Political party strength in Nebraska

The following table indicates the party of elected officials in the U.S. state of Nebraska (including its time as a territory):

The table also indicates the historical party composition in the:

For years in which a presidential election was held, the table indicates which party's nominees received the state's electoral votes.

The parties are as follows:   Democratic (D),   Democratic/Populist fusion (D/P),   Independent (I),   Nonpartisan (NP),   Populist (P),   Republican (R), and   a tie or coalition within a group of elected officials.

YearExecutive officesState LegislatureUnited States CongressElectoral College votes
GovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralAuditorTreasurerU.S. Senator (Class I)U.S. Senator (Class II)U.S. House
1853 William Walker (I)
no such office no such office no such office no such office no such office No legislature no such office no such office Napoleon Giddings (D)
no electoral votes
1854 Francis Burt (D)
1855 Mark W. Izard (D) Territorial legislature Bird Chapman (D)
1857 Fenner Ferguson (D)
1858 William A. Richardson (D)
1859 Samuel W. Black (D) Experience Estabrook (D)
1860 Samuel Gordon (R)
1861 Alvin Saunders (R)
1865 Phineas Hitchcock (R)
1867 David Butler (R)[1] Thomas P. Kennard (R) Champion S. Chase (R) John Gillespie (R) Augustus Kountze (R) R Majorities Thomas Tipton (R) John Milton Thayer (R) Turner M. Marquette (R)
John Taffe (R)
1868 Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax (R) Y
1869 Seth Robinson (R) James Sweet (R)
1871 William H. James (R) George H. Roberts (R) Henry A. Koenig (R) Phineas Hitchcock (R)
William H. James (R)[2]
1872 Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson (R) Y
1873 Robert W. Furnas (R) John J. Gosper (R) Joseph R. Webster (R) Jefferson B. Weston (R) Lorenzo Crounse (R)
1875 Silas Garber (R) Bruno Tzschuck (R) George H. Roberts (R) J. C. McBride (R) Algernon Paddock (R)
1876 Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler (R) Y
1877 Othman A. Abbott (R) Alvin Saunders (R) Frank Welch (R)[3]
Thomas J. Majors (R)
1879 Albinus Nance (R) Edmund C. Carns (R) S. J. Alexander (R) C. J. Dilworth (R) F. W. Liedtke (R) George M. Bartlett (R) Edward K. Valentine (R)
1880 James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur (R) N
1881 John Wallichs (R) Charles Van Wyck (R)
1883 James W. Dawes (R) Alfred W. Agee (R) Edward P. Roggen (R) Isaac Powers, Jr. (R) Phelps D. Sturdevant (D/Anti-M) R Majority in House, D/Anti-Monopoly Majority in Senate[4] Charles F. Manderson (R) 3R
1884 James G. Blaine and John A. Logan (R) N
1885 Hibbard H. Shedd (R) William Leese (R) H. A. Babcock (R) Charles H. Willard (R) R Majorities
1887 John Milton Thayer (R)[5] Gilbert L. Laws (R)[6] Algernon Paddock (R) 2R, 1D
1888 Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton (R) Y
1889 George D. Meiklejohn (R) Thomas H. Benton (R) John E. Hill (R) 3R
1890 Benjamin R. Cowdery (R)[7]
1891 Thomas Jefferson Majors (R) John Clayton Allen (R) George H. Hastings (R) P Majorities 2P, 1D
1892 James E. Boyd (D)[5] Benjamin Harrison and Whitelaw Reid (R) N
1893 Lorenzo Crounse (R) Eugene Moore (R) Joseph S. Bartley (R) D/P Majorities[8] William V. Allen (P) 3R, 2P, 1D
1895 Silas A. Holcomb (D/P) Robert E. Moore (D/P) Joel A. Piper (R) Arthur S. Churchill (R) R Majorities John Mellen Thurston (R) 5R, 1P
1896 William Jennings Bryan and Arthur Sewall (D) N
1897 James E. Harris (D/P) William F. Porter (D/P) Constantine J. Smyth (D/P) John F. Cornell (D/P) John B. Meserve (D/P) D/P Majorities[9] 4P, 2R
1899 William A. Poynter (D/P) Edward A. Gilbert (R) R Majorities Monroe Hayward (R)[10] 3P, 2R, 1D
1900 William V. Allen (P)[11] William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt (R) Y
1901 Charles H. Dietrich (R)[12] Ezra P. Savage (R) George W. Marsh (R) Frank N. Prout (R) Charles Weston (R) William Stuefer (R) Joseph Millard (R) 2D, 2P, 2R
Ezra P. Savage (R)[13] vacant Charles H. Dietrich (R)
1903 John H. Mickey (R) Edmund G. McGilton (R) Peter Mortensen (R) 5R, 1D
1904 Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. Fairbanks (R) Y
1905 A. Galusha (R) Norris Brown (R) Edward N. Searle, Jr. (R) Elmer Burkett (R) 6R
1907 George L. Sheldon (R) Melville R. Hopewell (R)[14] George C. Junkin (R) William T. Thompson (R)[15] L. G. Brian (R) Norris Brown (R) 5R, 1D
1908 William Jennings Bryan and John W. Kern (D) N
1909 Ashton C. Shallenberger (D) Silas R. Barton (R) D Majorities 3D, 3R
1910 Arthur F. Mullen (D)[7]
1911 Chester H. Aldrich (R) Addison Wait (R) Grant G. Martin (R) Walter A. George (R) Gilbert Hitchcock (D)
1912 vacant Woodrow Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall (D) Y
1913 John H. Morehead (D) Samuel R. McKelvie (R) W. B. Howard (R) D Majority in House, R Majority in Senate George W. Norris (R)
1915 James Pearson (D) Charles W. Pool (D) Willis E. Reed (D) William H. Smith (D) George E. Hall (D) D Majorities
1917 Keith Neville (D) Edgar Howard (D)
1919 Samuel R. McKelvie (R) Pelham A. Barrows (R) Darius M. Amsberry (R) Clarence A. Davis (R) George W. Marsh (R) Daniel B. Cropsey (R) R Majorities 6R
1920 Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge (R) Y
1923 Charles W. Bryan (D) Fred G. Johnson (R) Charles W. Pool (D) Ora S. Spillman (R) Charles D. Robinson (R) Robert B. Howell (R)[16] 3D, 3R
1924 Calvin Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes (R) Y
1925 Adam McMullen (R) George A. Williams (R)
1927 Frank Marsh, Sr. (R) L. B. Johnson (R) W. M. Stebbins (R) 4D, 2R
1928 Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis (R) Y
1929 Arthur J. Weaver (R) Christian A. Sorensen (R) 4R, 2D
1931 Charles W. Bryan (D) Theodore W. Metcalfe (R) George W. Marsh (R) Truman W. Bass (R) 4D, 2R
1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and John Nance Garner (D) Y
1933 Walter H. Jurgensen (D) Harry R. Swanson (D) Paul F. Good (D) William B. Price (D)[17] George E. Hall (D)[18] D Majorities 5D
William H. Thompson (D)[11]
Richard C. Hunter (D)
1935 Robert Leroy Cochran (D) William H. Wright (D) Edward R. Burke (D) 4D, 1R
Fred C. Ayres (D)[7]
1936 George W. Norris (I)[19]
H. J. Murray (D)[7]
1937 Richard C. Hunter (D) William H. Price (D) Walter H. Jensen (D) 43NP[20]
Nate M. Parsons (D)
1939 William E. Johnson (R) Walter R. Johnson (R) Ray C. Johnson (R) Truman W. Bass (R)[21] 3R, 2D
John Havekost (D)[7]
1940 Wendell Willkie and Charles L. McNary (R) N
1941 Dwight Griswold (R) Frank Marsh, Sr. (R)[22] L. B. Johnson (R) Hugh A. Butler (R)[23]
1943 Roy W. Johnson (R) Carl G. Swanson (R)[24] Kenneth S. Wherry (R)[25] 4R
1944 Thomas E. Dewey and John W. Bricker (R) N
1946 Edward Gillette (R)[26]
1947 Val Peterson (R) Robert B. Crosby (R)
1948 Thomas E. Dewey and Earl Warren (R) N
1949 Charles J. Warner (R)[27] James H. Anderson (R)[28] 3R, 1D
1950 Clarence S. Beck (R)[26]
1951 James S. Pittenger (R)[7] Frank B. Heintze (R) 4R
1952 Fred A. Seaton (R)[11] Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon (R) Y
Dwight Griswold (R)[29]
1953 Robert B. Crosby (R) Frank Marsh (R)
Samuel W. Reynolds (R)[11] Eva Bowring (R)[11]
Roman Hruska (R) Hazel Abel (R)
1955 Victor E. Anderson (R) Ralph W. Hill (R)[30] Carl Curtis (R)
1956 vacant
1957 Dwight W. Burney (R)
1958 Bertha I. Hill (R)[7]
1959 Ralph G. Brooks (D)[31] Richard R. Larsen (D) 2D, 2R
1960 Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (R) N
Dwight W. Burney (R)[13]
1961 Frank B. Morrison (D) Clarence A. H. Meyer (R) Clarence L. E. Swanson (R)[32] 4R
1963 3R
1964 P. Merle Humphries (R)[7] Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey (D) Y
1965 Philip C. Sorensen (D) Fred Sorensen (D) 49NP[33] 2R, 1D
1967 Norbert Tiemann (R) John E. Everroad (R) Wayne R. Swanson (R) 3R
1968 Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew (R) Y
1971 J. James Exon (D) Frank Marsh (R) Allen J. Beermann (R) Ray A. C. Johnson (R)
1975 Gerald T. Whelan (D) Paul L. Douglas (R)[34] Frank Marsh (R)[35]
1976 Gerald Ford and Bob Dole (R) N
1977 Edward Zorinsky (D)[36] 2R, 1D
1979 Charles Thone (R) Roland A. Luedtke (R) J. James Exon (D)
1980 Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush (R) Y
1981 Kay A. Orr (R)[26] 3R
1983 Bob Kerrey (D) Donald F. McGinley (D)
1985 Robert M. Spire (R)[26]
1987 Kay A. Orr (R) William E. Nichol (R) Frank Marsh (R)
David Karnes (R)[37]
1988 George H. W. Bush and Dan Quayle (R) Y
1989 Bob Kerrey (D) 2R, 1D
1991 Ben Nelson (D) Maxine Moul (D)[38] Don Stenberg (R) John Breslow (D) Dawn Rockey (D)
1992 George H. W. Bush and Dan Quayle (R) N
Kim M. Robak (D)[26]
1995 Scott Moore (R)[39] John Breslow (R)[40] Dave Heineman (R)[41] 3R
1996 Bob Dole and Jack Kemp (R) N
1997 Chuck Hagel (R)
1999 Mike Johanns (R)[42] David I. Maurstad (R)[43] Kate Witek (R)
2000 George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (R) Y
2001 John A. Gale (R)[26] Ben Nelson (D)
Dave Heineman (R)[26] Lorelee Hunt Byrd (R)[26][44]
2003 Jon Bruning (R)
2004 Ron Ross (R)[37]
2005 Dave Heineman (R)[45] Rick Sheehy (R)[26][46]
2006 Kate Witek (D)[47]
2007 Mike Foley (R) Shane Osborn (R) 49NP (31R, 15D, 3I)
2008 4 John McCain and Sarah Palin (R) N, 1 Barack Obama and Joe Biden (D) Y[48]
2009 49NP (32R, 17D) Mike Johanns (R)
2011 Don Stenberg (R) 49NP (34R, 15D)
2012 Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan (R) N
2013 Lavon Heidemann (R)[7][49] 49NP (30R, 18D, 1I) Deb Fischer (R)
John E. Nelson (R)[11]
2015 Pete Ricketts (R) Mike Foley (R) Doug Peterson (R) Charlie Janssen (R) 49NP (35R, 13D, 1I) Ben Sasse (R) 2R, 1D
2016 Donald Trump and Mike Pence (R) Y
2017 49NP (31R, 15D, 1L, 2I) 3R
2018 49NP (31R, 16D, 1L, 1I)
2019 Bob Evnen (R) John Murante (R) 49NP (30R, 18D, 1I)
YearGovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralAuditorTreasurerState LegislatureU.S. Senator (Class I)U.S. Senator (Class II)U.S. HouseElectoral College votes
Executive officesUnited States Congress


  1. Impeached and removed from office for misappropriation of state funds; the impeachment was expunged six years later.
  2. As state secretary of state, acted as governor for unexpired term.
  3. Died in office on September 4, 1878.
  4. The Coalition elected an Anti-Monopolist as Senate President Pro Tempore. p. 14
  5. James E. Boyd won the 1890 election and was sworn in on January 8, 1891. However, due to a question of his U.S. citizenship and eligibility for the office, he did not take office until February 8, 1892.
  6. Resigned on November 20, 1889 to take an elected seat in the United States House of Representatives.
  7. Appointed to fill vacancy.
  8. A Republican was elected as Senate President Pro Tempore, but the chamber was organized by the coalition of Democrats and Populists. p. ii, viii-x
  9. A Silver Republican was elected as Senate President Pro Tempore, and the Silver Republicans were in coalition with the Democrats and Populists in organizing both chambers. p. vi, viii
  10. Died in office on December 5, 1899.
  11. Appointed to fill vacancy; did not seek election.
  12. Resigned on May 1, 1901 to take an elected seat in the United States Senate.
  13. As lieutenant governor, acted as governor for unexpired term.
  14. Died in office on May 2, 1911.
  15. Resigned in 1910 to take office as Solicitor of the United States Treasury.
  16. Died in office on March 11, 1933.
  17. Died in office on August 19, 1935.
  18. Died in office on December 21, 1936.
  19. Changed party affiliation from Republican to Independent in 1936.
  20. Due to a constitutional amendment passed in 1934, effective with the 1936 election, the Nebraska Legislature became a non-partisan unicameral body with 43 elected members.
  21. Died in office on August 21, 1939.
  22. Died in office on February 9, 1951.
  23. Died in office on July 1, 1954.
  24. Resigned on December 31, 1945.
  25. Died in office on November 29, 1951.
  26. Appointed to fill vacancy; subsequently elected.
  27. Died in office on September 24, 1955.
  28. Resigned in 1950.
  29. Died in office on April 12, 1954.
  30. Died in office on July 13, 1958.
  31. Died in office on September 9, 1960.
  32. Died in office on April 5, 1964.
  33. Due to the mandate of "one man, one vote" in Baker v. Carr and Reynolds v. Sims in redistricting, the Legislature expanded to 49 members.
  34. Resigned on December 26, 1984.
  35. Resigned in June 1981.
  36. Died in office on March 6, 1987.
  37. Appointed to fill vacancy; lost election to a full term.
  38. Resigned on October 4, 1993 to take office as director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.
  39. Resigned on December 15, 2000 to take a position with Union Pacific Railroad.
  40. Changed party affiliation from Democratic to Republican in November 1994 after winning reelection as a Democrat.
  41. Resigned on October 1, 2001 to take office as Lieutenant Governor.
  42. Resigned on January 20, 2005 to take office as United States Secretary of Agriculture.
  43. Resigned on October 1, 2001 to take office as director of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VIII.
  44. Resigned on January 6, 2004.
  45. As lieutenant governor, acted as governor for unexpired term and was later elected in his own right.
  46. Resigned on February 2, 2013.
  47. Changed party affiliation from Republican to Democratic in August 2006.
  48. McCain and Palin received state's two at-large votes and one vote each in the First and Third Congressional Districts while Obama and Biden received one vote in the Second District.
  49. Resigned on September 9, 2014.
gollark: Mints were very rare anyway.
gollark: Mints? Probably not.
gollark: I haven't actually seen many. Have they gotten rarer?
gollark: I'll trade you a CB mint for a 2G prize.
gollark: But not MANY things.

See also

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