1938 in Canada



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments



Full date unknown

Arts and literature



January to June

John Hamm

July to September

Paul Martin

October to December


  • Roland Doré, educator, President of the Canadian Space Agency


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See also

Historical Documents

Prime Minister Chamberlain defends Munich Agreement in "peace for our time" speech in British House of Commons [1]

President Roosevelt requests increased defence appropriations from Congress [2]

President Roosevelt says "we[...]are no longer a far away continent" in address at Queen's University at Kingston [3]

Vancouverites fail in plot to bomb Japanese ocean liner Hiye Maru [4]

Jewish Anti-Defamation League member says act on "passion for democracy" in face of world events [5]

Jewish columnist sets radio host straight on his "joke" about Jews [6]

With prices for necessities and product sold dictated to them, Alberta farmers form United Farmers of Canada branch [7]

Manitoba premier comments on globally higher production, lower demand and drastically lower prices for wheat [8]

Development of huge Turner Valley oil field and its significance to Canada and Empire (especially British Navy) [9]

Nellie McClung praises cooperation as solution to poverty resulting from "profit system divorced from Christian ethics" [10]

Woonsocket, Rhode Island Franco-American mill worker and his family survive another layoff during Depression [11]

Trans-Canada Air Lines will be part of multi-day international flights linking Britain with New Zealand and Australia [12]

Tides and trees, gardens and exiles are subjects of Nellie McClung's Nova Scotia travel article [13]

New wing of Kitchener-Waterloo YWCA hosts Saturday morning games, stories and handwork for girls [14]


  1. Great Britain, Parliamentary Debates; Commons; Vol. 339 (October 3, 1938). Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/ralph/workbook/ralprs36.htm
  2. "Paper VIII; Message to the Congress recommending increased armament for national defense, January 28, 1938," Development of United States Foreign Policy; Addresses and Messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1942), pgs. 25-6. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/7-2-188/188-08.html
  3. "Paper IX; Address at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 18, 1938," Development of United States Foreign Policy; Addresses and Messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1942), pgs. 27-9. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/7-2-188/188-09.html Audio: "President Franklin Roosevelt Receiving Honorary Degree at Queens University in Ontario, Canada" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=expTBGIIvlI
  4. "One Seized, One Dead at Seattle; Vancouver Man Admits They Were in Pay of 'Oriental Nation'" (Seattle, January 20, 1938). Accessed 18 June 2020 https://collections.warmuseum.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5142454
  5. Richard E. Gutstadt, in "B'nai B'rith and A.Z.A. 1938; Second Annual Conference; Western Canadian Council" (September 1938; unpaginated). Accessed 18 June 2020 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/6154/21.html
  6. Al Segal, "Plain Talk; Suppose it were the Scotch," Jewish Western Bulletin, Vol. VIII, No. 43 (May 13, 1938), pg. 1. Accessed 18 June 2020 https://newspapers.lib.sfu.ca/jwb-51057/page-1
  7. "Manifesto and Constitution of United farmers of Canada (Alberta Section); Third Revised Edition. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/6238/2.html
  8. "Radio Address by Honourable John Bracken; December 18, 1938," Proceedings of the Conference on Markets for Western Farm Products, pgs. 325-8. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/6175/325.html
  9. Walter S. Campbell, "Turner Valley - Its Resources and Possibilities" (February 10, 1938), The Empire Club of Canada Addresses, pgs. 227-44. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://speeches.empireclub.org/60612/data?n=179
  10. Nellie L. McClung, "Co-operation in Nova Scotia," The (Berwick, N.S.) Register (September 7, 1938). Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.rootsweb.com/~canbrnep/nlmcclungcins.htm
  11. Mr. Guilfoyle, "French Canadian Textile Worker" (interview with Henry Boucher, January 12, 1939), pgs. 18-23. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.loc.gov/resource/wpalh3.30030123/seq-23#seq-17
  12. "Across Canada by Air," The (Wellington, N.Z.) Evening Post, Vol. CXXV, No. 94 (April 22, 1938), pg. 8. Accessed 18 June 2020 https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/evening-post/1938/04/22/8
  13. Nellie L. McClung, "The Flavour of Nova Scotia," The (Berwick, N.S.) Register (August 3, 1938), pgs. 1, 3. Accessed 18 June 2020 http://www.rootsweb.com/~canbrnep/nlmcclungtfons.htm
  14. "Saturday Morning Play Hour Big Attraction at Y.W.C.A.," Kitchener Daily Record (March 21, 1938). Accessed 18 June 2020 https://uwaterloo.ca/library/special-collections-archives/sites/ca.library.special-collections-archives/files/uploads/images/funy.gif
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