Questions tagged [performance-counters]

71 questions
2 answers

What is the (*) in Windows Performance Counters

Take the following counter for example: \LogicalDisk(*)\% Free Space Where can I find what can be plugged in place of the *? I know sometimes it's _global_ and other times it can be _total_. I have no idea of the difference (other than taking the…
4 answers

How to send Windows Performance counters to Logstash + Kibana?

I would like to setup monitoring for system resources on my Windows servers. I've noticed a common configuration in Linux is to use collectd daemon to get system metrics information. From collectd data can read by logstash and ultimately put into…
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ZFS ARC size vs target size

I am trying to understand the inner workings of the ZFS ARC. However, I am confused with several things: actual (zfs:0:arcstats:size) vs target size (zfs:0:arcstats:c). I understand that actual size is allocated and stores cached contents. But,…
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What performance counter is used to display total RAM usage on a Windows 2008 server?

I'm trying to use the Performance Counters so I can log the total RAM usage on a particular machine. I've got a sneaky feeling that it's maxing out (due to some bad code) ... server has a heart attack and it finally recovers a few mins later. So to…
1 answer

How to tell a Performance Monitor Data Collector Set to regularly generate Reports?

In a nutshell, my goal is to do a long-time recording of several performance counters. My steps I took until now were: Some days ago I've created several user-defined Data Collector Sets in Windows Server 2008 R2 like this: I've configured a…
0 answers

Investigating Citrix app server "slowless"

Currently have a client stating that the 5 users on a 2cpu, 4gb mem app server are experiencing slowness and often, locking up for moments at a clip. Framework is a VM running in vSphere 5.5 [intel based host, was recently migrated from an AMD…
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Query performance counters from powershell

I am trying this script to query performance counters in different localized windows server versions. Everything works as in the article, well partially…
Frane Borozan
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2 answers

32bit SQLServer with AWE NOT enabled. Buffer Cache Hit Ratio High, Disk Read Queue VERY HIGH, WHY?

We have a "SQLServer 2005 SP3 32bit Enterprise Edition" running on a 32 bit Windows 2003 32bit Enterprise Edition 12GB RAM with AWE enabled using RAID5(5 pysical disks). We tuned AWE to enabled and restart sqlserver this afternoon after work, hope…
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Measuring Only Page Faults That Reach the Disk

I would like to measure "truly" hard page faults, i.e. page faults that result in a disk IO. It looks as if Memory\Page Reads/sec might do the trick, but as was explained in this answer, the page reads value includes reads that are satisfied from…
0 answers

Perfmon counters are not restarted after reboot

The question has a long history, and I went through all previous questions (1, 2) but neither of them answers the question why the standard way doesn't work? If I don't want to use logman how can I schedule automatic restart of counters/data…
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Performance counter to show real IIS response time

What performance counter should I use to display current average IIS response time? ASP.NET counters correctly show the time spent in ASP.NET, but real latency is much bigger, which is confirmed by IIS logs and ab tool. In more detail, ASP.NET…
1 answer

Are Windows performance counter data points providing snapshots or averages of the prior interval?

I am wondering specifically about the "Process/% Processor Time" counter. If you set it to an interval of say 10 seconds, are the data points a snapshot of what the CPU utilization is at that 10 second interval, or an average of the utilization over…
1 answer

How can I configure a performance monitor to create directories that do not require elevation to access?

I have some performance counters that write to CSV files in the default location (%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Perflogs). The directories that it creates are "special." When I attempt to browse into them, explorer complains I can click "Continue" and then I no…
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Performance Counters: Page Reads/sec higher than Disk Reads/sec

Comparing the values for the Windows performance counters Page Reads/sec and Disk Reads/sec I noticed that page reads are consistently higher, which is strange, as it seems that page reads should be a subset of disk reads. Obviously, that is not the…
Helge Klein
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Getting Intel SR-IOV Virtual Function counters

After some research on Intel SR-IOV, I've realized that there is no convenient way to get the VF counters while VF interface is being attached to a VM (for example to a QEMU/KVM VM with a Libvirt manager). Furthermore, I didn't find even an…
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