Questions tagged [multiple-instances]

90 questions
4 answers

How to install and start multiple MySQL instances on Windows 2012

I just installed MySQL 5.7 on Windows 2012 VM. I am trying to create and run multiple instances but very frustrated that such a simple thing is not working. I installed MySQL in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7 which is default location and…
Frank Martin
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Multi-server Deployment strategies - Git on production servers?

Main question: Is deployment using Git on production servers a good strategy? Many, many deployment strategies I see revolve around having Git on your servers (dev, staging and production). The merits of this seem obvious for deployment to…
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3 answers

Amazon EC2- many micro-instances vs single small/medium instance

I have a chat application using stack of Openfire, Tomcat6 and MySQL. Currently, i have installed all these servers on single Linux micro-instance(613 MB memory). Even in low user base 10-20 i am encountering CPU overload which is quite obvious…
2 answers

Is this many Apache instances normal?

We run Apache version 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.15 on our VPS instance of Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS \n \l, as I determined by asking this question. When I issue pgrep apache2, I get the following: …
1 answer

list enabled systemd service instances

I'd like to list all enabled service instances. The following lists enabled services, but only shows the service, and not individual instance: systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled The following lists all running instances: systemctl list-units…
rich remer
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3 answers

Apache on multiple servers with one config

I want to replicate my virtual machine and put it behind a load balancer. Apache1 Apache2 ....ApacheN | | | ------------------------- LoadBalancer I'd like to use only ONE configuration file for virtual hosts (actually…
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Windows 10, two monitors with two different sessions

I want to do some thing but I can't find anything about it. I remember that on Linux you can do a multisit workstation with one PC and several screens and perifericals (mouse, keyboard, etc), configuring X11 to serve different user sessions on…
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multithreading a single threaded application worker

I have a server which I want to dedicate for converting doc files to pdf via LibreOffice. The server has 6 cores and LibreOffice is single threaded. This means that generating a single pdf uses 16.666% of my total CPU power. Converting a file can be…
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Error when connecting to Named Instance as a Linked Server

I have a MS SQL2008 server running a root instance and a named instances. SQL001\. SQL001\Pilgrim When I connected to SQL001\Pilgrim I can set-up a link to the default instance SQL001\. no problem, but when I connect to the Default Instance…
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1 answer

Run multiple instances of MySQL on the same server ( with replication)?

we have a current dedicated box with 8 GBs of RAM ( dual quad core CPU) and our DB has grown over 17 GBs ( over 3 DBs for our application ). Im assuming this is reason enough to move to a machine that has more memory ( putting sharding aside ). The…
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1 answer

Nginx reverse proxy for multiple domains and subdomains

I have server running different sites and i need to config nginx reverse proxy for these domains, (,,, where dp I need to configure the domains in nginx for reverse proxy.
1 answer

is my understanding for aws auto-scale up and load balancer wrong?

Actually I am still a bit confused with aws auto scale up and load balancer I am wondering if someone can help me clarify if my logic of understand is right and if so, would it be possible to combine the usage of auto-scale up and load balancer? As…
2 answers

mongodb, does one *need* a replica set for a minimal production db?

I'm fairly new to mongodb, and am tackling some devops issues here. We have a b2b saas product deployed on AWS where there is no network effect between customers, and some customers have much, much larger databases than others. They are currently…
2 answers

How can you serve 2 versions of the same site with different hostnames using Apache

I'm looking to offer my users beta access to test new features. I'm running my site using the Symfony framework. Currently I have the following working configuration: DocumentRoot…
1 answer

How to configure multisite on Linux with Apache + Apache + Discourse

Situation and problem I have an Ubuntu Server 14.04 VPS, and want to host multiple sites on it, all with distinct domains: A wordpress installation (PHP + MySQL) A simple PHP site, no database A Discourse installation. Discourse is based on Ruby on…
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