Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
3 answers

How to provide web access to interact with a file system?

I need to be able to provide web access to interact with a file system (upload/download files). In general people will access these files using sshfs but in a pinch we want people to have web access to these files. We want to run a web server,…
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How should I deploy my JVM-based web application on ubuntu?

I've developed a web application using clojure/compojure (JVM based) and while developing I tested it using embedded jetty that runs on I would now like to deploy it to run on port 80 on ubuntu. I do dynamic virtual hosting, so any…
Pieter Breed
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A multiple web-app backup script

I'm mostly a Drupal developer, and have a backup script that goes through each site and uses Drush to perform a db dump, before archiving all the sites and their dumps. I've just finished a small Wordpress project, and so now my script can't…
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Exchange Server distribution lists functionality on a Linux-based web host?

I'm trying to figure out a way to centrally manage staff distribution lists for an organisation. There are many people that will want to send emails to these lists and we're currently all maintaining our own versions. This is a start-up charity with…
1 answer

Deploy .ear file in to geronimo

I need to deploy an .ear application into "geronimo" apache (java) aplication server. I need to replace an OC4J server, and i think i would replace it with geronimo. When i try to deploy a working .ear file from OC4J into geronimo, it gives some…
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ip-based or ssh tunnel for remote mysql?

we need remote connections from/to our mysql server for two reasons. testing/changes: we want to connect to a remote mysql server to manage databases with e.g. sqlYOG our production web server will be using a mysql server not running on the same…
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How can I setup my machine so my web application accepts connections from remote machines?

I have a Ruby on Rails web application running on my computer (Ubuntu 10.04) that I'd like to be able to access from a remote machine. My server is mongrel but I have no problem installing another if it helps. How do I set things up so I can access…
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outgoing mail for web app (multiple domains as sender)

I have a web app "" that users can use to set up their own websites. Our application is written in php and should be able to do the following: send mails to our own users "from:" send mails from our clients to their clients…
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Should app config files be in jboss/bin directory?

I am a Integration Engineer for a software company. My development team has generated various jboss .ear applications that rely on configuration files being in the jboss/bin directory and setting the CLASSPATH externally using batch files (on…
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4 answers

integrating ldap workstation login with webapps

Is there a way to integrate an LDAP authentication system on a windows network with intranet webapps so that the user on logging into their desktop does not need to log in a second time with the web app? Open to other forms of authenticating other…
1 answer

Does PHP ala FCGI use the IIS-AppPool or the FCGI AppPool on IIS6

I've got an IIS6 (win2k3 server) setup using PHP via FCGI (microsofts install this time); and I know FCGI has its own Application pool of sorts; I was wondering therefore if this means that the PHP is isolated from the IIS AppPool?
Chris McKee
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Open Source webapp that shows PC / Projector status in 30+ Lecture rooms

I am looking for a simple web application that only has a simple graphical representation of the current status of 30+ lecture rooms. I.e. Green = good, Red=bad i.e. PC or Projector not working. With a little message and a ETA as well. I am not…
Seanchán Torpéist
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1 answer

Web Applications under Apache Tomcat with multiple directory contexts

I have two webapps, prod-1.2.1.war and test-2.0.0.war. If I put these straight into the "tomcat/webapps"-folder, they'll get deployed as; hXXp://localhost/prod-1.2.1/ hXXp://localhost/test-2.0.0/ This works but really I would like them to show up…
7 answers

Multiple Java Apps on single Server

What is the best way to host potentially dozens of fairly trivial Java web applications on a single machine? These will be for different clients, and so having them isolated from each other is important, so that if one goes down, they don't all go…
1 answer

Best Hosted Mail Server for a SaaS Web App?

I'm developing a CRM SaaS based web application, and one of the features i would like to have is the ability for users to foward emails to my app. The app will also from time to time send out notification emails. Other than setting up my own mail…