We are using JBOSS AS 7 in standalone mode to run our web application. Our user base is around 1000 users and we have 4 instances of a JBOSS running on 4 RHEL6 machines behind a load balancer. sometimes, our users are facing website slowness . I tried to monitor the Linux server parameters - the RAM usage and processor usage is very less. I tried to monitor JBOSS parameters using Jolokia and I couldn't find the root cause of this slowness. What are the primary parameters that we have to look in JBOSS ? and whats the exact JMX parameter so that I can check using Jolokia

this is the output of 'top' command in one of the Linux server during slowness.

load average: 0.10, 0.16, 0.12 These numbers are not bad right ?

I couldn't connect JConsole from a windows machine to these Linux servers. I tried very hard but no luck. These Linux servers dont have a GUI installed.

Server Specs :

  • OS : RHEL 6 JBoss AS 7
  • RAM : 12 GB in each server
  • Heap Memory allocated : 8GB in each server
  • HTTP threads configured : 200 in each server
  • 111
  • 1
  • 3

1 Answers1


I used JBoss in the past and indeed those numbers are not bad. Quite the opposite, they are great!

Anyway, I recommend you monitor your JBoss infrastructure with a monitoring solution. I used Pandora FMS (http://pandorafms.com ) and its JBoss plugin.