Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Kubernetes dashboard does not start

On my ESXi hypervisor I installed two PhotonOS VMs and made the first one a Kubernetes Master and the second one a Kubernetes Node according to this instructions from VMWare and the following two sites. Both servers The /etc/kubernetes/config file…
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Unable to fetch Vault Token for Pod Service Account

I am using Vault CSI Driver on Charmed Kubernetes v1.19 where I'm trying to retrieve secrets from Vault for a pod running in a separate namespace (webapp) with its own service account (webapp-sa) following the steps in the blog. As I have been able…
0 answers

How to spin up a ETCD docker container and restore a backup obtained from a kubernetes ETCD Cluster node?

I am trying to spin up a ETCD node in docker and restore a backup obtained from the Kubernetes Cluster node. ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --user=root:'root' snapshot save snapshot.db I have obtained the snapshot and…
1 answer

SSH into GKE Kubernetes cluster?

I have a GKE Kubernetes cluster that I would like to debug. Is it possible to start a container inside the cluster using e.g. ubuntu image and SSH into it with full privileges, so I will be able to install software inside it with apt and run various…
Slava Fomin II
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do I need kube-proxy and vpc-cni addons when running fargate only eks cluster?

they both seem like good add-ons when you're running node groups; I'm assuming given Fargate mandates ALB's would register IP only for services, and other similar fargate requirements, do we still need these two add-ons?
Anadi Misra
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Kubernetes External DNS

Has anyone configured Kube's external dns project to use an IP other then that of the service or ingress it is creating the record for? I'm on bare metal and I have: (Internet) -> (HAProxy) -> (Kube cluster) so the address I want all the DNS entries…
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2 answers

How to clear dns cache for GKE pool from

I have a problem where dns entry for a external domain broke. The nature of the problem at the time is unknown. That domain got queried from kubernetes cluster pod in the Google Kubernetes Engine while the entry was broken. The problem persists…
1 answer

What does buffered, cached, free, slab and used mean when monitoring memory use on GKE?

I am running some compute nodes on GKE and when I look on their memory usage in metrics explorer I see: It is clear to me what used and free mean. But how about the other states? The official documentation is quite terse on the subject.
1 answer

Consul containers are creating as privileged containers, how to change that?

With the azure policy addon enabled(as per organization policy), we can’t create privileged containers on the aks, azure kubernetes. Our application is set to security context as below. securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false …
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How can I delete manually calicoctl and iptables created by calico from my k3s setup

I have a K3s setup with calico pods [calico-node- & calico-kube-controllers-] running. On uninstalling K3s, calico pods get deleted but I see that calicoctl and iptables -S commands still running and shows data. I want to delete calico (including…
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1 answer

coredns deployment fails looking for nodes even after fargate profile patch

Problem with installing fargate profiles and coreddns addon; I'm using terraform for some parts and kubetctl for others, the fargate profiles are created via terraform: fargate_profiles = { kube-system-profile = { name = "kube-system-profile" …
Anadi Misra
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1 answer

How to link configmap to external file?

With this we can create a configmap linked to external file. kubectl create configmap database-config But when we edit the yaml, it will show that complete content of file is dumped there. Is there anyway to just…
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kind cluster is not deleting, how to fix that?

I am trying to delete kind cluster using. kind delete cluster --name samples And I got error after waiting for 15 min. Deleting cluster "samples" ... ERROR: failed to delete cluster "samples": failed to delete nodes: command "docker rm -f -v…
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1 answer

ETCD Cluster configuration for Kubernetes: Which one should be considered?

I would like to know how to deploy a ETCD cluster for Kubernetes. It seems like there are two different documentation and I don't know which one must be considered or the impact of each of them. From the Kubernetes documentation for a multi-cluster…
Mael Fosso
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1 answer

Kubernetes can't mount NFS volumes after NFS server update and reboot

After zypper patch'ing NFS server on openSUSE Leap 15.2 to latest version and rebooting, nodes in kubernetes cluster (Openshift 4.5) can no longer mount NFS volumes. NFS server version: nfs-kernel-server-2.1.1-lp152.9.12.1.x86_64 /etc/exports…
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