Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Access Docker port from host's host

I've set up a simple "Hello world" node server on a docker container running on a Kubernetes pod running on Magnum on a virtual machine. I created the container so that its output is forwarded to a specific port on its host pod (ie docker run -p…
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Each POD needs a different persistent disk in DaemonSet

I have a cluster with 3 nodes. First I create 3 Persistent Disks in Google Cloud. Now I start a DaemonSet, which would create a POD on each of the node. The POD mounts a persistent disk to store state. The POD is not stateless. In another word, Each…
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Nginx: possible to resolve DNS dynamically in location block?

Currently I am using Nginx with Kubernetes. In my Nginx conf file I have the following proxy pass: location ~ /myPath/([\w-]+)/resources { rewrite ^/myPath/([\w-]+)/resources/(.*)$ /myNewPath/$1/resources/$2 break; proxy_pass…
1 answer

Accessing kubernetes (hosted via google container engine) securely using kubectl from a remote server

Hi I'm running into issues trying to access my Kubernetes cluster hosted using Google container engine. I want to use the kubectl from an external/remote server (Circle CI) I have gcloud and kubectl installed and I can access my cluster insecurely…
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OpenShift Origin and Ceph persistent volume

I have installed OpenShift Origin from latest ansible install. (CentOS 7 - 3 masters and 7 nodes) [root@master-1 ~]# openshift version openshift v1.1.0.1-1-g2c6ff4b kubernetes v1.1.0-origin-1107-g4c8e6f4 etcd 2.1.2 I am trying to create CEPH…
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Kubernetes Update Pods in Replication Controller behind Service

We have a deployed API in Kubernetes. The API is deployed via replication controller to pods and a managing rc. I would like to update the configuration to the API pods using rolling-update. I can do that, however the only way I can get the…
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2 answers

How to provide Kubernetes api-server credentials to kube2sky inside a docker container in CoreOS

I've got a Kubernetes installation on CoreOS with DNS addon running in a pod. My problem is this: kube2sky cannot access the api-server. By default it uses which is not available to docker containers. Because the api-server is…
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Google container engine / Kubernetes 1.1.1 - Service LoadBalancer not being created

I have an existing Kubernetes cluster on Google Container Engine (running api version 1.0.7). When I created 2 service with type LoadBalancer, gke created the necessary forwarding rules to expose them. I changed one of the ip addresses to static and…
1 answer

Google container engine cluster upgrade failure

We have a Kubernetes cluster running on Google Container Engine. The Container clusters section of the Google cloud console shows that the cluster api version is 1.06. I tried to do a rolling update to upgrade to the latest api version (1.1.1 is…
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Pods fail and restart / exit many times on Google Container Engine

I'm setting up Google Container Engine and have created pods, a resource controller, and a service. However, it never get ready and restarts for many times as follows. (restartPolicy is Always) $ kubectl get pods NAME READY …
Jumpei Ogawa
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Flanneld not picking up the right network settings

I am running Centos 7 with Kubernetes, Docker, etcd and flanneld. Currently I am seeing a problem with Flanneld which I can't seem to figure out. I have setup etcd and configured the network. Following curl provides me the right output: curl…
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Can't connect to kubernetes's service by IP

I'm following steps from the k8s guestbook example ( and i have issues with frontend service described in this example. frontend-controller-182tv …
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nginx readonly container complains about /var/lib/nginx/off

I am trying to run a nginx container in readonly rootfs but when nginx tries to start it complains about : [emerg] 10#10: open() "/var/lib/nginx/off" failed (30: Read-only file system) nginx: [emerg] open() "/var/lib/nginx/off" failed (30: Read-only…
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Linux Auditd monitoring of file operations in mounted folder

I have multi node kubernetes cluster and I would like to monitor file operations that are made by containers in mounted persistent volume. I found the all PV data are located at nodes in…
2 answers

How do I redirect "" to "" with a NGINX K8S ingress, without breaking cert-manager?

In my K8S ingress config, I'm trying to redirect from (for example) to I can do this with the annotation, but unfortunately this causes a redirect directly to the…
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