Questions tagged [cassandra]

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed key-value database cluster, designed to scale linearly when adding nodes. It provides multi-datacenter replication.

It was designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a NoSQL solution that was initially developed by Facebook and powered their Inbox Search feature until late 2010.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

209 questions
1 answer

How to resolve a stuck major compaction in Apache Cassandra?

I've got a one-node Cassandra cluster which is currently stuck in a major compaction process. After executing a nodetool compactit started the compaction and I see the tmp-sstable files with a size of 0 bytes. But that's all. No progress for…
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1 answer

Cassandra: do more storage size, needs more CPU and RAM

I have gone through the recommended architecture of the Cassandra node configuration! according to which the recommended hardware infrastructure for the node is to have RAM: 16-32 GB, storage: 500GB - 1TB and a 64 bit CPU with 8 cores datastax…
madiha malik
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3 answers

Cassandra - hardware planning

Briefly: if I have 5 Tb of data and want to deploy this on 5 cassandra servers - does each machine need to have 5 Tb of disk space for data (not counting log space)? From the docs it sounds like at times cassandra will need 2x the data size - so…
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2 answers

Configuring Cassandra for consistency across multiple datacenters

Currently we run a 4-node Cassandra ring in each of two datacenters. We would like to rebuild them into a single 8-node ring. All else being equal we would really like to have consistent reads, so we currently run QUORUM reads and writes. However,…
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2 answers

Cassandra snapshot restoring : random missing data

I'm having a hard time restoring snapshot on Apache Cassandra (version 3.0.9). As far as I can say, I'm following the procedure described on datastax blog, along with several other ones (for instance :…
P. Bender
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1 answer

Apache Cassandra Split Brain

First of all, apologies if this has been asked before, I cannot find an answer on Google or StackExchange. Is it possible to put Apache Cassandra into a split-brain scenario where a network partitioned data service continues to run storing and…
Drew Anderson
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2 answers

Cannot connect to my Cassandra

My Cassandra used to work with no problems. I was able to connect with no problems but now for some reason it doesn't work anymore. [default@unknown] connect localhost/9160; Exception connecting to localhost/9160. Reason: Connection refused. and…
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2 answers

How can I get Cassandra to automatically rebalance?

I am looking at a cassandra cluster, but the administration effort seems to be quite high. Is there any way I can configure Cassandra to rebalance nodes automically as new machines are added, some are turned off or temporarily unavailable, etc?
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1 answer

Error When Starting Cassandra for First Time

I'm trying to get a single-node cluster of Cassandra set up on my VPS for a school project. So I installed cassandra on Ubuntu 16.04 (JVM 1.8.0_161), but when I run, I encounter this error... (Posted as link to…
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2 answers

Tunneling cassandra via ssh gives me a connection closed error

I have a server with two network interfaces. Cassandra is listening on a dedicated internal database network on eth1 (not accessable from outside). So I do my tunnel like this: ssh -f -N -L9161:192.XXX.XXX.200:9160 user@192.YYY.YYY.200 -P…
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2 answers

Cassandra: understanding replication factor

Hypothetical situation: Setup a cassandra cluster with N nodes. Create a keyspace and set replication_factor to 1 and use SimpleStrategy. Add some data. Remove 1 node. Does this mean that 1/N of the data is now missing?
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1 answer

Does nodetool repair repair the next node?

Let's assume we have a Cassandra cluster with the following ring: A -> B -> C -> D (no virtual nodes), and we assume that all the data is stored at RF=2. Now let's say that B dies, leaving us with the following ring A -> C -> D. Which means that C…
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2 answers

Taking Cassandra Backups

We currently have 12 nodes running in our Cassandra cluster. Ultimately even if a couple of the nodes go down, we're still up and running. The paranoia in me would like to do at least one backup a day and store it on Amazon S3. My question is the…
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1 answer

What is the best solution for backing up data in Cassandra?

What is the best solution for backing up data in Cassandra?
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6 answers

How to achieve zero down time

For an application we want to achieve zero database and application down time using Active Active configuration. Our dB is Oracle Following are my questions: How can we achieve active active configuration in Oracle? Will introducing…
Hiral Lakdavala
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