Questions tagged [utility]

15 questions
4 answers

Handy parsing for numbers with unit suffixes?

Let's say you have data with quantities in human-readable format, such as the output of du -h, and want to further operate on those numbers. Let's say you want to pipe your data through grep to do a summation of a sub-set of that data. You do this…
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1 answer

How to get number of files open in Ubuntu?

I would like to know if there is some utility that can show how many open files I have on an Ubuntu server?
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2 answers

command line utility for linux to decode SCSI CDB

I need to see commands which send to my scsi device. I enabled scsi debug in kernel and got CDB. It looks like this: 2a 00 00 a0 09 90 00 00 08 00. I'm searching for command line utility to decode them in human-readable format. So far I found one…
George Shuklin
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1 answer

Sql Server 2008 - Use OSQL utility to shrink files and then log result

I'm running batch processes via a batch file and I want SQL server to log the reslt when I execute my DBCC SHRINKFILE command from my batch file. Is there anyway to do this? Example: - Run.bat rem Shrink transaction log and log the…
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4 answers

windows-server-2003, windows server, download utility from command line , http or ftp or any other protocol , from one command only

I need to know if there is a utility built-in to Windows Server 2003 that I can use from the command line to download a file using only one command. Basically I know that I can download from ftp using the ftp utility but in order to do that I need…
1 answer

Utility that use the bits service to copy files

I would like to know if there is a utility that uses the bits service, to help me transfer some large files over a wacky wan connection. These files happen to be available via a UNC share. Any suggestions? Thank you all.
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3 answers

Data Copy Tool/Method

I am trying to copy a large amount of data (several hundred gigs, with folders and files of various sizes) from local storage on a Windows 2008 server to a CIFS share on another server. The CIFS share space can only be accessed via CIFS, and the…
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3 answers

Windows utility to delete files and directories

I'm looking for a command line utility to delete NTFS files and directories. And I want it to work: close handles, recurse, never fail, never quit, super-kill stubborn holders of handles, everything. Any suggestions?
Matt Hinze
1 answer

Install the "timeout" unix utility via Yum

How can I install the "timeout" utility via Yum? I haven't been able to Google it effectively because the word "timeout" doesn't just refer to this Unix program.
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Util. to tell me how many cores are being used under Win 2003 Standard

Confusion reigns about licensing, with the No. of processors that can be engaged by various versions of 2003/ 2008 server. Now that we have 6 core AMDs and future 8 core Intels, I wonder if hardware is going to waste all over the world. I have a…
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2 answers

utility to find driver updates (Windows)

Is there a utility that helps (technically apt) end users to locate driver updates for their machine? Personally, I use SIW to determine the hardware, then scour the manufacturers web sites. I am looking for soemthing a bit more streamlined to…
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2 answers

Utility to determine application (or process) that displayed a (hung) window?

Just curious if such a thing exists - I have a hung window on my screen (you know, the kind that 'captures' images of the last window that you move over it), and I was wondering if anyone knows of a utility that will "work backwards" and help me…
1 answer

Open Source webapp that shows PC / Projector status in 30+ Lecture rooms

I am looking for a simple web application that only has a simple graphical representation of the current status of 30+ lecture rooms. I.e. Green = good, Red=bad i.e. PC or Projector not working. With a little message and a ETA as well. I am not…
Seanchán Torpéist
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2 answers

Windows Based OS Copying Woes

I'm setup on a small server farm with about 20 computers. My Job requires me to copy an unusually large amount of data to and from external HDs from these servers. I end up copying sometimes 3TB a week to and from drives (Sometimes More). The…
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0 answers

Tool for diagnosing XMPP client connection issues

I run an XMPP server and I am having troubles with my client connecting to it. I normally just use the client psi-plus and this fails to connect and gives me very little information on how. I am trying to find a tool that basically acts like an XMPP…