Political party strength in Maryland

The following table indicates the party of elected officials in the U.S. state of Maryland:

The table also indicates the historical party composition in the:

For years in which a presidential election was held, the table indicates which party's nominees received the state's electoral votes.

The parties are as follows:   American (A),   Anti-Administration (AA),    Conservative (C),   Democratic (D),   Democratic-Republican (DR),   Federalist (F),   Green,   Independent (I),   no party (N),   National Republican (NR),   National Union (NU),   Pro-Administration (PA),   Republican (R),   Whig (W), and   a tie or coalition within a group of elected officials.

YearExecutive officesGeneral AssemblyUnited States CongressElectoral College votes
GovernorLieutenant GovernorAttorney GeneralComptrollerState SenateState HouseU.S. Senator (Class I)U.S. Senator (Class III)U.S. House
1777 Thomas Johnson (N) [1] [2]
James Tilghman
1778 Luther Martin
1780 Thomas Sim Lee (F)
1783 William Paca (N)
1786 William Smallwood (N)
1789 John Eager Howard (F) unknown unknown Charles Carroll (PA) John Henry (PA) 4AA, 2PA George Washington (N) Y
1791 3AA, 3PA
George Plater (N)[3]
James Brice (F)[4]
Thomas Sim Lee (F)
1793 Richard Potts (PA) 4AA, 4PA[5]
1795 John Hoskins Stone (F)   4DR, 4F
1796 John Adams (F) Y
1797 John Eager Howard (F) 6F, 2DR
1798 John Henry (DR) James Lloyd (F)
1799 Benjamin Ogle (F) 5F, 3DR
1800 Thomas Jefferson (DR) Y and John Adams (F)
1801 47DR, 33F William Hindman (F) 6DR, 2F
1802 John Francis Mercer (DR) 15DR 53DR, 27F Robert Wright (DR)
1803 47DR, 33F Samuel Smith (DR) 7DR, 2F[6]
1804 Robert Bowie (DR) Thomas Jefferson (DR) Y
1805 William Pinkney (DR) 52DR, 28F
1806 56DR, 24F
John Thomson Mason
John Johnson, Sr.
1807 Robert Wright (DR) 54DR, 25F, 1 vac. Philip Reed (DR) 6DR, 3F
1808 51DR, 29F James Madison (DR) Y
1809 43F, 37DR  
Edward Lloyd (DR)
1810 44DR, 36F
1811 John Montgomery (DR) 48DR, 32F
1812 Robert Bowie (DR) 44DR, 36F
1813 Levin Winder (F) 54F, 26DR Robert Henry Goldsborough (F)
1814 49F, 31DR
1815 59F, 21DR vacant 5F, 4DR
1816 Charles Carnan Ridgely (F) 48F, 32DR Robert Goodloe Harper (F) James Monroe (DR) Y
1817 15F 56F, 24DR Alexander Contee Hanson (F) 5DR, 4F
1818 Luther Martin (F) 45DR, 35F
1819 Charles Goldsborough (F) 45DR, 35F Edward Lloyd (DR) 7DR, 2F
1820 Samuel Sprigg (D) 50DR, 30F William Pinkney (DR)
1821 49DR, 31F 6DR, 3F
1822 Thomas Beale Dorsey 15DR 63DR, 17F vacant
1823 Samuel Stevens, Jr. (D) 67DR, 13F Samuel Smith (DR) 4NR, 3F, 2DR
1824 Thomas Kell 63DR, 17F Andrew Jackson (DR) N
1825 unknown   6NR, 3DR
1826 Joseph Kent (DR) Ezekiel F. Chambers (NR) 5NR, 4DR
1827 Roger B. Taney (D) unknown 6NR, 3DR
1828 49NR, 31D John Quincy Adams and Richard Rush (NR) N
1829 Daniel Martin (NR) 48NR, 31D, 1 tie Samuel Smith (D) 6D, 3NR
1830 Thomas King Carroll (D) 41NR, 39D
1831 Daniel Martin (NR) Josiah Bayly 64NR, 16D   5NR, 4D
George Howard (NR)
1832 15NR 59NR, 21D Henry Clay and John Sergeant (NR) N
1833 James Thomas (W) 54NR, 26D Joseph Kent (NR) 6D, 2NR
1834 42NR, 36D, 2 Work.
1835 62W, 18D Robert Henry Goldsborough (NR) 4D, 4NR[7]
1836 Thomas Veazey (W) 55W, 25D William Henry Harrison and John Tyler (W) N
1837 15W 60W, 20D John S. Spence (W) 5W, 3D
1838 51W, 35D  
1839 William Grason (D) 12W, 9D 42W, 37D William Duhurst Merrick (W) 5D, 3W
1840 46D, 33W William Henry Harrison and John Tyler (W) Y
1841 15W, 6D 60W, 19D John Leeds Kerr (W) 6W, 2D
1842 Francis Thomas (D) 44D, 35W
1843 13W, 8D 47D, 35W   6W[8]
1844 47W, 35D Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen (W) N
1845 Thomas Pratt (W) 15W, 6D 61W, 21D Reverdy Johnson (W) 4D, 2W
1846 George R. Richardson 43W, 39D
1847 13W, 8D 53W, 29D 4W, 2R
1848 Philip Francis Thomas (D) 54W, 28D Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore (W) Y
1849 14W, 7D vacant James Pearce (W) 3W, 3D
David Stewart (W)[9]
1850 46W, 36D  
1851 Enoch Louis Lowe (D) Robert J. Brent (W) 12W, 9D Thomas Pratt (W) 4W, 2D
1852 Philip Francis Thomas (D) 11W, 11D 44D, 30W Franklin Pierce and William R. King (D) Y
1853 4D, 2W
Henry E. Bateman (D)
1854 Thomas Watkins Ligon (D) William Pinkney Whyte (D) 14W, 8D 34W, 30D, 10 Temp.
1855   4A, 2D
1856 William Henry Purnell (A) 9W, 8KN, 5D 54KN, 14D, 6W Millard Fillmore and Andrew Jackson Donelson (A) Y
1857 Anthony Kennedy (A) 3A, 3D
1858 Thomas Holliday Hicks (A) 15KN, 7D 44KN, 30D
1860 12D, 10KN 45D, 29KN John C. Breckinridge and Joseph Lane (D) N
1861   6NU
Dennis Claude (D)
Abram Lingan Jarrett (D)
1862 Augustus Bradford (NU) Samuel Snowden Maffit (NU) 13NU, 9D 68NU, 6D James Pearce (D)
1863 Reverdy Johnson (NU) Thomas Holliday Hicks (NU) 3NU, 1D, 1R[11]
1864 Alexander Randall (W) Henry Holliday Goldsborough (NU) 19NU, 3D 56NU, 18D Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson (NU) Y
1865 Christopher C. Cox (NU) Robert John Jump (NU) 12D, 12NU 54NU, 26D John Creswell (NU) 3NU, 2D
1866 Thomas Swann (D)
1867 Isaac Dashiell Jones (W) William James Leonard (D) 16D, 8R 59D, 21R vacant 3D, 1C, 1R
1868 [12] 25D, 0R 86D, 0R George Vickers (D) Horatio Seymour and Francis Preston Blair, Jr. (D) N
William Pinkney Whyte (D)
1869 Oden Bowie (D) William Thomas Hamilton (D) 5D
1870 Levin Woolford (D)
1871 Andrew K. Syester (W) 5D
1872 William Pinkney Whyte (D) 24D, 1R 70D, 12R Thomas A. Hendricks and B. Gratz Brown (D) N
1873 George R. Dennis (D) 4D, 2R[13]
1874 James Black Groome (D) 23D, 3R 64D, 20R
1875 Charles J. M. Gwinn (D) William Pinkney Whyte (D) 6D
1876 John Lee Carroll (D) 19D, 7R 58D, 26R Samuel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks (D) N
1878 Thomas James Keating (D) 18D, 5R, 2ID, 1 Ref. 65D, 19R
1879 James Black Groome (D) 5D, 1R
1880 William T. Hamilton (D) 19D, 7R 63D, 21R Winfield Scott Hancock and William Hayden English (D) N
1882 16D, 10R 60D, 31R
1883 Charles Boyle Roberts (D) 4D, 1R
1884 Robert Milligan McLane (D)[14] J. Frank Turner (D) 14D, 12R 63D, 28R Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks (D) Y
1885 Henry Lloyd (D)[15] Ephraim King Wilson II (D) 5D, 1R
1886 22D, 4R 80D, 10R, 1 Fus.
1887 William Pinkney Whyte (D) Arthur Pue Gorman (D)
1888 Elihu Emory Jackson (D) L. Victor Baughman (D) 71D, 20R Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman (D) N
1889 4D, 2R
1890 18D, 8R 59D, 32R 3D, 3R
1891 John Prentiss Poe (D) vacant 6D
1892 Frank Brown (D) Marion deKalb Smith (D) 22D, 4R 81D, 7R, 3 Fus. Charles Hopper Gibson (D) Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson I (D) Y
1894 21D, 5R 68D, 23R 5D, 1R
1895 Harry M. Clabaugh (R) 3D, 3R
1896 Lloyd Lowndes, Jr. (R) Robert Patterson Graham (R) 14D, 12R 70R, 21D William McKinley and Garret Hobart (R) Y
1897 George L. Wellington (R) 6R
1898 Phillips Lee Goldsborough (R) 18R, 8D 49R, 42D
1899 George Gaither, Jr. (R) Louis E. McComas (R) 4R, 2D
Isador Rayner (D)
1900 John Walter Smith (D) Joshua W. Hering (D) 15D, 11R 65D, 26R 5R, 1D[16] William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt (R) Y
1901 6R
1902 17D, 9R 51D, 44R
1903 William Shepard Bryan, Jr. (D) Arthur Pue Gorman (D)[3] 4R, 2D
1904 Edwin Warfield (D) Gordon T. Atkinson (D) 19D, 8R 71D, 30R Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. Fairbanks (R) Y
1905 Isador Rayner (D) 3R, 3D
1906 18D, 8R, 1I 51D, 46R, 3I, 1 Fus.
William Pinkney Whyte (D)[3]
1907 Isaac Lobe Straus (D)
1908 Austin Lane Crothers (D) Joshua W. Hering (D) 17D, 9R, 1I 71D, 30R   William Jennings Bryan and John W. Kern (D) N
1909 John Walter Smith (D)
1910 21D, 6R 70D, 31R
William B. Clagett (D)[17]
1911 Edgar Allan Poe (D)   5D, 1R
Charles H. Stanley (D)[18]
1912 Phillips Lee Goldsborough (R) Emerson Harrington (D) 19D, 8R 60D, 41R Woodrow Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall (D) Y
1913 William Purnell Jackson (R) 6D
1914 18D, 9R 79D, 23R Blair Lee I (D)
1915 Albert Ritchie (D)   5D, 1R
1916 Emerson Harrington (D) Hugh McMullen (D) 16D, 11R 56D, 44R, 2 Peop.
1917 Joseph I. France (R) 4D, 2R
1918 14D, 13R 55R, 47D
1919 Alexander Armstrong (R) 3D, 3R
1920 Albert Ritchie (D) E. Brooke Lee (D) 15D, 12R 56D, 46R Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge (R) Y
1921 Ovington Weller (R) 4R, 2D
1922 William S. Gordy, Jr. (D) 21D, 6R 73D, 33R
1923 Thomas H. Robinson (D) William Cabell Bruce (D) 3R, 3D
1924 22D, 7R 93D, 25R Calvin Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes (R) Y
1925 4D, 2R
1927 21D, 8R[19] 82D, 36R[19]   5D, 1R
1928 Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis (R) Y
1929 Phillips Lee Goldsborough (R) 4D, 2R
1930 William Preston Lane, Jr. (D)
1931 23D, 6R 91D, 27R 6D
1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and John Nance Garner (D) Y
1933 Millard Tydings (D)
1934 Herbert O'Conor (D)
1935 Harry Nice (R) 18D, 11R 94D, 34R, 2 Fus. George L. P. Radcliffe (D)
1938 William C. Walsh (D)
1939 Herbert O'Conor (D) J. Millard Tawes (D) 23D, 6R 104D, 16R  
1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry A. Wallace (D) Y
1943 20D, 9R 101D, 22R 4D, 2R
1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (D) Y
1945 William Curran (D)   5D, 1R
1946 Hall Hammond (D)
1947 William Preston Lane, Jr. (D) James J. Lacy (D) 18D, 11R 87D, 36R Herbert O'Conor (D) 4D, 2R
1948 Thomas E. Dewey and Earl Warren (R) N
J. Millard Tawes (D)[20]
1951 Theodore R. McKeldin (R) 88D, 35R John Marshall Butler (R) 3D, 3R
1952 Edward D. E. Rollins (R) Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon (R) Y
1953 James Glenn Beall (R) 4R, 3D[21]
1954 C. Ferdinand Sybert (D)
1955 21D, 8R 98D, 25R 4D, 3R
1959 J. Millard Tawes (D) Louis L. Goldstein (D) 26D, 3R 116D, 7R   7D
1960 John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson (D) Y
1961 Thomas B. Finan (D) 6D, 1R
1963 22D, 7R 117D, 25R Daniel B. Brewster (D) 6D, 2R[22]
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey (D) Y
1965 Joseph Tydings (D) 5D, 3R
1966 Robert C. Murphy (D)
1967 Spiro Agnew (R) Francis B. Burch (D) 35D, 8R
1968 Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie (D) N
1969 Marvin Mandel (D)   4D, 4R
1971 Blair Lee, III (D)[23] 33D, 10R 121D, 21R John Glenn Beall (R) 5D, 3R
1972 Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew (R) Y
1973 4D, 4R
1975 39D, 8R 126D, 15R Charles Mathias, Jr. (R) 5D, 3R
1976 Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale (D) Y
1979 Harry Hughes (D) Samuel W. Bogley (D) Stephen H. Sachs[24] (D) 40D, 7R 125D, 16R 6D, 2R
1980 Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale (D) N
1981   7D, 1R
1983 J. Joseph Curran, Jr. (D) 41D, 6R 124D, 17R  
1984 Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush (R) Y
1985 6D, 2R
1987 William Donald Schaefer (D) Melvin Steinberg (D) J. Joseph Curran, Jr. (D) 40D, 7R  
1988 George H. W. Bush and Dan Quayle (R) Y
1989 Paul Sarbanes (D)
1991 117D, 24R 5D, 3R
1992 Bill Clinton and Al Gore (D) Y
1993   4D, 4R
1995 Parris Glendening (D) Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D) 32D, 15R 100D, 41R  
1998 Robert L. Swann (D)
1999 William Donald Schaefer (D) 106D, 35R Barbara Mikulski (D)
2000 33D, 14R[25] Al Gore and Joe Lieberman (D) N
2003 Robert Ehrlich (R) Michael Steele (R) 98D, 43R 6D, 2R
2004 John Kerry and John Edwards (D) N
2007 Martin O'Malley (D) Anthony G. Brown (D) Doug Gansler (D) Peter Franchot (D) 104D, 37R  
2008 Barack Obama and Joe Biden (D) Y
104D, 36R, 1I[26]
2009 7D, 1R
2011 35D, 12R 98D, 43R   6D, 2R
2013 Ben Cardin (D) 7D, 1R
2015 Larry Hogan (R) Boyd Rutherford (R) Brian Frosh (D) 33D, 14R 91D, 50R
2016 Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine (D) N
2017 Chris Van Hollen (D)
91D, 49R, 1G[27][28]
2019 32D, 15R 99D, 42R  
YearGovernorLieutenant GovernorAttorney GeneralComptrollerState SenateState HouseU.S. Senator (Class I)U.S. Senator (Class III)U.S. HouseElectoral College votes
Executive officesGeneral AssemblyUnited States Congress


  1. The office of Lieutenant Governor was created originally by the Constitution of 1864.
  2. The office of Comptroller of the Treasury was created by the Constitution of 1851.
  3. Died in office.
  4. As senior member of the Governor's Council, was appointed by state legislature to fill term until replacement elected.
  5. Maryland gained two representatives, bringing the total to eight during this period.
  6. Maryland gained one representative, bringing the total to nine during this period. The fifth district had two representatives, except after 1833: one from Baltimore City, and the other from Baltimore County, Maryland.
  7. Maryland lost one representative, bringing the total to eight during this period. The fourth district had two representatives from 1835–1843.
  8. Maryland lost two representatives, bringing the total to six during this period.
  9. Appointed to fill position and served until a successor was elected.
  10. The office of attorney general was abolished by the Constitution of 1851 but was reestablished by the Constitution of 1864 (Art. 5, sec. 1).
  11. 6th congressional district abolished after 1860 census.
  12. The state's present constitution, adopted in 1867, abolished the lieutenant governorship. However, the position was re-established by a constitutional amendment ratified on November 4, 1970.
  13. 6th congressional district established after 1870 census.
  14. Resigned to take post as Minister to France.
  15. Appointed by the legislature to fill unexpired term; was later elected in his own right.
  16. Josiah Kerr elected to fill vacancy upon Smith's resignation upon election as governor.
  17. Appointed by Gov. Crothers; died in office.
  18. Appointed by Gov. Crothers.
  19. After 3-year terms in 1923, every seat in both chambers of the General Assembly has been elected to 4-year terms, starting with the 1926 elections.
  20. Appointed to fill position initially, then elected.
  21. 7th congressional district was abolished after the 1840 census and reinstated after the 1950 census.
  22. Maryland's 8th congressional district was abolished after the 1830 census, and reinstated after the 1960 census; until its boundaries were established in 1967, an at-large district seat was filled from 1963–1967.
  23. Lt. Gov. position created in 1970.
  24. Jon F. Oster and George A. Nilson each served a day as Attorney General on January 1 and January 2, 1979, respectively.
  25. Sen. Robert R. Neall switched parties from Republican to Democrat.
  26. In September 2008, incumbent Republican Richard B. Weldon, Jr. switched his party affiliation to unaffiliated.
  27. In October 2018, Republican Meagan Simonaire switched her party affiliation to Democrat.
  28. In November 2018, Democrat Shane Robinson switched his party affiliation to Green.
gollark: It's too late, I AM using JavaScript.
gollark: Windows 95 is 8.64 better, yes.
gollark: I suppose, but that's moderately harder and also cropping things means loss of quality due to recompression, while cutting out time segments of a video is fine.
gollark: But you can really easily remove those.
gollark: As a counterproverb. But it doesn't actually *matter*, since they aren't true.

See also

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