Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

how to implement single instance of web application

I want to run only one instance of my web-application which is deployed in tomcat 5.5 how to implement it. for example if the system has 2 tomcat server each having the web application name xxx i don't want the two application run in parallel only…
3 answers

Synthetic transactions - converting From OneSight to Zabbix

We are currently in the process of converting our monitoring solution from OneSight to Zabbix. We have Zabbix up and running and monitoring our hardware, perf counters and software errors. We use OneSight for synthetic transactions which involve a…
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What kind of hardware should I be looking at to scale to ~20k users continually?

Let's say it's something like Stack Exchange that I'll be running (it isn't, but it's close enough to have similar resource usage), and I'll have approximately 20000 users from August to January (with many more after that time). The network this…
Ryan Lester
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Tomcat web application intermittent freeze

I have a Grails web application (just a standard war file) deployed on a Ubuntu 10.10 server running on tomcat 6. My database is postgresql. The problem is that every so often (once or twice a day after inactivity) when I try to log into this web…
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How to run multiple applications on one website?

Hi I am working on a site where I need to run multiple applications (, nopCommerce, and DotNetNuke) on one website with the same domain name. How would I go about adding all three applications if I'm using Windows Server 2008(my…
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Locking down a box on the Internet

I'm a developer who is looking to put a new service on the Internet. I am new to administering systems and frankly I seem a little lost at where I should start with putting something on the web. My application works fine on my machine, and I'm sure…
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TrueCrypt to protect Windows server and web application

As an additional layer of security on a windows server (stored on-site) I am considering to use TrueCrypt. However my concern is if my webapp will still work as expected? I dont want anyone to access the machine but still have the webapp working as…
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2 answers

Database Web Frontend

I'm looking for a web frontend for end users of our database (server runs either MySQL or Postgre) for organization-internal contacts and order handling. I've searched the web for free/opensource database web frontends but only found admin tools…
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3 answers

Linux Web-Base Management Tool or Platform, What is/are the best(s)

A lots of Linux Distro are result to lots of options. By the way, I'm using Ubuntu 8.04LTS - Server for our File Server, and Sadly Stop today. I'd used eBox Platform for managing the Linux system. Happily enjoying "create/copy/paste" of files unto…
Nathaniel Varona
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1 answer

Error when deploying an mvc2 application in an IIS

We are deploying an MVC2 based app on IIS at production environment floating in Internet. An error occurs and this is the process to raise it: The user clicks on a link to display a web form The user inserts data. The user submits the form. The…
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1 answer

Use a separate partition to host tomcat's webapps

I'm setting up s serie of tomcat server. And i've read a security guide. They say that, it's a good idea to host tomcat's webapps folder on a different partition than the rest of tomcat files. I'm wondering if it really worst the effort. I'm running…
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2 answers

Execute encrypted files but don't let anybody read them

I want to provide a virtual machine image with an installed web application. The user should be able to boot the vm (don't login, just boot) and a webserver should start automatically. The point is I want to hide the (ruby) source code of the web…
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low speed web application, Server problem or Application

I have a web application written by (c#) sql server 2005. we host it on 2 dedicated server ( IIS and SQL server ) From some month ago , in some days of week we have many reports about speed issue. we have some other application on this…
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2 answers

"Timeout expired" with application consuming web service on another machine

I am having issue with an ASP.NET web application hosted one server trying to consume an web service hosted on another server. When I browse to a page consuming the web service, I get the following error: Server was unable to process request. …
3 answers

Risks of giving full permissions to INETUSER for a directory in wwwroot (IIS6)

I'm not a web-app guy but I'm the only one at my work that raised any objections about giving full permissions to the (anonymous) INETUSER account for the purposes of running an ASP.NET web-app in IIS. That's read, write, execute, special…
Dave C.
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