Questions tagged [iis-6]

IIS 6.0 is the version of IIS shipped with Windows Server 2003. It uses an architecture substantially different from IIS 5 and earlier versions, called Worker Process Isolation Mode.

IIS 6.0 is the version of IIS shipped with Windows Server 2003. It uses an architecture substantially different from IIS 5 and earlier versions, intended to increase security and performance, called Worker Process Isolation Mode.

Key changes from IIS 5.0:

  • Uses HTTP.SYS as a fast, secure kernel-mode listener, cache, and correctness parser for HTTP requests - instead of InetInfo, which ran ISAPIs and user code as LocalSystem
  • Isolates all user web code into low-privileged processes, which run as Network Service by default
  • Introduces the concept of an Application Pool; Application Pools group IIS applications into worker processes, which helps Admins isolate failures to specific processes and not the whole server (as was the case with InetInfo / Low-isolation applications in IIS 5 and earlier)
  • Introduces the Web Service Extension list, which restricts arbitrary executable code
  • Uses a central App Pool manager service, W3ADM, which monitors the health of App Pools and recycles them when needed.
996 questions
2 answers

How to limit the memory used by an application in IIS?

The IIS worker processes are taking lot of memory on our servers. I want to limit the memory each application can use. I am confused whether I should set a limit on Virtual Memory Limit, or Private Memory Limit. Each application in our IIS is on its…
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Why does IIS refuse to serve ASP.NET content?

My Windows Server 2003 Std server refuses to server ASP.NET content. It serves regular html just fine but anything .net, even a one line html file with an ASPX extention fails silently. Things I've tried: Nothing in the event log or IIS WWW logs…
Michael Haren
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11 answers

Any freeware IIS log analyzer?

It would be nice to use ASP.NET, but PHP is ok too, and should be hosted in IIS6. EDIT: the logs are from our intranet site.
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IIS logs show sc-win32-status=64 but only through some networks

I have an ASP.NET application running on a client server (W2k3, IIS6, .NET 2.0). FWIW, this is a Test instance, it hasn't been moved into Production yet. So it is not running under SSL, load balancing, etc. When I access one of the pages on their…
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Will a change to the Web.Config file require that I restart IIS?

I've got a WCF component that I wrote in VS 2008 (using .NET framework 3.5) installed on a Windows 2003 Server. I've been having some problems using one of the methods, and in an effort to try and debug the problem I've been advised to add some…
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5 answers

Windows Authentication kept asking for username/password

I am deploying my web application on iis6. I kept receive this "windows security" pop up to enter user name and password.. I have already disabled anonymous user, and checked integrated windows authentication but it just wont "automatically" login.…
Huatsin Yeo
11 answers

Chinese Hacker-Bots attempting to exploit our systems 24/7

Our sites our constantly under attack from bots with IP addresses resolving to China, attempting to exploit our systems. While their attacks are proving unsuccessful, they are a constant drain on our servers resources. A sample of the attacks would…
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HTTPS warning: works on desktop, warning on mobile

I installed a wildcard SSL certificate (* for my work and accessing the following website in chrome (or any desktop browser) works, but when trying to access using iOS or android(chrome) you will…
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3 answers

Self generate SSL Certificate for IIS6?

Hi guys is it possible to create your own SSL cert for IIS 6? If so does anyone have a link to a good guide on the web? Thank! John
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Replace old SSL certificate in IIS6

I have to update my SSL certificate for IIS6 on Windows 2003 Server. The vendor (Thawte) tells me that my Certificate Signing Request is non-resignable, which I take to mean that I need to generate a request for a brand new certificate. In the IIS…
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3 answers

IIS6 Virtual SMTP server isn't coming back up automatically after a system restart

I've got a virtual server running Win2008 RC2. I've set up IIS6 with a virtual SMTP server on it to be the mail provider for the websites I'm hosting there. It all works great, but if for some reason the server reboots (auto updates are still…
Julian James
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3 answers

How do I flush IIS Cache without restarting web server?

I have a web site IIS 6.0 that places data into the cache. Sadly it hasn't had a expiration set on it. Is there a way (utility or command) to force this cache to be cleared without rebooting the machine or restarting the web server? I've already…
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3 answers

PHP installation on IIS: ISAPI or CGI?

I'm running IIS6 on Windows Server 2k3, and currently have PHP installed as a ISAPI module. We're about to upgrade our environment to PHP 5.3.0, and this made me wonder whether I should stick with the ISAPI module or if there was a reason the CGI…
Jacob Hume
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Expose IIS SMTP Pickup folder as a file share - bad idea?

Environment: IIS Web Farm 5 servers Windows Server 2008 R2 IIS 7.5 ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.0 web application Our web app, like many, needs to send mail. Send only, no receiving. In the past, we've enabled the IIS 6 SMTP service on each web server and…
Larry Silverman
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Error When Installing PHP5 on IIS6

I am trying to install PHP on my Windows Server 2003 machine that is using IIS6. I followed this guide for installing it, including using the binaries of fastCGI. I think I did everything correctly, however, when I went to create my phpinfo(); page…
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