Questions tagged [bluemix]

5 questions
0 answers

Problems with token expired in Bluemix

I have a recurrent problem when try create a container's group: The exact message is: INFO: 2017/03/23 15:50:19 Auth Error: { "code": "IC5029E", "description": "Your access token is expired. Run 'cf ic init' to refresh your access token.", …
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1 answer

Not able to connect to IBM Bluemix with TLS1.2 Security?

I am trying to connect a device to IBM Bluemix with TLS1.2 security with Quectel M95 GPRS Hardware. Can any one help why I am not able to open SSL connection. I am getting QSSLOPEN command response as '-1'. The command firing sequence is: { "ate0",…
0 answers

Can I Connect Shared Folders Between Windows Servers?

I have 2 servers. One in Azure and the other in IBM Bluemix, I would like to share the server folder in ibm (Windows 2008 R2) and Azure (Windows 2016 DataCenter) to create a drive letter. Or vice versa. If that is not possible, what would be the…
1 answer

how to use kubernates with IBM bluemix containers

I am newbie in Kubernetes. I didn't find option for IBM Bluemix container in your_provider for cloud configuration. (I am referring to this Kubernetes Getting Started Guide.) Cloud you please tell me, Is it possible to integrate Bluemix with…
gowri dev
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1 answer

Use a Mac to create a CSR for another server

I have a website hosted on Bluemix. I want to set up an SSL certificate, I am following this guide: I placed an order for a Thawte 123 certificate, and I am at the…
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