Questions tagged [gcloud]

Questions relating to the usage of the Google Cloud SDK's `gcloud` command-line tool.

206 questions
10 answers

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6A030B21BA07F4FB

My environment: # uname -a Linux app11 4.9.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u2 (2018-01-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux # # cat /etc/*release PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9…
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4 answers

gcloud docker -- push results in login attempt failed with 404

I am trying to push a docker image to Google's container registry but keep getting a error about Docker login having failed. I run gcloud docker -- push I get back ERROR: Docker CLI operation failed: Error…
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4 answers

How to use GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with gcloud on a server?

What is the simplest way to use the gcloud command line non-interactively with a Service Account outside of GCE? Preferably without littering the file system with credentials files, which is what gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=...…
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1 answer

Static IP with "kubectl expose" on Google Container Engine stays in state forever

I am trying to expose a kubernetes "deployment" via the kubectl expose command, wih a static IP address, on Google Container Engine. With an ephemeral IP, everything works fine: kubectl expose deployment my-application \ --type="LoadBalancer"…
Adrian Smith
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Cannot edit VM or access it via SSH. error:Supplied fingerprint does not match current metadata fingerprint

I have a Linux machine on Google Cloud, created with Bitnami. It was working well, and it could be accessed through SSH, usign the web console or putty. However suddenly today it can not be accessed via SSH in any way. When I try to edit the VM and…
3 answers

default ssh is not working from GCP Console and browser crashes or hang

After creating an instance in Google Cloud Platform(GCP), I was able to click on SSH and open the browser based SSH console to access the instance. (Auto key copying and connect from console itself without a local ssh client) But I noticed this is…
1 answer

Open 443 on Google Compute Instance?

For some reason I can't open port 443 on my google compute instance. I have HTTPS server enabled on the instance, and using gcloud compute firewall-rules list returns the rules below: NAME NETWORK DIRECTION PRIORITY ALLOW …
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Google Cloud Platform - SSH Connection Refused

After clearing a project and instance of SSH key metadata and running gcloud compute ssh (which will create a new key pair and update project metadata), I am no longer able to SSH in without getting the "ssh: connect to host ..*.133 port 22:…
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1 answer

How to disable update notification in gcloud command?

I am using Google Cloud SDK CLI (gcloud command), and the command is great! Although I'd like to output Google Compute Engine's instances list in JSON format (by running gcloud compute instances list --format json) and filter it using jq JSON…
3 answers

How ssh Kubernetes engine instances and check public IPs of Kubernetes engine?

How can I access through ssh to the machine running the Kubernetes Engine? How can I check a public IP of the machines running the Kubernetes engine?
1 answer

How to obtain project quotas states (ssd disks, cpu)?

I try to obtain project quotas info for my GCP projects via gcloud or API: gcloud compute project-info describe --project [my-project-id] Unfortunately there is no data for CPUs and ssd disks. I tried to use different versions of gcloud…
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How ephemeral (short lived) is the IP on a gcloud Compute Engine?

VM instance details report the external IP is ephemeral. Dictionary says this means "lasting for a very short time". Does anyone know how short? Static enough to aim DNS to this? If not very short, how does one get a less temporary IP address for a…
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3 answers

gcloud SSH connection asks for password instead of passphrase

I've got two VMs set up on Google Cloud Platform. server1 uses an Ubuntu 16.04 image [g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory)]; and the newly created VM, called server2, uses a CoreOS Stable image [f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory)]. The main problem is I…
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2 answers

How do i completely logout of Google Cloud? `gcloud auth revoke --all` doesn't cut it

Logging out of Google Cloud seems like it should be easy. If I run: $ unset GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS $ gcloud auth revoke --all Revoked credentials: - [my account] $ gcloud auth list No credentialed accounts. To login, run: $ gcloud…
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1 answer

gsutil rsync "too many values to unpack" error

I'm trying to sync a folder with over 3k files to a bucket on Google Cloud with gsutil. The problem is that less than half of the files are uploaded and then I get this error: too many values to unpack CommandException: 1 files/objects could not…
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