Questions tagged [performance-counters]

71 questions
2 answers

Collect and view Performance Monitor information from multiple servers

I can use windows Performance Monitor to view counters like CPU, RAM, ASP.NET connections, or any other available counters, for a specific server. Is there a tool available for windows that would collect this information from multiple servers, then…
1 answer

How to setup Perfmon/Logman to get the Thread performance counters for only a specific IIS process?

I am trying to setup Perfmon/Logman to collect some performance counters to monitor my IIS6 installation. There are multiple w3wp instances on this host, and I can successfully collect data for the specific instance I want by passing (w3wp_1234) to…
1 answer

Monitor daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage totals in Windows Server 2008 R2

I need to be able to monitor and report on total bandwidth usage (in and out) on a windows 2008 server. This is so that i can cost the usage fees i am likely to incurr when moving to another datacenter provider. I have tried Perfmon and data…
2 answers

Exchange Server 2010 - Resolving Calendar Attendant\Requests Failed

On my Exchange mailbox server, I am receiving the alert: MSExchange Calendar Attendant\Requests Failed Or in Solarwinds Orion: Requests Failed (Calendar Attendant) for Exchange 2010 Mailbox Role Counters (Advanced) on *servername* All I know is…
4 answers

graph performance monitor windows and linux

We are using Munin to get graphs of our servers. (such as CPU load, I/O, available disk space, etc. ) Munin gives us last 24h, last 7 days, last month and last year. The good thing with Munin is that it supports all kinds of clients, such as…
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Difference between Web service counter "Current ISAPI Extension Requests" and "ISAPI Extensin Requests/sec"?

From the Microsoft website, the definition of these two counters is very obscure. For the "Current ISAPI Extension Requests": The current number of ISAPI requests being simultaneously processed by the Web service. For the "ISAPI Extensin…
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2 answers

SQL Server 2005 Performance Counters Missing

I wanted to do some performance monitoring on one of our blade servers here at the bank., but ran into a little stumbling block. When trying to create a pretty standard counter log, via performance manger, I noticed that the SQL Server object does…
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Network Service account cannot see SQLServer performance counters on Windows 2008 R2

I have a service running on a large number of servers, that logs Windows Performance Counters to a central logging system. The service is written in .Net, and runs as the build-in account "Network Service". This works fine on Windows 2003, but on…
0 answers

Windows2016 Access 32bit counters

We have a custom monitoring tool (.Net framework) that accesses custom performance counters. The custom counters are from a 32bit application running via wow64 on 64bit machines. in windows2012 we just run the monitoring tool as 32bit and it access…
0 answers

How can I resolve or trace the latency on Remote Performance Counter request?

I have a Powershell script which directly accesses a performance counter from a remote machine in the cloud in a large corporate environment: $a = (Get-Counter -Counter "\\myservername\PI Analysis Service\Recalculation Requests Completed"…
1 answer

Loading a performance DLL of a windows 7 service

I am trying to do a POC of recently published windows zeroday flaw where a vulnerability has been exposed in windows registry entries. I have created a performance subkey of a service RPCEPTMAPPER and set my DLL path there, however I am unable to…
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