Adding arrays to a timeline and summing them



I am trying to add multiple arrays to a simple timeline and then summing those arrays. This is a simplified view:

A =  1   2   3   4   5

timeline    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   8    9    10
A@ 2                  1    2    3    4    5
A@ 4                            1    2    3    4   5 
2A @ 6                                    2    4   6    8    10

Total       0    0    1    2    4    6    10   8  11    8    10   

The matrix is labeled "A" and the timeline is sequential (0, 1, 2..)

I added a row for adding each matrix to the timeline and then a sum total row.

Question: Is there a way to do this with matrix formulas so that I can do it all in one total row?


timeline    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   8    9    10
                      1         1         2      
Total       0    0    1    2    4    6    10   8  11    8    10

Update: I was hoping to find a way to use Excel matrix functions using key combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

I have a more complex problem where I'm trying to sum and scale a series of "startup ramps" for sales people based on their hire date. Am trying to use a a hire date which adds a matrix (actually a vector) to the timeline and scales them (based on heads hired) and then sums them monthly. Is there another way to approach this that I"m not thinking about?


Posted 2019-07-08T19:28:50.737

Reputation: 21

Question was closed 2019-07-19T10:13:44.963



As it stands, Microsoft Excel cannot work with matrices this way. If you rephrase your question it may be easier for us to find a suitable workaround.


Posted 2019-07-08T19:28:50.737

Reputation: 12 320

Thank you. Not sure I can rephrase if it doesn’t do it. Could it be done with macros? – leeprevost – 2019-07-18T13:26:02.860

I added a little bit more about the problem I'm trying to solve in the above. – leeprevost – 2019-07-18T17:10:58.047