Shadow Cabinet of Bill Rowling

New Zealand political leader Bill Rowling assembled a shadow cabinet system amongst the Labour caucus following his position change to Leader of the Opposition in 1975. He composed this of individuals who acted for the party as spokespeople in assigned roles while he was leader (1975–83).

As the Labour Party formed the largest party not in government, the frontbench team was as a result the Official Opposition of the New Zealand House of Representatives.

List of shadow ministers

Portfolio Minister Start End
Leader Bill Rowling 12 December 1975 3 February 1983
Deputy Leader Bob Tizard 12 December 1975 1 November 1979
David Lange 1 November 1979 3 February 1983
Attorney-General Martyn Finlay 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
Richard Prebble 7 December 1978 14 December 1979
David Lange 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Frank O'Flynn 13 March 1981 3 February 1983
Defence Bill Fraser 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
Mick Connelly 7 December 1978 14 December 1979
Arthur Faulkner 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Mick Connelly 13 March 1981 3 February 1983
Education Russell Marshall 12 December 1975 3 February 1983
Finance Bob Tizard 12 December 1975 14 December 1979
Bill Rowling 14 December 1979 19 February 1982
Bob Tizard 19 February 1982 3 February 1983
Foreign Affairs Bill Rowling 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
Mick Connelly 7 December 1978 14 December 1979
Arthur Faulkner 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
David Lange 13 March 1981 3 February 1983
Health Jonathan Hunt 12 December 1975 14 December 1979
Frank O'Flynn 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Michael Bassett 13 March 1981 19 February 1982
Ann Hercus 19 February 1982 3 February 1983
Justice Martyn Finlay 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
Richard Prebble 7 December 1978 14 December 1979
David Lange 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Frank O'Flynn 13 March 1981 3 February 1983
Labour Arthur Faulkner 12 December 1975 14 December 1979
Kerry Burke 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Eddie Isbey 13 March 1981 19 February 1982
Fred Gerbic 19 February 1982 3 February 1983
Social Welfare Mick Connelly 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
David Lange 7 December 1978 14 December 1979
Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan 14 December 1979 13 March 1981
Richard Prebble 13 March 1981 19 February 1982
Geoffrey Palmer 19 February 1982 3 February 1983
Trade and Industry Warren Freer 12 December 1975 7 December 1978
Joe Walding 7 December 1978 8 May 1981
Roger Douglas 8 May 1981 3 February 1983

Frontbench teams

January 1976

Rowling announced his first shadow cabinet in January 1976. It contained many changes following the defeat of many senior MPs in the 1975 general election and the death of Stanley Whitehead.[1]

Rank Shadow Minister Portfolio/s
1 Rt Hon Bill RowlingLeader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
Shadow Minister of Overseas Trade
2 Rt Hon Bob TizardDeputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Finance
Shadow Minister of Revenue
3 Hon Warren FreerShadow Minister of Trade and Industry
4 Hon Martyn FinlayShadow Minister of Justice
Shadow Attorney-General
5 Hon Mick ConnellyShadow Minister for Social Welfare
6 Hon Arthur FaulknerShadow Minister of Labour
Shadow Minister of Employment
7 Hon Colin MoyleShadow Minister of Agriculture
Shadow Minister of Science & Technology
8 Hon Bill FraserShadow Minister of Defence
9 Hon Sir Basil ArthurShadow Minister of Transport
Shadow Minister of Communications
10 Hon Matiu RataShadow Minister of Maori Affairs
11 Hon Whetu Tirikatene-SullivanShadow Minister of Tourism
Shadow Minister for Family Affairs
12 Hon Fraser ColmanShadow Minister of Immigration
13 Hon Roger DouglasShadow Minister of Housing
14 Hon Ron BaileyShadow Minister of Works
15 Russell MarshallShadow Minister of Education
16 Bruce BarclayShadow Minister of Lands
17 Eddie IsbeyShadow Minister for Sport & Recreation
Shadow Minister for the Arts
18 Brian MacDonellShadow Minister of Customs
19 Jonathan HuntShadow Minister of Health
20 Koro WetereShadow Minister of Forests
21 Roger DraytonShadow Minister of State Services
Senior Whip
22 Trevor YoungShadow Minister of Energy
Junior Whip
23 Gerald O'BrienShadow Minister of Local Government
24 Paddy BlanchfieldShadow Minister of Fisheries
25 Gordon ChristieShadow Minister of Police
26 Paraone RewetiShadow Minister of Marine
27 Gerard WallShadow Minister of Broadcasting
28 Mary BatchelorShadow Minister of Women's Affairs
29 John KirkShadow Postmaster-General
30 Richard PrebbleShadow Minister for the Environment
31 Frank RogersShadow Minister of Statistics

December 1978

Rowling reshuffled his shadow cabinet in December 1978 following Labour's defeat in the 1978 general election. He reduced the number of spokespersons from 31 to a more manageable 17. It was also notable for the omission of Matiu Rata as Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs, Rowling did not allocate the Maori Affairs portfolio to anyone else however.[2]

Rank Shadow Minister Portfolio/s
1 Rt Hon Bill RowlingLeader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Overseas Trade
2 Rt Hon Bob TizardDeputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Finance
Shadow Minister of Revenue
3 Hon Joe WaldingShadow Minister of Trade and Industry
4 Hon Sir Basil ArthurShadow Minister of Transport
Shadow Minister of Communications
5 Hon Mick ConnellyShadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
Shadow Minister of Defence
Shadow Minister of Police
6 Hon Fraser ColmanShadow Minister of Energy
Shadow Minister for the Environment
7 Russell MarshallShadow Minister of Education
8 Hon Roger DouglasShadow Minister of Consumer Affairs
9 Hon Arthur FaulknerShadow Minister of Labour
Shadow Minister of Employment
10 Hon Warren FreerShadow Minister of Regional Development
Shadow Minister of Tourism
11 Hon Bill FraserShadow Minister of Housing
12 Hon Ron BaileyShadow Minister of Works and Development
13 Bruce BarclayShadow Minister of Agriculture
Shadow Minister of Lands
Shadow Minister of Forestry
Shadow Minister of Fisheries
14 Hon Whetu Tirikatene-SullivanShadow Minister for Family Affairs
15 Jonathan HuntShadow Minister of Health
16 Richard PrebbleShadow Minister of Justice
Shadow Attorney-General
17 David LangeShadow Minister for Social Welfare
18 Eddie IsbeyShadow Minister of Local Government

December 1979

Rowling instituted a new system in December 1979 where the shadow cabinet was separated from the party caucus. The shadow cabinet was limited to 15 members, the leader and deputy leader were granted automatic entry with an election held for the remaining 13 positions. The remaining MPs were allocated portfolios in a wider group.[3][4]

Rank Shadow Minister Portfolio/s
1 Rt Hon Bill RowlingLeader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Finance
2 David LangeDeputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister of Justice
Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs
3 Rt Hon Bob TizardShadow Minister of Economic Development
Shadow Minister of Energy
4 Hon Sir Basil ArthurShadow Minister of Agriculture
Shadow Minister of Fisheries
5 Hon Mick ConnellyShadow Minister of Works
Shadow Minister of Police
6 Hon Fraser ColmanShadow Minister of Housing
7 Russell MarshallShadow Minister of Education
Senior Whip
8 Hon Roger DouglasShadow Minister of Transport
Shadow Minister of Communications
9 Hon Joe WaldingShadow Minister of Trade and Industry
Shadow Minister of Overseas Trade
10 Hon Arthur FaulknerShadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
Shadow Minister of Defence
11 Hon Whetu Tirikatene-SullivanShadow Minister of Social Welfare
Shadow Minister for Family Affairs
12 Koro WetereShadow Minister of Maori Affairs
Shadow Minister of Lands
13 Frank O'FlynnShadow Minister of Health
14 Kerry BurkeShadow Minister of Labour
Shadow Minister of State Services
15 Dr Michael BassettShadow Minister of Internal Affairs
Shadow Minister of Local Government
Shadow Minister of Sport & Recreation
16 David CaygillAssociate Shadow Minister of Economic Development
17 Stan RodgerAssociate Shadow Minister of Transport
Associate Shadow Minister of Communications
18 Mike MooreAssociate Shadow Minister for Social Welfare
Associate Shadow Minister of Health
Associate Shadow Minister of Education
19 Eddie IsbeyShadow Minister for Industrial Relations
Associate Shadow Minister of Labour
20 Ann HercusShadow Minister of Production and Marketing
21 John TerrisShadow Minister of Broadcasting
22 David ButcherShadow Minister for ACC
Shadow Minister for Youth
23 Ralph MaxwellShadow Minister for the Electoral Department
Mary BatchelorShadow Minister of Women's Affairs
Mel CourtneyShadow Minister of Horticulture
Jonathan HuntShadow Minister for Constitutional Affairs
Shadow Minister for Parliamentary Reform
John KirkShadow Minister of Railways
Brian MacDonellShadow Minister of Consumer Affairs
Paraone RewetiShadow Minister of Marine
Jack RidleyShadow Minister of Employment
Shadow Minister of Technology
Frank RogersShadow Postmaster-General
Gerard WallShadow Minister for Race Relations
Trevor YoungShadow Minister of Tourism

March 1981

Rowling reshuffled his shadow cabinet in March 1981 in preparation for the general election scheduled for the end of the year. He did not reinstate Roger Douglas as a member after he was sacked from the shadow cabinet on 30 June 1980 for releasing an "Alternative Budget" against Rowling's wishes.[5] After Joe Walding unexpectedly announced his intention to retire, Rowling did reinstate Douglas to the shadow cabinet as his replacement.[6]

Rank Shadow Minister Portfolio/s
1 Rt Hon Bill RowlingLeader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Finance
2 David LangeDeputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
3 Rt Hon Bob TizardShadow Minister of Economic Development
Shadow Minister of Energy
4 Hon Sir Basil ArthurShadow Minister of Agriculture
Shadow Minister of Primary Industries
5 Hon Mick ConnellyShadow Minister of Works
Shadow Minister of Defence
Shadow Minister of Police
6 Russell MarshallShadow Minister of Education
7 Hon Joe WaldingShadow Minister of Trade and Industry
Shadow Minister of Overseas Trade
8 Koro WetereShadow Minister of Maori Affairs
Shadow Minister of Lands
9 Frank O'FlynnShadow Minister of Justice
Shadow Attorney-General
10 Kerry BurkeShadow Minister of Employment
Shadow Minister of Science & Technology
11 Mike MooreShadow Minister of Housing
Shadow Minister for the Environment
12 Dr Michael BassettShadow Minister for Health
13 Richard PrebbleShadow Minister for Social Welfare
Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs
14 David CaygillShadow Minister of Local Government
15 Ann HercusShadow Minister of Consumer Affairs
Shadow Minister of Stabilization
16 Geoffrey PalmerShadow Minister of Constitutional Affairs
Associate Shadow Minister of Justice
17 Eddie IsbeyShadow Minister of Labour
Shadow Minister of Immigration
18 Brian MacDonellShadow Minister of Customs
Shadow Postmaster-General
19 Jonathan HuntSenior Whip
20 Stan RodgerJunior Whip
21 Hon Fraser ColmanShadow Minister of Transport
22 John TerrisShadow Minister of Internal Affairs
Shadow Minister of Broadcasting

February 1982

Another election for the shadow cabinet was held on 4 February 1982 following Labour's narrow defeat in the 1981 general election.[7] Two members of the previous shadow cabinet, Michael Bassett and Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan, were voted out. Several changes were made to the membership via the caucus election results, after which Rowling reshuffled the portfolios.[8]

Rank Shadow Minister Portfolio/s
1 Rt Hon Bill RowlingLeader of the Opposition
2 David LangeDeputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
3 Rt Hon Bob TizardShadow Minister of Finance
4 Hon Sir Basil ArthurShadow Minister of Agriculture
Shadow Minister of Fisheries
Shadow Minister of Forests
5 Russell MarshallShadow Minister of Education
Shadow Minister of Science and Technology
Shadow Minister for the Environment
6 Hon Fraser ColmanShadow Minister of Works
Shadow Minister of Mines
7 Koro WetereShadow Minister of Maori Affairs
Shadow Minister of Lands
8 Hon Roger DouglasShadow Minister of Trade and Industry
9 Hon Mick ConnellyShadow Minister of Defence
Shadow Minister of Police
10 Frank O'FlynnShadow Minister of Justice
Shadow Attorney-General
11 Hon Colin MoyleShadow Minister of Overseas Trade
Shadow Minister of Rural Banking
12 Kerry BurkeShadow Minister of Employment
Shadow Minister of Regional Development
Shadow Minister of Tourism
13 Richard PrebbleShadow Minister of Transport
Shadow Minister of Railways
Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs
Shadow Minister of Civil Aviation
14 David CaygillShadow Minister of Energy
15 Ann HercusShadow Minister of Health
Shadow Minister of Consumer Affairs
16 Geoffrey PalmerShadow Minister of Social Welfare
Shadow Minister for ACC
Shadow Minister of Constitutional Affairs
17 Mike MooreShadow Minister of Housing
Shadow Minister of Customs
18 Eddie IsbeyShadow Minister of Internal Affairs
Shadow Minister of Local Government
Shadow Minister of Civil Defence
Shadow Minister of Sport and Recreation
19 Fred GerbicShadow Minister for Labour
Shadow Minister of State Services
20 Jonathan HuntSenior Whip
Shadow Minister of Broadcasting
21 Stan RodgerJunior Whip
Shadow Postmaster-General
gollark: Wrong. It's quantum computing. Quantum computing and consciousness are both confusing and therefore equivalent.
gollark: Don't we all?
gollark: Do they not realize that humans existed 25900 years ago (although that predates agriculture and whatever), or something?
gollark: Nice of them to include heatsinks.
gollark: Everyone knows that bad things are permitted to exist for a maximum of a year.


  1. "Surprises Among Party Spokesmen". The New Zealand Herald. 30 January 1976. p. 10.
  2. "Mr Rata Not In Labour Line-up". The New Zealand Herald. 8 December 1978. p. 1.
  3. "Heads of Labour Posts Named". The New Zealand Herald. 15 December 1979. p. 12.
  4. "The Team". The New Zealand Herald. 15 December 1979. p. 12.
  5. "Labour's shadow line-up". The Evening Post. 13 March 1981. p. 4.
  6. "Douglas back into favour". The Evening Post. 8 May 1981. p. 14.
  7. "Shadow Cabinet Election Today". The New Zealand Herald. 4 February 1982. p. 5.
  8. "How They Line-up". The New Zealand Herald. 20 February 1982. p. 3.
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