1888 in Canada



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments

Lieutenant governors


  • Chairman of the Lieutenant-Governor's Advisory Council of the North-West Territories – Robert Brett (from June 30)


Full date unknown

Arts and literature

New books


January to June

July to December


Historical Documents

Sandford Fleming's ideas on telegraph line to Australia [1]

Brief visit to Chinatown temple in Victoria, B.C. [2]

Lecturer describes dogs of Hudson Strait Inuit [3]

gollark: This is going slower than expected due to annoying clipboard weirdness.
gollark: I guess the end is when you say "great" after lyricly is "done".
gollark: Hmm. I hope we agree on the boundaries of the rules discussion(s) then.
gollark: Great¡¡¡¡
gollark: I mean, unless you actually look at new esolangs, which you aren't in.


  1. "Pacific Cable Telegraph between Canada and Australia[...]," Privy Council Minutes, February 18-27, 1888, pgs. 331-5. Accessed 10 October 2019 http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/orders/001022-119.01-e.php?&sisn_id_nbr=41533&page_id_nbr=129551
  2. James Carmichael, A Holiday Trip; Montreal to Victoria and Return via the Canadian Pacific Railway[...] (1888), pgs. 28-9. Accessed 10 October 2019 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/1718/34.html
  3. Wm. A. Ashe, "The Eskimos of Hudson Straits," Lectures Given at the Quebec Garrison Club, 1888-9 (1889), pgs. 25-6, 43-5. Accessed 10 October 2019 https://archive.org/stream/cihm_09022#page/n31/mode/2up
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