Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

kubelet not able to update node status

kubernetes node status reports as below. root@csp-nso-server78:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS AGE NotReady 1h The kubelet logs show below error E0812 11:00:31.626169 10488 kubelet.go:2745] Error updating…
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Change KUBE_MAX_PD_VOLS env var in master GKE

I have a cluster on GKE with many pods and persistent disks (PD) and cannot deploy anymore. pod failed to fit in any node fit failure on node (XX): MaxVolumeCount The issue should not affect me because I have a 2-code machine and Google recently…
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Connect from MySQL client in one container to MySQL server in other container of same pod

I run two containers in a pod: one is based on debian:wheezy, the other one is mysql:5.6. When I log into the 2nd container, I can invoke the MySQL client mysql without problems. When I log into the 1st container and invoke the MySQL client mysql…
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New Jenkins instance running on kubernetes in google cloud; Setting up security through Jenkins breaks it

I set up a new instance of Jenkins in the gcloud via these instructions: I followed the details to get SSL set up using a based64'ed .htaccess file. Upon running,…
1 answer

etcd & kubernetes: No connection possible to etcd instance

currently I am following the k8s guide "from scratch" (found here: LINK, up to this point everything seems pretty clear, though I start without doing all that certificate stuff. I started kubelet on master and added the etcd.manifest file found…
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OpenShift Origin asks for credentials

I had a cluster OpenShift with a master and a node. Today, it doesn't work anymore, OpenShift continously asks me the credentials, the following is the command and the output: [root@openshift-master ~]# openshift start master…
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OpenShift node not connecting to image registry

I configured openshift and everything is working properly on host where docker-register is started. When i added new node and i try to deploy containers on it i have such error in logs: E0519 10:51:38.574152 2135 pod_workers.go:138] Error syncing…
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Old pod not deleted after rolling-update

I've run into a problem doing a rolling-update of our website, which runs in a container in a pod on our cluster, called website-cluster. The cluster contains two pods. One pod has a container which runs our production website and the other has a…
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Why is apache writing two access log outputs per request?

We are currently running a apache2/mod-php site on docker, deployed to google kubernetes. In order to leverage the severity level filtering of google cloud logging I've created a LogFormat in our apache.conf that writes the logs output as structured…
Eric Uldall
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Cassandra 3.x on Kubernetes 1.2-release (5 cassandra nodes)

Has anyone been able to get cassandra 3.x running on kubernetes? cassandra 2.1.13 runs great but 3.3 is have trouble talking to other cassandra nodes. My yamls are the same except for the container. I just upgraded…
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how to use kubernates with IBM bluemix containers

I am newbie in Kubernetes. I didn't find option for IBM Bluemix container in your_provider for cloud configuration. (I am referring to this Kubernetes Getting Started Guide.) Cloud you please tell me, Is it possible to integrate Bluemix with…
gowri dev
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Google Compute health check regarding pods on Google Container Engine

Does a health check concern a whole node or does it concern individual containers? I have created my LoadBalancer service with kubectl create -f web-service.yaml: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: reaction-prod labels: name:…
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Hard times installing on google container engine

As is offering a docker image, i thought it must be straight forward to install it on top of google container engine with kubernetes. After fiddling around a few hours i got two configuration-files now, as i have seen them in an issue thread…
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GCE & Kubernetes : Is Service's ClusterIP fixed?

When the service is created with ClusterIP Type, the cluster ip is fixed or it could be changed? I wonder that because I want to access the ClusterIP via VPN from my own DC If it is fixed, then the IP address can be configured in client directly
1 answer

Check used space in Google Persistent Disk

I have a lot of persistent disks attached to PODs running in GCE(Google Container Engine) How can I check/monitor the used space of them without entering each of the POD? Also is it possible to set up some alert when disk is almost full?