1870 in Canada



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments

Lieutenant governors


  • May 12 – The Canadian Parliament's Manitoba Act receives royal assent. The act provides for the establishment of the province Manitoba when Rupert's Land is transferred to Canada.
  • June–July – The 1870 New Brunswick election
  • July 15 – The British Privy Council's Rupert's Land and North-Western Territory Order transfers those territories to Canada, and Manitoba and the North-West Territories are established.
  • September 16 – Alfred Boyd becomes the first premier of Manitoba.
  • December 27 – The 1870 Manitoba election

Arts and literature


Howard Ferguson
R. B. Bennett

Full date unknown


Full date unknown

Historical Documents

Metis List of Rights calls for Rupert's Land and the Northwest to become the Province of Assiniboia[1]

President Louis Riel gives his first speech to the Red River provisional government[2]

Doubtful about Louis Riel, Prime Minister Macdonald begins assembling a military force[3]

MP praises liberal approach in creating Manitoba in House of Commons speech[4]

Red River resident objects to amnesty for Louis Riel and other leaders[5]

President Grant calls Canada unfriendly to U.S. fishers and shippers[6]

Call for a state-supported "Dominion University" in Canada[7]

McGill University's John William Dawson on science education abroad and its application to Canada[8]

Reports of smallpox among Blackfoot, Cree and other nations[9]

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  1. D'Arcy G. Vermette, "II.a.The Lists of Rights and Metis Demands," Beyond Doctrines of Dominance, pgs. 108-9. Accessed 21 September 2018 https://ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/23138/3/Vermette_DArcy-Gordon_2012_thesis.pdf
  2. "Provisional Government; First Council Meeting; Speech of the President," The New Nation, Winnipeg, Vol. I, No. 10 (March 11, 1870), pg. 2. Accessed 20 September 2018 https://digitalcollections.lib.umanitoba.ca/islandora/object/uofm%3A2743832
  3. Joseph Pope, Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Macdonald, G.C.B., First Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada (London: Edward Arnold, 1894), pgs. 62-3. Accessed 10 September 2018 https://archive.org/stream/memoirsofrightho02popeiala#page/62/mode/2up/
  4. Adams George Archibald, Speech Delivered in the House of Commons by the Hon. A.G. Archibald, during the Debate on the "Manitoba Bill," May 7, 1870 (Ottawa: Printed by L.B. Taylor, 1870). Accessed 10 September 2018 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/526/4.html
  5. Letter in "Report of the Select Committee on the Causes of the Difficulties in the North-West Territory in 1869-70," Journals of the House of Commons 1874, Vol. 8, Appendix 6, pg. 195. Accessed 10 September 2018 http://www.canadahistory.com/sections/documents/thewest/lynchredriver.htm
  6. Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1789-1873; Monday, December 5, 1870, pgs. 15-18. Accessed 10 September 2018 http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/hlaw:@field(DOCID+@lit(sj0653)):#0650015
  7. R.G. (Robert Grant) Haliburton, Mr. Haliburton's Speech on the Young Men of the New Dominion; from the Ottawa Citizen, January 27, 1870. Accessed 10 September 2018 https://fishercollections.library.utoronto.ca/islandora/object/broadsides%3ARBDM0164_0001
  8. John William Dawson, Science Education Abroad, a Lecture; Being the Annual University Lecture of the Session 1870-71. Accessed 10 September 2018 https://fishercollections.library.utoronto.ca/islandora/object/broadsides%3ACAP01284_0007
  9. William Francis Butler, Report by Lieutenant Butler, 69th Regt., of His Journey from Fort Garry to Rocky Mountain House and Back (Winnipeg: 1871), pgs. 9-12. Accessed 11 September 2018 http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/bibliography/615/11.html
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