Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
0 answers

gcloud container clusters get-credentials is randomly failing

I use Jenkins running with the official helm chart, spawning kubernetes pods on GKE, and I have the following part in my Jenkinsfile: ... withCredentials([file(credentialsId: "${project}", variable: 'key')])…
2 answers

Create user on kubernetes

How can I create additional user on Kubernetes so that he/she can access Kubernetes cluster both from web-ui and CLI (kubectl) and allow that user to administrate a specific namespace?
0 answers

Mismatch between request external IP and forwarding rule k8s service target

We are running two separate subdomains, each on a separate external IP address, and each matched to its own kubernetes nginx service. The configuration looks like this: #-------------------- # config for administrative nginx ssl termination…
1 answer

Orchestrating multiple databases

We have a project where our hosting clients are offered a database (MySql) as part of their plan and I was curious how would one orchestrate this. We want to run the databases on different machines to where the web servers run. I was thinking on…
Romeo Mihalcea
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1 answer

Kubernetes LoadBalancer works Only for Port 80 and not Others on Google Cloud

I am having trouble exposing ports other than port 80 on my Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster. Below is the Kubernetes service yaml file, but for some reason only port 80 is exposed. I have SSHed into the pods and can confirm that they are internally…
1 answer

Kubernetes: recommended way to copy another production db to staging

What would be the recommeded way of copying the production database into staging? Let's say the a link to the production db dump is already available to the staging server. When doing it by hand, I have to: stop any pods with apps that are…
Ramon Tayag
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1 answer

Kubernetes hosted service connection timeouts

I have a service running inside Kubernetes proxied by multiple nginx pods that do SSL termination and basic authentication. I am seeing connection timeouts to the endpoint on a subset of traffic. I have made a series of unique requests to the…
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What QoS does Kubernetes assign to a pod with a single container?

I'm trying to debug OOM issues in our GKE cluster. On Google's recommendation I've assigned memory limits to most of our pods. In reading the QoS docs I see that there are three classes, Guaranteed, Bustable, and Best Effort, and that those are…
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1 answer

Dockerized Jenkins on GCP Kubernetes gives "No valid crumb was included in the request"

I've tried to run the latest Jenkins (2.19.3) on Google Cloud Platform, by directly deploying the Jenkins Docker image. The process starts fine, but as soon as I try to use some form (e.g. to create a user) I get the "No valid crumb was included in…
1 answer

kubernetes to resolve custom internal nameserver

When the pods on GKE k8s are deployed they have the ability to connect to other GCE (google compute engine) instances by ip or google metadata DNS server name. I use internal bind installed on 2 (master/slave) GCE instances for resolving. Let say…
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1 answer

Container Engine/Kubernetes DNS to external

I want to let my containers on Google Container Engine point to a static IP outside of my Container Engine cluster (namely my db). Is it possible for me to prevent the use of an /etc/hosts file or a self managed bind server, and use Google Cloud DNS…
1 answer

Error from kubectl with google cloud container engine

I have installed the Google Cloud tools on my Linux box as described here with: curl | sudo bash sudo gcloud init sudo gcloud components install kubectl beta So far so good. However when I run kubectl I get the error $…
Adrian Smith
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1 answer

kubelet service with etcd2-tls can't connect to - getsockopt: connection refused

I have CoreOS stable v1122.2.0 installed. I have etcd2 configured with tls and is working properly. i created the certificates based on using sub-domains that I created for my servers…
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1 answer

unregister_netdevice: waiting for vethd8a9cb4 to become free (vethd8a9cb4 does not exist)

I'm currently experimenting with kubernetes and docker on my laptop, and I've run into an issue where I'll try start hyperkube on my computer, and it'll take forever to start (or it'll start, but I'll be unable to start containers within it), and my…
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2 answers

Kubernetes on GCE randomly stops working

So ultimately what will happen, is everything will work fine, sometimes for days. However, once in a while when I do a deployment of my code (all contained within it's own Docker container, with the images stored on Dockerhub) it will cause…