Iranian languages

The Iranian or Iranic languages[2][3] are a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages in the Indo-European language family that are spoken natively by the Iranian peoples.

EthnicityIranian peoples
West Asia, Caucasus, Central Asia, and South Asia
Linguistic classificationIndo-European
ISO 639-2 / 5ira
Linguasphere58= (phylozone)

Countries and areas where an Iranian language has official status or is spoken by a majority

The Iranian languages are grouped in three stages: Old Iranian (until 400 BC), Middle Iranian (400 BC – 900 AD), and New Iranian (since 900 AD). The two directly attested Old Iranian languages are Old Persian (from the Achaemenid Empire) and Old Avestan (the language of the Avesta). Of the Middle Iranian languages, the better understood and recorded ones are Middle Persian (from the Sasanian Empire), Parthian (from the Parthian Empire), and Bactrian (from the Kushan and Hephthalite empires).

As of 2008, there were an estimated 150–200 million native speakers of the Iranian languages.[4] Ethnologue estimates that there are 86 Iranian languages,[5][6] the largest among them being Persian, Pashto, Kurdish, and the Balochi languages.[7]


The term Iranian is applied to any language which descends from the ancestral Proto-Iranian language.[8]

Some scholars such as John Perry prefer the term Iranic as the anthropological name for the linguistic family and ethnic groups of this category (many of which exist outside Iran), while Iranian for anything about the country Iran. He uses the same analogue as in differentiating German from Germanic or differentiating Turkish and Turkic.[9]

This use of the term for the Iranian language family was introduced in 1836 by Christian Lassen.[10] Robert Needham Cust used the term Irano-Aryan in 1878,[11] and Orientalists such as George Abraham Grierson and Max Müller contrasted Irano-Aryan (Iranian) and Indo-Aryan (Indic). Some recent scholarship, primarily in German, has revived this convention.[12][13][14][15]

The Iranian languages are divided into the following branches:


Genetic division of Iranic languages
Historical distribution in 100 BC: shown are Sarmatia, Scythia, Bactria (Eastern Iranian, in orange); and the Parthian Empire (Western Iranian, in red)

The Iranian languages all descend from a common ancestor: Proto-Iranian which itself evolved from Proto-Indo-Iranian. This ancestor language is speculated to have origins in Central Asia, and the Andronovo Culture is suggested as a candidate for the common Indo-Iranian culture around 2000 BC.

It was situated precisely in the western part of Central Asia that borders present-day Russia (and present-day Kazakhstan). It was in relative proximity to the other satem ethno-linguistic groups of the Indo-European family, like Thracian, Balto-Slavic and others, and to common Indo-European's original homeland (more precisely, the Eurasian Steppe to the north of the Caucasus), according to the reconstructed linguistic relationships of common Indo-European.

Proto-Iranian thus dates to some time after Proto-Indo-Iranian break-up, or the early second millennium BCE, as the Old Iranian languages began to break off and evolve separately as the various Iranian tribes migrated and settled in vast areas of southeastern Europe, the Iranian plateau, and Central Asia.

Proto-Iranian innovations compared to Proto-Indo-Iranian include:[16] the turning of sibilant fricative *s into non-sibilant fricative glottal *h; the voiced aspirated plosives *bʰ, *dʰ, *gʰ yielding to the voiced unaspirated plosives *b, *d, *g resp.; the voiceless unaspirated stops *p, *t, *k before another consonant changing into fricatives *f, *θ, *x resp.; voiceless aspirated stops *pʰ, *tʰ, *kʰ turning into fricatives *f, *θ, *x, resp.

Old Iranian

The multitude of Middle Iranian languages and peoples indicate that great linguistic diversity must have existed among the ancient speakers of Iranian languages. Of that variety of languages/dialects, direct evidence of only two have survived. These are:

Indirectly attested Old Iranian languages are discussed below.

Old Persian was an Old Iranian dialect as it was spoken in south-western Iran by the inhabitants of Parsa or Persia, who also gave their name to their region and language. Genuine Old Persian is best attested in one of the three languages of the Behistun inscription, composed circa 520 BC, and which is the last inscription (and only inscription of significant length) in which Old Persian is still grammatically correct. Later inscriptions are comparatively brief, and typically simply copies of words and phrases from earlier ones, often with grammatical errors, which suggests that by the 4th century BC the transition from Old Persian to Middle Persian was already far advanced, but efforts were still being made to retain an "old" quality for official proclamations.

The other directly attested Old Iranian dialects are the two forms of Avestan, which take their name from their use in the Avesta, the liturgical texts of indigenous Iranian religion that now goes by the name of Zoroastrianism but in the Avesta itself is simply known as vohu daena (later: behdin). The language of the Avesta is subdivided into two dialects, conventionally known as "Old (or 'Gathic') Avestan", and "Younger Avestan". These terms, which date to the 19th century, are slightly misleading since 'Younger Avestan' is not only much younger than 'Old Avestan', but also from a different geographic region. The Old Avestan dialect is very archaic, and at roughly the same stage of development as Rigvedic Sanskrit. On the other hand, Younger Avestan is at about the same linguistic stage as Old Persian, but by virtue of its use as a sacred language retained its "old" characteristics long after the Old Iranian languages had yielded to their Middle Iranian stage. Unlike Old Persian, which has Middle Persian as its known successor, Avestan has no clearly identifiable Middle Iranian stage (the effect of Middle Iranian is indistinguishable from effects due to other causes).

In addition to Old Persian and Avestan, which are the only directly attested Old Iranian languages, all Middle Iranian languages must have had a predecessor "Old Iranian" form of that language, and thus can all be said to have had an (at least hypothetical) "Old" form. Such hypothetical Old Iranian languages include Carduchian (the hypothetical predecessor to Kurdish) and Old Parthian. Additionally, the existence of unattested languages can sometimes be inferred from the impact they had on neighbouring languages. Such transfer is known to have occurred for Old Persian, which has (what is called) a "Median" substrate in some of its vocabulary.[18] Also, foreign references to languages can also provide a hint to the existence of otherwise unattested languages, for example through toponyms/ethnonyms or in the recording of vocabulary, as Herodotus did for what he called "Scythian".


Conventionally, Iranian languages are grouped in "western" and "eastern" branches.[19] These terms have little meaning with respect to Old Avestan as that stage of the language may predate the settling of the Iranian peoples into western and eastern groups. The geographic terms also have little meaning when applied to Younger Avestan since it isn't known where that dialect (or dialects) was spoken either. Certain is only that Avestan (all forms) and Old Persian are distinct, and since Old Persian is "western", and Avestan was not Old Persian, Avestan acquired a default assignment to "eastern". Confusing the issue is the introduction of a western Iranian substrate in later Avestan compositions and redactions undertaken at the centers of imperial power in western Iran (either in the south-west in Persia, or in the north-west in Nisa/Parthia and Ecbatana/Media).

Two of the earliest dialectal divisions among Iranian indeed happen to not follow the later division into Western and Eastern blocks. These concern the fate of the Proto-Indo-Iranian first-series palatal consonants, *ć and *dź:[20]

  • Avestan and most other Iranian languages have deaffricated and depalatalized these consonants, and have *ć > s, *dź > z.
  • Old Persian, however, has fronted these consonants further: *ć > θ, *dź > *ð > d.

As a common intermediate stage, it is possible to reconstruct depalatalized affricates: *c, *dz. (This coincides with the state of affairs in the neighboring Nuristani languages.) A further complication however concerns the consonant clusters *ćw and *dźw:

  • Avestan and most other Iranian languages have shifted these clusters to sp, zb.
  • In Old Persian, these clusters yield s, z, with loss of the glide *w, but without further fronting.
  • The Saka language, attested in the Middle Iranian period, and its modern relative Wakhi fail to fit into either group: in these, palatalization remains, and similar glide loss as in Old Persian occurs: *ćw > š, *dźw > ž.

A division of Iranian languages in at least three groups during the Old Iranian period is thus implied:

  • Persid (Old Persian and its descendants)
  • Sakan (Saka, Wakhi, and their Old Iranian ancestor)
  • Central Iranian (all other Iranian languages)

It is possible that other distinct dialect groups were already in existence during this period. Good candidates are the hypothetical ancestor languages of Alanian/Scytho-Sarmatian subgroup of Scythian in the far northwest; and the hypothetical "Old Parthian" (the Old Iranian ancestor of Parthian) in the near northwest, where original *dw > *b (paralleling the development of *ćw).

Middle Iranian languages

What is known in Iranian linguistic history as the "Middle Iranian" era is thought to begin around the 4th century BCE lasting through the 9th century. Linguistically the Middle Iranian languages are conventionally classified into two main groups, Western and Eastern.

The Western family includes Parthian (Arsacid Pahlavi) and Middle Persian, while Bactrian, Sogdian, Khwarezmian, Saka, and Old Ossetic (Scytho-Sarmatian) fall under the Eastern category. The two languages of the Western group were linguistically very close to each other, but quite distinct from their eastern counterparts. On the other hand, the Eastern group was an areal entity whose languages retained some similarity to Avestan. They were inscribed in various Aramaic-derived alphabets which had ultimately evolved from the Achaemenid Imperial Aramaic script, though Bactrian was written using an adapted Greek script.

Middle Persian (Pahlavi) was the official language under the Sasanian dynasty in Iran. It was in use from the 3rd century CE until the beginning of the 10th century. The script used for Middle Persian in this era underwent significant maturity. Middle Persian, Parthian and Sogdian were also used as literary languages by the Manichaeans, whose texts also survive in various non-Iranian languages, from Latin to Chinese. Manichaean texts were written in a script closely akin to the Syriac script.[21]

New Iranian languages

Dark green: countries where Iranian languages are official.
Teal: regional co-official/de facto status.

Following the Islamic Conquest of Persia, there were important changes in the role of the different dialects within the Persian Empire. The old prestige form of Middle Iranian, also known as Pahlavi, was replaced by a new standard dialect called Dari as the official language of the court. The name Dari comes from the word darbâr (دربار), which refers to the royal court, where many of the poets, protagonists, and patrons of the literature flourished. The Saffarid dynasty in particular was the first in a line of many dynasties to officially adopt the new language in 875 CE. Dari may have been heavily influenced by regional dialects of eastern Iran, whereas the earlier Pahlavi standard was based more on western dialects. This new prestige dialect became the basis of Standard New Persian. Medieval Iranian scholars such as Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa (8th century) and Ibn al-Nadim (10th century) associated the term "Dari" with the eastern province of Khorasan, while they used the term "Pahlavi" to describe the dialects of the northwestern areas between Isfahan and Azerbaijan, and "Pârsi" ("Persian" proper) to describe the Dialects of Fars. They also noted that the unofficial language of the royalty itself was yet another dialect, "Khuzi", associated with the western province of Khuzestan.

Geographic distribution of modern Iranian languages

The Islamic conquest also brought with it the adoption of Arabic script for writing Persian and much later, Kurdish, Pashto and Balochi. All three were adapted to the writing by the addition of a few letters. This development probably occurred some time during the second half of the 8th century, when the old middle Persian script began dwindling in usage. The Arabic script remains in use in contemporary modern Persian. Tajik script, used to write the Tajik language, was first Latinised in the 1920s under the then Soviet nationality policy. The script was however subsequently Cyrillicized in the 1930s by the Soviet government.

The geographical regions in which Iranian languages were spoken were pushed back in several areas by newly neighbouring languages. Arabic spread into some parts of Western Iran (Khuzestan), and Turkic languages spread through much of Central Asia, displacing various Iranian languages such as Sogdian and Bactrian in parts of what is today Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. In Eastern Europe, mostly comprising the territory of modern-day Ukraine, southern European Russia, and parts of the Balkans, the core region of the native Scythians, Sarmatians, and Alans had been decisively taken over as a result of absorption and assimilation (e.g. Slavicisation) by the various Proto-Slavic population of the region, by the 6th century AD.[22][23][24][25] This resulted in the displacement and extinction of the once predominant Scythian languages of the region. Sogdian's close relative Yaghnobi barely survives in a small area of the Zarafshan valley east of Samarkand, and Saka as Ossetic in the Caucasus, which is the sole remnant of the once predominant Scythian languages in Eastern Europe proper and large parts of the North Caucasus. Various small Iranian languages in the Pamir Mountains survive that are derived from Eastern Iranian.

    Comparison table

    English Zaza Sorani Kurmanji Pashto Tati Talyshi Balochi Mazanderani Tat Persian Middle Persian Parthian Old Persian Avestan Ossetian
    beautiful rınd, xasek nayab, cuwan rind, delal, bedew, xweşik x̌kūlay, x̌āista xojir ghašang dorr, soherâ, mah rang, sharr, juwān xoşgel, xojir güzəl, ziba, qəşəng zibā/xuš-čehr(e)/xoşgel(ak)/ghashanq/najib hučihr, hužihr hužihr naiba vahu-, srîra ræsughd
    blood goni xwên xwîn, xwûn wīna xevn xun hon xun xun xūn xōn gōxan vohuni- tug
    bread nan, non nan nan ḍoḍəi, məṛəi nun nun nān, nagan nun nun nān nān nān dzul
    bring ardene /anîn, hawerdin anîn, hînan (rā)wṛəl vârden, biyordon varde âurten, yārag, ārag biyârden avardən āwurdan, biyār ("(you) bring!") āwurdan, āwāy-, āwar-, bar- āwāy-, āwar-, bar- bara- bara, bar- xæssyn
    brother bıra brader, bira bra, brarg, brang, brat wror bərâr bira, boli brāt, brās birâr birar barādar brād, brâdar brād, brādar brātar brātar- æfsymær
    come ameyene hatin, were hatin, atin, were, rā tləl biyâmiyan ome āhag, āyag, hatin biyamona, enen, biyâmuen amarən āmadan āmadan, awar awar, čām āy-, āgam āgam- cæwyn
    cry bermayene girîn, giryan grîn, griyan žəṛəl bərma berame, bame greewag, grehten birme girəstən gerīstan/gerīye griy-, bram- barmâdan kæwyn
    dark tari tarî/tarîk tarî skəṇ, skaṇ, tyara ul, gur, târica, târek toki tār tariki tārīk, tār tārīg/k tārīg, tārēn tārīk sâmahe, sâma tar
    daughter kêna/keyna, çêna/çêneke[26] kîj, kiç, kenişk, düet (pehlewanî) dot (daughter)


    lūr titiye, dətar kinə, kila dohtir, duttag kîjâ(girl), deter (daughter) duxtər doxtar duxtar duxt, duxtar duxδar čyzg (Iron), kizgæ (Digor)
    day roce, roje, roze řoj roj wrəd͡z (rwəd͡z) revj, ruz ruj roç ruz, ruj ruz rūz rōz raucah- raocah- bon
    do kerdene kirdin kirin kawəl kardan, kordan karde kanag, kurtin hâkerden saxtən kardan kardan kartan kạrta- kәrәta- kænyn
    door ber, keyber, çêber derge/derke, derga derî wər darvâca dar, gelo, darwāzag dar, loş dər dar dar dar, bar duvara- dvara- dwar
    die merdene merden mirin mrəl bamarden marde mireg, murten bamerden mürdən mordan murdan mạriya- mar- mælyn
    donkey her ker ker xər astar, xar hə, hər har, her, kar xar xər xar xar xæræg
    eat werdene xwardin xwarin, xwartin,


    xwāṛə, xurāk / xwaṛəl harden harde warag, warâk, wārten xerâk / baxârden xardən xordan / xurāk parwarz / xwâr, xwardīg parwarz / xwâr hareθra / ad-, at- xærinag
    egg hak, akk hêk/hêlke, tum hêk hagəi merqâna, karxâ morqana, uyə heyg, heyk, ā morg merqâne, tîm, balî xaykərg toxm, xāya ("testicle") toxmag, xâyag taoxmag, xâyag taoxma- ajk
    earth erd zemîn, zawî, ʿerz, erd erd, zevî d͡zməka (md͡zəka) zemin zamin zemin, degār zamîn, bene xari zamīn zamīg zamīg zam- zãm, zam, zem zæxx
    evening şan, êre êware êvar māx̌ām (māš̥ām) nomâzyar, nomâšon shav begáh nemâşun şangum begáh ēvārag êbêrag izær
    eye çım çaw/çaş çav stərga coš čaş,gelgan cham, chem çəş, bəj çüm čashm čašm čašm čaša- čašman- cæst
    father pi, pêr bawk, bab,baba bav, bab plār piyar, piya, dada piya, lala, po pet, pes pîyer, per piyər pedar, bābā pidar pid pitar pitar fyd
    fear ters tirs tirs wēra (yara), bēra târs tars turs, terseg taşe-vaşe, tars tərsi tars, harās tars tars tạrsa- tares- tas
    fiancé waşti dasgîran,xwşavest dergîstî, xwestî čənghol [masculine], čənghəla [feminine] numzâ nomja nāmzād numze nükürdə nāmzād - - usag
    fine weş, hewl xwş xwaş, xweş,


    x̌a (š̥a), səm xojir, xar xoş wash, hosh xâr, xeş, xojir xuş, xas, xub xoš, xūb, beh dārmag srîra xorz, dzæbæx
    finger engışte/gışte, bêçıke engust, pence,angus tilî, pêçî gwəta anquš anqiştə changol, mordâneg, lenkutk angus əngüşt angošt angust dišti- ængwyldz
    fire adır ager/awir, ahir,ayer agir wōr (ōr) taš otaş âch, atesh, âs taş ataş ātaš, āzar âdur, âtaxsh ādur âç- âtre-/aêsma- art
    fish mase masî masî kəb mâyi moy māhi, māhig mâhî mahi māhi māhig māsyāg masya kæsag
    go şiayene çûn, řoştin, řoyiştin çûn tləl šiyen, bišiyan şe shoten şunen / burden raftən ro/şo şow/row ay- ai- ay-, fra-vaz cæwyn
    God Homa/Huma/Oma, Heq Yezdan, Xwedê, Xuda, Xodê, Xwa(y) Xwedê, Xweda, Xwadê, Xudê Xwədāi Xədâ Xıdo Xoda, Hwdâ Xedâ Xuda Xodā, Izad, Yazdān, Baq Xudā/Yazdān baga- baya- xwycaw
    good hewl, rınd, weş baş, çak,xas baş, rind x̌ə (š̥ə) xâr, xojir çok zabr, sharr, jowain xâr, xeş, xojir xub, xas xub, nīkū, beh xūb, nêkog, beh vahu- vohu, vaŋhu- xorz
    grass vaş giya/gya gîya, çêre wāx̌ə (wāš̥ə) vâš alaf rem, sabzag vâş güyo sabzeh, giyāh giyâ giya viş urvarâ kærdæg
    great gırd/gırs, pil gewre,mazen mezin, gir lōy, stər pilla yol, yal, vaz, dıjd mastar, mazan,tuh gat, pilla kələ bozorg wuzurg, pīl, yal vazraka- uta-, avañt styr
    hand dest dast, das dest lās bâl dast dast das, bāl dəs dast dast dast dasta- zasta- k'ux / arm
    head ser ser ser sər kalla sə, sər sar, sarag, saghar kalle, sar sər sar sar kalli sairi sær
    heart zerri/zerre dil/dił/dir(Erbil)/zil dil zṛə dəl dıl dil, hatyr del, zel, zil dül del dil dil aηhuš zærdæ
    horse estor/ostor/astor asp/hesp/esp, hês(t)ir esp, hesp ās [male], aspa [female] asb, astar asp asp asp, as əs asb asp, stōr asp, stōr aspa aspa- bæx
    house keye/çeye[27][28], ban mał, xanu, xang, ghat mal, xanî, ban kor kiya ka ges, dawâr, log sere, xene xunə xāne xânag demâna-, nmâna- xædzar
    hungry vêşan/veyşan bersî birçî lwəga vašnâ, vešir, gesnâ vahşian shudig, shud veşnâ gisnə gorosne, goşne gursag, shuy veşnâg
    language (also tongue) zıwan, zon, zuan, zuon, juan, jüan zeman, zuwan ziman žəba zobun, zəvân zivon zewān, zobān zivun, zebun zuhun zabān zuwān izβān hazâna- hizvā- ævzag
    laugh huyayene kenîn/pêkenîn, kenîn,xanda,xana kenîn xandəl/xənda xurəsen, xandastan sıre hendag, xandag rîk, baxendesten xəndə xande xande, xand karta Syaoθnâvareza- xudyn
    life cuye, weşiye jiyan,gyian jiyan žwəndūn, žwənd zindәgi jimon zendegih, zind zindegî, jan həyat zendegi, jan zīndagīh, zīwišnīh žīwahr, žīw- gaêm, gaya- card
    man mêrdek, camêrd/cüamêrd merd, pîyaw, mêr, camêr səṛay, mēṛə mardak, miarda merd merd mard(î) mərd mard mard mard martiya- mašîm, mašya adæjmag
    moon aşme, menge (for month) mang meh, heyv spūgməi (spōẓ̌məi) mâng mang, owşum máh ma, munek ma mâh, mâng, mânk māh māh mâh- måŋha- mæj
    mother may, mar, dayîke, dadî [29] dayek dayik, mak mōr mâr, mâya, nana moa, ma, ina mât, mâs mâr may mâdar mâdar dayek mâtar mâtar- mad
    mouth fek dam,kat,sardam,sat dev xūla (xʷəla) duxun, dâ:ân gəv dap dâhun, lâmîze duhun dahân dahân, rumb åŋhânô, âh, åñh dzyx
    name name naw, nêw nav nūm num nom nâm num num nâm nâm nâman nãman nom
    night şew şaw şev špa šö, šav şav šap, shaw şow şöü shab shab xšap- xšap- æxsæv
    open (v) akerdene kirdinewe vekirin prānistəl vâz-kardan okarde pāch, pabozag vâ-hekârden vakardən bâz-kardan, va-kardan abâz-kardan, višādag būxtaka- būxta- gom kænyn
    peace haşti/aşti aştî, aramî aştî, aramî rōɣa, t͡sōkāləi dinj aşiş ârâm âştî salaməti, dinci âshti, ârâmeš, ârâmî, sâzish âštih, râmīšn râm, râmīšn šiyâti- râma- fidyddzinad
    pig xoz/xonz, xınzır beraz,goraz beraz, soḍər, xənd͡zir (Arabic), xug xu, xuyi, xug xug khug, huk xug xūk xūk xwy
    place ca je(jega), ga cîh, geh d͡zāi yâga vira ja, jaygah, hend cigə, cə jâh/gâh gâh gâh gâθu- gâtu-, gâtav- ran
    read wendene xwendin/xwêndin xwandin, xwendin,


    lwastəl, kōtəl baxânden hande, xwande wánag, wānten baxinden, baxundesten xundən xândan xwândan kæsyn
    say vatene gutin, witin gotin, bêtin wayəl vâten, baguten vote gushag, guashten baowten guftirən, gaf saxtən goftan, gap(-zadan) guftan, gōw-, wâxtan gōw- gaub- mrû- dzuryn
    sister waye xweh, xweşk, xoşk, xuşk, xoyşk xwîşk, xwarg, xwang,


    xōr (xʷōr) xâke, xâv, xâxor, xuâr hova gwhâr xâxer xuvar xâhar/xwâhar xwahar x ̌aŋhar- "sister" xo
    small qıc/qıyt, werdi giçke, qicik, hûr biçûk, hûr kūčnay, waṛ(ū)kay qijel, ruk hırd gwand, hurd peçik, biçuk, xurd küçük, küşkin, kişgələ, kəm kuchak, kam, xurd, rîz kam, rangas kam kamna- kamna- chysyl
    son lac, laj law/kuř Pes (son)

    law (boy)

    d͡zoy (zoy) pur, zâ zoə, zurə possag, baç piser/rîkâ kuk pesar, pur pur, pusar puhr puça pūθra- fyrt
    soul roh, gan jan, giyan, rewan, revan can rəvân con rawân ro, jân can ravân, jân rūwân, jyân rūwân, jyân urvan- ud
    spring wesar/usar bahar, wehar behar spərlay vâ:âr əvəsor, bahar bārgāh vehâr vasal bahâr wahâr vâhara- θūravâhara-
    tall berz bilind/berz bilind/berz lwəṛ, ǰəg pilla barz, bılınd borz, bwrz bilen(d) bülünd boland / bârz buland, borz bârež barez- bærzond
    ten des deh/de deh ləs da da dah da dah dah datha dasa dæs
    three hirê/hiri drē so, se se, he sey se se hrē çi- θri- ærtæ
    village dewe gund, dêhat, dê gund kəlay döh, da di dehāt, helk, kallag, dê dih, male, kola di deh, wis wiž dahyu- vîs-, dahyu- vîs qæw
    want waştene xwastin, wîstin xwastin,


    ɣ(ʷ)ux̌təl begovastan, jovastan piye loath, loteten bexâsten xastən, vayistən xâstan xwâstan fændyn
    water awe/awk, owe, ou aw av obə/ūbə âv, ö ov, wat(orandian dialect) âp ow ou âb âb/aw aw âpi avô- don
    when key key kengê, kîngê kəla key keyna kadi, ked ke key, çüvəxti key kay ka čim- kæd
    wind va ba, wa (pehlewanî) ba siləi vo gwáth var bâd wâd wa vâta- dymgæ / wad
    wolf verg gurg, guru lewə, šarmux̌ (šarmuš̥) varg varg gurk verg gürg gorg gurg varka- vehrka birægh
    woman cıni/ceni jin,zindage,gyian jin x̌əd͡za (š̥əd͡za) zeyniye, zenak jen, jiyan jan, jinik zan zən zan zan žan gǝnā, γnā, ǰaini-, sylgojmag / us
    year serre sal/sał sal kāl sâl sor, sal sâl sâl sal sâl sâl θard ýâre, sarәd az
    yes / no ya, heya, ê / nê, ney, ni bełê, a / na, ne erê, arê, belê, a / na, no, ne Hao, ao, wō / na, ya ahan / na ha / ne, na ere, hān / na are / nâ həri, hə / nə baleh, ârē, hā / na, née ōhāy / ne hâ / ney yâ / nay, mâ yâ / noit, mâ o / næ
    yesterday vizêr dwênê, duêka duho parūn azira, zira, diru zir, zinə dîruz deydi diruz dêrûž diya(ka) zyō znon
    English Zaza Sorani Kurmanji Pashto Tati Talyshi Balochi Mazandarani Tat Persian Middle Persian Parthian\ Old Persian Avestan Ossetian
    gollark: I did basically the same stuff for GCSE physics, which is unsurprising since, well, it's the same course, except not these "op-amps".
    gollark: I'm doing A-level physics (and maths, further maths and computer science) next year, but I'm somewhat distrustful of schools' ability to actually usefully teach (some) things.
    gollark: I didn't, though we did cover... general radioactive stuff... for GCSE physics.
    gollark: It's not like you can unping people.
    gollark: What sort of stuff was on the test, anyway? I don't really electronics so I never did it.


    1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Iranian". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
    2. Johannes Bechert; Giuliano Bernini; Claude Buridant (1990). Toward a Typology of European Languages. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-012108-7.
    3. Gernot Windfuhr (1979). Persian Grammar: History and State of Its Study. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-90-279-7774-8.
    4. Windfuhr, Gernot. The Iranian languages. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
    5. "Ethnologue report for Iranian".
    6. Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). "Report for Iranian languages". Ethnologue: Languages of the World (Fifteenth ed.). Dallas: SIL International.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link) CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
    7. Cardona, George. "Indo-Iranian languages". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 28 August 2018.
    8. (Skjærvø 2006)
    9. John R. Perry Iranian Studies Vol. 31, No. 3/4, A Review of the "Encyclopaedia Iranica" (Summer - Autumn, 1998), pp. 517-525
    10. Lassen, Christian. 1936. Die altpersischen Keil-Inschriften von Persepolis. Entzifferung des Alphabets und Erklärung des Inhalts. Bonn: Weber. S. 182.
      This was followed by Wilhelm Geiger in his Grundriss der Iranischen Philologie (1895). Friedrich von Spiegel (1859), Avesta, Engelmann (p. vii) used the spelling Eranian.
    11. Cust, Robert Needham. 1878. A sketch of the modern languages of the East Indies. London: Trübner.
    12. Dani, Ahmad Hasan. 1989. History of northern areas of Pakistan. Historical studies (Pakistan) series. National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research.
      "We distinguish between the Aryan languages of Iran, or Irano-Aryan, and the Aryan languages of India, or Indo-Aryan. For the sake of brevity, Iranian is commonly used instead of Irano-Aryan".
    13. Lazard, Gilbert. 1977. Preface in: Oranskij, Iosif M. Les langues iraniennes. Traduit par Joyce Blau.
    14. Schmitt, Rüdiger. 1994. Sprachzeugnisse alt- und mitteliranischer Sprachen in Afghanistan in: Indogermanica et Caucasica. Festschrift für Karl Horst Schmidt zum 65. Geburtstag. Bielmeier, Robert und Reinhard Stempel (Hrg.). De Gruyter. S. 168–196.
    15. Lazard, Gilbert. 1998. Actancy. Empirical approaches to language typology. Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-015670-9, ISBN 978-3-11-015670-6
    16. Michael Witzel (2001): Autochthonous Aryans? The evidence from Old Indian and Iranian texts. Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies 7(3): 1–115.
    17. Roland G. Kent: "Old Persion: Grammar Texts Lexicon". Part I, Chapter I: The Linguistic Setting of Old Persian. American Oriental Society, 1953.
    18. (Skjaervo 2006) vi(2). Documentation.
    19. Nicholas Sims-Williams, Iranica, under entry: Eastern Iranian languages
    20. Windfuhr, Gernot (2009). "Dialectology and Topics". The Iranian Languages. Routledge. pp. 18–21.
    21. Mary Boyce. 1975. A Reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian, p. 14.
    22. Brzezinski, Richard; Mielczarek, Mariusz (2002). The Sarmatians, 600 BC-AD 450. Osprey Publishing. p. 39. (..) Indeed, it is now accepted that the Sarmatians merged in with pre-Slavic populations.
    23. Adams, Douglas Q. (1997). Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. Taylor & Francis. p. 523. (..) In their Ukrainian and Polish homeland the Slavs were intermixed and at times overlain by Germanic speakers (the Goths) and by Iranian speakers (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) in a shifting array of tribal and national configurations.
    24. Atkinson, Dorothy; et al. (1977). Women in Russia. Stanford University Press. p. 3. ISBN 9780804709101. (..) Ancient accounts link the Amazons with the Scythians and the Sarmatians, who successively dominated the south of Russia for a millennium extending back to the seventh century B.C. The descendants of these peoples were absorbed by the Slavs who came to be known as Russians.
    25. Slovene Studies. 9–11. Society for Slovene Studies. 1987. p. 36. (..) For example, the ancient Scythians, Sarmatians (amongst others), and many other attested but now extinct peoples were assimilated in the course of history by Proto-Slavs.


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    • Schmitt, Rüdiger (ed.) (1989). Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum (in German). Wiesbaden: Reichert. ISBN 978-3-88226-413-5.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
    • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (1996). "Iranian languages". Encyclopedia Iranica. 7. Costa Mesa: Mazda. pp. 238–245.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
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    • Frye, Richard N. (1996). "Peoples of Iran". Encyclopedia Iranica. 7. Costa Mesa: Mazda.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
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    • Toroghdar, Zia (2018). "From Astara to Fuman: Comparison words from dialects of different languages Talysh and Tatic". Farhang-e Ilia. pp. 38–172.
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