doesn't have this trait.
- Fiery Redhead
- Lamarck Was Right: Inherited Claire's solipsism. Firo remarks that Claudia's not the first one to take after Claire in that sense, but so far she's the one who resembles him most.
- Master Actor
- One-Scene Wonder: In-universe. Tends to happen whenever she makes a cameo.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Eye color aside, Claudia's practically an Opposite Gender Clone of her great-grandfather Claire, and is growing up to resemble him more and more.
- Took the Bad Film Seriously: In-universe. Claudia puts heart and soul into each one of her roles, even if they happen to be trashy B-movies.
Charon Walken
Claudia's younger brother, Charon is a 13-year old stuntman known for his incredible athletic capabilities. He is aboard the Entrance along with Claudia to promote the new movie. He is the great-grandson of Claire and Chane.
- Character Overlap: Saki in one of the Durarara!! books mentions meeting an American stuntboy with an uncanny resemblance to Kasuka Heiwajima.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Bullet Garden suggests that he could probably pass as a girl, provided he stays quiet.
- Expy: of Kasuka Heiwajima.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fiery Redhead: Inverted. Charon's a natural redhead, but he dyed it black. Of course, he's anything but Hot-Blooded.
- Identical Great-Great-Grandson: Charon looks exactly like a younger Huey Laforet.
- Identical Stranger: To Kasuka Heiwajima of Durarara!!; Saki (of that series) points it out in-universe.
- Lamarck Was Right: He somehow inherited Claire's Charles Atlas Superpower.
- The Quiet One: People think Charon's quietness is because he takes after Chane, but it's actually because he was often taken care of by Keith Gandor as a child.
- Spanner in the Works: Charon helps bring about the conclusion of the 2002 hijacking by telling Angelo that Life and the Demolisher have the same speech patterns, and are thus the same person.
- The Stoic
Bobby's Gang
Bobby Splot
The leader of a small gang of delinquents. He (along with the gang) stows away on the Entrance in order to get revenge on the Martillo Family for taking back the camera they stole. Bobby is the great-grandson of Jacuzzi and Nice, though he has none of Jacuzzi's crybaby attitude. He has what seems to be some of Jacuzzi's Magnetic Hero-ism, though. At the end of 2002, he and his gang join the Martillo Family.
- Chekhov's Gunman or Destined Bystander: Bobby is first mentioned offhand by Firo in the 1930 novel (even earlier than Jacuzzi!), and finally makes a proper appearance in the 2002 story. It's not known if Narita had always planned for Bobby to be Jacuzzi's descendant.
- The Dulcinea Effect: To Carnea.
- Idiot Hero
- Little Stowaway
- Magnetic Hero
- The Nicknamer: Gave nicknames to all three of his gang members.
- Tsundere: He's definitely not joining the Martillo Family because Carnea is there. Nope.
A member of Bobby's gang, nicknamed "Troy" by Bobby because he's the resident Smart Guy with a fondness for collecting Trojans.
- Black and Nerdy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Little Stowaway
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Shorter Means Smarter: The shortest member of Bobby's gang.
- The Smart Guy
Carnea Kaufman
A stowaway girl who runs into Bobby's gang while trying to find a hiding place. She stowed away on the Entrance in order to find Angelo. Carnea is actually the only living blood relative of Angelo's boss, who was recently assassinated. Carnea never knew about her father's involvement in the drug industry, but became the organization's leader after his death. At the end of 2002, she goes to New York with Angelo, who starts working for the Martillo Family.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: The current boss of her father's gang.
- Blue Eyes
- Charm Point: According to Troy, Bobby has a thing for dark-skinned blondes.
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Girl In White
- Hair of Gold
- Little Stowaway
- Mafia Princess
Mask Makers
Luchino B. Campanella "The Rookie Warlock"
The head of the group of assassins known as Mask Makers, Luchino is a stage magician who boards the Exit under the cover of a performer. He is the Boss of the Mask Makers. However, he dislikes the feeling of killing, to the point of physical sickness (usually manifested in a great deal of vomiting). He wants to find Huey and demand answers from him why he killed a certain Campanella. It's revealed that Luchino is, in fact, a descendant of Huey and Monica. At the end of 2002, Elmer joins him and Aging in trying to find out the true culprit behind these incidents.
- Ancestral Weapon: The Mask Maker's stiletto. It's not known if it's the very same one used in 1705, however.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Subverted. Luchino's stuck in his Magician suit on the Exit because he wasn't planning to take an active part in this particular mission.
- Beneath the Mask: Whenever Luchino kills, he puts on a mask of uncaring coldness. Then he takes off his mask and throws up in disgust.
- Blue Eyes
- Cultured Badass: Luchino's both a skilled stage magician and an experienced assassin.
- Improbable Age: 17 years old as of 2002, and leader of a group of assassins.
- The Man Wearing the Kingly Mask: Everyone treats Luchino with respect befitting the leader of the Mask Makers, and Luchino himself lives up to his reputation of being a merciless assassin. What he doesn't show his team, though, is the fact that he has a great deal of psychological difficulty in killing people.
- Knife Nut: Luchino uses the same stiletto as the original Mask Maker.
- Mutilation Interrogation: Threatens to use this against Life, but he gets away.
- The Reveal: He's a descendant of Huey and the only woman he ever loved, Monica.
- Revenge: His main motivation is to avenge his ancestor Monica, whom he believes was killed by her own husband Huey.
- Stage Magician
- Stepford Smiler
- Tiny Guy: To Aging's Huge Girl.
- What a Drag: Inflicts this on Bride by tying him to Entrance as it skids by Exit.
A member of the Mask Makers, Illness is one of the main combatants of the group. She befriends Czes and Claudia on the trip despite her actual reason for being on the ship. Like Luchino, she has a tendency to get nauseous after a killing spree. Since infancy, Illness was worshipped as a god by a branch of SAMPLE and experienced constant abuse at their hands. When the branch was annihilated by the Mask Makers, she was taken in as one of them. At the end of the 2002 story, she is kidnapped by SAMPLE to become their next leader.
- Abusive Parents: Illness's parents were part of the SAMPLE branch that tortured her. Her father was one of the people who personally inflicted horrific injuries on her.
- Action Girl
- Break the Cutie: All the torture she went through. This gives her common ground with Czes.
- Blue Eyes
- Child Soldiers: Working for the Mask Makers.
- Covered in Scars: Has countless scars under her dress inflicted by SAMPLE.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Endured heavy abuse in the past at the hands of SAMPLE and their idea of religious worship.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Guns Akimbo: Sports two glocks while on the job.
- Little Miss Badass: One of the main forces of the group. That should speak for itself.
- Marriage to a God: After Illness becomes SAMPLE's next leader, Viralesque decides that she will be married to their next god-candidate Czes.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Like the rest of the group aside from Luchino, Illness is only known by her codename.
- Please Don't Leave Me: Illness is terrified that the Mask Makers will abandon her and send her back to SAMPLE.
- Taking the Bullet: Along with Czes, she takes the bullet for Claudia.
A member of the Mask Makers. She is noticable for her well toned body and huge stature of over 2 meters, or about six feet and a half. Aging is in her late twenties to early thirties. She is the brute force of the squad who is bold and fearless in combat, as she knows that there are very few people who are actually good enough fighters to lay a scratch on her. She loves to fight and is always seeking new challenges.
- Action Girl
- Amazonian Beauty: Aging is often described in-universe as looking as sturdy as a model of the T-series. Yeah, those models.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her fashion through the whole arc.
- BFG: Uses a Minigun. Single-handedly.
- The Big Girl
- Blood Knight: a milder version.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Charles Atlas Superpower: And has the body to prove it. Specifically, she can jump ludicrous heights.
- Cool Big Sis/Team Mom: To Luchino.
- Huge Girl: To Luchino's Tiny Guy. Luchino barely even reaches to her chest.
- Kukris Are Kool: If not her BFG, an 80-centimetre Kukri is her weapon of choice.
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Most of the Mask Makers are too terrified of Aging to consider her attractive.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Like the rest of the group aside from Luchino, Aging is only known by her codename.
- Samus Is a Girl: Aging first appears as a voice on a radio that talks very much like an old man.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Tease: She often teases Luchino. His gentle, unretaliating nature only encourages her.
The most experienced member of the Mask Makers, and according to Aging, the only member who's from a background as a proper mercenary. He is shot and killed by Angelo at the beginning of 2002.
- Guns Akimbo
- The Last Dance: Because he was dying of an undisclosed sickness, Death wanted to be killed on the battlefield by a Worthy Opponent. He got his wish.
- The Stoic
- We Hardly Knew Ye
A member of the Mask Makers. He constantly keeps his face hidden, and is in charge of smuggling weapons onto the Entrance and planting poison gas in the ventilation systems. Life ends up chasing after Bobby and Carnea when they accidentally stumble on his poison gas setups.
Life is actually Fermet, working as a Triple Agent who is also working with SAMPLE as well as Angelo.
- Dramatic Unmask: Angelo takes off his goggles and finds out that Life is also the Demolisher.
- Wall Crawl: Life jumps off the Mask Makers' cruiser, onto the hull of the Entrance, and crawls up to a window.
Drug Cartel
A professional assassin currently working for a South American drug cartel, Angelo is seeking revenge for his recently-assassinated boss. He is working with the Demolisher to fight the Mask Makers on the Entrance. He runs into Firo at the ship's casino, and upon finding out about Firo's immortality, teams up with him against the Mask Makers. At the end of the 2002 story, he joins the Martillo Family along with Carnea.
- Badass Beard
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Spaniard: Born in Spain, working in South America, and eventually went to New York to work for his new bosses, The Martillos.
- Celebrity Resemblance: Demolisher has referred to him as "some guy who looks like Antonio Banderas."
- Cold Sniper --> Friendly Sniper
- Cool Shades
- Even Assassins Have Standards: A self-proclaimed man of principle, Angelo won't shoot women, children or elders.
- Fatal Family Photo: Angelo practically calls upon the narrative gods to kill him by deciding that he's going to take his family on a trip to Venice after he's done with this one job, along with invoking a Million-to-One Chance of his own death while the narrative helpfully points out that that probably means it's closer to fifty-fifty. He lives.
- Henpecked Husband: Angelo mentioned that back home in Spain, his wife has the final word.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: The narrative compares Angelo to Antonio Banderas and his roles on movies such as Once Upon a Time In Mexico.
- Promotion to Parent: To Carnea. she sees Angelo as her own father.
- Revenge: For the fallen companions in South America.
- Street Urchin: Up to his teens, Angelo was often getting in trouble with the local police.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Noted to be so (mostly owing to the fact that he's basically Antonio Banderas).
- Weapon of Choice --> Sniper Rifle: Rivaling with Death from the Mask Makers.
- Would Not Hit a Girl: Along with...
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child
The 43rd and current leader of the Cult known as SAMPLE. "Bride" is likely not his real name, but a title given to the leader, who is the "bride" of the cult's current god. He is normally a slightly shy but affable man, but becomes a charismatic leader when he injects himself with dextrose. Seems to enjoy playing video games. With the cooperation of the cult's supervisor, Viralesque, he leads the cult in the hijacking of the cruise ship Exit.
- An Arm And Another Arm: His arms are cut off when he gets caught between the Entrance and the Exit as they skid past each other.
- Butt Monkey
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Loses his arms and is eaten by sharks.
- Evil Redhead
- Face Death with Dignity: Viralesque offers the dying Bride the incomplete elixir of life, but he refuses and jumps into shark-infested waters.
- The Glasses Come Off: Bride ditches the glasses whenever he's in the role of the dextrose-high cult leader.
- Marriage to a God: Par the course for the leader of SAMPLE. Bride explains that "marriage" in this cult, however, is not necessarily what the legal definition means.
- Old Man Marrying a Child: Bride isn't old by any stretch of the imagination, but he mentions that most (if not all) of his wives so far have been ten-year old girls.
- Lolicon: Discussed and Defied. Bride prefers older women, it seems.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: SAMPLE's dress code involves a lot of black and red, it seems.
- Soft-Spoken Sadist
- Til Murder Do Us Part: He's planning to kill his temporary "wife" once SAMPLE obtains Sylvie, the permanent-wife candidate.
- Torture Technician
- Villains Out Shopping: His very first words he says upon showing up at SAMPLE's most recent meeting is, "Oh, sorry about this, everyone! I can't believe I was late! The final boss was much tougher than I'd expected. I had to start over five times!"
- Back to Baccano!