Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
3 answers

Ad server software for high traffic site

The company I work for runs a web site that gets a little over fifty million hits a month. We are looking at replacing our existing custom-written ad server with a prepackaged solution. It fundamentally must be able to scale up to this level of…
3 answers

Logs reporting in a human way

I'm currently working on our IT System to improve it a little bit. I've install set and run a rsyslogd on our servers (Physicals and virtuals), all of them now sending their logs into a database. Now, I'm able to request this database to found any…
Dr I
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1 answer

Having host problems, can anyone recommend a solution or another host option?

I have a PHP/MySQL web application that gets about 600,000 hits per month. It has been running well for the last few months, but more recently the server is OOMing and crashing. The times between the memory crashes was more rare, but now it has…
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2 answers

Multiple Tomcat Services on port 80

I have a Tomcat server that that I want to run multiple webapps each with a different domain name. Given the configuration below, I want to be able to connect to http://webapp1 and get to its webapp and http://webapp2 and get to that one. Currently…
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1 answer

When upgrading IIS a 800a0001 Request.BinaryRead fails

When a IIS was upgraded to IIS 6.0 or higher, large files (specifically larger than 204,800 bytes) uploaded via ASP get the following error: error '800a0001' Request.BinaryRead failed What will fix this error?
C. Ross
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1 answer

How to deploy Java Web Application in Hostgator?

I have a Java Web application and I have a VPS hosting bought from Hostgator in which recently the tomcat has been installed. But I couldn't find a way to deploy my application and I talked with more than 3 Hostgator technical agents and none of…
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1 answer

Deciding number of Tomcat instances - share where possible, or embrace multiples?

We've only recently started using Tomcat (6.x) as our Java servlet container for various production web applications. We're not using particularly advanced functionality, and generally Tomcat config for each app is extremely simple. It seems to me…
1 answer

Accessing public files in a modularly structured web application

I know that it is a good idea to store php application code outside of public folder but it creates a problem. Let's say, we would like to create a completely modular structure like this one: modules shop css js images …
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2 answers

Howto separately manage IIS permissions?

Question: I need to give a user (developer) permission to restart IIS add applications copy websites to inetput/wwwroot change IIS settings The user does and may NOT have admin rights, as this would enable him to install programs. Operating…
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1 answer

What are the best practices or pitfalls when managing web app deployment using OS package management (deb, rpm)?

I heard about this at a talk over the weekend and it sounded like a great idea for a few reasons I can think of: ensures dependencies are met and not broken (e.g. web app requires specific version of imagemagick) helps make spinning up new servers…
3 answers

Should I do acceptance testing?

We run a few commercial webapps facing customers. The release schedule for them is regular, but there's always worries about testing changes, patches and upgrades. It seems like acceptance testing is promoted for contract development rather than…
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5 answers

What tools can be used to monitor a web application? Beyond "doesn't 404"

I have an internal web application that has recently gone through a major version upgrade. I would like to monitor this application over the weekend and look for 'soft' errors. I will still need to spot check things by hand, but there are some…
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4 answers

Web server is extremely slow

My web server is running on PHP 5 and MySQL 5.0. When I copied an application developed in CAKE PHP, the server is extremely slow. The organization who provides the files are running the same application without any problem. The versions deployed in…
1 answer

How to get an authentication provider status list from IIS (for a Sharepoint site)?

I need to get the authentication provider status of a web application available in IIS through C# or Python code. Example: Is Basic Authentication available for X site?
1 answer

Hosting two web applications on same server

Without giving all the details, I'm trying to set up (via apache) two web applications that will be served from the same (internal development) server. Currently I have two VirtualHost directives and the two applications running on different ports.…
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