Questions tagged [cms]

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.

CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, which is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users, without requiring large amounts of expertise in web development.

Typical features of these platforms are:

  • Extend their functionality through plugins for calendars, blogs, galleries and more.
  • Allow novice users to modify content through the use of WYSIWYG editors similar to word processors.
  • Handle user access for viewing, modifying and promoting content.

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71 questions
4 answers

Puppetize everything or not?

Notice: there is a lot of theoretical questions. Recently I'm reading about Puppet (and similar systems), which - as I believe - can make my work easier, a lot. But I try - and unfortunately can't - to understand what all I can "puppetize". I can…
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12 answers

What is the Open Source CMS of choice?

I've been told that Sitecore is the closed-source CMS of choice (due to its insane flexibility). That said, what is the Open source equivalent? Or is there one? I've played with Drupal and it seems more of a blogging platform than a CMS. Do you have…
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1 answer

Tridion content delivery: TCDL not rendered in REL DCP

I have created a dynamic component presentation which contains UGC TCDL tags. The DCP is published to the broker database as REL. I can see in the COMPONENT_PRESESENTATIONS table that the tags are present. (,…
Dominic Cronin
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2 answers

Configuration Management Software for Linux for "harvesting" config-files

Managing 50 servers manually, and been looking through the different cms for linux (cfengine,puppet,chef etc) It's use will primarily for CM for config-files. Is there a cms out there that gather information from the existing servers? So i don't…
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4 answers

Is WordPress good for this?

I'm looking at the options to build a self-hosted site that will contain the following features: news, ie. blog entries by the site owner (not users) forum user profiles internal e-mail (not part of the forum, so that users don't have to enter the…
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6 answers

open source knowledge base CMS system

I'm looking for an open source knowledge base system that uses tags, rather than free-text search to identify articles (a lot like serverfault does). I've looked at twiki, which many people suggested, but haven't found what I'm looking for.…
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1 answer

Extract certificate information using openssl

I would like to verify the sender and 'addressee' certificate information of an encrypted/signed file. So far, I came up with the following set of arguments to openssl: openssl cms -inform DER -cmsout -print -recip my.crt -in cms_file This returns…
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6 answers

Wiki/CMS with synchronization?

We're looking into putting up a wiki or CMS for internal use by our IT department. One of the big things we want to use it for is disaster recovery procedures. Given that a disaster, such as a power or network outage, might render the wiki…
Clinton Blackmore
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1 answer

php-fpm fails after X requests

I using nginx to serve out a PHP CMS (Grav) so I've been using php-fpm. Everything works fine in the beginning, but after about 20 or so requests, some of the pages will return a 502 error. I don't have any control over the PHP code, and it's even…
2 answers

Only one Apache Solr to search into Multiple/Cross-domain CMSs?

Is it possible for single-instance of Solr to use across multiple Applications, Cross Domains? Like multiple CMSs such as Wordpress + Joomla + Drupal. Any searching from anywhere should be showing the Results from all of connected applications. For…
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1 answer

nginx is redirecting instead of rewriting when there is a slash befor arguments

I have the following location block, as part of a complex routing for a CMS: location @mylocation { if (-d $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$controller/$siteName last; break; } if…
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1 answer

CMS Architecture - Synchronizing Dev/Test/Staging environments

We have a code, content and DB flow that follows a typical pattern: Dev->Build->Staging->Prod The kicker is that the client is editing and publishing content only in Prod. So our current strategy is to attempt to do a full content sync Prod->Staging…
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2 answers

Using SharePoint 2010 for External Websites

We are looking into using SharePoint 2010 to replace our external website. We think we can use Foundation for this and just hack up the SharePoint CSS to make it look like want but it seems the information on this is lacking. Has anyone done this…
Scott Keck-Warren
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1 answer

how to delete files owned by Apache?

I've installed a CMS on a shared host running Apache, now when I try to delete the root directory, some sub-directories are left with a "Permission denied" error and I can't change their attributes. the best explanation I've got is that the CMS…
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3 answers

Open Source Social Bookmarking CMS?

I am looking for an open source social bookmarking site CMS so I can build a site like delicious with it for my organization. This will be deployed in the internal LAN. Do you have any recommendations?
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