List of lesbian periodicals
A list of notable lesbian magazines, periodicals, newsletters, and journals.
South Africa
- Closet Magazine – c. 1998–?[1]
- Legacy – Lesbian Arts Magazine – Johannesburg, 1990[2]
- The Quarterly –[2]
- Sunday's Women – 1990s?[3]
- Umzabalazo – official newsletter of the Coalition of African Lesbians, a continent-wide organization of lesbians in Africa – Johannesburg, 2007–present[4]
- Womyn – 2000–2003[5][6]
Asia and the Middle East
- Klaf Hazak – lesbian feminist quarterly from KLaF/CLAF (Kehila Lesbit Feministit/Community of Lesbian Feminists), c.1990–?[10][11][12]
1970 to 1980
- Hikariguruma – 1978[13]
- Subarashii Onnatachi – Tokyo, lesbian feminist magazine of Wakakusa no Kai – , 1976[13][14][15][16][17][18]
- Za Daiku (ザ・ダイク) – 1978[13][14]
1980 to 1990
- Eve & Eve (イブ&イブ) –[19]
- Regumi Tsūshin (れ組通信) – Tokyo, (also known as RST, Regumi Studio Tokyo), 1985–present[13][17][20]
1990 to present
- Aniisu (アニース) – (1996–1997, 2001–2003)[14]
- Furiine (Phryné; フリーネ) 1995 (two issues total)[14][15]
- Kaamira (Carmilla; カーミラ) – (2002–2005)[14][21]
- Labrys (ラブリス) – continued by LOUD News, 1992–1995?[15]
- LOUD News – published by "Lesbians of Undeniable Drive," 1995–2011?[22][23]
- Misuto (ミスト/美粋) – Josei ladies comics magazine, 1996–1999[14]
Unknown date
- Lesbian News & Views (English language journal from Japan)[24]
- Bekhsoos – magazine of Meem[27]
- My Femme (2009–?)[29]
1970 to 1980
1990 to present
- ILIS Newsletter – Helsinki, International Lesbian Information Service, 1981–1983
- Pärrä – Helsinki, publication of Akanat Lesbian Group, 1982
- Torajyvä – Helsinki, publication of Akanat Lesbian Group, 1983–1988
1970 to 1980
- Quand les Femmes s'aiment – 1978–1980[49]
1980 to 1990
- Bulletin des Archives Lesbiennes (Archives et recherches lesbiennes) – Paris, 1990[50]
- Espaces : bulletin de liaison et d'informations entre lesbiennes radicales – Paris, 1982[51]
- Lesbia: Revue lesbienne d'expression, d'information, d'opinion – Paris, 1982–present[52][49][53]
- Vlasta: fictions/utopies amazoniennes, Paris, by the Collectif Mémoires/Utopies, 1983–1985[54][55][56]
1990 to present
Unknown date
- Espace Lesbien – Toulouse and the Midi-Pyrénées region, newsletter of Bagdam Espace Lesbien[60][61][62]
- Les Lesbianaires: revue de presse[63]
- Lesbrouffe: Voies d'Elles – Grenoble, newsletter of the Association des Lesbiennes de Grenoble[64][65]
- Penthésilée – Association des Femmes Homosexuelles Européennes (AFHE)[66]
1920 to 1970
- Die BIF – Blätter Idealer Frauenfreundschaften, world's first all-female lesbian magazine (1926?–1927)[67][68]
- Die Freundin, closely affiliated with the League for Human Rights, 1924–1933[69]
- Frauen, Liebe und Leben (1938)[67][68]
- Frauenliebe (1926–1930)[67][68]
- Garçonne (1930–1932)[67][68]
- Ledige Frauen (1928–1929)[67][68]
- Wir Freundinnen (1951-1952)
1970 to 1980
- Frauen Zeitung – Frauenzentrum – Hamburg, feminist and lesbian newsletter 1976–?[41]
- Lesbenpresse – Berlin, published by the Lesbenpressenkollektiv de LAZ, 1975–1982[40][70]
- Protokolle – Münster, Verlag Frauenpolitik, 1976–1979,[40][41]
- UKZ: Unsere kleine Zeitung – Berlin/Mannheim, 1975–2001[40][71]
1980 to 1990
- Infoblatt des Lesbenring – Köln, c. 1984–1996?[40]
- LESBENINFO NETZ – Ulm, 1989–?[40]
- Die Lesbischschwule Presseschau – Berlin, 1982–?
- Tarantel – Bielefeld, Tarantel Kollektiv, 1980–?[40][41]
1990 to present
- Blattgold – West Berlin, c. 1990s[72]
- EMMA – Germany[71]
- Frau Anders – Weimar, 1990–?[40][73]
- Ihrsinn – , Bochum, radical feminist lesbian magazine, 1990–2004[74][75]
- Krampfader – Kassel, 1986–?[75][76]
- L-Mag
- Lesben in NRW – Düsseldorf, c. 2005[40]
- Lesbenstich – Dortmund[77][78]
- Lescriba: Das lesbische Literaturmagazin – Sinzing, 2004–?[40]
- Lespress – das andere Frauenmagazin – 1995–2006[75][79]
- nur sie: Lesben/Frauen-Kulturmagazin für Nürnberg/Fürth/Erlangen – Nürnberg, 1999–?[40]
Unknown year
- Bulletin des Archives Lesbiennes[80]
1970 to 1980
- Amarant – 1972–present
- Paarse September. Alternatieve Vrouwenkrant – 1972-1974
1980 to 1990
- Diva – mid-1980s, switched to Zij aan Zij in the mid-1990s[87]
- ILIS newsletter – Amsterdam, International Lesbian Information Service, 1980–81, 1987–1998
- Lesbisch Archivaria – Lesbisch Archief Leeuwarden, 1982–?[41]
- Lust en gratie: lesbisch cultureel tijdschrift – Amsterdam, c. 1983–1987[88]
- Nieuwsbrief – Amsterdam, Lesbisch Archief Amsterdam, 1983–1994[89]
1990 to 2000
- Wild Side Magazine – Amsterdam, Leiden
1990 to present
1980 to 1990
1990 to present
- Pinx – 2006–present[98]
- Caladona: Un espai de dones per a dones – Barcelona, Caladona, lesbian magazine in Catalan language, 1993–present[102]
- Laberint: revista de mujeros para mujeros – Barcelona, c. 1992–1994[88]
- Mujeres y Punto – Madrid, newsletter of CRECUL, Comité Reivindicativo Cultural de Lesbianas de Madrid[103]
- Sales: Revista Lesbica – Barcelona, Revista Sales[104]
- Towanda! Revista Lesbica – Zaragoza, 2002–?[105]
- MagLes Magazine – Barcelona, 2012–present[105]
1970 to 1980
- Frau Ohne Herz – Zurich, 1985–1995[40][75][108]
- ELLA: Das Lesbenforum – Basel, 1985–1993?[40]
- ILIS Bulletin – Geneva, International Lesbian Information Service, Clit International, 1984–86
- die – Lesbenzeitschrift aus der Schweiz, Zurich, 1996–2004[40][75][109]
- Ellas ketchup – Basel, 1993–?[40]
Unknown year
- CLIT 007 – lesbian feminist magazine[112]
United Kingdom
Prior to 1970
- Arena Three – London, Minorities Research Group, 1963–1972[114]
- Kenric Newsletter – c. 1960s–present[115][116]
- Minorities Research Group Newsletter[117]
1970 to 1980
- Lesbians Come Together – London, c. 1972[81]
- Medusa: Journal of the Bradford Lesbian Feminist Surrealist Group – c. 1978–?[63][118]
- Move – Bristol, c 1970s-?[115]
- Sappho – London, newsletter of the Southwark Lesbian Network; for lesbians only, 1971–?[40][114][119]
- Sequel: A Feminist Magazine for Isolated Lesbians – London, c. 1979[63][118]
- Zero: Anarcha-feminist Newsmagazine – London, 1978–?[56]
1980 to 1990
- Bristol Radical Lesbian Feminist Magazine 1986–1990[63]
- Camden Lesbian Centre Newsletter/ Camden Black Lesbian Group Newsletter – London, available in both print and cassette, 1987–1991[63][119]
- Lesbian Information Service Newsletter – Leicester, available in both print and cassette, 1987–1989,[120]
- Lesbian International – Leicester, for lesbians only, available in print and cassette, 1989–1990[121][120]
- Gemma – London; lesbians with and without disabilities, all ages; available in print or on cassette, c.1980[118][122]
- Gossip: A Journal of Lesbian Feminist Ethics – London, for lesbians only; Onlywomen Press, c. 1986–?[123]
- Lesbian Archive and Information Centre Newsletter – London, Lesbian Archive and Information Centre (LAIC), c. 1985–?[122][124]
- Quim Magazine: For Dykes of All Sexual Persuasions – London, 1989–1995, plus one issue in 2001[125]
- Spinster: Feminist Creative Work with an Emphasis on the Work of Lesbians – London, 1982–?[118]
After 1990
- The Axe – Bradford lesbian newsletter, 1996–1997[63]
- B.I.D (Behaviour, Identity, Desire) – online monthly magazine (99p subscription), November 2011[126]
- crAve – bi-monthly magazine, 2008–present[127]
- Diva – London, 1994–present[128]
- Dykenosis : the newsletter of LesBeWell - Birmingham, 1994-1998 [129]
- G3 Magazine – London, free monthly national publication[130]
- Lesbian London – London, also released on cassette tape, 1992–1993[81]
- Shebang - London, 1992-?[131]
- Velvet[132][133]
Year unknown
New Zealand
1970 to 1980
- Circle, later Lesbian Feminist Circle – Wellington, "for lesbians only", collectively produced 1973–1985[114][136]
- Spiral – literary and arts journal for women, founded in 1976 by Heather McPherson; the press also published Keri Hulme's Booker Prize-winning novel The Bone People in 1984[137]
- Wellington Lesbian Network – Wellington, newsletter; for lesbians only, c. 1979–1999[138][139]
1980 to 1990
- Bitches, Witches, & Dykes – Auckland, 1980–1981[118][140]
- Glad Rag – Wellington, Paekakariki – for lesbians only, c. 1983[141]
- Lesbians in Print (LIP) – Auckland, for women only, 1985–1991[88][142]
- Sapphic star – Auckland, c. 1989–1991[143]
- Tamaki Makaurau lesbian newsletter[139] – Auckland, New Zealand, c. 1990–present[56][144]
After 1990
- The Laughing Medusa – lesbian literary magazine, edited by Kedy Kristal and Takoel Akuni, c. 1991–1993[88]
1970 to 1980
- A. L. M. Newsletter – Melbourne, newsletter of the Australian Lesbian Movement, c. 1971[145]
- Blatant Lesbianism – Sydney, c. 1978–?
- Patchwork newsletter – Brisbane, c. 1978?[146]
1980 to 1990
- Australian Lesbian Diary – Melbourne, c. 1987[118]
- Sage: the separatist age – Australia, lesbian separatist periodical; title was formerly Seps Down Under; "A cauldron of lesbian separatist thought dreams and visions", c. 1990–1992[143]
- S.E.P.S. Down Under (Newsletter of Separatists Eroding Patriarch Sincerely) – Waucope, c. 1989[118]
- Wicked Women – Australia – 1988–1993[147]
1990 to 2000
- Australian Asian Lesbian News – Sydney, c. 1991[118]
- Banshee – Melbourne, c. 1992[118]
- Dis-Ease – Sydney, c. 1993[118]
- Elam – Newcastle, newsletter of the Hunter Lesbian Group, c. 1998[118]
- Geelong Lesbian Group – Geelong, c. 1999–?[118]
- Hell Bent (Wicked Women Publications) Redfern, Sydney, c. 1991[118][141]
- Interlesbian – Melbourne, multi-cultural lesbian news, c. 1994[118]
- Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies[148] – Haymarket, New South Wales, 1991–1995[149]
- Labrys – Melbourne, 1990–1992[150]
- Lesbian Network – Rozelle, Lesbian Network Collective, c. 1990s[151]
- Lesbians on the Loose – now LOTL – Darlinghurst, 1990–present[81][152]
- Lesbiana – Fitzroy, c. 1992[81][153][154]
- Lilac – Launceston, Tasmania, 1993–1996[118][153]
- – Sydney, online magazine for lesbians over 40[155]
- Out Loud – Eltham, women's cultural magazine focussing on lesbian and feminist content, c. 1992–?[118]
- ShOut Newsletter – Melbourne, c. 1994[118][153]
- Suncoast Lesbian Information Press – Queensland, c. 1995–?[118]
- Women Out West – Perth, 1999–present, WOW[156]
2000 to present
- Cherrie – national[157]
- SASS Magazine Melbourne[158]
- velvet Tipt – Melbourne, magazine for lesbians in Victoria and Tasmania, 2005–2006[118]
Year unknown
- The Bloody Rag – Lismore[153]
- Grapevine – Western Australia[153]
- Lesbian News – National Magazine[153]
- Lesbian Territory – Northern Territory[153]
- Lesbian Times – North Adelaide[41]
- Outloud – Melbourne[153]
North America
1970 to 1980
- Dyke – Montreal, Quebec, 1977[171]
- Grapevine: Newsletter of the Lesbian Mother's Defence Fund – Toronto, Ontario, c. 1979–1883[16][172]
- Lesbian Canada Lesbienne – Halifax, Nova Scotia, published by the Atlantic Provinces Political Lesbians for Equality (APPLE), 1977/1978[173][174]
- Lesbian Feminists of Montreal Newsletter – Montreal, QC, published by the Lesbian Feminists of Montreal, 1977[175]
- Lesbian Organization of Toronto (L.O.O.T.) Newsletter – Toronto, Ontario, 1977–1980[176][16]
- Lesbian Perspective – Toronto, ON, published by the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT), 1979–1980[81]
- Lesbians/lesbiennes – Toronto, Ontario, 1979–1981[176]
- Lesbomonde – Montreal, Quebec 1973–1974[177]
- London Lesbian Collective News – London, Ontario, published by the LCC, 1977–1978[81][176]
- Long Time Coming – Montreal, Quebec, published by Montreal Gay Women (originally women's committee of Gay McGill University), 1973–1976[174][177][178][179][180]
- The Other Woman – Toronto, Ontario, feminist and lesbian news magazine, 1972–?[180]
- Pedestal: Lesbian-Feminist Newspaper – Vancouver, B.C., 1975, women's liberation paper, reorganized briefly in 1975 as a lesbian feminist paper[181]
- Sisters Lightship – Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1978[176]
- Three of Cups – Toronto, Ontario, 1976–1978[176]
- Wages Due Lesbians – Toronto, Ontario, c. 1977–78[182]
- Waves: a Lesbian Feminist Newsletter – Victoria, BC, 1978–1979[56][176]
1980 to 1990
- Amazones d'Hier, Lesbiennes d'Aujourd'hui – Montreal, Quebec, for lesbians only, 1982[174]
- Association of Women's Music and Culture – Toronto, published by Womynly Way Productions, c. 1989[183]
- Ca s'attrape – Montreal, Quebec, 1982[174]
- Communique'Elles – 1980s[184]
- Diversity, the Lesbian Rag – Vancouver, B.C., published by the Diversity Collective 1988–1991,[41][185]
- Flagrant – Vancouver, B.C., 1981–1984[176]
- Furie Lesbienne / Lesbian Fury – Ottawa, Ontario, for lesbians only, c. 1985–1995[186]
- KINESIS: news about women that's not in the dailies – Vancouver, British Columbia, published by the Vancouver Status of Women, a non-sectarian feminist voice covering some lesbian issues, c. 1980s/1990s[187]
- Lavender Sheets – Toronto, ON, Canada, published by the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT), c. 1980[175]
- Lavender Times – Calgary, Alberta, project of the Calgary Womyn's Collective, 1987–?[173][176]
- Lesbian Newsletter – Regina, SK, c. 1985[81]
- LesbiaNews/LNews – Victoria, BC,1989–98[188]
- The Open Door: Rural Lesbian Newsletter – Burns Lake/Terrace, British Columbia/Nelson, B.C., 1983–1986[176]
- The Radical Reviewer – Vancouver, B.C., Lesbian Literary Collective magazine, 1980–1983[41]
- Treize! Revue Lesbienne[189] – Montreal, Quebec Canada, 1984–present[56]
- Web of Crones – Vancouver, BC 1986[176]
- Womonspace News: Our Voice in the Lesbian Community – Edmonton, Alberta, 1983–?[190]
- Zami Newsletter – Toronto, Ontario, c. 1987–88[191]
1990 to 2000
- Au-dela de l'invisibilite: le bulletin de la Collective Lesbienne – Ottawa, Ontario, published by the Collective Lesbienne, c. 1998[173]
- Chicklist: Proudly Peddling Chick Power, Pleasure and Polemic – Toronto, published by the Pink Triangle Press, c. 1997[165]
- Gazelle: le magazine des lesbiennes – Montreal, Quebec, 1992–?[190]
- Limbo: Lesbian Bi-Monthly Magazine – London, Ontario, published by Limbo, 1999[81]
- SamiYoni: a ioumal for lesbians of South Asian Descent – Toronto, 1993–1994[41]
- Sensible Shoes News: The Newsletter of Saskatchewan's Lesbian Communities – Regina, mid-1990s[192]
- Siren – Toronto, Ontario, "Irresistibly tempting, for lesbians", 1995–2004[190]
- Voices for Lesbian Survival: By and For Lesbians – Kenora, Ontario, published by the Voices Collective, c. 1995[193]
After 2000
- Amantes de la Luna – CIDHOM – Mexico City, 1994–?[196][197]
- Amazona – Mexico, published by Colectivo de Lesbianas del F H A R, (Frente Homosexual de Accion Revolucionaria), c.1979 (Coordinadora Lesbica)[198][199]
- Del otro lado – magazine of Grupo de Madres Lesbianas 2, c. 1996[197]
- HIMEN Fanzine – Mexico City, published by Colectiva HIMEN[200]
- Les Voz, Mexico's lesbian feminist magazine- Mexico, 1994–present[201]
United States
gollark: Nice inputs.
gollark: The calculators we use have higher-res displays, so that stuff doesn't work.
gollark: Perhaps we should do a randomized controlled trial to test this - randomly split the server into groups, and then expose them each to either *real* constant questioning about whether he's annoying, or *placebo* constant questioning.
gollark: We need to figure out how exactly to phrase the question first.
gollark: I mean, annoyingness is subjective, but I believe if we were to run a poll or something it would generally be considered annoying.
See also
- Lesbian feminism
- Lesbian fiction
- Lesbian organizations
- Lesbian separatism
- List of LGBT periodicals
- List of LGBT-related organizations
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External links
Archival collections
- Guide to the Joan Ariel Collection of Lesbian Periodicals. Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.
- Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales
- Archives Recherches Cultures Lesbiennes ARCL
- Conservatoire des Archives et des Mémoires LGBT
- Coordination Lesbienne en France
- Portuguese Lesbian History
- Separatist Lesbian Cultural Association Visibilia Italy
- Spanish LGBT Groups
- Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv
North America
- Activist Latina Lesbian Publishing – by tatiana de la tierra
- Canadian Gay and Lesbian periodicals // Periodiques Canadiens pour les Gais et Les Lesbiennes
- CatalogQ Periodicals
- Finding aid for the Feminist and Lesbian Periodical Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon
- Flaunting It! A Gay and Lesbian Chronology 1964–1982
- History of Women's Media, Martha Allen- Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press
- Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
- June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives – Los Angeles
- Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada: A Selected, Annotated Chronology 1964–1975, Donald W. McLeod
- Lesbian (Feminist) Los Angeles, 1970–1990: An Exploratory Ethnohistory, Yolanda Retter University of New Mexico
- McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University Library
- Minnie Bruce Pratt
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