Hillsborough Convention

The Hillsborough Convention, was the first of two North Carolina conventions to ratify the United States Constitution. Delegates represented 7 boroughs and 59 counties, including six western counties that became part of Tennessee when it was created in 1796. They met in Hillsborough, North Carolina from July 21 to August 4, 1788 to deliberate and determine whether to ratify the Constitution recommended to the states by the General Convention that had been held in Philadelphia the previous summer. The delegates had won their seats through special elections held in March 1788, as mandated by the North Carolina General Assembly.[1] Governor Samuel Johnston presided over the Convention.[2] The Hillsborough Convention was dominated by anti-Federalists, and North Carolina did not ratify the Constitution until the Fayetteville Convention, which met a year later.

Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North Carolina in 1788
Governor Samuel Johnston presided


The convention was held in Hillsborough, North Carolina, at the St. Matthew's Episcopal (Church of England) Church. The church was located on lot 98 in Hillsborough. It was also the location of the third Provincial Congress of North Carolina of 1775 and the meeting place of the North Carolina Legislature in 1778, 1782 and 1783. The church was destroyed by fire before 1800s. A new structure was built on the site in 1814 and became the Hillsborough Presbyterian Church in 1816.[3][4][5]


Key state Federalists were James Iredell Sr., William Richardson Davie, and William Blount. Anti-Federalist leaders included Willie Jones, Samuel Spencer, and Timothy Bloodworth. The Anti-Federalist delegates outnumbered their Federalist colleagues by a margin of two to one. The Federalists wanted to strengthen the powers of the federal government to help the country keep from dissolving. They argued that the powers granted to the federal government in the Articles of Confederation were not sufficient. On the other side, the Anti-Federalists were suspicious of the federal government and did not want self-rule to come under fire from a government that could intrude on state and individual rights. Knowing that they would likely lose, members of the Federalist minority brought a stenographer to the convention to record their arguments for publication in the hopes of changing public opinion in the future.[6]


The debate resulted in the delegates voting 184 to 84 to neither ratify nor reject the Constitution. One of the major reasons for North Carolina not ratifying the Constitution was its lack of a Bill of Rights. The delegates, however, proposed a series of amendments to personal liberties and urged the new federal Congress to adopt measures to incorporate a bill of rights into the Constitution.[7] North Carolina would not join the Union until after it ratified the Constitution, more than a year later, at the November 1789 Fayetteville Convention.[8][9][10][11]


Richard Dobbs Spaight, Craven County delegate
William Richardson Davie, Halifax delegate
later Gov. Benjamin Smith, Brunswick delegate
Willie Jones, Halifax delegate
Benjamin Williams, Craven delegate
William Lenoir, Wilkes delegate
Joseph Graham, Mecklenburg delegate
James Kenan, Duplin delegate
Joseph McDowell, Jr, Burke delegate
Richard Caswell, Dobbs delegate
James Iredell, Edenton delegate

There were 294 known delegates from the 59 counties and seven boroughs of North Carolina. Some counties (Greene, Sullivan, Sumner, Tennessee, Washington) later became part of the state of Tennessee in 1796.[12][13] The election of delegates from Dobbs County was declared invalid because of violence that led to the loss of the ballot box.[14][15]

Governor Samuel Johnston was the President of the Convention. While his home was in Chowan County, he represented Perquimans County in the Convention. John Hunt was the secretary and James Taylor was the assistant secretary of the Convention. The doorkeepers of the convention were William Murfree, Peter Gooding, Nicholas Murfree, and James Mulloy.[15]

OrderCounty or BoroughDelegateYeasNays
1PerquimansJohnston, Samuel, Esq., Presidentx
2Borough of EdentonIredell, Jamesx
3Borough of WilmingtonMaclaine, Archibaldx
4BeaufortKeais, Nathanx
5BeaufortBlount, John G.x
6BeaufortAlderson, Thomasx
7BertieJohnston, Johnx
8BertieOliver, Andrewx
9BladenElleston, Goodwinx
10BurkeMcDowell, Charlesx
11CravenSpaight, Richard Dobbsx
12BertieDawson, William Johnstonx
13CumberlandPorterfield, Jamesx
14CumberlandGrove, William Barryx
15CumberlandElliott, Georgex
16CarteretStyron, Willisx
17CarteretShepperd, Williamx
18CurrituckPhillips, Jamesx
19CurrituckHumphries, Johnx
20ChowanPayne, Michaelx
21ChowanJohnson, Charlesx
22ChowanCabarrus, Stephenx
23ChowanBlount, Edmundx
24CamdenAbbot, Henryx
25CamdenGregory, Isaacx
26CamdenDauge, Peterx
27CamdenGrandy, Charlesx
28CamdenSawyer, Enochx
29ChathamLucas, Georgex
30RobesonWillis, Johnx
31RobesonCade, Johnx
32RobesonBarnes, Eliasx
33RobesonBrown, Neilx
34SumnerWinchester, Jamesx
35SumnerStokes, Williamx
36TyrrellStuart, Thomas (sometimes Stewart)x
37TyrrellCollins, Josiahx
38WakeHines, Thomasx
39WakeJones, Nathanielx
40Borough of SalisburySteele, Johnx
41Borough of HalifaxDavie, William Richardsonx
42GatesRiddick, Josephx
43GatesGregory, Jamesx
44GatesHunter, Thomasx
45HertfordWyns, Thomasx
46HydeJones, Abrahamx
47HydeEborne, Johnx
48HydeJasper, Jamesx
49HydeForeman, Calebx
50HydeHovey, Seth (Harvey)x
51LincolnSloan, Johnx
52LincolnMoore, Johnx
53LincolnMaclaine, Williamx
54MartinMayo, Nathanx
55MartinSlade, Williamx
56MartinMcKenzie, Williamx
57MecklenburgIrwin, Robertx
58PasquotankLane, Johnx
59PasquotankReading, Thomasx
60PasquotankEveregain, Edwardx
61PasquotankRelfe, Enochx
62PasquotankDavis, Devotionx
63PerquimansSkinner, Williamx
64PerquimansSkinner, Joshuax
65PerquimansHarvey, Thomasx
66PerquimansSkinner, Johnx
67HertfordHarrel, Samuelx
68CravenLeech, Josephx
69JohnstonBridges, William (Bridger)x
70CarteretBurden, Williamx
71TyrrellBlount, Edmundx
72TyrrellSpruill, Simeonx
73BertieTurner, David[15][16]x
74MartinHill, Whitmellx
75BrunswickSmith, Benjaminx
76Borough of New BernSitgreaves, Johnx
77ChowanAllen, Nathanielx
78BladenOwen, Thomasx
79HertfordWyns, Georgex
80PittPerkins, Davidx
81CurrituckFerebee, Josephx
82CurrituckFerebee, Williamx
83GatesBaker, Williamx
84CravenNeale, Abnerx
85HalifaxJones, Williex
86AnsonSpencer, Samuelx
87AnsonLanier, Lewisx
88AnsonWade, Thomasx
89AnsonGould, Danielx
90BeaufortBonner, Jamesx
91BrunswickForster, Alexius M.x
92BrunswickDupree, Lewisx
93BladenBrown, Thomasx
94BurkeGreenlee, Jamesx
95BurkeMcDowell, Joseph "Pleasant Gardens"x
96BurkeMiller, Robertx
97CravenWilliams, Benjaminx
98CravenNixon, Richardx
99CumberlandArmstrong, Thomasx
100CumberlandMcAllister, Alexander (McCallister)x
101CaswellDickins, Robertx
102CaswellRoberts, Georgex
103CaswellWomack, Johnx
104ChathamRamsey, Ambrosex
105ChathamAnderson, Jamesx
106ChathamStewart, Josephx
107ChathamVestal, Williamx
108DavidsonEvans, Thomasx
109DavidsonHardiman, Thomasx
110DavidsonWeakley, Robertx
111DavidsonDonaldson, Williamx
112DavidsonDobins, William (Dobbin)x
113EdgecombeDigges, Robertx
114EdgecombeBell, Bythelx
115EdgecombeBattle, Elishax
116EdgecombeFort, Williamx
117EdgecombeGray, Ethelredx
118FranklinLancaster, Williamx
119FranklinSherrod, Thomasx
120FranklinNorwood, Johnx
121PittDupree, Sterlingx
122PittWilliams, Robertx
123PittMoye, Richardx
124PittForbes, Arthurx
125GuilfordCaldwell, Davidx
126GuilfordGoudy, William (Gowdy)x
127GuilfordGillespie, Danielx
128GuilfordAnderson, Johnx
129GuilfordHamilton, Johnx
130GranvillePerson, Thomasx
131GranvilleTaylor, Josephx
132GranvilleYancey, Thorntonx
133GranvilleLewis, Howell, Jun.x
134GranvilleMitchell, Elijahx
135RutherfordMoore, Georgex
136RutherfordLedbetter, Georgex
137RutherfordPorter, Williamx
138RandolphWood, Zebedeex
139RandolphWaddill, Edmundx
140RockinghamGalloway, Jamesx
141RobesonRegan, Johnx
142SurryWinston, Josephx
143SurryGains, Jamesx
144SurryMcAnnelly, Charlesx
145SurryBostick, Absalom (Bostwick)x
146SullivanScott, Johnx
147SullivanDunkin, Johnx
148SampsonDodd, Davidx
149SampsonIvey, Curtisx
150SampsonHolmes, Lewisx
151SampsonClinton, Richardx
152SampsonHolmes, Hardyx
153WashingtonAlison, Robert (Alison)x
154WashingtonStuart, James (Stewart)x
155WashingtonTipton, Johnx
156WarrenMacon, Johnx
157WarrenChristmass, Thomasx
158WarrenMontfort/Montford, Henryx
159WayneTaylor, Williamx
160WayneHandley, Jamesx
161WakeSaunders, Brittain (Sanders)[15]x
162WilkesLenoir, Williamx
163WilkesAllen, Richardx
164WilkesBrown, Johnx
165WilkesHerndon, Josephx
166WilkesFletcher, Jamesx
167HertfordBurkit, Lemuelx
168HertfordLittle, Williamx
169HawkinsKing, Thomasx
170JonesBryan, Nathanx
171JonesBryan, John Hillx
172JonesWhitty, Edwardx
173LincolnAlexander, Robertx
174LincolnJohnson, Jamesx
175MooreCox, Johnx
176MooreCarrel, Johnx
177MooreDoud, Corneliusx
178MooreTyson, Thomasx
179MooreMartin, Williamx
180MartinHunter, Thomasx
181MecklenburgGraham, Joseph (John?)x
182MontgomeryLoftin, Williamx
183MontgomeryKindall, Williamx
184MontgomeryUssory, Thomasx
185MontgomeryButler, Thomasx
186NorthamptonBendford, John (Bentford)x
187NorthamptonVaughan, Jamesx
188NorthamptonPeebles, Robertx
189NorthamptonVinson, Jamesx
190NashMarnes, William S.x
191NashEllin, Howellx
192NashBunn, Redmanx
193NashBonds, Johnx
194NashPridgen, Davidx
195OnslowYates, Danielx
196OnslowJohnston, Thomasx
197OnslowSpicer, John, Jr.x
198Borough of HillsboroTatom, Abasalomx
199OrangeMebane, Alexanderx
200OrangeMebane, Williamx
201OrangeMcCauley, Williamx
202OrangeShepperd, Williamx
203OrangeLindley, Jonathanx
204WarrenHawkins, Wyattx
205WarrenPayne, Jamesx
206CaswellGraves, Johnx
207WashingtonBlair, Johnx
208WashingtonTipton, Josephx
209RockinghamBethell, Williamx
210RockinghamPhillips, Abrahamx
211RockinghamMay, Johnx
212RockinghamGalloway, Charlesx
213CaswellBowell, Jamesx
214RichmondMcAllister, John (McAllastar)x
215SullivanLooney, Davidx
216SullivanSharpe, Johnx
217BladenGaitier, Josephx
218New HanoverCampbell, John A.x
219New HanoverWilliams, John Pughx
220HawkinsMarshall, Williamx
221RichmondRobinson, Charlesx
222DuplinGillespie, Jamesx
223DuplinWard, Charlesx
224JonesRandal, Williamx
225JonesHargett, Frederickx
226WayneMcKinnie, Richardx
227BrunswickCains/Caims, Johnx
228BrunswickLeonard, Jacobx
229RowanCarson, Thomasx
230RutherfordSingleton, Richardx
231RutherfordWhiteside, Jamesx
232MecklenburgPhifer, Calebx
233MecklenburgWilson, Zachiasx
234MecklenburgDouglas, Josephx
235RandolphDougan, Thomasx
236DuplinKenan, Jamesx
237HalifaxJones, Johnx
238HalifaxHaywood, Egbertx
239HalifaxWooten, Williamx
240HalifaxBranch, Johnx
241FranklinHill, Henryx
242WayneBass, Andrewx
243JohnstonBoon, Josephx
244JohnstonFarmer, Williamx
245JohnstonBryan, Johnx
246RichmondWilliams, Edwardx
247DuplinOliver, Francisx
248SurryBrooks, Matthewx
249RowanRutherford, Griffithx
250RowanBarringer, George Henryx
251New HanoverBloodworth, Timothyx
252JohnstonPearce, Everetx
253GreeneRawlings, Asabelx
254GreeneWilson, Jamesx
255GreeneRoddy, Jamesx
256BladenCain, Samuelx
257RichmondCovington, Benjaminx
258BurkeMcDowall, Joseph, Jr.x
259FranklinHall, Durhamx
260New HanoverBloodworth, Jamesx
261WakeLane, Joelx
262WakeHinton, Jamesx
263New HanoverDevane, Thomasx
264RowanBrandon, James (Brannon)x
265DuplinDickson, William (Dicks)x
266WayneMooring, Burwellx
267RowanLocke, Matthew (Lock)x
268HawkinsDonelson, Stokelyx
269AnsonWood, Frame[15]
270CarteretWallace, David[15]
271CarteretBorden, Thomas, Jr.[15]
272Borough of FayettevilleIngram, John[15]
273DobbsCaswell, Richard[15]
274DobbsGlasgow, James[15]
275DobbsCaswell, Winston[15]
276DobbsSheppard, Bennett[15]
277DobbsLassiter, Nathan (Lasseter)[15]
278MontgomeryMcDondald, James[15]
279New HannoverHuske, John[15]
280NorthamptonPeterson, John[15]
281OnslowSnead, Robert W. (Sneed)[15]
282OnslowStarkey, Edward[15]
283RandolphHanley, Jeff[15]
284RandolphBowdon, William[15]
285SullivanMartin, Joseph[15]
286SumnerSmith, Daniel[15]
287SumnerWilson, David[15]
288SumnerDouglass, Edward[15]
289TennesseeMontgomery, John[15]
290TennesseeDrew, John[15]
291TennesseeJohnston, Thomas[15]
292TennesseeBlount, William[15]
293TennesseeMenees, Benjamin[15]
294TyrrellSpruill, Hezekiah[15]
gollark: You can borrow some of my turtles for 10KST/hour.
gollark: I just checked this, and it seems oddly active.
gollark: What's going on?

See also

Scene at the signing of the Constitution of the United States, signing is Richard Dobbs Spaight, behind him is William Blount and Hugh Williamson


  1. Cavanagh, John C. (2006). "Convention of 1788". NCpedia. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
  2. "Hillsborough Convention of 1788". NorthCarolinahistory.org An Online Encyclopedia. North Carolina History Project. Retrieved February 20, 2017.
  3. "Church History". Hillsborough Presbyterian Church. Hillsborough, North Carolina. Retrieved December 3, 2015.
  4. "New Plaque Honors NC Leaders Who Did Not Sign Constitution Until Bill Of Rights Added". WUNC91.5. November 17, 2014.
  5. "Marker G-131, Constitutional Convention 1788". NCMarkers.com. Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  6. "July 21, 2013: Hillsborough Convention Fails to Ratify Constitution". This Day in North Carolina History. North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
  7. Watson, Alan (2011). General Benjamin Smith: A Biography of the North Carolina Governor. McFarland. p. 52. ISBN 978-0786461561.
  8. "Fayette Convention of 1789". NorthCarolinaHistory.org. Retrieved July 22, 2019.
  9. John C. Cavanaugh, Decision at Fayetteville (Raleigh, 1989)
  10. William Price, Jr., "’There Ought to Be a Bill of Rights’: North Carolina Enters a New Nation," in The Bill of Rights and the States, ed. Patrick T. Conley and John Kaminski (Lanham, Maryland, 1992)
  11. Louise Irby Trenholme, The Ratification of the Federal Constitution in North Carolina (Columbia, Missouri, 1932)
  12. "Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North-Carolina, Convened at Hillsborough, on Monday the 21st Day of July, 1788, for the Purpose of Deliberating and Determining on the Constitution Recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia, the 17th Day of September, 1787: To Which is Prefixed the Said Constitution:". 1788. Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  13. Counties were not listed for the delegates in the minutes, so the 1904 Manual was used.
  14. Connor, Henry Grove (August 1904). "The Convention of 1788‑'89 and the Federal Constitution — Hillsborough and Fayetteville". Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  15. Connor, R.D.D. (1913). A Manual of North Carolina (PDF). Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission. p. 863-. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  16. Minutes say Tanner vice Turner as in Manual

Additional sourcing:

  • Gillespie, Michael Allen Gillespie (1989). Liensch, Michael (ed.). North Carolina: Preserving Rights. Ratifying the Constitution.
  • Price, William S. (1991). The Bill of Rights and North Carolina: There Ought to be a Bill of Rights.
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