Questions tagged [performance-counters]

71 questions
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Performance counter files in Windows Server 2016 are limited to 2 GB in size

We want to record performance counters in files up to 6 GB in size. This worked on Windows Server 2008 R2 but on Windows Server 2016 the recording stops when the file has reached in 2 GB in size. We haven't found anything about this limit in the…
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"Skype for Business StatsMan PerfAgent" causing "The Open Procedure for service XXX in DLL ZZZ failed"

We followed the Microsoft article here and installed the "Skype for Business StatsMan PerfAgent" on our Skype for Business server. The product is working as expected but every 10 min the PerfAgent.exe service (running as Network Service as set by…
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How to find the current number of https connections to IIS?

I recently enabled https for my site that runs on IIS. I'd like to know how many of my users are using https vs http. Google is directing search users to the https site, but most users are hitting http from some link or by…
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Number of Active Database Connections Performance Counters?

We are using OleDbConnection class to connect Oracle and SqlServer. At some places we are also using SqlClient and Oracle.DataAccess.OracleConnection. I need to know how many active connections our servers have using Performance counter. Our DBA is…
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RemoteFX Network Peformance Counters / ETW Provider

I would like to collect the data from multiple Remote Desktop Host Servers as efficiently as possible. I know that PerfMon is a consumer of ETW events that are published via an ETW Provider. My question is what ETW provider is providing the…
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JBOSS AS 7 monitoring Paramaters

We are using JBOSS AS 7 in standalone mode to run our web application. Our user base is around 1000 users and we have 4 instances of a JBOSS running on 4 RHEL6 machines behind a load balancer. sometimes, our users are facing website slowness . I…
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Counters in Citrix Netscaler and their meanings (Diff) or (Actual)

I try to configure some Citrix Netscaler Command Center Reports. When I configure a Custom Report I can choose between different available counters. Per example: Vserver Hits Vserver Hits(Actual) Vserver Hits(Diff) Can someone explain me what is…
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SQL Server Timeout issues at random times causing performance degradation

I am having random timeout during a brief period of time on certain days. My CPU, Memory looks fine. So I ran Performance Monitor during these spikes and found my average disk sec/read was 5.8 seconds for that 10 minutes. What can I take from…
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Windows: Determine number of cores from a performance monitor file?

Is there any way to determine how many cores a particular machine's CPU has based on a Performance Monitor file I have? Additionally, can we see if hyperthreading is enabled? For a period of high usage, it seems the total % Processor Time is 94…
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Logging performance counters to ODBC in Windows Server 2012

I'm trying to update a data collector set to log specific performance counters to ODBC (SQLServer), however the "Data source name" dropdown is greyed. I have configured an ODBC System data source (from both 32 and 64 bit ODBC).
Andy Joiner
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How to customize Windows "Performance Monitor"?

I'm wondering if that's possible to set a customized action counter that is not listed as one of the counters? e.g. a batch script that measure a time for running my application, and then notify the real-time graph the time it took to load it. Also…
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How can I replicate performance counter setups in an Azure WorkerRole?

I am trying to collect performance statistics on our Azure application. Up till now, our process has been to set up the roles with RDP enabled, connect, manually set up the performance counters, log out, and then deploy the app to the running…
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View the performance counters I have added to a Data Collector set after creation on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have been working on creating a Data Collector Set to use to collect relevant performance information for an application my team is developing. I am using Performance Monitor on a Windows 2008 R2 server. However after I add the various performance…
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High response time with pingdom

I have a server hosted at my end, I am monitoring the server with pingdom and also my router. Strange thing is the response time towards the router is fine, but when the traffic flows towards the server, the response time became relatively high.…
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IIS 7 Determine popular / commonly used URL

I'm trying to find the right performance counter in IIS 7 which would tell me what the most commonly requested URL is, but I think I may be looking in the wrong place. How would I go about finding this information short of writing custom code?
Saint Domino
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