Questions tagged [jboss]

JBoss Application Server (or JBoss AS) is a free software/open-source Java EE-based application server.

377 questions
4 answers

Configure nginx for jboss/tomcat

In order to pass traffic to JBoss/TomCat on port 80 using Apache we used to install and configure mod_jk. Is there an equivalent for nginx? Basically want all port 80 traffic to be passed to jboss.
4 answers

JBOSS App Server vs. Glassfish

I'm quite newbie on Glassfish. What are some differences between JBoss and Glassfish? Why would you chooose one over the other. I'm trying to read up on Glassfish, but it is really hard to pinpoint things that I may need before I start installing…
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What causes PermGen OutOfMemoryError on JBoss?

What is the underlying cause of a PermGen OutOfMemoryError in JBoss? I am running JBoss AS 4.2.2 in my development environment, and this occurs after redeploying my web application a large number of times. Christian Vest Hansen's blog gives JVM…
Peter Hilton
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3 answers

Why do JBoss and Logrotate create log files full of NUL characters?

I've set up Logrotate to rotate my JBoss Application Server 4.2.2.GA logs nightly. After the log files have been rotated and JBoss starts writing to them again, the new log files begin with as many NUL characters as there were characters in the…
Ben Williams
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Jetty - Virtualhosting - SSL Certificates

I want to have different SSL certificates for different domains that I am hosting in a single Jetty instance. I do not want to front my Jetty application server with Apache. I am running Jetty 6.1.22. So far, I have only seen configurations with a…
Walter White
1 answer

Configuring JBoss AS 7.2 to log to syslog

In my standalone.xml, I have the syslog-handler configured like so:
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How to setup apache redirect or custom 401 document on Kerberos SSO login failure

I have a working Kerberos SSO setup, I use apache and jboss with mod_jk. Apache is protecting (by kerberos) the auto-login.htm page with the following configuration: AuthType Kerberos AuthName …
Pierre Pretorius
1 answer

Multiple puppet resources which share a single config file

I'm developing a custom puppet module for managing JBoss Application Servers. I consider each application deployed on the appserver as a self-contained resource. But some of the applications need dedicated config changes in JBoss' configuration…
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2 answers

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using cgroups?

I administer several Linux-based servers and we are looking at migrating several JBoss apps as well as a couple of websites running on Apache from a RHEL 5.5 (64-bit) server with 4 cores to a RHEL 6 (64-bit) server with 24 cores. My supervisor has…
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Centralized logging for JBoss / log4j?

Does anyone have advice or a pointer to articles on how to centralize logs in JBoss? JBoss will log to syslog, which makes it easy, but doing so breaks multi line debug messages (and Jboss loves dropping exception stack traces in the logs). I can…
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Jboss standalone-full.xml file getting overridden while restart

I have modified the standalone-full.xml while jboss is running. And then I have restarted the jboss instance. My change is not available in the file (standalone-full.xml) after restarting. Seems, previous version (before modification) got restored.…
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3 answers

CPU/JVM/JBoss 7 slows down over time

I'm experiencing performance slow down on JBoss 7.1.1 Final. I wrote simple program that demostrates this behavior. I generate an array of 100,000 of random integers and run bubble sort on it. @Model public class PerformanceTest { …
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2 answers

Deploy to JBoss 7 using Hudson Deploy plugin

I have 2 machines where one of them contains the Hudson CI and other JBoss 7 AS. In Hudson, I have installed "Deploy Plugin", created new job and filled required JBoss manager user connection fields. When I run the job, the project successfully…
Uluk Biy
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1 answer

JBoss 5: $JBOSS_HOME/server/$INSTANCE/tmp cleanup

I've noticed since moving to jboss 5, tmp files for each instance are handled differently. In jboss 4, the entire directory was purged at each jboss restart. In 5, the applications are exploded to uuid-named folders, and are never cleaned up. This…
2 answers

Is the Cloud ready for an Enterprise Java web application? Seeking a JEE hosting advice

Greetings to all the smart people around here! I'd like to ask whether it is feasible or a good idea at all to deploy a Java enterprise web application to a Cloud such as Amazon EC2. More exactly, I'm looking for infrastructure options for an…
Jakub Holý
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