Tag: array

18 Test if element is in array in bash 2010-10-04T10:54:20.940

7 how do I merge an array of images into a single giant image? 2009-09-19T18:28:10.560

6 Extract values from a range that are missing from another 2012-05-31T03:16:23.647

6 Use functions like Countif, Countblank etc. to refer to discontiguous ranges. 2015-07-10T18:04:57.010

6 Excel INDEX MATCH Checking Multiple Columns 2016-05-18T09:18:18.673

5 Spawning multiple parallel wgets and storing results in a bash array to be pretty printed when all wgets are done 2013-06-10T12:15:51.817

4 List values based on criteria 2013-12-23T20:17:43.017

4 How to map one array element which is separated by newlines into a new array with multiple elements 2016-07-20T14:14:53.877

3 Word macro: how to replace strings in a text, based on a 2 column-table? 2011-10-07T23:17:25.290

3 Expand Synology SHR volume with varying disk sizes 2012-06-14T15:07:09.087

3 How to switch off "you can use new shorter array creation syntax" hint in NetBeans IDE 8.0.2? 2015-01-31T13:18:10.223

3 Excel, how to use text functions on lookup array without putting in another column? 2015-05-21T09:08:28.207

3 How to highlight boundaries of an array in Excel? 2015-06-11T16:45:06.800

3 Make an array formula in excel calculate only on active rows 2015-10-05T09:32:45.400

3 How to count the number of elements in an array in Ansible? 2018-10-25T21:30:53.000

2 How to return first non-blank cell and if it's already a value before it, return the third non-blank and so on? 2012-02-21T11:02:15.737

2 Swapping RAID sets in and out of the same controller 2012-10-06T21:03:14.993

2 Is there a way to use a name range as an array criteria for a sum(countif()) formula in Excel 2010 2013-09-09T17:58:21.940

2 What type of port is this? 2013-12-06T00:40:05.290

2 Excel 2010 - Need to sum dynamic range based on trailing 3 months 2015-01-16T20:57:06.430

2 BASH associative array rearrange keys 2015-02-12T23:59:47.180

2 Display Associative array in awk 2015-08-25T08:17:51.307

2 How to count number of cells over multiple worksheets whose values are in between a given range? 2015-10-20T10:52:12.933

2 How to flag rows with the pattern non-blank, blank, non-blank using Excel 2015-11-11T02:18:30.570

2 Trying to create a formula to calculate a rate value per row in Excel 2015-12-16T16:57:07.360

2 Append string to array elements and join them in one expression 2016-07-08T17:41:02.737

2 Mac OSX Excel 2016 2017-02-03T11:44:38.123

2 copy array in a batch file 2017-04-25T14:48:30.800

2 CTRL+SHFT+ENTER Array Formula not working 2017-11-09T23:24:46.333

2 Average by month within multiple bespoke date ranges excel 2017-12-08T13:55:49.113

2 Excel Formula To Show Top X Percentage Of An Array 2018-07-04T10:46:30.477

2 Using GCD Function With Arrays in Excel 2018-08-10T13:48:54.760

2 Find position of first uppercase character in excel string 2018-12-11T12:52:15.567

2 bash for loop with unknown array 2019-01-22T13:50:38.877

2 Adding arrays to a timeline and summing them 2019-07-08T19:28:50.737

2 Efficient way to concatenate row titles based on column indicator? 2019-11-27T16:23:52.333

1 Debian 6 with Smart Array 5i 2011-09-21T20:15:24.667

1 Restoring Raid 5 Meta data / Table 2012-03-12T22:22:46.297

1 cell array of strings to matlab structure 2013-01-10T17:48:33.210

1 In Excel I need to find data matches between two arrays - one horizontal and one vertical 2013-04-30T20:30:20.783

1 md0 RAID1 can't read superblock 2013-08-08T16:18:48.407

1 How woulld I add $OPTARGs from one arg to an array 2013-11-16T21:14:29.780

1 can't seem to populate bash array with new elements using '+=' operator 2014-02-26T21:58:29.087

1 how to get the array size in ms excel? 2015-01-11T19:27:21.493

1 Properly extracting from an array 2015-04-24T14:51:24.567

1 Excel 2010 Array Formula (CSE) Dynamic cell range/reference; index? offset? 2015-06-18T02:02:10.417

1 INDEX( SMALL( IF(... resulting in #NUM today, yesterday was correct 2015-09-16T13:35:21.777

1 Add hashes with duplicate keys to array 2015-10-13T21:00:29.820

1 Find correspondent row in array 2016-02-24T14:01:53.457

1 Retrieve the array indexes from a range 2016-02-25T14:38:23.413

1 How can you find the index of a word in a list in GNU make? 2016-03-14T19:47:57.330

1 Using an array as search criterea for find command 2016-03-29T15:59:13.983

1 Split a column interspersed with zeros into separate columns in Excel, while breaking at zeros 2016-05-10T01:40:23.923

1 Excel: Conditional formatting, simplifying retrieving data from a range of rows 2016-09-20T15:34:08.947

1 Excel: using a formula to only sum from above row until next blank cell? 2018-01-09T01:39:35.090

1 Use Excel formulae results in array for nested function 2018-01-28T17:03:54.263

1 Excel - array function to remove spaces 2018-01-29T15:38:55.143

1 Excel - N/a In cell causes formula searching range to break 2018-04-26T13:29:52.937

1 Excel : How to write everything I want on a single array formula 2018-05-29T06:32:27.513

1 How to find the average time from an array in PowerShell 2018-07-03T20:34:24.660

1 Creating "temporary" array formulas in Excel 2018-07-06T15:17:33.143

1 Index/Match for an entire table rather than a single column 2018-07-11T16:37:18.423

1 Returning a value that is CLOSEST to some value found within a large range of data 2018-07-16T14:44:55.060

1 MAX Result of multpiple results from INDEX and MATCH 2018-09-08T20:14:13.170

1 LookUP Value returning multiple concatenated values 2018-09-24T15:29:45.340

1 Count max values compared with previous array 2018-11-02T21:48:25.423

1 Pass arguments of .BAT file to executed .EXE file 2018-11-13T10:52:05.977

1 Using an array to output results from a lookup criteria 2019-02-06T16:17:48.880

1 Using powershell, how two screenshots can be compared in buffer? 2019-04-01T00:03:29.117

1 Dynamic Arrays for earlier Excel versions 2019-06-13T17:39:50.670

1 SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion - Array Variable with Variable Index - dynamic variable 2019-10-11T03:10:40.037

1 Countif Date Array Formula 2019-10-19T05:30:55.467

0 Excel formula - sometimes array formula, sometimes not 2010-06-30T21:00:22.037

0 Detecting Array 2010-07-12T22:38:45.033

0 Array support for the original bash in MacOS 10.4.0? 2011-07-13T21:24:28.950

0 Which cable do I need? 2013-02-13T21:31:39.430

0 Force a one-dimensional array into a constant in Excel 2013-12-06T15:40:46.733

0 In associative arrays, assigning index and value at the same time 2014-02-25T12:15:43.053

0 Bash, transforming a string list of words in a array 2014-02-27T12:21:01.247

0 Replacing subString in an array with bash 2014-05-12T13:00:48.527

0 Powershell Get File Shares Into Array 2014-06-17T03:51:49.580

0 AutoIt script hangs for no apparent reason 2014-06-21T10:18:40.933

0 Excel cell value (text) based on 2nd cell value (number) appearing in a named range 2014-12-01T19:32:58.900

0 Matlab extract numbers from cell with mixed contents 2014-12-08T16:11:33.707

0 Trucrypt volume on Raid5 2014-12-24T21:20:29.320

0 Excel formula to generate a custom array result 2015-02-23T21:08:32.773

0 Excel horizontal only sum of an array (matrix) 2015-02-24T22:17:08.663

0 Enumerating every other array element in loop 2015-03-14T02:21:26.880

0 How to lookup a value and return multiple unique values (remove duplicates) to a single cell - comma separated 2015-03-24T18:42:35.900

0 SUMPRODUCT & ROUND 2015-04-23T16:28:44.907

0 Excel: Sum values on a column based on criteria* on other columns *(complex criteria) 2015-06-11T23:02:11.447

0 Excel 2010 Array (CSE) Formula: How to remove a part of contiguous (adjacent) range 2015-06-19T01:57:57.143

0 How do I zero out an SAS hard drive which is part of a Dot Hill array? 2015-07-25T12:45:42.897

0 VBA macro crashes when using variable Ranges instead of fixed ones 2015-09-02T09:41:34.363

0 Return 'dir' command results into array/list 2015-09-03T10:57:05.647

0 Need unique count of text from multiple columns by category 2015-10-02T01:18:00.453

0 Trying to show in one cell the date at which a cash flow will become negative 2015-10-10T22:34:41.053

0 Excel array functions -- how to count non-blank cells over multiple worksheets? 2015-10-27T09:07:53.043

0 Excel, possible array? Not sure how to calculate conditional steps 2015-12-10T22:21:14.013