< Baccano!
- Angst? What Angst?: Several characters have good reason to angst about their lives but don't. Doesn't mean they're necessarily all there mentally.
- Better on DVD: As a show that relies heavily on Anachronic Order, this should come as no surprise.
- Complete Monster: Fermet and Szilard.
- Goose also qualifies, as he was not just willing, but planning to let a train full of innocent people die and specifically kill the senator's nine-year-old daughter and leave her body on the side of the tracks, just to scare the senator into letting his boss out of jail. Unlike Ladd, he's played for absolutely no laughs at all.
- Crack Pairing: The DS game [dead link] sparked one thanks to a particularly cracky alternate ending: Ladd takes Interplay of Sex and Violence a little too far and proposes to Claire. Claire, after the initial WTF, figures "Sure, why not?" Claire and Ladd. Married. Ya rly.
- Crazy Awesome: Damn well half the cast, really.
- Claire is a standout here. He's probably the best fighter and the most batshit out-of-his gourd character in the series. Now go look through the character page and consider the full implications of that statement.
- Crosses the Line Twice: Claire enjoys playing jump rope with the Moral Event Horizon. Fans seem to have settled on him being Ax Crazy Awesome for the time being.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: The opening piece, Guns & Roses, is Tank!-level in terms of awesome. Also the Baccano! Theme.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Fermet and Huey are baffling examples; there exist a small but loud fraction of the fanbase who perceive Fermet's abuse as his twisted way of showing "love" to Czeslaw (ignoring the fact that Czes learned a long time ago that Fermet never truly cared about him and only took enjoyment in seeing him in pain), and who insist that Huey is at least a tiny bit regretful about his treatment of his daughters, even though it's made abundantly clear that he doesn't care about either of them, would off them both in a second, and views them as nothing but experiments - that failed.
- Ensemble Darkhorse:
- Granted, there are a lot of likeable characters in this series. Ladd, Claire, and Chick in particular are extremely popular.
- Chane is one for Narita himself. Purportedly, she was originally slated to die during the events of the Grand Punk Railroad novels. However, he became fond of her, and subsequently spared her.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The Western anime community considers it one of the best series ever. Domestically, it experienced abysmal DVD sales.
- God Mode Sue: Surprisingly averted with Claire. The writer has stated that the reason he doesn't get his own plot line is because of how easily he could overtake the entire series.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel:
- Every time Fermet is mentioned by Czes is this. The fact that Fermet practically oozes with pederast vibes makes it worse.
- Pretty much any scene with the Rail Tracer until The Reveal, and plenty more afterward too.
- Even though he kinda deserved it, It's still disturbing when Claire tortures Czes after he finds out Czes wants to kill every one in the train. What makes it worse is, due to him being immortal, Czes looks like a little kid.
- When Mary is hiding in the closet, she accidentally knocks over a broom, letting one of Ladd's goon know where she is. We see Mary in the closet, listening as he gets closer and closer. He opens the door and...
"Found you..."
- Hollywood Homely: Nice Holystone. You know those scars and missing eye that are supposed to detract from her appearance? They don't. Not one bit.
- It Was His Sled: Claire Stanfield is supposed to be a secret character. The fact that he exists is only the beginning. If you've been reading this page, it's likely you know pretty much everything about him at this point.
- Love to Hate: Claire Stanfield and Ladd Russo are widely loved because they're crazy psychopaths, not despite it.
- Moe: Jacuzzi, a cute young man who cries and apologises a lot, is a total softy, and is very nice to everyone.
- Narm Charm: General consensus is that "Jacuzzi Splot" is simultaneously the stupidest and most awesome name ever.
- No Yay: Czeslaw/Fermet. And Ladd/Claire depending on how you look at it.
- Tear Jerker:
- Ladd's rescue of Lua on top of the train.
- Ennis breaking down in tears after meeting Isaac and Miria for the first time. The novels drive it home by stating that this was the first time she had ever genuinely smiled or cried.
- A couple different times with Czes; when he's rescued by the magnificent duo and they tell him he's a good boy, and when he is reunited with Maiza.
- The ending theme. It will bring tears to your eyes, no matter how lighthearted the series is.
- Nice accidentally blowing herself up. Becomes even more heartbreaking when you realize that she was eight at the time.
- The Scrappy: Dallas and Eve. To be fair though, Dallas at least seems to be intentionally unlikeable.
- Unpopular Popular Character: Ladd is not very well liked by most of the cast in Baccano for good reason. Even his own family think's he's out of his gourd, and they're The Mafia. Most viewers of Baccano though categorize him as Crazy Awesome and Narita admits that Ladd is his favorite character.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Resident Fauxta, Ricardo Russo. It doesn't help that she's also an ore-onna.
- The Woobie:
- Czeslaw, when not being a trauma-induced Creepy Child, pretty much plays this trope to a T. His horrible past aside, his occasional homicidal tendencies in the name of self preservation as well as his less than kind disposition at times could make the argument for him being closer to the Jerkass Woobie.
- Also, Niki from the light novels.
- Jacuzzi, with his crippling shyness and constant tendency to burst into tears makes him one of the characters that you just want to hug tightly.
- Iron Woobie: Nice after her accident.
- Back to Baccano!
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