Questions tagged [providers]

17 questions
4 answers

What are the "least legally restrictive" well-connected countries to host a website?

NB: I am aware that this question is subjective, as it can't be defined precisely, but the answers should still be "objective": Country name, and what makes it legally safer. EDIT: A) I am located in Germany. B) I am NOT looking for a place to offer…
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2 answers

How to choose a storage company?

For an ad agency, I need to find a good storage company. There are some things to take in considerations : Support for different OS (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Xp/Vista) (if it matters) Internal/External systems (through internet or with dedicated…
Boris Guéry
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2 answers

Two hosting providers running simultaneously... possible / not possible? good practice / unnecessary?

For the sake of their reputation, I won't mention the names. But I'll just use: Business I worked for previously - ABC Web Dev Hosting company they used - XYZ Hosting I recently found out that XYZ Hosting had some sort of incident where they ended…
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Financial Service Addendum in GCP ? (PSEE in France)

Do you know if Google Cloud Plateforme can add a specific addendum relative to the Financial requirements in this contacts ? For instance, when a client is a Financial Institution (a Bank for instance) AWS is able to add to its T&C an addendum. They…
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2 answers

OraOLEDB.Oracle is not being showed in provider List for SSMS

I am trying to use the provider OraOLEDB.Oracle for SQL Server Management Studio in a Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, 64 bits edition. What I have done is: Installed the 32 and 64 bits version for the provider (ODAC version from Oracles' page)…
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1 answer

How to manage one domain name across multiple providers?

I own several domain names, some for over a decade. A few years ago I moved them all to a Virtual Private Server, and all was well. A few months ago I had to move to a different VPS provider, which necessitated a new mail server, which I had to…
Ed Stauff
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1 answer

How to get an authentication provider status list from IIS (for a Sharepoint site)?

I need to get the authentication provider status of a web application available in IIS through C# or Python code. Example: Is Basic Authentication available for X site?
3 answers

I need a web hosting provider

I have about 400 web sites to host and these sites are created by PHP+MySQL. I am looking for a cheap and good web hosting provider, any good idea? (BTW, I am not going to use Dreamhost)
Mickey Shine
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0 answers

What keeps IPs from being double claimed across the world?

When I connect to the internet, my provider assigns me an IP. If someone else does that at the exact same time in another country with a totally separate provider, what keeps them from getting the same IP? Is there a super provider which all…
Seph Reed
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1 answer

Multiple broadband providers for internal web servers

Maybe I am using the wrong search terms, but I am having problems finding the answer to my question. We have internal servers hosting our web site. We would like to bring in an alternate provider so that we can have service should our current…
1 answer

Email server on AWS EC2

Recently I decided to move to Amazon Web Services and I'm happy with my decision, but I'm not sure if I should outsource the whole email-thing, because it seems to require a considerable administrative effort to keep everything running smooth. My…
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2 answers

recommend a Satelite internet provider

A part of our team is in Afghanistan and they are now asking me to find an internet solution for their office. The only option I can think of is satellite internet access, but unfortunately I do not have any experience with equipment like that. So I…
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1 answer

What are my provider options for setting up high speed access to our office?

Which network providers have you worked with that provide good service?
Michael Pryor
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0 answers

Is it required to install Oracle Client before installing OracleDataAccessComponents and OraOleDB?

I have a Windows Server 2019 intended to be a web server IIS running ASP.Net MVC applications that store data on Oracle 10g database. The apps were developed on 32bit machines, and rely on existence of OracleOleDb provider. When I tried to install…
Ahmad Al-Mutawa
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2 answers

What are the concerns of switching SSL providers?

Do search engine cares about the security provider used on the website? Say, the website has initially been using Letsencrypt, and then later migrates to another provider which is using Symantec certificates? Q1: Will there be a 404 error when the…
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